Chapter 17.24


17.24.010    Use restrictions.

17.24.020    Bulk restrictions.

17.24.030    Minimum lot size requirements.

17.24.040    Hazardous waste.

17.24.050    Parking.

17.24.010 Use restrictions.

Use restrictions in the central business district shall be as follows:

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.    All forms of commerce; geared to the centralized provision of goods and services within easy walking distance. Commercial retail and office use on the first floor, and retail-compatible uses on the second floor;

2.    Multifamily housing located above the first floor or at the rear of a commercial and/or retail occupancy. An exception from the buffering and fencing requirement exists for upper story residences in existing buildings in an area bordered by the tracks to the west, Puget Street to the east, the tracks to the north, and Warner Street to the south. Multifamily housing located above the first floor or at the rear of a commercial and/or retail occupancy per this subsection must also meet the following:

a.    A minimum of seventy-five percent of the first floor area must be designated for commercial and/or retail use.

b.    The commercial and/or retail use shall face the primary street frontage.

c.    Private garages are considered a residential use and shall not count toward commercial and/or retail floor area.

d.    The main entrance to the residential units shall be located at the rear of the building. If rear access is not feasible, the main entrance to the residential units may be incorporated into a maximum of ten percent of the commercial and/or retail floor area facing the primary street frontage at the planning director’s discretion. If the building is located on a corner lot, the main entrance to the residential units shall be located on the side of the building facing the street with less commercial activity;

3.    Multifamily housing, between two and four units per building, may be allowed independent of commercial uses outside of the area bordered by the tracks to the west, Puget Street to the east, the tracks to the north, and Warner Street to the south. Also excluded is property fronting on Metcalf Street, West Ferry Street, West State Street and property abutting the tracks between Rita Street and Walley Street (south of State Street). Multifamily housing per this subsection must also meet the following:

a.    The front entries must be oriented towards the public right-of-way,

b.    The development must meet the requirements of the Sedro-Woolley design standards for the CBD and multifamily development;

4.    Parking lots serving any use; provided they are at the rear of a retail or commercial building, or facing a street other than Metcalf, Ferry, Woodworth, or State;

5.    Repealed by Ord. 1709-11;

6.    Public uses;

7.    Public facilities.

B.    Conditional Uses.

1.    Alcohol serving establishments.

2.    Alcohol production establishments, subject to the following conditions:

a.    A minimum of sixty percent of the building floor area shall be designated for retail/commercial use. Outdoor seating areas are specifically excluded from floor area calculations. Any associated kitchen floor area is specifically included in the calculation for retail/commercial floor area;

b.    The required number of parking spaces shall be calculated by using a combination of Section 17.36.030(G), “high intensity sales and service,” and (M), “industry, wholesaling, warehousing, nonpassenger transportation facilities except ministorage”; and

c.    A maximum of twenty-five percent of the building’s street frontage may be designed to display the production portion of the facility or other nonretail/noncommercial uses; provided, that all other applicable design standards are met. At minimum, seventy-five percent of the building’s street frontage must display a retail/commercial storefront.

3.    All uses not permitted above.

4.    Quasi-public uses.

C.    Prohibited Uses. Adult entertainment establishments; heavy industrial uses as defined in Chapter 17.28; wireless communication towers. (Ord. 2067-24 § 1, 2024; Ord. 2044-23 § 3, 2023; Ord. 1709-11 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1696-11 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1693-10 § 1, 2010; Ord. 1664-10 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2010: Ord. 1451-03 § 3, 2003; Ord. 1312-98 § 1 (part); 1998: Ord. 1309-98 § 7, 1998: Ord. 1013 § 2.05.01, 1985)

17.24.020 Bulk restrictions.

Bulk restrictions in the central business district (CBD) shall be as follows:

A.    Minimum setbacks: none; maximum setback: ten feet if pedestrian features are included.

B.    Maximum building height: sixty feet. (Ord. 1677-10 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 1664-10 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2010: Ord. 1451-03 § 4; Ord. 1312-98 § 1 (part); 1998: Ord. 1013 § 2.05.02, 1985)

17.24.030 Minimum lot size requirements.

Minimum lot size requirements in the central business district (CBD) shall be as follows:

