Chapter 18.100


18.100.010    Purpose.

18.100.020    Definitions.

18.100.030    Applicability.

18.100.040    Title notification.

18.100.050    Plat notification.

18.100.060    Regulated activities notification.

18.100.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to conserve resource lands by limiting the encroachment of incompatible development from designated resource lands. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 222 § 1(Exh. A), 1992)

18.100.020 Definitions.

“Adjacent” means within a radius of 300 feet from the exterior boundaries of designated resource land.

“Resource lands” means lands designated pursuant to SMC Title 16 as agricultural, forest, or mineral resource lands. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 222 § 1(Exh. A), 1992)

18.100.030 Applicability.

(1) General.

(a) The provisions of this chapter apply to development proposed on properties within 300 feet of designated resource lands.

(b) All plats, short plats, development permits, and building permits issued for development activities within 300 feet of lands designated as agricultural, forest, or mineral resource lands shall contain a notice that the property is within 300 feet of agricultural, forest, or mineral resource lands on which a variety of commercial activities may occur that are not compatible with residential development for certain periods of limited duration. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 222 § 1(Exh. A), 1992)

18.100.040 Title notification.

The owner of any site within 300 feet of lands designated resource lands for which an application for a regulated activity is submitted shall record a title notice with the King County auditor. The notice shall be notarized and shall be recorded prior to approval of any development proposal for the site. Such notification shall be in the form as set forth below.


Parcel Number:    ____________________

Parcel Address:    ____________________

NOTICE: This parcel lies within 300 feet of land designated resource lands by the Town of Skykomish. A variety of commercial and industrial activities occur in the area that may be inconvenient or cause discomfort to area residents. This may arise from the use of chemicals; or from spraying or extraction, which occasionally generates dust, smoke, noise, and odor. The Town of Skykomish has established resource uses are priority uses on productive resource lands, and residents of adjacent property should be prepared to accept such inconveniences or discomfort from normal, necessary commercial resource lands operations.


Signature of Owner(s)


(Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 222 § 1(Exh. A), 1992)

18.100.050 Plat notification.

The owner of any site within 300 feet of land designated as resource lands, on which a large lot, short subdivision, or formal subdivision is submitted, shall record a notice on the face of the plat. Such notification shall be in the form as set forth below.


This property lies within 300 feet of land designated resource lands by the Town of Skykomish. A variety of commercial and industrial activities occur in the area that may be inconvenient or cause discomfort to area residents. This may arise from the use of chemicals; or from spraying or extraction, which occasionally generates dust, smoke, noise, and odor. The Town of Skykomish has established resource uses as priority uses on productive resource lands, and residents of adjacent property should be prepared to accept such inconveniences or discomfort from normal, necessary commercial resource lands operations.

(Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 222 § 1(Exh. A), 1992)

18.100.060 Regulated activities notification.

The department shall require that permits issued for regulated activities, as defined in this code, within 300 feet of lands designated as resource lands contain a notice as set forth in SMC 18.100.050. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 222 § 1(Exh. A), 1992)