Chapter 18.85


18.85.010    Planning department created.

18.85.020    Planning commission.

18.85.030    Historic design committee created.

18.85.035    Park and recreation board.

18.85.040    Fees.

18.85.050    Land use application review fees.

18.85.010 Planning department created.

The town planning department, as the authorized representative of the mayor, is charged with the responsibility of carrying out the provisions of this title. The department may be provided with the assistance of such other persons as the mayor may direct. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 7.11, 1995)

18.85.020 Planning commission.

(1) Membership. In accordance with RCW 35A.63.020, there is established a planning commission consisting of five members to be appointed by the mayor and who shall serve at the mayor’s discretion. The term of office of the five members shall be three years. The respective terms of office shall be staggered to provide continuity, and the initial terms following adoption of the ordinance codified in this section shall be as recommended by the mayor. Each of the members of the commission will serve without compensation. Members of the commission shall reside within the boundaries of the town of Skykomish or shall be business or property owners within the same jurisdiction.

(2) Duties. The planning commission:

(a) Shall review and propose amendments to the comprehensive plan and make recommendations to the town council, using public input, on amendments to the comprehensive plan and land use (zoning) code.

(b) Shall recommend and review studies of geographic subareas in the town.

(c) May investigate, review and recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of any application relevant to land use (zoning) code to the planning department or town council.

(d) Does not review site-specific development proposals.

(3) Procedure. The commission shall elect its own chairperson. The commission shall hold at least one meeting per month unless canceled by the board chairperson, and shall adopt rules for the transaction of business, keep a record of its meeting by a commission member who shall be appointed secretary and shall submit such record to the town clerk. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and any action taken by a majority of those present shall be deemed action of the commission. Except for public hearings (where appropriate), no audio recordings shall be made.

(4) Removal. The mayor may remove any member of the commission for any reason other than disagreement, with an official recommendation of the commission or its members. Any member who has three consecutive unexcused absences from meetings may be recommended for removal by the commission. Vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of the term of office shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as regular appointments are made. (Ord. 448, 2014; Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 413, 2009; Ord. 235 § 7.12, 1995)

18.85.030 Historic design committee created.

A committee of three residents of Skykomish, at least one of whom is a member of the planning commission, is created to investigate, review and recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of any application for a sign, use or structure in the historic district. The committee may seek the advice of the state and/or county historic preservation officer and similar experts when conducting investigations into applications. Their decisions shall contain findings and conclusions consistent with the historic nature of Skykomish and the advice of experts in historic preservation. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 7.13, 1995)

18.85.035 Park and recreation board.

(1) Membership.

(a) There is established a park and recreation board consisting of five members to be appointed by the mayor, to include: one member each of the school board, residents, property owners and business owners within Skykomish School District No. 404. The term of office of the five members shall be three years. The respective terms of office shall be staggered to provide continuity, and the initial terms following adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be as recommended by the mayor. Each of the members of the board will serve without compensation. Members of the board shall reside within the boundaries of Skykomish School District No. 404 or shall be business or property owners within Skykomish School District No. 404 boundaries.

(b) There is established an ex officio youth representative position on the park and recreation board. This position shall be filled by a youth residing in Skykomish School District No. 404’s service area who is 14 to 18 years of age. This position shall be nonvoting. Youth representatives shall be appointed annually by the mayor and confirmed by the town council with the annual period of service to run from June of one year to June of the subsequent year.

(2) Duties.

(a) The board is entrusted with advising and making recommendations to the mayor or the mayor’s designee for the improvement, maintenance, beautification and planning of town parks and recreation facilities. Also, development of recreation programs and helping with town events, i.e., evening youth recreation programs, summer recreation programs or other public events, i.e., Fourth of July in the Park. The board may explore and recommend public/private partnerships where appropriate and feasible.

(b) The board shall recommend to the mayor or mayor’s designee appropriate measures to ensure that the town has well-integrated and complete programs for the use of its parks and other recreation facilities and, to accomplish this end, the board shall from time to time meet with appropriate representatives and officials of other groups, public and private, who are interested in the use and development of town parks and recreational facilities for the public benefit.

(3) Procedure. The board shall elect its own chairperson. The board shall hold at least one meeting per month unless canceled by the board chairperson, and shall adopt rules for the transaction of business, keep a record of its meeting by a board member who shall be appointed secretary and shall submit such record to the town clerk. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and any action taken by a majority of those present shall be deemed action of the board. Except for public hearings (where appropriate), no audio recordings shall be made.

(4) Removal. The mayor may remove any member of the board for any reason, other than disagreement, with an official recommendation of the board or its members. Any member who has three consecutive unexcused absences from meetings may be recommended for removal by the board. Vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of the term of office shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as regular appointments are made. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 386 § 1, 2007; Ord. 353 § 1, 2004)

18.85.040 Fees.

(1) Application fees shall be set from time to time by the town council in the administrative fee resolution.

(2) In addition to the fees contained in the administrative fee resolution, the applicant for any permit shall pay the costs of outside consultants required by the mayor and town council to assist in the review of an application. Such consulting expertise may include, but is not limited to, engineering, geotechnical, land use planning, fire prevention, and safety. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 235 § 7.2, 1995)

18.85.050 Land use application review fees.

The town of Skykomish shall charge applicants for all land use actions and plan reviews 100 percent of the charges incurred by the town in reviewing said applications. A town administrative fee of actual costs, not to exceed 10 percent of said review charges, will also be charged. (Ord. 433, 2012; Ord. 221 § 1, 1992)