A.    Lot area: none;

B.    Lot frontage on a street: twenty feet. (Ord. 1664-10 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2010: Ord. 1451-03 § 5; Ord. 1312-98 § 1 (part); 1998: Ord. 1013 § 2.05.03, 1985)

17.24.040 Hazardous waste.

On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as accessory to a permitted or conditional use are allowed as a conditional use; provided, such facilities comply with the state hazardous waste citing standards and Sedro-Woolley and State Environmental Policy Act requirements. (Ord. 1664-10 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2010: Ord. 1312-98 § 1 (part); 1998: Ord. 1063 § 4 (Exh. C § 2.05.04), 1988)

17.24.050 Parking.

A.    Intent. To encourage the creation of a downtown parking district administered by the city. It would be authorized to collect in-lieu parking fees from new residential uses downtown and use that revenue, with any other revenue it generates, to manage a downtown parking district. The district may construct and maintain downtown parking for motor vehicles and bikes, lease parking, or otherwise monitor the provision of adequate parking and/or promotion of alternatives to driving.

B.    The goal of the central business district is to create a pedestrian-friendly environment and to encourage commerce. Parking requirements in the downtown shall be as follows:

1.    Except for new construction as described in subsection (B)(2) of this section, parking for new buildings in the central business district shall be provided as follows:

Tier 1

New buildings with:

•    10 or fewer residential units

•    4,000 square feet or fewer of commercial space

Residential units associated with commercial/retail use: no off-street parking required.

Commercial uses: standard off-street parking per Chapter 17.36.

Public uses: no off-street parking required.

Tier 2

New buildings with:

•    11 or more residential units

•    More than 4,000 square feet of commercial space

Residential units associated with commercial/retail use: reduced off-street parking.

Commercial uses: standard off-street parking per Chapter 17.36.

Public uses: no off-street parking required.

2.    Parking for new buildings located within the area bounded on the north and west by the railroad rights-of-way, on the south by the alley in between State and Warner Streets, and on the east by Puget Avenue/4th Avenue shall be provided as follows:

Tier 1

New buildings with:

•    10 or fewer residential units

•    4,000 square feet or fewer of commercial space

Residential units associated with commercial/retail use: no off-street parking required.

Retail and restaurant uses: no off-street parking required.

Public uses: no off-street parking required.

All uses not described: standard off-street parking per Chapter 17.36

Tier 2

New buildings with:

•    11 or more residential units

•    More than 4,000 square feet of commercial space

Residential units associated with commercial/retail use: reduced off-street parking.

Retail and restaurant uses: no off-street parking required.

Public uses: no off-street parking required.

All uses not described: standard off-street parking per Chapter 17.36

3.    Reduced residential parking standards referenced in subsections (B)(1) through (2) of this section are as follows:


1 space

1 bedroom

1 spaces

2 bedrooms

1.5 spaces

3 or more bedrooms

1 space per bedroom up to 2 bedrooms, 0.5 space per additional bedroom over 2 bedrooms

Visitor/overflow spaces

1 additional space per 10 units

Rooms indicated on building plans as “office,” “extra room,” “play room” or other rooms that may reasonably be considered for use as a bedroom may be counted as bedrooms for parking purposes by the planning director.

4.    New commercial or retail development may propose a shared parking arrangement to the planning director for review and approval.

5.    Parking for residential buildings that do not include commercial uses, as allowed per Section 17.24.010(A)(3), shall be accessed from the alley when an alley exists. The number of spaces required for residential buildings that do not include commercial uses shall be as follows:


1 space

1 bedroom

2 spaces

2 bedrooms

2 spaces

3 bedrooms

3 spaces

4 or more bedrooms

4 spaces

Visitor/overflow spaces

1 additional space per 8 units

Rooms indicated on building plans as “office,” “extra room,” “play room” or other rooms that may reasonably be considered for use as a bedroom may be counted as bedrooms for parking purposes by the planning director.

6.    There shall be a minimum off-street parking apron of twenty-five feet in length directly in front of all garage doors for residential buildings that do not include commercial uses per Section 17.24.010(A)(3). (Ord. 1979-21 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 1664-10 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2010: Ord. 1451-03 § 6)