Chapter 18.50
18.50.020 Parking, loading and bicycle facility general regulations.
18.50.030 Residential off-street parking.
18.50.060 Off-street parking areas – Design requirements.
18.50.070 Off-street parking space standards.
18.50.075 Modification of off-street parking space standards.
18.50.080 On-street parking credit.
18.50.090 Shared and combined parking facilities.
18.50.120 Required bicycle facilities.
18.50.010 Intent.
The intent of this chapter is:
A. To provide accessible, attractive and well-maintained off-street parking facilities;
B. To reduce traffic congestion and hazards;
C. To encourage efficient land use and alternative transportation strategies by promoting an equitable balance of parking needs and pedestrian accessibility;
D. To ensure the maneuverability of emergency vehicles;
E. To provide aesthetically pleasing parking facilities in proportion to individual land use needs;
F. To decrease unnecessary impervious surfaces; and
G. To appropriately apply environmental best practices to parking construction and regulation.
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.020 Parking, loading and bicycle facility general regulations.
A. Off-street parking, loading spaces, and bicycle facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter when any of the following situations occur. These provisions apply to all uses and structures in all land use districts unless otherwise specified by this chapter.
1. When a principal or accessory building, except a storage shed smaller than five hundred square feet in the GB green belt, OS open space, RSR residential/sensitive resource, SFL single-family low density residential, or SFM single-family medium density residential zone districts, is erected.
2. When a principal or accessory building, except a storage shed smaller than five hundred square feet in the GB green belt, OS open space, RSR residential/sensitive resource, SFL single-family low density residential, or SFM single-family medium density residential zone districts, is relocated or expanded.
3. When a use is changed to one requiring more or less parking or loading spaces.
B. Required Plans. Building permits and city business licenses shall not be issued until there is an approved site plan identifying parking and loading facilities in accordance with this chapter.
C. Unlawful Removal. Parking, loading, and bicycle facilities meeting the requirements of this chapter shall not be discontinued unless alternative facilities are established. These facilities shall not be reduced in total unless approved alternatives are provided in compliance with this chapter, or a change in occupancy or use of a premises has occurred which results in a reduction of required parking.
D. Use of Facility. The property owner is responsible for ensuring that parking and loading facilities are only used by persons or uses for which the facilities are provided, including shared, combined, or leased parking.
E. Off-Site Parking. Parking lots may be established as a separate and primary land use in zones where they are listed as permitted or conditional uses.
F. Location. Off-street parking facilities may be provided either on site or within a one-quarter mile (one thousand three hundred twenty feet) walk of the primary entrance to the building unless otherwise specified. Off-street parking spaces shall not be allowed within yard areas except for residential off-street parking as provided in TMC 18.50.030(C) or ten feet from the property line in the front yard setback of the LI light industrial zone district.
G. Unlisted Uses. Any use clearly similar to any of the uses listed in TMC 18.50.070 as determined by the community development director shall meet the requirement for such use. If a similarity of use is not apparent, the community development director may require a parking demand study or determine the standards that should be applied to the use in question.
H. When the number of required parking spaces or bicycle spaces for a particular use or building results in a fractional space, any fraction less than one-half shall be disregarded and any fraction of one-half or greater shall be counted as one space, except for on-street credit wherein fractions shall be disregarded.
I. Maintenance. It shall be the duty of the owner(s) of a required parking area to maintain the area in a safe condition and in compliance with TMC 18.50.060.
J. Penalty. Any person found to have violated any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to have committed a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to TMC Chapter 1.10.
Provided further, each day of continuing violation shall be considered a separate and distinct civil infraction.
(Ord. O2022-013, Amended, 10/04/2022; Ord. O2017-022, Amended, 12/05/2017; Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O2011-002, Amended, 03/01/2011; Ord. O98-009, Amended, 10/20/1998; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.030 Residential off-street parking.
A. Required residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of an uncovered parking area, garage, carport, or combination thereof; and shall be located on the premises they are intended to serve.
B. Required parking spaces and driveways shall have a hard surface approved by the city, such as concrete, asphalt, or turfstone, except that driveways served by gravel roadways, and auxiliary parking spaces in excess of required parking, may be surfaced with gravel. Existing lots of record one acre or larger in size, located in a residential zone, and legally established prior to December 31, 1998, shall have the option of using gravel as a surface material for off-street parking spaces and driveways. Gravel parking areas and driveways shall be designed to not track material into the public right-of-way to the satisfaction of the community development director and shall have a hard surface apron a minimum of five feet wide adjacent to hard-surfaced public roads.
C. Off-street parking spaces for single-family units and duplexes shall not be allowed within required yard areas, except within an approved driveway which is at least five feet from the adjoining property line or shared with the neighboring lots.
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.060 Off-street parking areas – Design requirements.
The following requirements shall apply to off-street parking areas accommodating four or more vehicles excluding single-family residential and duplexes:
A. Each parking area shall be designed to enable ingress and egress without requiring the vehicle to back over sidewalks, onto any roadway with a speed limit over twenty-five miles per hour, or onto a roadway that may pose inherent risks to traffic and safety to be determined by the public works director.
