Chapter 16.54


16.54.010    Purpose and intent.

16.54.020    General requirements.

16.54.030    Timing of the provision of required off-street parking and off-street loading spaces.

16.54.040    Requirement to retain off-street parking and loading space.

16.54.050    Permitted reductions in off-street parking requirements.

16.54.060    Location of off-street parking and loading areas.

16.54.070    Limitations on vehicular storage.

16.54.080    Determination of seating capacity at places of assembly.

16.54.090    Collective off-street parking provisions.

16.54.100    Joint-use parking requirements.

16.54.110    Requirements for retail trade establishments, personal service establishments, business establishments, offices, hotels, motels, lodging houses, guest houses, night clubs, and health spas in the UC zoning district.

16.54.120    Development and maintenance of off-street parking areas.

16.54.130    Plan requirement.

16.54.140    Minimum required off-street parking spaces.

16.54.150    Off-street loading space requirements.

16.54.160    Additional guest parking requirements for residential subdivisions.

16.54.010 Purpose and intent.

Off-street parking areas are required for all new uses of land so that all uses will have adequate parking for the occupants, employees, visitors, customers, and/or patrons and they will not have to rely on the public rights-of-way for this function.

Off-street loading areas are required for all uses (except residential) to provide adequate space off of city rights-of-way for the temporary parking of motor vehicles (primarily trucks) while loading or unloading. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.020 General requirements.

No building or structure in any district shall be erected or enlarged, nor shall any building, structure or land be used, designed or arranged for any purpose without provisions for such off-street parking and/or loading facilities as required by this code, nor shall any off-street parking or loading area, whether required by this code or voluntarily provided, be developed other than in the manner set forth herein. Seasonal parking facilities are exempt from the requirements of this chapter and need not be developed in the manner set forth herein.

For the purpose of these standards, 153 square feet of area shall be deemed a parking space for one vehicle. The minimum dimensions for each parking space shall be eight feet wide by 18 feet long. The maximum permitted dimensions for each parking space (except for designated handicapped spaces) shall be 10 feet wide by 20 feet long. On corner or through lots, (A) parking space may not be included within the area of any of required yards lying adjacent to either street, and (B) in no case shall any required off-street parking space be allowed to back out directly onto any arterial right-of-way (a residential garage or carport space shall be considered an off-street parking space).

The access aisles within any off-street parking area shall be a maximum of 24 feet wide. The primary internal circulation system of an off-street parking lot, where no parking spaces are provided directly off this internal roadway, shall have a maximum width of 30 feet.

All parking spaces and access driveways shall be paved or otherwise surfaced with an all-weather surface, and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water that might accumulate within or upon such area. No surface water from any parking area shall be permitted to drain onto adjoining property.

Required loading spaces shall not be construed as supplying off-street parking space. In case of a use not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street parking facilities for a use that is mentioned, and to which said unmentioned use is similar, shall apply (this determination shall be made by the building and zoning official). (Ord. 1414-24 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.030 Timing of the provision of required off-street parking and off-street loading spaces.

Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided at the time any use of land is established; or at the time that an occupancy permit is requested at the completion of construction of any building or structure; or at the time any building, structure, or land is altered or enlarged in any manner to increase the amount of off-street parking or loading spaces as required by this code. However, when the use of any building or land existing at the time of adoption of this code is changed to a use in which the parking requirements are calculated differently from the method of calculation for the former use, only such additional parking as may result by reason of the different calculation need be provided for the changed use. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.040 Requirement to retain off-street parking and loading space.

The requirements for off-street parking and loading shall be a continuing obligation of the owner or his assignee of the real estate on which any use is located as long as the use continues, and is a use that requires off-street parking or loading. It shall be unlawful for an owner of any building or land use activity affected by the off-street parking and loading requirements to discontinue, change, reduce or dispense with, or cause the discontinuance, change, or reduction of the required off-street parking or loading space. It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm, or corporation to use such building or land without acquiring such area as is required and permitted to fulfill the off-street parking and loading requirements. Whenever off-street parking is required and cannot be provided on the same lot as the principal building, and is located on another parcel or property provided for and utilized for off-street parking, said parcel of property shall be owned by the owner of the principal building or, in the alternative, shall be restricted by a recorded agreement to off-street parking purposes during, or as long as off-street parking is required for such principal building, in accordance with the terms of this code. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.050 Permitted reductions in off-street parking requirements.

