Chapter 12.06
12.06.010 Classification generally.
12.06.020 Principal arterial, secondary arterial, collector, and local streets identified.
12.06.050 New streets—Classification.
12.06.060 New construction—Conformance to state law.
12.06.070 Classification changes.
12.06.090 Access to state highways.
12.06.010Classification generally.
All public streets comprising the city street system shall be classified as follows:
A. Principal arterials are intercommunity and intrametro area streets that are primarily used for traffic movement. Their general characteristics include moderate to high speeds that are generally thirty-five (35) miles per hour to fifty-five (55) miles per hour, high traffic generators, and no on-street parking.
B. Minor arterials are intercommunity and intrametro area streets that provide primarily for traffic movement and secondarily for land access. Their general characteristics include moderate speeds (thirty (30) to forty (40) miles per hour), moderate to high traffic volumes (one thousand five hundred (1,500) to sixteen thousand (16,000) vehicles per day), some restriction on traffic movements, controlled driveway spacing and on-street parking is generally prohibited.
C. Collectors are streets whose primary function is to collect and distribute traffic between the local street system and the arterial street system. Collectors also provide for land access and inter-neighborhood traffic movement. Their general characteristics include low speeds (twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) miles per hour), low to moderate traffic volumes (five hundred (500) to five thousand (5,000) vehicles per day), limited regulation of access control, and limited on-street parking.
D. Local streets are streets that primarily serve direct land access with the secondary function of traffic movement. Their general characteristics include: low speeds (twenty-five (25) miles per hour), low traffic volumes (less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) vehicles per day), few access controls, and parking is generally permitted. (Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)
12.06.020 Principal arterial, secondary arterial, collector, and local streets identified.
The classification of principal arterial, secondary arterial, collector, and local streets shall be in accord with the latest adopted version of the Functional Classification System prepared by the Washington Department of Transportation as it pertains to the city. Streets not classified are local streets until otherwise designated. (Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)
12.06.050 New streets—Classification.
When a new street is added to the city by annexation or by other means, it shall either maintain the same classification as classified by Thurston County or reclassified in accord with Section 12.06.070. (Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)
12.06.060 New construction—Conformance to state law.
All new construction on city streets shall conform to regulations of state laws and city ordinances as required for classification of the street. (Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)
12.06.070 Classification changes.
The mayor is authorized to make a continued study of the vehicle traffic volumes in the city and to recommend changes to the classification to be approved by the city council by resolution. (Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)
12.06.080 Street closures.
Public streets may be closed temporarily or permanently in accord with the provisions of this section.
A. Streets may be temporarily closed by the mayor, director of public works or the chief of police because of unsafe conditions, construction, or immediate or potential hazards either to the travelling public or persons or property in the vicinity of the street.
B. The mayor may temporarily close a street for temporary, special occasions such as block parties, parking for festive events, or other special activities of a temporary nature on such terms and conditions as he deems necessary to provide for the public safety and for access to affected properties. The mayor will issue a permit evidencing his approval. A copy of the permit shall be posted on the portion of the street to be closed and reasonable notice given. Any person aggrieved by the permit may request review by the city council.
C. The city council may order the closure of a street on a permanent or indefinite basis if the street or any portion thereof has become hazardous or potentially hazardous to persons or property or if the street serves no significant public purpose but vacation thereof is unwarranted.
D. Before any city street is closed to, or the maximum speed limit thereon reduced for, all vehicles or any class of vehicles, a notice thereof including the effective date shall be published in one issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city and a like notice shall be posted on or prior to the date of publication of such notice in a conspicuous place at each end of the street or portion thereof to be closed or restricted; provided, that no such street or portion thereof may be closed sooner than three days after the publication and the posting of the notice herein provided for; provided, however, that in cases of emergency or conditions in which the maximum time the closure will be in effect is twelve (12) hours or less the city may, without publication or delay, close streets temporarily by posting notices at each end of the closed portion thereof and at all intersecting highways, roads and streets. In all emergency cases or conditions in which the maximum time the closure will be in effect is twelve (12) hours or less, the closure shall be immediately effective. (Ord. 605 § 1, 2011: Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)
12.06.090 Access to state highways.
The city adopts Chapters 468-51 and 468-52 WAC for the regulation of access to state highways. Variances to these standards shall be processed and treated as requests for variance under the city’s land use regulations. All approvals or denials of permits shall be by the city engineer subject to review by the city council. (Ord. 568 § 1 (part), 2008)