Chapter 17.10


17.10.010    General provisions.

17.10.020    A definitions.

17.10.030    B definitions.

17.10.040    C definitions.

17.10.050    D definitions.

17.10.060    E definitions.

17.10.070    F definitions.

17.10.080    G definitions.

17.10.090    H definitions.

17.10.100    I definitions.

17.10.110    J definitions.

17.10.120    K definitions.

17.10.130    L definitions.

17.10.140    M definitions.

17.10.150    N definitions.

17.10.160    O definitions.

17.10.170    P definitions.

17.10.180    Q definitions.

17.10.190    R definitions.

17.10.200    S definitions.

17.10.210    T definitions.

17.10.220    U definitions.

17.10.230    V definitions.

17.10.240    W definitions.

17.10.250    X definitions.

17.10.260    Y definitions.

17.10.270    Z definitions.

17.10.010 General provisions.

As used in this title, unless the context or subject matter clearly requires otherwise, the words or phrases defined in this chapter shall have the indicated meanings. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.010), 2000)

17.10.020 A definitions.

“Administrator” means the town administrator, mayor, or chief supervisory staff person.

“Alley” means a minor public right-of-way used primarily for vehicular service access to the rear or side of properties.

“Arterial” means a street or highway of great continuity which serves or is intended to provide capacity for fast or heavy traffic.

“Attorney.” See “Town attorney.” (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.020), 2000)

17.10.030 B definitions.

“Block” means a group of lots, tracts, or parcels within well-defined and fixed boundaries.

“Boundary line adjustment” means the adjustment of a boundary line between existing lots which results in no more lots than existed before the adjustment.

“Buffer” means a linear landscaped area with sufficient planting density to provide effective sight-obscuring between incompatible land uses.

“Building setback line” means the line indicating the minimum horizontal distance between the property line and the building. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.030), 2000)

17.10.040 C definitions.

“Comprehensive plan” means the Skykomish comprehensive plan adopted in 1996 as amended.

“Critical areas” means areas of environmental sensitivity, which include the following areas and ecosystems:

(1) Wetlands;

(2) Geologic hazardous areas;

(3) Fish and wildlife habitat areas;

(4) Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water; and

(5) Frequently flooded areas as defined by Chapter 16.15 SMC, Critical Areas, and Chapter 16.10 SMC, Flood Damage Prevention.

“Crosswalk” means a public right-of-way, 10 feet or more in width between property lines, which provides pedestrian access to adjacent properties.

“Cul-de-sac” means a short street intersecting with another street at one end and terminated by a vehicular turnaround at the other end. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.040), 2000)

17.10.050 D definitions.

“Dedication” means the deliberate appropriation of land or rights in land by its owner for any general and public use, reserving to himself or herself no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public use to which the property has been devoted. The intention to dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner by the presentment for filing of a final plat or short plat showing the dedication thereon, and the acceptance by the public shall be evidenced by the approval of such plat for filing by the town. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.050), 2000)

17.10.060 E definitions.

“Easement” means a grant by the owner of land, to others, of the use of a portion of the land for specific purposes.

“Engineer.” See “Town engineer.” (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.060), 2000)

17.10.070 F definitions.

“Final plat.” See “Plat, final.”

“Fire chief.” See “Town fire chief.” (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.070), 2000)

17.10.080 G definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.080), 2000)

17.10.090 H definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.090), 2000)

17.10.100 I definitions.

“Improvements, public” means any sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage ditch, water main, roadway, parkway strip, sidewalk, planting strip, crosswalk, off-street parking area, or other facility for which the town may ultimately assume the responsibility for ownership, maintenance, and operation. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.100), 2000)

17.10.110 J definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.110), 2000)

17.10.120 K definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.120), 2000)

17.10.130 L definitions.

“Lot” means a fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries, being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area. The term shall include tracts or parcels. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.130), 2000)

17.10.140 M definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.140), 2000)

17.10.150 N definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.150), 2000)

17.10.160 O definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.160), 2000)

17.10.170 P definitions.

“Plan, final” means the final drawing of a subdivision and dedication, containing all elements and requirements set forth in this title for approval by the town and recording by the King County auditor.

“Planning commission” means the Skykomish town planning commission as appointed by the town council.

“Plat” means a scale drawing of a subdivision showing lots, blocks, streets or tracts or other divisions or dedications of land to be subdivided.

“Plat, final” means a precise drawing of a subdivision and dedications which conforms to the approved preliminary plat, meets all the conditions of preliminary approval and meets the requirements of the King County auditor for recording.

“Plat, final short” means a precise drawing of a short subdivision and dedications which conforms to the approved preliminary short plat, meets all the conditions of approval and meets the requirements of the King County auditor for recording.

“Plat, preliminary” means a neat and approximate scale drawing of a proposed subdivision, showing the existing conditions and the proposed layout of streets, lots, blocks and other information needed to properly review the proposal.

“Plat, preliminary short” means a neat and approximate scale drawing of a proposed short subdivision, showing the existing conditions and the proposed layout of streets, lots, blocks and other information needed to properly review the proposal.

“Plat, short” means the plat of a short subdivision. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.170), 2000)

17.10.180 Q definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.180), 2000)

17.10.190 R definitions.

“Roadway” means the portion of a street available for vehicular traffic, where curbs are laid the portion between curbs, where no curbs are laid that portion between the edges of the shoulder. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.190), 2000)

17.10.200 S definitions.

“Short plat.” See “Plat, short.”

“Sidewalk” means the portion of a street or crosswalk, paved or otherwise surfaced, intended for pedestrian use only.

“Street, community arterial” means a street used to collect and distribute traffic from higher capacity arterials to local access streets.

“Street, local commercial access” means a street used to provide access to properties in commercial or industrial areas.

“Street, local residential access” means a street used to provide access to residential property.

“Street, neighborhood collector” means a street used to collect and distribute traffic from residential access streets within residential neighborhoods.

“Street, primary arterial” means a street or highway used to expedite through traffic between communities.

“Subdivision” means the division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership, except as provided in Chapter 17.05 SMC.

“Subdivision, short” means the division of redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership except as provided in Chapter 17.05 SMC. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.200), 2000)

17.10.210 T definitions.

“Town attorney” means that licensed attorney employed by the town to address the town’s legal interests.

“Town engineer” means a person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge of mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to practice engineering and is licensed by the state of Washington or another state. The town shall acquire the services of a person of such qualifications to conduct the technical review indicated by this title and to protect the town’s interests. The cost of such services may be passed on to the developer as determined by the town council.

“Town fire chief” means King County Fire District No. 50 Fire Chief.

“Tract or parcel” means a portion of a subdivision having fixed boundaries, not including a lot. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.210), 2000)

17.10.220 U definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.220), 2000)

17.10.230 V definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.230), 2000)

17.10.240 W definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.240), 2000)

17.10.250 X definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.250), 2000)

17.10.260 Y definitions.

“Yard” means the lot area between lot lines and the building area.

“Yard, front” means the area between the front lot line and the building line extending the full width of the lot. On a through lot the front yard shall be the area between the front lot line from which primary access is taken and the building setback line. On a corner lot there shall be two front yards.

“Yard, rear” means the area between the rear lot line and the building area extending the full width of the lot. The rear setback area.

“Yard, side” means the side setback area between the side lot lines and the building area, extending the full length of the building area. On corner lots the side yard is that which is opposite from the front yard except when a corner lot is also a through lot, then the side yard shall be the area along the interior side lot line. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.260), 2000)

17.10.270 Z definitions.

Reserved. (Ord. 291 § 1(18.15.270), 2000)