Chapter 15.410


15.410.005    Purpose

15.410.010    Authority and Application

15.410.100    General Standards

15.410.200    Accessory Use Cargo Containers

15.410.300    Cargo Containers – Loss of Nonconforming Status

15.410.005 Purpose

The purpose of this chapter is to clearly delineate regulations that apply to cargo containers. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)

15.410.010 Authority and Application

The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all cargo containers within the following zones: Community Business (CB), Community Business in the Urban Center (CB-C), Regional Business Mix (RBX) and Industrial (I). (Ord. 17-1023 § 1; Ord. 15-1018 § 1)

15.410.100 General Standards

A.    Location.

1.    Cargo containers shall not occupy any required off-street parking spaces for the site or property and the location must comply with all setback requirements.

2.    The location of a cargo container within a structure shall be approved by the Fire Department and Building Division.

B.    Adjacent to Residential Zone.

1.    Size and Design. If a cargo container is located on a lot adjacent to a residential zone, the cargo container shall be no greater in size than ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet, and shall have a stick-built structure, with a peaked roof, constructed to completely enclose the container.

2.    No stick-built structure shall be required if the cargo container is totally screened from adjacent residential properties as determined by the Director.

a.    Adjacent property is defined as property that abuts the residential zone. Property located across a public right-of-way is not regarded as adjacent property.

C.    Stacking.

1.    Cargo containers shall be stacked no more than two (2) containers high.

2.    Stacking of cargo containers within a building is prohibited.

D.    Screening.

1.    Cargo containers shall be screened from adjacent properties and rights-of-way.

2.    Screening may be a combination of solid fencing, landscaping, or the placement of the cargo containers behind, between, or within buildings. All proposed screening shall be submitted for the review and approval by the Director. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)

15.410.200 Accessory Use Cargo Containers

In addition to the standards listed in SMC 15.410.100, General Standards, the following regulations shall apply to cargo containers permitted as an accessory use:

A.    Limitations. Only one (1) cargo container shall be allowed on property located within a residential zone or on property located adjacent to a residential zone. The property owner may request additional cargo containers subject to the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process under SMC 15.115.020. (Adjacent property is defined as property that abuts the residential zone. Property located across a public right-of-way is not regarded as adjacent property.)

B.    Location. Cargo containers shall be located to minimize the visual impact to adjacent properties, streets, and pedestrian facilities.

C.    Stacking Prohibited. Cargo containers shall not be stacked.

D.    Design. Cargo containers shall be painted to match the color(s) of the adjacent building. If the container is located within a building or not visible from adjacent properties as determined by the Director, painting is not required. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)

15.410.300 Cargo Containers – Loss of Nonconforming Status

Cargo containers that have been legally located on property prior to the adoption of Ordinance 01-1010 shall be a legal nonconforming use of the property. Cargo containers shall lose legal nonconforming status under the following circumstances:

A.    Any legal nonconforming cargo container that is moved to a different location on a site shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.

B.    If a legal nonconforming cargo container is removed from a property, any subsequent cargo containers placed on the property shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.

C.    If a legal nonconforming cargo container is moved off a residential zoned property containing a residential use, no new container may be moved onto the property. (Ord. 15-1018 § 1)