Chapter 15.18


15.18.010    Landmarks commission created – Membership and organization.

15.18.020    Chapter 20.62 KCC adopted.

15.18.030    Redesignation of existing landmarks.

15.18.010 Landmarks commission created – Membership and organization.

(1) The King County Landmarks Commission (“Commission”), established pursuant to King County Code (KCC), Chapter 20.62, is hereby designated and empowered to act as the landmarks commission for the town of Skykomish pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

(2) The special member of the commission, provided for in KCC 20.62.030, shall be appointed by the town council. Such special member shall have a demonstrated interest and competence in historic preservation. Such appointment shall be made for a three-year term. Such special member shall serve until his or her successor is duly appointed and confirmed. In the event of a vacancy, an appointment shall be made to fill the vacancy in the same manner and with the same qualifications as if at the beginning of the term, and the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall hold the position for the remainder of the unexpired term. Such special member may be reappointed, but may not serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. Such special member shall be deemed to have served one full term if such special member resigns at any time after appointment or if such special member serves more than two years of an unexpired term. The special member of the commission shall serve without compensation.

(3) The commission shall file its rules and regulations, including procedures consistent with this chapter, with the town clerk. (Ord. 367 § 1, 2005)

15.18.020 Chapter 20.62 KCC adopted.

Chapter 20.62 KCC adopted:

(1) KCC 20.62.020 – Definitions, except as follows:

(a) Paragraph H is changed to read “director” is the responsible official who approves building permits for the town.

(b) Add paragraph: T. “Council” is the Skykomish town council.

(2) KCC 20.62.040 – Designation Criteria, except all references to “King County” are changed to read “town of Skykomish.”

(3) KCC 20.62.050 – Nomination Procedure.

(4) KCC 20.62.070 – Designation Procedure, except all references to “King County” are changed to read “town of Skykomish.”

(5) KCC 20.62.080 – Certificate of Appropriateness Procedure, except the last sentence of paragraph A thereof.

(6) KCC 20.62.100 – Evaluation of Economic Impact.

(7) KCC 20.62.110 – Appeal Procedure.

(8) KCC 20.62.130 – Penalty for Violation of Section 20.62.080 (paragraph E above).

(9) KCC 20.62.140 – Special Valuation for Historic Properties.

(10) KCC 20.62.150 – Historic Resources – Review Process. (Ord. 367 § 3, 2005)

15.18.030 Redesignation of existing landmarks.

All town of Skykomish landmarks designated pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 20.62 KCC prior to March 12, 2002, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and considered town of Skykomish landmarks. (Ord. 367 § 4, 2005)