Off-street parking space required under these standards may be reduced at the time the capacity or use of a building is changed in such a manner that the new use or capacity would require less space than before the change. Such reduction may not be below the requirements set forth in these standards. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.060 Location of off-street parking and loading areas.

The required off-street parking and loading areas shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land they are intended to serve. However, if the required off-street parking spaces cannot be provided, in whole or in part, on the same lot on which the principal building is located, such required off-street parking may be located on another lot or parcel of land within 1,000 feet of the premises to be served, provided:

A. The owner of such parking area enters into a written agreement with the city of Sultan providing that the land comprising the parking area shall never be disposed of, nor the use changed, except in conjunction with the sale of the building that the parking area serves, so long as the facility is required; and

B. The owner agrees to bear the expense of recording the agreement and agrees that said agreement shall bind his heirs, successors, and assigns. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.070 Limitations on vehicular storage.

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, off-street parking spaces required herein may be occupied by the occupants, employees, or patrons of the property or by visitors, or by delivery vehicles incidental to the principal use, but not by vehicles being repaired, stored or displayed for sale or hire. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.080 Determination of seating capacity at places of assembly.

In stadiums, sport arenas, houses of worship and other places of assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each 20 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking facilities. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.090 Collective off-street parking provisions.

Nothing in these standards shall be construed to prevent the collective provision of off-street parking facilities for two or more structures or uses; provided, that the total of such off-street parking spaces supplied collectively shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately; provided also, that the requirements set forth hereinbefore as to maximum distances between parking facilities and principal structures or uses served shall apply to each structure or use participating in the collective provisions for parking. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.100 Joint-use parking requirements.

A. Places of Public Assembly. Parking spaces already provided to meet off-street parking requirements of stores, office buildings, schools, and industrial establishments, situated on the same site as places of public assembly, and that are not normally in use between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and midnight and are made available for other parking, may be used to meet not more than 50 percent of the total requirements of parking spaces. Written agreement is required for such joint-use parking arrangements between the officials of the place of public assembly and the owner or manager of the other development and parking area on the site.

B. Mixed-Use Developments. In the case of mixed uses (such as shopping centers), the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use, except as specified above for joint use.

C. Shared Parking Agreement. Parking facilities may be cooperatively used by different land uses, when the times of the use of such parking spaces by each use are not simultaneous. A shared parking agreement signed by all parties who share the parking facilities and approved by the community development director (director) shall be required that binds the parking facilities and the parties until the agreement is dissolved by all parties and approved by the director. The total number of required parking spaces may be reduced from the requirements of this chapter, if it is demonstrated through a parking study that complementary uses, internal trip capture or uses with different peak parking needs justify the reduction in required parking spaces at all times. A covenant running with the land shall be made between the property owner (owner) and the city of Sultan (city) stating the responsibilities of the owner and shall be recorded with Snohomish County. A copy with the recording number and parking layouts and scheduled times of use by the specific uses sharing the on-site parking spaces shall be submitted as part of any permit application for development. When any shared parking agreement subject to the covenant is to be modified or terminated, the owner shall be responsible for notifying the director and providing a revised site plan and schedule for meeting the parking requirements of all the development on the property subject to the covenant. (Ord. 1347-21 § 20; Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.110 Requirements for retail trade establishments, personal service establishments, business establishments, offices, hotels, motels, lodging houses, guest houses, night clubs, and health spas in the UC zoning district.

