Chapter 5.15


5.15.010    Definition.

5.15.020    License required.

5.15.030    License fee.

5.15.040    Prohibited devices.

5.15.050    Violation – Penalty.

5.15.010 Definition.

An “amusement device or machine” shall mean any legal machine or device designed to be operated for amusement or for playing a game or for tallying of a score, upon insertion of a coin, trade check or slug, and the term “amusement” shall not be construed to mean any vending machine. (Ord. 103 § 1, 1955)

5.15.020 License required.

No person, firm or corporation shall have in his or their possession any amusement device, as defined by this chapter, for the use of the public or patrons without first having secured a license therefor from the town of Skykomish and paying in advance the fee as provided by this chapter. (Ord. 103 § 2, 1955)

5.15.030 License fee.

A master license fee of $100.00 per year shall be charged for the operation of one to 12 such machines or devices as described in SMC 5.15.010, and an addition fee of $3.00 per machine per month for all such machines, which shall also be payable one month in advance. (Ord. 103 § 3, 1955)

5.15.040 Prohibited devices.

No coin operated phonograph or musical device shall be licensed under any provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 103 § 4, 1955)

5.15.050 Violation – Penalty.

Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the terms of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be found guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment for a term of not more than 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 103 § 5, 1955)