9-5-2 Definitions For Utility Latecomer’s Agreements
9-5-4 Conditions For Connection To The City Of Renton’s Water Or Sewer Facilities
9-5-5 Preliminary Notice Of Latecomer’s Agreement And Appeal Rights
9-5-7 Final Utility Or Street Latecomer’s Agreement
9-5-8 Execution, Recording And Notice
9-5-10 Title To Improvement And Assignment Of Benefit
9-5-16 Improvements Constructed By Developer
The City of Renton shall enter into latecomer’s agreements with developers and owners for the reimbursement of a pro rata portion of the original costs of water systems, sanitary sewer systems, and storm sewer systems (“utility latecomer’s agreements”), if all conditions are met. The City has the discretionary power to grant latecomer’s agreements to developers and owners for the reimbursement of a pro rata portion of the original costs of street improvements including signalization and lighting (“street latecomer’s agreements”). The authority to approve a street latecomer’s agreement is vested in the City Council. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14)
A. “Latecomer’s fee” means a charge collected by the City of Renton, whether separately stated or as part of a connection fee for providing access to a municipal system, against a real property owner who connects to or uses a water or sewer facility subject to a contract created under RCW 35.91.020.
B. “Municipality” means the governing body of the City.
C. “Water or sewer facilities” shall have the meaning specified in RCW 35.91.015, as it now reads or is hereafter amended. (Ord. 5718, 6-23-14)
Application for a utility or street latecomer’s agreement shall be made thirty (30) days prior to issuance of the construction permit. Application may be by letter to the Mayor and City Council requesting a latecomer’s agreement, or upon forms prepared by the Public Works Department. Any application for a utility or street latecomer’s agreement shall contain the following information:
A. Legal description of applicant’s property.
B. Legal description of the benefited properties.
C. Vicinity maps of applicant’s property, benefiting properties and the location of the improvement.
D. Estimated cost data and inventory for the improvements.
E. Proposed pro rata share of the cost of the improvement to be borne by the benefiting properties, and a proposed method of assessment of that pro rata share to the individual benefiting properties.
F. Payment of full amount of nonrefundable processing fee pursuant to the City of Renton Fee Schedule. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; amd. Ord. 4723, 5-11-98; Ord. 5450, 3-2-09; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-2)
Full compliance with all conditions below is required in order to finalize a latecomer’s agreement:
A. Construction of the water or sewer facility according to plans and specifications approved by the City;
B. Inspection and approval of the water or sewer facility by the City;
C. Transfer to the City of the water or sewer facility, without cost to the City, upon acceptance by the City of the water or sewer facility;
D. Full compliance with the owner’s obligations under the contract and with the municipality’s rules and regulations;
E. Provision of sufficient security to the City to ensure completion of the water or sewer facility and other performance under the contract;
F. Payment by the owner to the City all of the City’s costs associated with the water or sewer facility including engineering, legal, and administrative costs; and
G. Verification and approval of all contracts and costs related to the water or sewer facility shall be performed by the City. Total cost information must be furnished by the owner to the City within one hundred twenty (120) days of the completion of a water or sewer facility. The City shall use this information as the basis for determining reimbursements by future users who benefit from the water or sewer facility, but who did not contribute to the original cost of the water or sewer facility; and
H. Full compliance with RMC 9-5-3, Application, as it exists or is hereafter amended. (Ord. 5718, 6-23-14)
The Public Works Department shall determine the preliminary latecomer’s area boundaries and draft the legal description of the latecomer’s boundary and a preliminary latecomer’s boundary map. The City Clerk shall mail a notice to all owners of record of property within the latecomer’s boundary and to the developer or holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. The notice shall include an approximation of the preliminary assessment, the proposed latecomer’s boundary map and the description of the property owners’ rights and options to participate in the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. This preliminary notice form will not be recorded with King County. The property owners may, upon payment of an appeal fee as set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule, request an appeal hearing before the City Council within twenty (20) days of the mailing. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under subsection 9-5-7.C of this Chapter but will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer’s area. The City Council, by ordinance or voice vote, may delegate the Hearing Examiner to hold the requisite public hearing and establish a record, together with a recommendation for the City Council. The City Council’s ruling is determinative and final. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5450, 3-2-09; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-3)
A. The City Council may grant preliminary approval for a street latecomer’s agreement based upon the information contained in the request for a street latecomer’s agreement and any input from the Administrator, or the City Council may request further information from the applicant and/or the Administrator, or the City Council may deny the preliminary street latecomer’s agreement. As part of any preliminary approval, the Council shall indicate the duration for which the street latecomer’s agreement will be approved, after completion of the improvements, which approval period shall not be more than fifteen (15) years, or longer, if extended in accordance with RCW 35.72.020(2)(a) as it exists or is hereafter amended.
