Chapter 17.50
17.50.030 Site landscaping required review.
17.50.040 Minimum site requirements.
17.50.060 Landscaping plan submittal requirements.
17.50.070 Minimum landscape material specifications.
17.50.080 Low impact development option.
17.50.090 Maintenance of plant materials.
17.50.110 Existing site vegetation.
17.50.120 Screening requirements.
17.50.130 Street tree requirement.
17.50.140 Parking lot landscaping.
17.50.010 Purpose.
A. A provision of quality landscaping is necessary to maintain property values, enhance the appearance of the city, mitigate impacts of development such as erosion and light/glare, promote natural systems, improve air quality, provide habitat, reduce noise, reduce the impacts on storm drainage systems, and provide a buffer between land uses.
B. Landscaping can be provided as a tool to be used in partnership with potential developers and citizens in Sedro-Woolley to enhance the community. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.020 Applicability.
A. The requirements of this chapter shall be imposed at the time of land use permit review, including: land alteration or land development such as subdivisions, short subdivisions, a change in lot coverage, a change in area devoted to parking and circulation, and projects requiring design review.
B. This chapter does not apply to a permit for a single-family dwelling less than one acre, unless restrictions have been placed on clearing and site design under separate permit authority.
C. This chapter does not apply to areas within the central business district (CBD) which is bounded on the north and west by the railroad tracks, on the south by State Street, and on the east by Puget Avenue. This area is substantially developed on zero setbacks from the right-of-way, making it impractical to provide on-site landscaping which would satisfy the purpose and intent of this chapter. Businesses located in this exempt area are encouraged to participate in other projects and improvements programs to enhance and improve the character and appearance of the city. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.030 Site landscaping required review.
The planning director shall use the Sedro-Woolley design and development guidelines landscaping section as it pertains to that zone as a guide for design and layout when reviewing applications.
A. The director shall perform landscape review for all applications, permits and land use actions.
B. The public works department shall review all landscape and irrigation system designs. Irrigation shall be designed in accordance with Skagit PUD No. 1. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 2032-22 § 14, 2023; Ord. 1593-07 § 1, 2007: Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.040 Minimum site requirements.
A. In no case shall the total amount of landscaping be less than ten percent of the total site area. For subdivisions, the total amount of landscaping shall be not less than ten percent of the combined net lot area plus ten percent of the site open space. Developments may include any critical area and/or shoreline buffer areas when calculating landscape area if native vegetation is enhanced.
B. Stormwater detention dry ponds can only be included in the minimum landscaping area if low impact development techniques are used.
C. Zoning/Use Classification—Percent of Gross Site Area.
Residential 15 |
20% |
Residential in Mixed Commercial |
20% |
Mixed Commercial (excluding the CBD) |
15% |
Industrial |
10% |
Commercial uses in industrial district |
15% |
Public |
10% |
PRD’s and CUP’s |
As required by planning commission |
(Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.050 Prohibited uses.
The following uses are not permitted in required landscape areas:
A. Parking of motor vehicles or recreational vehicles, including: campers, travel trailers, motor homes, boats or trailers;
B. Installation of impervious surfaces;
C. Storage of materials, including, but not limited to, hazardous waste, industrial equipment, and supplies. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.060 Landscaping plan submittal requirements.
If the landscaped and irrigated area on the subject property exceeds five hundred square feet, or if the applicant requests the low impact development option, the director shall require approval of the proposed landscape plan by a privately retained licensed landscape architect, Washington Certified Nurseryman or Washington Certified Landscaper. All landscaping plans shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Ten sets of landscape plans drawn to a scale of one inch equals fifty feet or larger (e.g., one inch equals thirty feet, one inch equals twenty feet). The plan should include a bar scale for reference;
B. Name and address or location of the project;
C. Vicinity map;
D. Scale, north arrow and date of the plan;
E. All property lines, easements, rights-of-way, streets, walks, vehicular drives, parking lots, existing and proposed structures, building entrances, freestanding lights, service or loading areas, signs, overhead and belowground utilities, open spaces, plazas, and recreation amenities with materials noted;
F. Location, sizes and species of existing vegetation within landscape areas. Natural areas should be designated as such;
G. Location of all trees, shrubs and ground cover to be planted;
H. Any proposed or existing physical elements (such as fencing, curbing, benches, etc.) that may affect the overall landscape;
I. Parking layout, including circulation, driveway location, parking stalls and curbing;
J. Existing and proposed contours (maximum five-foot intervals, two feet contours preferred), elevations, and delineation of any critical areas;
K. Dimensioned landscaped areas;
L. Location of irrigation system, source of water, and type of irrigation system;
M. A legend that shows symbols and type of plantings;
N. All plant materials shall be shown on the landscaping plan at three-quarters mature size in appropriate relation to the chosen scale of the plan;
O. The plan shall state the estimated date for installation and completion of all plantings and finish materials;
P. The landscape plan shall identify the location and dimensions of any designated environmentally sensitive areas and required buffers;
Q. A plant schedule shall be included which indicates the scientific and common names, quantities, sizes and spacing for all plants in the landscape plan. Quantities are not required on a preliminary landscape plan;
R. Planting details including installation and maintenance notes and or requirements;
S. PUD approval for irrigation systems;
T. Identify type and number of significant trees; identify those significant trees to be saved and those to be removed and identify replacement stumpage per Section 17.50.110. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.070 Minimum landscape material specifications.
