Chapter 5.10


5.10.010    License required.

5.10.020    License fee.

5.10.030    Definitions.

5.10.040    Issuance.

5.10.050    Applicability.

5.10.060    Violation – Penalty.

5.10.010 License required.

No person shall peddle or hawk anything within the town of Skykomish without first obtaining a license as a hawker or peddler and first paying into the town treasury a license fee at the rate herein specified; provided, that this chapter shall not apply to peddlers of agricultural, horticultural, or farm products which they may grow or raise within the state of Washington, or to venders of books, periodicals, or newspapers. (Ord. 68 § 1, 1931)

5.10.020 License fee.

The license fee to be paid by peddlers and hawkers shall be: for a period of a week or less, $5.00; for two weeks or less, $10.00; for a month, $15.00; for a year, $25.00. (Amd. to Ord. 68, 1958; Ord. 68 § 2, 1931)

5.10.030 Definitions.

Every person selling, offering or soliciting for sale any article or thing by peddling the same from house to house, or who shall, upon any street, alley, avenue or highway, or other place, make a public outcry, or give any musical or other public entertainment, or make any public speech to draw prospective customers or attract notice, within the town limits, shall be declared a “hawker” within the meaning of this chapter; any person who goes from house to house, dwelling place to dwelling place, or upon any public street, highway or public place within the town of Skykomish, soliciting or taking orders for the purchase or sale of goods, wares or merchandise, articles, things or personal property of whatsoever name, nature or description, to be delivered in the future, is also hereby defined to be a “peddler” within the meaning of this chapter, and shall first be provided with a license as herein provided. (Ord. 68 § 3, 1931)

5.10.040 Issuance.

Any person desiring to obtain a license to hawk or peddle articles, goods, wares and merchandise shall first make payment therefor in advance to the town clerk, said clerk shall issue to such person a license in manner and form as herein provided, and such person shall retain in his possession said license at all times while engaged in hawking or peddling hereunder. (Ord. 68 § 4, 1931)

5.10.050 Applicability.

The provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to storekeepers or merchants who have permanent business locations within said town and are engaged in the sale of similar articles or products so peddled. (Ord. 68 § 5, 1931)

5.10.060 Violation – Penalty.

Any person who shall act as a hawker or peddler or who shall engage in the business of a hawker or peddler within the corporate limits of the town of Skykomish without first having obtained a license as in this chapter provided shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or not exceeding 30 days’ imprisonment in the town jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 68 § 6, 1931)