Chapter 15.15


15.15.010    Purpose.

15.15.020    Design review board.

15.15.010 Purpose.

To promote the protection and perpetuation of building sites, structures and objects of historical, cultural, architectural, engineering, geographic, ethnic and archaeological significance located in Skykomish through cooperative efforts with public and private property owners. (Ord. 313 § 1, 2002)

15.15.020 Design review board.

(1) There is created a town of Skykomish design review board which shall advise town council and operate within the framework of the design guidelines for Skykomish, Washington, Chapter 18.90 SMC.

(2) There shall be five members appointed by the mayor subject to confirmation of the council, of whom at least one member shall be a member of the council.

(3) The presence of two members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting and the act of the majority members present shall be an act of the board.

(4) Appointment of members, except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, shall be for a three-year term. Each member shall serve until his or her successor is duly appointed and confirmed. Appointments shall be effective January 1st of each year. In the event of a vacancy, an appointment shall be made to fill the vacancy in the same manner as if the beginning of the term, and the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall hold the position for the remainder of the unexpired term. Any member may be reappointed. The members of the board shall serve without compensation.

(5) For appointments made in 2004, the mayor shall stagger the appointments to provide continuity. There will be one one-year term, two two-year terms and two three-year terms. Each of the members of the board will serve without compensation.

(6) The chair shall be a member of the board and shall be elected annually by the board members. Meetings shall be held at the call of the chair or two members of the board. The board may adopt procedures consistent with this chapter. (Ord. 351 § 1, 2004; Ord. 313 § 2, 2002)