A. The applicant shall utilize plant materials that complement the natural character of the Pacific Northwest that are drought tolerant and are adaptable to the climatic, topographic, and hydrologic characteristics of the site.
B. If the subject property includes a sensitive or critical area, the applicant shall utilize plant species that enhance that sensitive area.
C. The applicant should utilize plant materials that reduce or eliminate the need for fertilizers, herbicides, or other chemical controls, especially for properties that include wildlife habitat areas, shorelines, or wetlands.
D. Street trees shall be provided as follows:
1. Minimum planting strip width: five feet for small trees, seven feet for medium trees, and ten feet for large trees;
2. Spacing: trees shall be planted at an average of twenty feet apart for small trees, an average of thirty feet apart for medium trees, and an average of forty feet apart for large trees, with ground cover or shrubs used liberally;
3. Plant varieties: trees utilized in this area shall be of varieties that do not conflict with underground and overhead utilities. These trees may be selected from the city’s suggested list of plant materials, or an approved equivalent.
E. All plantings shall have the following minimum size at installation:
1. Deciduous trees: two-inch caliper;
2. Evergreen trees: six-foot minimum height;
3. Vine maples and other multi-stemmed trees: seven-foot minimum height;
4. Medium and tall shrubs: twenty-four-inch minimum height;
5. Ground cover: four-inch minimum height (approximately eighteen inches on center);
6. Shall not interfere with sight distance;
7. Shall not be installed within two feet of back of curb for small trees, within three feet of back of curb for medium trees, or within four feet of back of curb for large trees.
F. Where trees are to be planted in the planting strip of the public right-of-way or within five feet of a pedestrian walkway and/or underground utility line, root barriers as required per the public works department standards shall be installed to protect such infrastructure from future damage. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.080 Low impact development option.
The purpose of this option is to provide an additional landscaping option that has the potential to reduce impacts on the existing stormwater drainage infrastructure, and aid in meeting Endangered Species Act requirements. Low impact development strives to protect or restore the natural hydrology of the site so that the overall integrity of the watershed is protected. Low impact development is encouraged by the city of Sedro-Woolley because it:
A. Protects the environment;
B. Reduces costs to developers;
C. Makes communities more attractive;
D. Uses vegetation and small-scale hydraulic controls to capture, treat and infiltrate stormwater on site.
More specific information about low impact development will be available as requested through the planning and public works departments. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.090 Maintenance of plant materials.
The following performance standards shall apply to all landscape areas of which this chapter applies:
A. The property owner shall replace any unhealthy or dead plant materials in conformance with the approved landscape development proposal and shall maintain all landscape material.
B. An assignment of funds or performance bond shall be for one hundred twenty-five percent of the estimated improvements. The funds shall remain in place until the last required planting of the subject development has been planted. Only then, the assignment of funds or performance bond shall be reduced as a maintenance guarantee in an amount that is fifty percent of the original assignment of funds for performance. The maintenance guarantee shall include maintenance during the guarantee period and replacement of dead or unhealthy plants at the conclusion of the guarantee period. The length of the guarantee shall be no less than one year with an eighty percent survival rate and always cover at least one growing season (May through September). The end date of the assignment of funds or performance bond shall be determined by the city and applicant.
C. Maintenance of landscaping intended for screening purposes shall be pruned or altered to maintain planting health only, not to maximize retail visibility or minimize screening.
D. The required landscaping must be installed prior to issuance of the temporary certificate of occupancy unless the director determines that an assignment of funds or performance bond, for a period of not more than a year, will adequately protect the interests of the city. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.100 Stormwater ponds.
A. Site improvements meant to control water runoff shall be designed, when reasonably possible, to fulfill multiple functions including:
1. Regulate stormwater discharge;
2. Improve water quality;
3. Provide wildlife habitat;
4. Provide an aesthetic amenity;
5. Provide passive recreation opportunities such as walking or sitting areas; sports fields or fountains;
6. Provide shade for water temperature mitigation.
B. Any required site drainage plan, including conceptual plans, shall include the location and landscape design of stormwater ponds.
C. Stormwater ponds shall be used as aesthetic features in the site master plan. The following shall be considered when designing ponds:
1. Reduce the need for fencing by designing safe ponds which have side slopes less than 3:1 and normal water depths less than twenty-four inches;
2. Create ponds that are irregular in shape;
3. Design the pond to blend in with the surrounding environmental conditions;
4. Provide a topographic bench around the perimeter of the pond for safety;
5. Retain any existing high quality vegetation around perimeter of site;
6. Provide a pedestrian walkway and seating areas around perimeter;
7. Utilize landscaping to provide shade, create habitat, and add screening;
8. No landscaping below one-hundred-year storm elevation.
These guidelines do not replace standards for stormwater retention/detention pond design. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.110 Existing site vegetation.