B. The City Council may grant preliminary approval for a utility latecomer’s agreement based upon the information contained in the request for a utility latecomer’s agreement and any input from the Administrator, if all conditions set forth in this Chapter have been met. The Administrator or the City Council may request further information from the applicant. As part of any preliminary approval, the Council shall indicate the duration for which the utility latecomer’s agreement will be approved, after completion of the improvements, which approval period shall be a minimum of twenty (20) years, or longer, if extended in accordance with RCW 35.91.020(4)(a) as it exists or is hereafter amended.
C. Following preliminary approval by the City Council, the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement shall submit to the Administrator any further information requested by the Administrator or the City Council. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-4)
A. Preparation of Proposed Final Assessment Roll: Following construction and full compliance with all conditions, the Public Works Department shall prepare a final proposed utility or street latecomer’s agreement which will include a legal description and a map of the latecomer’s boundary. The cost of the improvements will be spread among the property owners based upon their pro rata share of said costs. The costs will become payable upon the issuance of a City permit authorizing the benefiting property owner(s) to construct improvements that would allow the user(s) property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. The method of assessment to be used will be one (1) or more of the following methods, unless otherwise approved or directed by the City Council:
1. Front foot method.
2. Zone front foot method.
3. Square footage method.
4. Trip generation (traffic) method.
5. Other equitable method, as determined by the City.
6. Any combination of the above methods.
The method(s) used and the dollar amount(s) will be included in the final utility or street latecomer’s agreement.
B. Final Notice of Latecomer’s Agreement: The City Council receives the final utility or street latecomer’s agreement and if the agreement is approved, directs the staff to send out notices of the latecomer’s potential assessment and the right to appeal. The City Council retains the right to rule on the final action for street latecomer’s agreements. Following Council approval of the final utility or street latecomer’s agreement, the City Clerk shall mail a notice to all owners of record of property within the latecomer’s boundary and to the developer or holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. The notice shall include the final assessment per unit charge, the legal description and a map of the latecomer’s boundaries, and the description of the property owners’ rights and options to participate in the utility or street latecomer’s agreement.
C. Appeal:
1. Within twenty (20) days of the date of the mailing, any property owner may submit an appeal in writing to the City Council, c/o City Clerk. An appeal must include a statement of claimed errors concerning the proposed assessment, and must be accompanied by an appeal fee as set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule. Errors which are not set forth in writing and which do not adhere to the criteria listed below will not be considered.
2. Objections by a benefiting property owner to the recording of a potential assessment against their property does not constitute a valid appeal.
3. Errors identified in an appeal must be related to cost, methodology for cost distribution, or benefit to the property as described below:
a. Cost: If the benefiting property owner contests these costs, he or she must provide a basis for the claimed discrepancy, such as an estimate from a contractor or other reliable source.
b. Costs Methodology: If the benefiting property owner contests the cost methodology used, they have to show why it is not equitable and provide their suggested alternate method of assessment and the justification for its use in place of the staff recommended method.
c. Benefit: If a benefiting property owner contests benefit, he or she must provide a statement or documentation on why a particular parcel has no future potential benefit.
4. Upon receipt of an appeal and the required fee, the City Clerk shall transmit the appeal and the official file to the City Council. The City Council may delegate to the Hearing Examiner the responsibility to hold a public hearing, establish the record and provide a written report containing a recommendation to the City Council. Following the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner shall issue a written recommendation which is mailed to parties of record. Pursuant to RMC 4-8-110, any party of record may request reconsideration within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the Hearing Examiner’s report. Following expiration of the reconsideration period, the Hearing Examiner shall submit his written recommendation to the City Council on the Council meeting agenda for concurrence. The City Council shall concur with, alter or deny the Hearing Examiner’s recommendation.
