Chapter 12.10


12.10.010    Findings and declaration of purpose.

12.10.020    Purpose.

12.10.030    King County standards.

12.10.040    Applicability.

12.10.050    Application, permit and fees.

12.10.010 Findings and declaration of purpose.

The town council finds that:

(1) The protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of streets, driveways, sidewalks and trails located in Skykomish are necessary in the interest of the prosperity, civic pride, safety, and general welfare of the people of Skykomish.

(2) Such resources are a significant part of the economic base, aesthetic well being and welfare of Skykomish and must be maintained or enhanced by allowing the necessary maintenance and repairs to King County current standards.

(3) Present programs and activities are inadequate for ensuring present and future conditions of these structures to proper standards. (Ord. 332 § 1, 2003)

12.10.020 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to:

(1) Provide a means to preserve, enhance and maintain Skykomish’s streets, roads, bridges, and driveways, sidewalks, right-of-way facilities, and trails to current standards of construction and maintenance.

(2) Stabilize and improve the economic values and vitality of the community by setting forth proper provisions for traffic, both pedestrian and motorized.

(3) Protect and enhance Skykomish’s citizens’ and visitors’ safety.

(4) Assist, encourage and provide incentive to public and private owners for proper maintenance, restoration, rehabilitation and use of streets, roads, bridges, driveways, sidewalks and trails and other right-of-way facilities.

(5) Work cooperatively with other jurisdictions to identify, evaluate, and protect right-of-way facilities in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 332 § 2, 2003)

12.10.030 King County standards.

(1) The town council of Skykomish acknowledges and supports the interlocal agreement for provision of services by the King County road services division entered into by the town of Skykomish and King County road services division in 1998.

(2) The town council of Skykomish hereby adopts the most current road standards of King County published by King County department of public works.

(3) Copies are available at Skykomish Town Hall. (Ord. 332 § 3, 2003)

12.10.040 Applicability.

(1) The King County standards shall apply to all new construction and major repairs of roads and right-of-way facilities located in Skykomish.

(2) Responsibility to provide roadway improvements:

(a) Any land development which will impact the service level, safety, operational efficiency of serving roads or is required by county code or Skykomish ordinance to improve such roads shall improve those roads and right-of-way facilities in accordance with SMC 12.10.030.

(b) Any land development abutting and impacting existing roads shall improve the frontage of those roads in accordance with these standards. The extent of improvements shall be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land development. Urban residential short plats creating only one additional lot to a tax lot with an existing dwelling unit are exempt from providing urban type street improvements, but are subject to shoulder improvements as specified in the latest edition of King County road standards; provided, these improvements are consistent with the surrounding roads.

(c) Any land development that contains internal roads shall construct or improve those roadways to these standards.

(d) All road improvement and development projects shall include pedestrian access as a part of the design. Where existing roadways are to be modified, pedestrian facilities shall be included.

(e) Any major disruption of the current road surfaces and right-of-way facilities shall be repaired to the current King County road standards. (Ord. 332 § 4, 2003)

12.10.050 Application, permit and fees.

(1) Any construction, repair, installation or use within, upon, above or below any public rights-of-way within the town of Skykomish shall be covered by a street use agreement issued by the town of Skykomish. This agreement is valid for 60 days from date of issue, unless otherwise specified.

(2) Application for such agreement shall be accompanied by three sets of drawings with nature of work, position and location of same, giving contact names, address and phone numbers of the project manager. These drawing shall include vicinity map, section, township and range on top border of all sheets, a north arrow shown and plan as to scale, widths of roads, streets, etc., and showing the relative position of such work to existing improvements and/or utilities within such roads or street rights-of-way.

(3) Any permit is not valid until approved by the town of Skykomish building inspector or a designated representative.

(4) All fees shall be paid in advance of the commencement of work. For a fee schedule see the latest town of Skykomish resolution relating to such fees. (Ord. 332 § 5, 2003)