Significant existing trees and shrubs shall be incorporated into the landscaping. “Significant trees” shall be those eight inches evergreen and ten inches deciduous trees in diameter at a point five feet above ground level. The site plan for the project shall include the location of significant trees, and shall identify which trees will be retained on the site. Care shall be taken in the grading and construction process so as not to disturb the roots and drip line of existing trees to be retained, and to ensure proper irrigation. Orange construction fencing will be constructed outside the drip line of existing trees. If significant trees cannot be incorporated into the site design because of street or building design, such trees shall be replaced with equivalent mitigation to compensate for loss of significant tree ecosystem functions and values as approved by the city planner. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.120 Screening requirements.
A. Purpose. The requirements of this section are intended to reduce the visual impacts and incompatible characteristics of:
1. Abutting properties with different land use classifications;
2. Service areas and facilities, including loading and storage areas;
3. Any other use or area as required under this section or by the planning commission;
4. Oncoming or glaring headlights when required by the public works department.
B. Landscaping. Screen planting shall consist of evergreen trees planted a maximum of fifteen feet on center; deciduous trees for seasonal color and texture planted a maximum of fifteen feet on center; and medium-sized shrubs (three to five feet at maturity) at five feet on center and ground cover plants at a density to form an effective barrier to cover eighty-five percent of the ground surface within two years. Irrigation must be installed for all screening areas.
C. Minimum Width. The landscaped screening area shall be thirty feet wide and vegetation shall be eighty percent sight-obscuring at time of planting and one hundred percent within two years that extends a minimum of six feet above the adjacent sidewalk or road right-of-way unless the use of an earth berm, fence, or wall is incorporated into the screening, as provided below:
1. Earth Berm Alternative. If an earth berm that extends a minimum of six feet above the adjacent sidewalk or road right-of-way is incorporated into the screening plan, the width of the screening area may be reduced to fifteen feet with landscaping per subsection B of this section.
2. Fence Alternative. If a fence that extends a minimum of six feet above the adjacent sidewalk or road right-of-way is incorporated into the screening plan, the width of the screening area may be reduced to fifteen feet with landscaping per subsection B of this section. The fence shall be subject to design approval by the planning director.
3. Wall Alternative. If a wall that extends a minimum of six feet above the adjacent sidewalk or road right-of-way is incorporated into the screening plan, the screening area may be reduced to ten feet with landscaping per subsection B of this section. Screen walls shall be constructed with masonry, block, or textured concrete, subject to design approval by the planning director.
D. Uses Requiring Screening. Screening is required to protect adjacent properties from probable negative impacts of any permitted or conditional use in a zone. Screening shall be required in the following instances:
1. Developments located in zones on the left side of the chart, below, shall provide screening when adjoining zones specified on the right side of the chart.
Zone to Be Developed |
Zone to Be Screened |
Residential-15 (R-15) |
Any other residential zone |
Public |
Any residential zone |
Mixed commercial |
Any residential zone |
Industrial |
Any residential zone, mixed commercial zone, public zone |
2. Mobile home parks shall have screening installed around the perimeter of the development in the required open space buffer, which shall not be less than twenty feet in width.
3. Unless otherwise required through the conditional use process, screening is not required along public rights-of-way except in the industrial zone. Screening along public rights-of-way is required in the industrial zone when the zoning across the public right-of-way is zoned anything other than industrial.
E. Any material that enhances the visual appearance and screening may be utilized. All screening materials are subject to design review as per Chapter 15.44. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1664-10 § 2 (Exh. D), 2010: Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.130 Street tree requirement.
The applicant of a project requiring a land use permit or design review by the city shall provide street trees in the public right-of-way abutting the property in accordance with Chapter 12.40. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)
17.50.140 Parking lot landscaping.
The provisions of this section are intended to soften the visual effect created by large expanses of barren asphalt; increase the amount of permeable surface; and reduce the quantity and speed of runoff from the site:
A. Area of Application. The provisions of this section shall apply to the interior of parking areas providing twenty or more spaces;
B. Required Area. Fifteen square feet of landscaping per parking space;
C. Minimum Width. Planting islands shall have a minimum width of eight feet;
D. Location of Plantings Areas. Parking area landscaping shall be located at the ends of parking columns, between the parking stalls oriented in the same direction as the stalls, or between rows of parking to break up and define parking areas;
E. Tree and Shrub Requirements. A minimum of one tree shall be required for every one hundred fifty square feet, or fraction thereof, of required landscaped area. Deciduous trees shall have a clear trunk at least five feet above ground and a minimum size of two inches diameter breast high (dbh). Low shrubs shall be provided on the perimeter of the landscaping islands, in addition to other ground cover or flowers. Other landscape materials shall comply with the general provisions of this section;
F. Landscape Protection. Any trees, shrubs, or plants which are susceptible to damage by pedestrian or motor vehicles shall be protected by appropriate curbs, tree guards or other protective devices;
G. Pedestrian walkways may be included in landscaped areas and the standards of this section modified to accommodate them. (Ord. 2093-24 § 1, 2025; Ord. 1517-05 § 1 (part), 2005)