Chapter 8.15


Article I. Collection and Rates

8.15.010    System established.

8.15.020    Administration.

8.15.030    Garbage fund.

8.15.040    Use of system required – Container location.

8.15.050    Container capacity.

8.15.060    Collection times.

8.15.070    Rates.

8.15.080    Accumulation of garbage – Costs of removal.

8.15.090    Permit required.

8.15.100    Records – Billing.

8.15.110    Violation – Penalty.

Article II. Dump Regulations

8.15.120    –

8.15.180    Repealed.

Article I. Collection and Rates

8.15.010 System established.

A garbage collection and disposal system for the town of Skykomish is hereby established, which shall be maintained and operated as hereinafter provided. (Ord. 87 § 1, 1946)

8.15.020 Administration.

The collection and disposal of garbage within the town of Skykomish shall be performed under the direction of the officials and employees of such town. (Ord. 87 § 2, 1946)

8.15.030 Garbage fund.

There is hereby established a “garbage fund” of the town of Skykomish. All monies received by the town of Skykomish for the collection and disposal shall be placed in such fund, and the expense of such garbage collection and disposal shall be paid therefrom, and the town council may also provide for additional revenues to be paid into such fund from time to time. (Ord. 87 § 3, 1946)

8.15.040 Use of system required – Container location.

Every owner or occupant of premises within the town of Skykomish is hereby required to use the garbage collection and disposal system provided by the town, and shall deposit or cause to be deposited all garbage of such a nature that it is perishable or may decompose or may be scattered by wind or otherwise which may accumulate on any premises owned or occupied by him in covered metal containers or other suitable containers, and all garbage which may accumulate on such premises shall be placed at or near but not on the street or alley adjacent to said premises, in a position convenient for loading onto trucks or vehicles used by the town or its authorized garbage collector. (Ord. 87 § 4, 1946)

8.15.050 Container capacity.

The containers in which such garbage shall be deposited, as provided in SMC 8.15.040, shall be of the capacity of not to exceed 25 gallons each. (Ord. 87 § 5, 1946)

8.15.060 Collection times.

The collection and disposal of garbage from all premises within the town of Skykomish on which a residence or place of business is located shall be made once each week, and further collections and disposal of garbage may be made whenever in the judgment of the collector such collection and disposal is necessary or advisable in order to keep any of the premises within the town of Skykomish, whether vacant or occupied, clean and sanitary. (Ord. 87 § 6, 1946)

8.15.070 Rates.

The town of Skykomish implements the following monthly garbage collection fees effective December 31, 1999:


Category One

Residents, one apartment

1 can/week

$15.00 per month

2 cans/week

$21.00 per month

Extra can

$6.00 per pickup

Category Two

Library, small business, bed and breakfast, out of town residences

1 can/week

$18.00 per month

2 cans/week

$25.00 per month

Extra can

$7.00 per pickup


Category Three***

Post office, railway station, government offices, ranger station, compound

1 can (2x per week)

$43.00 per month

2 cans (2x per week)

$55.00 per month

3 cans (2x per week)

$67.00 per month

4 cans (2x per week)

$79.00 per month

5 cans (2x per week)

$91.00 per month

Extra can

$14.00 per pickup


Category Four***

Restaurant only, deli, tavern, hotel w/restaurant, service station, school, motel only

1 can (3x per week)

$49.00 per month

2 cans (3x per week)

$67.00 per month

3 cans (3x per week)

$91.00 per month

4 cans (3x per week)

$103.00 per month

5 cans (3x per week)

$115.00 per month

6 cans (3x per week)

$127.00 per month

7 cans (3x per week)

$139.00 per month

8 cans (3x per week)

$151.00 per month

9 cans (3x per week)

$163.00 per month

Extra can

$14.00 per pickup

***Town will offer business recycling service one time per week

The town council of the town of Skykomish, at its discretion, may choose to not implement the increase or only a portion of the increase should it deem that the cost of providing these services does not warrant the full increase. (Ord. 294, 2000; Ord. 287, 1999; Ord. 87 § 7, 1946)

8.15.080 Accumulation of garbage – Costs of removal.

In case any owner or occupant of premises within the town of Skykomish shall permit garbage to accumulate thereon, and fail or refuse to deposit such garbage in suitable containers in accordance with the provisions hereof, or shall fail to place the same at or near but not on the street or alley adjacent to such premises, in a position convenient for loading, the town at the discretion of the collector may collect and remove such garbage, and in such case the entire expense of the collection and removal thereof, as determined by the collector, shall be charged against such premises, and against the owner or occupant thereof, in addition to the regular charge for collection and disposal of such garbage. (Ord. 87 § 8, 1946)

8.15.090 Permit required.

It shall be unlawful for anyone except town employees or the authorized garbage collector to collect, remove, or transport garbage, offal, or any other offensive or noxious substances or to operate any vehicle for such purpose through the streets, highways, or other ways within the town of Skykomish without first having obtained a permit from the town clerk, said permit to be numbered and be valid for one year, unless sooner revoked by the town health officer. (Ord. 87 § 9, 1946)

8.15.100 Records – Billing.

The authorized garbage collector shall keep a record of the collections of garbage made from each property and shall deliver a copy to the town treasurer, who shall enter the charges for the same on the water bills to be issued to the users each month. On failure to pay such charge, the amount thereof shall become a lien against the property for which the garbage collection service was rendered in accordance with law. Should garbage bills become delinquent, the water service shall be discontinued under the same terms as failure to pay for such water service. (Ord. 87 § 10, 1946)

8.15.110 Violation – Penalty.

Any violation of the provision of this article shall be a misdemeanor and punishable upon conviction thereof by a fine not to exceed $100.00 or sentence not to exceed 30 days in jail, or both by such fine and sentence. Any fraud or misrepresentation practiced in obtaining the issuance of a permit, or any unauthorized use or alteration of a permit, shall subject the permit holder to a further penalty of suspension revocation or denial of the privilege of holding such a permit. (Amd. to Ord. 87, 1972; Ord. 87 § 11, 1946)

Article II. Dump Regulations

8.15.120 Statement of purpose.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 1, 1971)

8.15.130 Persons prohibited.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 2, 1971)

8.15.140 Permit – Rates.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 3, 1971)

8.15.150 Permit – Expiration.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 4, 1971)

8.15.160 Permit – Transferability.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 5, 1971)

8.15.170 Dump supervisor – Rules and regulations.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 6, 1971)

8.15.180 Violation – Penalty.

Repealed by Ord. 352. (Ord. 117 § 7, 1971)