To promote more compact urban settlements, the city of Sultan is encouraging the development of activity nodes that require less of a reliance on the private automobile. To that end, as can be seen in the tables of dimensional and density requirements for the UC zoning district, front and side yard setbacks are not required for retail trade establishments, personal service establishments, business establishments, offices, night clubs, and health spas. In furtherance of this goal, the off-street parking requirements for these categories of uses, as well as hotels, motels, lodging houses, and guest houses, as contained in the off-street parking table contained in this chapter, are reduced by 50 percent when they are proposed to be located in the UC zoning district. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.120 Development and maintenance of off-street parking areas.

For every parcel of land hereafter used, off-street parking shall be developed and maintained by the owner in accordance with the following requirements:

A. Minimum Distances and Setbacks. No part of any off-street parking area containing five or more vehicle spaces shall be closer than six feet to any dwelling, school, hospital, or other institution for human care. If on the same lot with a principal structure, the parking area shall not be located within the front yard or side street yard setback area required for such structure.

B. Bumper Guard and/or Bollard Requirements. There shall be provided a bumper guard and/or bollard of either wood, metal or concrete not more than two feet in height and securely anchored into the ground on all sides of the parking area where there is required a protective fence or wall. Any required bumper guard and/or bollard shall be located at such distance so that automobiles will not strike the protective fence or wall. As an alternative, a concrete beam serving the same purpose may be provided.

C. Off-Street Parking Area Surfacing Requirements. Any off-street parking area containing more than five vehicle spaces shall be surfaced with an asphaltic, bituminous, cement, gravel, grass pavers, or other stable parking surface so as to provide a durable surface, and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the off-street parking area.

D. Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises used for residential purposes in any district.

E. Entrance, Exit, and Maneuvering Space. Vehicular drives providing entrance and exit to the street system from the off-street parking area shall have a minimum pavement width of 22 feet. One-way vehicular drives shall have a minimum pavement width of 10 feet. This requirement shall not apply to single-family detached residences, accessory dwelling units, townhomes, duplexes, or any housing type with fewer than 12 units. The right turn radius on the side of the driveway exposed to entry or exit by right-turning vehicles shall be a minimum of 17 feet. Maneuvering areas shall be sufficient to permit vehicles to enter and leave the parking lot in a forward motion except for single-family detached dwelling units.

F. Other Design Requirements.

1. Off-street parking areas for all developments shall be designed so that sanitation, emergency, and other public service vehicles can serve such developments without the necessity of backing up unreasonable distances, or making other dangerous or hazardous turning movements.

2. Circulation areas for off-street parking lots shall be designed so that vehicles can proceed safely without posing a danger to pedestrians or other vehicles, and without adversely interfering with the normal functioning of the parking lot.

3. The parking spaces shall be appropriately demarcated with painted lines or other markings.

4. Off-street parking areas shall be properly maintained in all respects. They shall be kept in good condition (free from pot holes, etc.) and parking space lines or markings shall be kept clearly visible and distinct.

5. Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided in all required off-street parking areas, at a rate of two percent of the total required parking spaces, but in no case less than one space, and adequately posted to be in conformance with all appropriate federal and state laws.

6. No speed-bumps shall be installed within 100 feet of the point of access from the off-street parking lot to the street.

G. Tandem parking spaces are permitted for residential uses at the rate of one stall per 20 linear feet. (Ord. 1414-24 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.130 Plan requirement.

A plan shall be submitted to the building and zoning official with every development permit application for any building or use that is required to provide off-street parking and loading. The plan shall accurately depict the required number and location of parking space, other spaces in excess of the requirements, access aisles, driveways, vehicle turn-around or backup areas, areas designated for trash collection, off-street loading spaces (if required), the distance of the off-street parking facilities to the structure or uses they are intended to serve, as well as the relationship of the parking lot to the street system into which the motor vehicles utilizing the parking areas will discharge. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.140 Minimum required off-street parking spaces.

The minimum number of required off-street parking spaces shall be determined from the following table, except for the provisions enumerated in SMC 16.54.110. Requirements for any use not specifically mentioned shall be the same as the use most similar to the one sought. When units of measurement determining the required off-street parking spaces result in a fractional space, then such fraction equal to or greater than one-half shall be interpreted as one off-street parking space.


