Chapter 15.28
15.28.010 Scope of this chapter.
15.28.020 Office established – Appointment.
15.28.070 Issuance of permits.
15.28.010 Scope of this chapter.
This chapter pertains to the fire safety issues normal to the application of the city’s regulatory responsibility under this title and shall not be construed as limiting the city’s policing authority to control and investigation of emergency scenes. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.020 Office established – Appointment.
A. In the office of the fire chief there is created a position for an official under direct charge of the fire chief, known for the purpose of this chapter as the fire marshal. The fire marshal is empowered to enforce all the provisions of this title.
B. The fire marshal shall either be:
1. An appointed employee position of the city; or
2. The fire marshal of another city, district or county having a fire department where the city of Tonasket has entered an approved contract with said jurisdiction for the enforcement of this title within the city of Tonasket; or
3. The building official of the city of Tonasket.
C. In the absence of a mutual aid agreement with a different jurisdiction, during the temporary absence or disability of the fire marshal, the mayor shall designate an acting fire marshal. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.030 Qualifications.
No person shall be appointed as fire marshal unless he is in good health and physical condition capable of making the necessary examinations and inspections, and shall have had experience and training in the fire service. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.040 Duties.
A. The fire marshal shall devote such time to the duties of his office as is required to properly perform the same. The office of the fire marshal may be combined with, or held in addition to, any other appointed position in the city.
B. The fire marshal shall receive applications required by this title, issue permits, and furnish the required certificates. He shall examine the premises for which permits have been issued and shall make necessary inspection to see that the provisions of law are complied with and that construction is prosecuted safely.
C. The fire marshal is directed to enforce all the provisions of this title and codes adopted by reference relative to fire and life safety issues.
D. The fire marshal shall, when requested by proper authority, or when the public interest so requires, make investigations in connection with matters referred to in the adopted codes, and render written reports on the same.
E. To enforce compliance of the law, to remove illegal or unsafe conditions, to secure the necessary safeguards during construction, or to require adequate exit facilities in buildings or structures, the fire marshal shall issue such notices or orders as may be necessary. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.050 Records.
The fire marshal shall keep comprehensive records of applications, of permits issued, of certificates issued, of inspections made, of reports rendered, and of notices and orders issued. The fire marshal shall retain on file copies of required plans and all documents relating to building work so long as any part of the building or structure to which they relate is in existence. Such record shall be open to public inspection for good and sufficient reasons during regular office hours, but shall not be removed from the office of the building official.
A. Reports – City. The fire marshal shall make such reports to the mayor or city council as may from time to time be requested.
B. Reports – Others. The fire marshal shall make such reports to other county, state and federal agencies as required by law. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.060 Right of entry.
The fire marshal, in the discharge of his official duties and upon proper identification, shall have authority to enter any building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.070 Issuance of permits.
A. Whenever the fire marshal is considering an application for a permit specified by this title, the fire marshal shall transmit the same to the permit administrator for processing, except for regular open burning permits. The fire marshal shall issue no permit that is in conflict with other municipal code regulations.
B. Validity of Permits. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this title or any ordinance of the city. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this title or other ordinances of the city shall not be valid. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.080 Fees.
Fees for applications, permits, inspections and other services authorized by this title shall be as set forth in TMC 15.32.070 in conjunction with the adopted fee ordinance. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).
15.28.090 Appeals.
Any person having interest in a building or property to which a decision, determination or order is directed may appeal said decision of the fire marshal to the board of appeals provided such appeal is in writing in the proper format and is filed within 30 days of the said action at the office of the building official. Valid appeals will be processed as provided by TMC 15.04.060. (Ord. 592 § 2, 2002).