Division 1. Development Standards— General Provisions
Chapter 18.04
18.04.020 Purpose, goal, and intent.
18.04.030 How to use this code.
18.04.010 Title.
This division shall be cited as the “City of Rainier Development Regulations—General Provisions,” hereinafter referred to as “this division” or “this code.” (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2007)
18.04.020 Purpose, goal, and intent.
A. The purpose of this division is to outline general provisions for development regulations regarding application filing, department review, public notice, time periods, code interpretations, and enforcement and penalties. It is also provided to implement the City of Rainier Comprehensive Plan as adopted and subsequently amended.
B. The goal is to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of Rainier’s citizens by guiding planning and land use decisions. This division promotes development, reduced street congestion, and enhanced fire and public safety. It also encourages adequate public infrastructure, such as transportation, domestic water, sanitary sewer (when available), sanitary septic, schools, parks, and storm drainage. Additional goals of this code are to:
1. Promote quality building and development that is compatible with the surrounding environment and land uses to enhance the community.
2. Support a variety of affordable housing opportunities for Rainier’s population and enhance a safe and livable community.
3. Pursue a strong and diverse economy that protects the neighborhood character.
4. Protect the natural environment and preserve environmentally sensitive areas.
5. Improve human services as the community changes.
6. Balance transportation needs of the community with regional objectives by improving both street and multimodal transportation systems.
7. Provide adequate public facilities and services to support land development.
8. Maintain effective administration and enforcement of the regulations contained herein.
C. The intent of this regulation is to enact standards for the benefit of the public at large and not for the benefit of any one person or groups of persons. The city does not intend to create a duty to enforce this code except to the public at large. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2007)
18.04.030 How to use this code.
A. The Development Standards—General Provisions is Division 1 of Title 18 of the Rainier Municipal Code. This division contains chapters that are enumerated and represented in a consistent format. For example, Chapter 10, Introduction, is represented as Chapter 18.04.
B. Each chapter contains sections and subsections. Sections are enumerated and represented in the following format: Section 18.04.020, Purpose, goal, and intent. Subsections are enumerated in the following format:
C. Each chapter begins with a listing of its sections and a statement of that chapter’s purpose and applicability. General definitions and abbreviations are contained in Chapter 18.08, Definitions. In some instances, specialized definitions may be found within the chapter where those definitions are used. Cross-references to other chapters and sections of this title and to other titles within the Rainier Municipal Code can be found throughout this title.
D. Supplemental development regulations to these general provisions include:
1. Division 2, Comprehensive Plan and Annexations;
2. Division 3, Development Standards—Zoning;
3. Division 4, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA);
4. Division 5, Development Regulations—Critical Areas and Natural Resource Lands; and
5. Division 6, Subdivisions and Platting.
E. The city foresees a need to develop additional future supplemental development regulations that may arise to assist in the orderly development of lands within the city of Rainier. Therefore, additional development regulation titles will hence be sequentially identified beginning with Division 7 and is reserved for the next development regulation title adopted by the city. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2007)