Table 16.54-A 



Parking Requirement


Single-Family Detached and Attached Dwellings

2 spaces per dwelling

Duplexes/Two-Family Dwellings

2 spaces per dwelling unit, except that a one-bedroom unit shall require 1 space per unit

Attached Housing

2 spaces per dwelling unit, except that one-bedroom units shall require 1 space per unit

Apartments/Multifamily Dwellings

1 space per studio or one-bedroom unit and 2 spaces for each larger unit

Accessory Dwelling Units

1 space per unit

Apartment Accessory to a Commercial Use

1 space per studio or one-bedroom unit and 2 spaces for each larger unit

Live/Work Dwelling Units

1.25 spaces per unit

Residential Treatment Facilities

3 spaces for each 5 beds, except for uses exclusively serving children under 16 years of age, in which case 1 space for every 3 beds shall be required

Permanent Supportive Housing and Transitional Housing

1.25 spaces for every employee on maximum shift. No parking spaces are required for individual units, tenants, or residents residing in the building.

Emergency Shelters and Emergency Housing

No minimum parking is required. Adequate parking for staff is strongly encouraged.

Boarding Houses

1 space per bedroom


1 space for each 5 beds


1 space for each 4 beds


Hotels and Similar Uses Providing Overnight Accommodation

1 space for each room available for rent, plus 1 space for each 2 employees working at any one time

Convenience Stores

1 space per 150 square feet of gross floor area

Grocery Stores/Supermarket/Drug Store/General Merchandise

1 space per 150 square feet of gross floor area

Other Retail Sales Establishments

1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area

Eating and Drinking Establishments (No Drive-In or Fast Food)

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area

Drive-In or Fast Food Restaurant

1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area

Auto Service Station

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, plus sufficient space to accommodate vehicles at pumps without interfering with other parking spaces

Auto Repair/Maintenance/Tire Replacement Shops

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area

Auto Sales and Service Establishments (Display/Showroom Area Only)

1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area plus 1 space for each employee


Business/Professional Offices and Banks

1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for every 4 employees



1 space per classroom, plus 1 space for each 10 students (based on the rated capacity of the facility)

Elementary and Middle Schools

1.75 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space for each 8 students (based on the rated capacity of the facility)

Secondary Schools

5 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space for each 5 students (based on the rated capacity of the facility)

Business/Trade/Vocational Schools

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area


Hospitals/Health Care Facilities

1 space per bed, or 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater

Nursing, Rest, Convalescent Homes

1 space per bed

Post Offices

1 space per 50 square feet of gross floor area

Government Offices/Courthouses

1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area

Public Safety Facilities

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area

Community Centers (Public or Private)

1 space for every 4 seats (fixed seating) or 1 space per 50 square feet of gross floor area (no fixed seating)

Houses of Worship/Places of Public Assembly

1 space for every 4 seats (fixed seating) or 1 space per 50 square feet of gross floor area (no fixed seating)


1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area


Parks and Recreational Areas

1 space per 5,000 square feet of land area


Restricted Limited Manufacturing (New Facility on Vacant or Cleared Land)

1 space for every 2 employees on maximum shift, or 1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater

Restricted Limited Manufacturing (Conversion of Existing Improvements)

As practicable on the available lot, up to the greater of 1 space for any 2 employees on maximum shift or 1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. The acquisition of new or additional land shall not be required.(1)

Veterinarians/Kennels/Animal Hospitals

1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area

Health Care Facilities

1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area

Museums/Art Galleries

1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area open to the general public

Dry Cleaners/Laundromat Enterprises

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area

Manufacturing/Assembling/ Fabrication Operation Plants

1 space for every 2 employees on maximum shift, or 1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater

Greenhouse/Nursery Facilities

1 space per 1,000 square feet of lot area used for storage, display, or sales, plus 1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area

Warehousing/Storage/Wholesale Enterprises

1 space for every 2 employees on maximum shift, but not less than 1 space per 2,000 square feet of gross floor area

(1) However, if the hearing examiner finds the proposed conditional use request may substantially reduce the existing parking for adjacent land uses in the neighborhood, additional off-street parking may be required to mitigate this impact.