D. Council Action: If no appeal is filed, the City Council’s initial approval shall grant the utility or street latecomer’s agreement and authorize the developer, Mayor and City Clerk to sign the document. If an appeal is filed and if delegated to the Hearing Examiner for a hearing and the Council concurs with specific recommendations made by the Hearing Examiner as a result of the public hearing, these recommendations shall be incorporated into the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. Following approval, alteration or denial of the Hearing Examiner’s recommendation, if any, on the appeal, the Council shall grant the utility or street latecomer’s agreement and authorize the developer, Mayor and City Clerk to sign the document. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; amd. Ord. 4890, 2-5-01; Ord. 5450, 3-2-09; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-5)
The utility or street latecomer’s agreement is mailed to the developer by the City Clerk and must be signed, notarized and returned within sixty (60) days of the date of Council approval for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. If not consummated within the sixty (60) day period, the utility or street latecomer’s agreement will become null and void. The City Council can give consideration to extending this period by a showing of hardship or excusable neglect on the part of the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. The fully executed utility or street latecomer’s agreement shall be recorded in the official property records of King County, Washington. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-6)
Once the utility or street latecomer’s agreement together with a legal description and a map of the latecomer’s boundary are recorded with King County, it shall be binding on owners of record within the assessment area. Following receipt from King County of the recorded utility or street latecomer’s agreement, the City Clerk will mail a copy of the recorded agreement to the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-7)
Before the City will collect any latecomer’s fee, the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement will transfer title to all of the improvements under the utility or street latecomer’s agreement to the City. The holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement will also assign to the City the benefit and right to the latecomer’s fee should the City be unable to locate the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement to tender any latecomer’s fee that the City has received. The holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement shall be responsible for keeping the City informed of their correct mailing address. Should the City be unable to locate the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement in order to deliver a latecomer’s fee, the City shall undertake an independent investigation to determine the location of the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. Should the City, after a good faith attempt to locate the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement, be unable to do so, the latecomer’s fee shall be placed in the Special Deposit Fund held by the City for two (2) years. At any time within the two (2) year period the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement may receive the latecomer’s fee, without interest, by applying to the City for that latecomer’s fee. After the expiration of the two (2) year period, all rights of the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement to that fee shall expire, and the City shall be deemed to be the owner of those funds. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-8)
When the City has received the funds for a latecomer’s fee, it will forward that fee, if possible, to the current holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement at the current address of the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement that is on file with the City, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the funds. It is the responsibility of the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement to keep his/her address current with the City. Funds received by negotiable instrument, such as a check, will be deemed received ten (10) days after delivery to the City. Should the City fail to forward the latecomer’s fee to the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement through the City’s sole negligence, then the City shall pay the holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement simple interest on those monies at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. However, should the holder of the latecomer’s fee not keep the City informed of his/her current correct mailing address, or should the holder otherwise be negligent and thus contribute to the failure of the City to pay over the latecomer’s fee, then no interest shall accrue on late payment of the latecomer’s fee. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; amd. Ord. 4890, 2-5-01; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-9)
When funds are received for a latecomer’s fee, the City will post said payment on the City’s assessment data base for the real property owned by the party paying the latecomer’s fee, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the funds. An individual certificate of payment will not be recorded with King County. The City will record a certificate of payment and release of assessment for the entire latecomer’s area when all the property owners have paid their assessment or upon expiration of the term of life of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; amd. Ord. 4890, 2-5-01; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-10)
9-5-13 TERM OF LIFE:
A. Utility latecomer’s agreements shall be granted for a period of twenty (20) years, or longer, if extended in accordance with RCW 35.91.020(4)(a) as it exists or is hereafter amended.
B. When authorized by the City Council, a street latecomer’s agreement can be granted for a period of up to but not to exceed fifteen (15) years, or longer, if extended in accordance with RCW 35.72.020(2)(a) as it exists or is hereafter amended. The street latecomer’s agreement will expire at the end of the period of time established by the City Council. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-11)
9-5-14 FEES:
A. There shall be paid to the City a nonrefundable processing fee as set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule.
B. At the time the City has received funds for a latecomer’s agreement to forward to the holder, there shall be a fee for the administration and collection of latecomer’s agreement as set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; amd. Ord. 4723, 5-11-98; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-12)
By instituting the utility or street latecomer’s agreement the City does not agree to assume any responsibility to enforce the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. Nothing in this Chapter shall create a private right of action for damages against the City for failing to comply with the requirements herein. The final utility or street latecomer’s agreement recorded with King County will be a matter of public record and will serve as a notice to the owners of the potential assessment should connection to the improvements be made. The holder of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement has responsibility to monitor those parties connecting to the improvement. Should the City become aware of such a connection, it will use its best efforts to collect the latecomer’s fee, but shall not incur any liability should it inadvertently fail to collect the latecomer’s fee unless the City’s failure is willful or intentional. Failure of the City to comply with the requirements of this section does not relieve it of any future requirement to comply with this section. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-13)
Improvements may be installed by developer per approved plans following issuance of the construction permit and payment of applicable permit and development fees. The notification and appeal process, established by this Chapter, may result in a decision by the City Council which would alter the potential payment to the beneficiary of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement. If the beneficiary proceeds to construction prior to either the preliminary or City Council approval of the utility or street latecomer’s agreement following all appeals, the beneficiary does so at the beneficiary’s own risk. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-14)
9-5-17 INTEREST:
No interest rates are added to fees collected under private developer held utility or street latecomer’s agreements. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-94; Ord. 5718, 6-23-14. Formerly 9-5-15)