Chapter 15.24
15.24.020 Authority to enforce.
15.24.030 Adoption by reference.
15.24.070 Penalty for violation.
15.24.080 Violations declared a public nuisance.
15.24.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish the city of Tonasket building and permits department as the local enforcement agency with respect to the installation, use and abatement of factory-assembled structures within the city of Tonasket. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.020 Authority to enforce.
The city’s general policing powers not superseded by RCW 43.22.410 with respect to design criteria of units, are retained as authority to verify the installation and use to be consistent with the rules adopted for the health and welfare of the community. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.030 Adoption by reference.
The following chapters of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) are hereby adopted by reference and thereby incorporated herein:
A. Chapter 296-150C, Commercial Coaches;
B. Chapter 296-150F, Factory-Built Housing and Commercial Structures;
C. Chapter 296-150M, Manufactured Homes;
D. Chapter 296-150P, Recreational Park Trailers;
E. Chapter 296-150R, Recreational Vehicles;
F. Chapter 296-150T, Factory-Built Temporary Worker Housing Structures;
G. Chapter 296-150V, Conversion Vendor Units and Medical Units. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.040 Conflict.
Where, in any specific case, different sections of the adopted reference codes of this chapter specify different materials, methods of construction, installation or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.050 Permits required.
A. No structure regulated by this chapter shall be moved on to a lot, installed or have its character of occupancy changed unless a separate permit for each structure has first been obtained from the building official; except, the temporary storage or display of a unit at an approved factory-built structure dealership and/or manufacturer facility.
B. Fees for Installation Inspection and Permit Processing. Installation permit fees to cover the costs incurred by the city for permit processing and on-site inspections of the installation and other related work shall be as established by ordinance and are to be consistent with the fees collected for a building permit and plan review of comparable work done on site. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.060 Violations.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install, locate, improve, convert or demolish, equip, add to, or use a factory-built structure in a manner that is not consistent with its listing, occupy or maintain any building or structure or property or portion thereof or cause or permit the same to be done in violation of these adopted codes or of this chapter. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.070 Penalty for violation.
All penalties for violations of this chapter shall be applied as prescribed by TMC 15.04.060. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.24.080 Violations declared a public nuisance.
All violations of this chapter are hereby declared a public nuisance and shall be abated in a manner as prescribed by Chapter 15.08 TMC. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).