(Ord. 1414-24 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1304-19B § 4; Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.150 Off-street loading space requirements.

A. On the same premises with every building, structure or part thereof erected and occupied for manufacturing, storage, warehousing, goods display, department store, wholesale store, retail sales outlet, hotel, hospital, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning, or other uses similarly involving the receipt and distribution of vehicles, materials, or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the lot adequate space for standing, turning, loading and unloading services to avoid interference with the public use of the streets and alleys.

Each such loading and unloading space shall be an area at least 12 by 50 feet with a 15-foot height clearance, and shall be provided as specified below for gross nonresidential (hotel rooms shall be defined as residential floor area for the purposes of this requirement) floor area, except that:

1. No spaces are required for structures with less than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area.

2. One space is required for structures with more than 10,000 but less than 20,000 square feet of gross floor area.

3. Additional off-street loading spaces shall be provided at a rate of one space for each additional 20,000 square feet or increment thereof.

4. No more than seven loading spaces shall be required, except for warehouse and industrial buildings.

B. Loading and unloading areas shall be so located and designed that the vehicles intended to use them can maneuver safely and conveniently to and from the roadway serving the property, and the loading/unloading operations can be completed without obstructing or interfering with any roadway traffic or any off-street parking space or parking lot aisle.

C. No area allocated to loading/unloading facilities may be used to satisfy the area requirements for off-street parking, nor shall any portion of any off-street parking area be used to satisfy the area requirements for off-street loading/unloading facilities.

D. For restricted limited manufacturing (conversion of existing improvements) off-street loading space shall only be required as specified in subsection (A) of this section to the extent practicable on the available lot. The acquisition of new or additional land shall not be required. (Ord. 1244-16 § 3 (Exh. A))

16.54.160 Additional guest parking requirements for residential subdivisions.

In addition to the off-street parking requirements contained in SMC 16.54.140, all residential subdivisions shall provide an adequate number of guest stalls within the development as required in this section.

A. Guest parking shall be provided at the rate of one-half space per residence proposed in the development, not including accessory dwelling units.

B. A parking plan shall be submitted with preliminary applications for subdivisions. The parking plan shall include sufficient detail for staff to confirm compliance with all applicable parking and guest parking requirements.

C. Guest stalls can be provided in the following ways:

1. Shared Parking Tracts. A subdivision may develop shared parking for use by the subdivision’s residences including screening and landscaping.

a. All parking areas must meet all requirements for parking areas defined in this chapter.

b. All parking areas shall be developed with an asphaltic or better surface to prevent dust or tracking dirt into public roads.

c. The shared parking areas shall be maintained by the homeowners’ association or a divided interest of owners within the development.

d. Shared parking areas shall be developed in a separate tract.

e. Shared parking tracts shall be designed so they do not create any safety hazards to vehicular or pedestrian users of public roads.

2. Street Parking. Parking stalls which are located on new streets constructed within a proposed subdivision may be counted.

a. Designs of streets and street parking shall be in conformance with the adopted standards of Chapter 11.12 SMC.

b. Street parking on exterior frontages shall not be counted.

c. All proposed street parking stalls in residential subdivisions must allow legal parking and meet the minimum stall size of SMC 16.54.020 with the following exceptions:

i. Parallel stalls shall be a minimum of 21 feet in length.

ii. Angled parking stalls shall have sufficient length to permit a 21-foot-long vehicle to park without blocking traffic.

d. A maximum of 50 percent of the proposed guest stalls may be provided as street parking.

3. On-Lot Parking. Parking stalls in addition to those required by SMC 16.54.140 can be located on the proposed lots within a subdivision.

a. Because the stalls are not shared, guest parking stalls on lots shall be counted at a rate of 50 percent.

b. If stalls are provided in a garage structure, approval of the subdivision shall be conditioned with the requirement that the garage shall be constructed with sufficient clear area for a vehicle to park in the garage.

c. A maximum of 50 percent of the proposed guest stalls may be provided as street parking. (Ord. 1414-24 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 1338-20 § 1 (Exh. A))