Chapter 12.05


12.05.010    Rules and regulations.

12.05.020    Fees.

12.05.030    Maintenance deposit for use of the park.

12.05.040    Refunds.

12.05.050    Camping.

12.05.010 Rules and regulations.

(1) Residency of the town of Skykomish shall be defined as any person or persons residing within King County School District No. 404.

(2) Residents and resident groups shall receive priority for park reservations.

(a) Nonresident groups of people wishing to reserve this facility will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

(b) Deposits for park use shall be paid prior to use of park facility.

(3) All dogs shall be leashed and under the control of said dog owner(s) at all times. The owner(s) shall be responsible for retrieval and removal of any and all waste associated with the aforementioned dog(s).

(4) Fires are permitted only in the cookhouse and in the designated fire pits provided for outside fires. All park users are subject to local, county, state and federal burning restrictions.

(a) Postings of burn bans and fire danger levels may be found at the Skykomish Post Office, King County Fire District No. 50, and the U.S.D.A. Forest Service office.

(b) Providing firewood is the responsibility of park users.

(c) Cutting trees, brush, or vegetation within the park is prohibited and may be punishable by a fine of $500.00, and suspension of future park use privileges for person(s) or group(s) associated with such damage.

(5) Driving or parking on the ball field portion of the park is prohibited and may be punishable by a fine of $1,000, in addition to any costs the town of Skykomish may incur (landscaping, turf replacement, etc.), and suspension of future park use privileges for an individual(s) or group.

(a) “Ball field area” shall be defined as that portion of the park within the circumference of the access road that circles the interior of the park.

(6) The Skykomish ball field and park shall be closed and locked at dusk and reopened at 8:00 a.m. each weekday unless occupied.

(7) The town of Skykomish reserves the right to close this facility at any time.

(8) All events may be scheduled and will be subject to the following rules and restrictions:

(a) Only one event per group, company, or corporation will be scheduled each year, unless an exception is made by the town administrator.

(b) Commercial events must purchase a business license and use permit from the town of Skykomish.

(c) Security shall be supplied by the commercial event organizer(s).

(d) Only a licensed bonded security firm shall be accepted as “security” for commercial park events.

(e) No alcoholic beverages will be served at any event without a banquet permit.

(f) All Washington Liquor Control Board laws apply to all events held at the town park.

(g) Liability insurance shall be provided, at the event organizer’s expense, for all commercial events taking place in the park facility, and the town of Skykomish and its agents shall be indemnified against any legal proceedings against the organizers of, and associated with, any commercial event. A bond may be required based on the type of group event and activity.

(h) Hours of occupancy for camping shall be:

(i) Check in: 2:00 p.m.

(ii) Check out: 1:00 p.m.

(9) No commercial event shall be held unless approved by the town administrator. “Commercial event” shall be defined as any “for profit” event or venture by an individual, group, company, or corporation.

(10) No loud music or loud noise of any kind will be allowed after 9:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends. Exceptions allowed are regularly scheduled events at the park such as public address systems for baseball games or park concerts between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.

(11) Exclusive use of the town park community kitchen facility shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by town administration.

(12) Discharge of firearms, fireworks, or any explosive device or devices is expressly forbidden in the town park, unless supervised by King County Fire District No. 50. Violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $5,000 and/or a jail sentence not to exceed six months, and/or denial of future park use.

(13) “For-profit commercial events” shall be defined as any business or event which charges a fee to attend the event.

(14) There will be no fees charged for community events, i.e., town picnics, Independence Day celebrations, etc. (Ord. 343 § 1, 2005; Add. to 321 § 1, 2003; Ord. 321 § 1, 2003)

12.05.020 Fees.

(1) The fee for overnight camping for each campsite (one vehicle per campsite, motor home, recreation trailer, pickup camper) is $15.00 per night, $7.00 per each additional vehicle at campsite.

(2) Commercial event(s) shall be charged the maintenance deposit along with three percent of the gross revenue of the event(s).

(3) All deposits must be paid 21 days prior to the event.

(4) Cancellation of any commercial or private event within 21 days of said event’s scheduled time of onset shall result in forfeiture of all prepaid park fees. (Ord. 343 § 2, 2005; Add. to 321 § 2, 2003; Ord. 321 § 2, 2003)

12.05.030 Maintenance deposit for use of the park.

Maintenance deposit for group(s) use of the park per event:

1 – 100


101 – 200


201 – 300


301 – 400


401 – 500


(Ord. 343 § 3, 2005; Ord. 321 § 3, 2003)

12.05.040 Refunds.

Fifty percent of the maintenance deposit will be kept as a user fee for commercial and noncommercial events and 50 percent will be refunded on the condition of the park (cleanup), which will be determined by an agent of the town of Skykomish. If cleanup or damages exceed the actual maintenance deposit, actual cost will be charged. (Ord. 343 § 4, 2005; Ord. 321 § 4, 2003)

12.05.050 Camping.

(1) Camping in the town of Skykomish ball field and park is open all week with a five-day stay limit per person(s) or group(s). Exceptions must be approved by the town administrator.

(2) Number of camp sites not to exceed 15 per day for campers, trailers, or tents except with town of Skykomish management approval.

(3) Trailers, vehicle-mounted campers, buses, and motor homes must be self-contained, and dumping of either gray water or raw sewage in or at the park is expressly forbidden.

Violation of this section may be punishable by a fine not to exceed $5,000 and/or denial of future park use. (Ord. 343 § 5, 2005; Ord. 321 § 5, 2003)