Chapter 9.12
9.12.010 Unlawful to engage in—Exceptions.
9.12.020 Unlawful to teach—Exceptions.
9.12.010 Unlawful to engage in—Exceptions.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in the corporate area of the town, to engage in the practice of hypnotism or represent himself or itself as a hypnotist or that any service he or it renders are of a hypnotic nature, unless he is a practitioner of medicine or surgery, osteopathy, dentistry, psychology who is duly licensed or certified pursuant to the laws of the state of Washington; provided, that the provisions set forth in this chapter shall not be held to apply to or regulate any kind of treatment by prayer, or in any way interfere with the practice of religion. (Ord. 23 § 1, 1961)
9.12.020 Unlawful to teach—Exceptions.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the corporate limits of the town to engage in the practice of hypnotism, or to conduct a school or class or course in hypnotism, except in connection with the activities of a recognized and accredited school, college or university authorized and qualified to teach the professions enumerated in Section 9.12.010 of this chapter; provided, that a person who is authorized by Section 9.12.010 of this chapter to practice hypnosis may engage in teaching a course or class in hypnosis but only to such persons as are permitted to practice hypnosis pursuant to Section 9.12.010 of this chapter. (Ord. 23 § 2, 1961)
9.12.030 Violation—Penalty.
Anyone who violates the provisions of Sections 9.12.010 and/or 9.12.020 of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) or ten days in jail, or both fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 23 § 3, 1961)