B. Parking areas shall be designed to:
1. Utilize ninety-degree parking if most efficient;
2. Orient parking rows perpendicular to the building to enhance pedestrian safety when possible;
3. Define stalls with white, or otherwise visible and uniform, striping a minimum of four inches wide to facilitate movement and maintain an orderly parking arrangement;
4. Minimize unnecessary impervious surfaces; and
5. Ensure access to public transportation through the design of internal roadways, parking areas, and pedestrian paths.
C. Parking facilities should provide for pedestrian accessibility between uses for transportation efficiency.
D. Sidewalks or walkways shall be designed to ensure pedestrian safety by separating any driveway or parking area from a building or roadway. Parking spaces must utilize approved wheelstops to prevent vehicle overhang of a sidewalk or walkway. (See interlock reduction in Figure 18.50.060(A).)
E. The surface of all parking and vehicle maneuvering areas shall have an approved hard surface such as asphalt, concrete or turfstone unless a hard surface would interfere with proper operations (such as agricultural uses) or some industrial uses such as a heavy equipment rental facility, general contractor equipment yard, and product lay-down yards associated with uses such as manufacturing, building material sales, and plant nurseries. Parking or maneuvering areas that do not use an approved hard surface shall use an approved prepared surface, such as gravel. Prepared surfaces shall be designed to not track material into the public right-of-way to the satisfaction of the community development director and shall have a hard surface apron a minimum of twenty feet wide adjacent to hard-surfaced public roads.
F. Landscaped islands or dividers shall be required at the end of parking bays to clearly define traffic and turning patterns.
G. Parking facilities shall comply with the landscaping provisions set forth in TMC Chapter 18.47.
H. Parking facilities shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the parking standards in Figures 18.50.060(A) and 18.50.060(B).
I. Accessible parking shall be provided in accordance with the building code, TMC Chapter 15.04.
J. Required High Occupancy Vehicles. All employers required to operate high occupancy vehicles (HOV) shall mark the closest parking spaces to the building “Reserved for HOV.” These spaces shall not displace required accessible parking.
K. Parking lot lighting not exceeding twenty-four feet in height is required to provide safe access for pedestrians unless otherwise specified. All outdoor artificial light sources shall comply with TMC 18.40.035, Exterior illumination.
L. Employers with one hundred or more employees which use an administrative modification specified by TMC 18.50.075(B) to increase parking must meet the following design elements:
1. Double the amount of interior landscaping required under TMC Chapter 18.47 within the parking lot. Fifty percent of this requirement, if proven to be maintained, may be Grasscrete, Turfblock or other drivable pervious surface within areas receiving sporadic use: usually the furthest from the building entrance.
2. Purchase and install a transit shelter to meet Intercity Transit operation needs unless already available within one-quarter mile and on the same side of the right-of-way as a primary entrance to the building. Intercity Transit may waive this requirement if it finds it impractical or may change the distance depending on density or demand.
3. Construct a transit pullout if subsection (L)(2) of this section is used, and if Intercity Transit finds it practical.
4. If transit requirements in subsections (L)(2) and (L)(3) of this section are deemed impractical or infeasible, credit may be given for other Intercity Transit or Thurston Regional Planning Council demand management strategies to the satisfaction of the community development director.
5. Construct a covered bicycle rack with secure bicycle lockers in accordance with TMC 18.50.120.
6. In those instances where site constraints impede these design elements, written findings of fact shall be made identifying site and project constraints, and shall be identified in the final project approval letter.
(Ord. O2017-022, Amended, 12/05/2017; Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O2010-017, Amended, 12/21/2010; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.070 Off-street parking space standards.
A. Off-street parking spaces shall be calculated using the standards outlined in Figure 18.50.070(A). Standards represent minimum and maximum numbers unless otherwise noted. Standards may be modified in accordance with TMC 18.50.075.
B. Parking spaces provided within a parking structure or underneath a building shall be exempt from maximum parking requirements.
C. All vehicle parking standards are based on gross square feet of building area, unless otherwise noted.
D. Preexisting Conditions.
1. Uses legally established on or before December 31, 1998, that have an insufficient number of parking spaces to comply with this chapter shall be considered in compliance with vehicular requirements for this chapter. Required bicycle facilities must still be provided.
2. If a use legally established on or before December 31, 1998, changes or expands, the additional parking that would be required as a result of the change or expansion will still be required at the rate specified in this chapter. For example:
A use providing eight spaces instead of the ten required by code and which meets the requirements of this chapter is thus in compliance. If the use changes or expands to one that would require twenty spaces (ten more than the current use) the parking generator is required to provide only ten more spaces instead of the twelve spaces that would otherwise be required.
E. Up to fifteen percent of off-street parking stalls may be compact stalls. Compact stalls shall be eight feet in width by seventeen feet in length.
(Ord. O2021-019, Amended, 01/18/2022; Ord. O2017-022, Amended, 12/05/2017; Ord. O2016-037, Amended, 01/03/2017; Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.075 Modification of off-street parking space standards.
A. Minor Modifications. A modification to increase or decrease parking standards in Figure 18.50.070(A) by up to ten percent shall automatically apply at the request of the project applicant.
B. Administrative Modifications. A modification to increase or decrease the parking standard in Figure 18.50.070(A) by ten percent to forty percent shall be considered by the city at the request of the project applicant.
1. The criteria for an administrative modification request are set forth below:
a. The project applicant shall present all findings, evidence, and reports to the community development director prior to any final, discretionary approvals; e.g., site plan approval, environmental review, or any planning, building, or engineering permits.
b. Modification requests may be granted based on the effectiveness of proposed transportation demand management strategies, significance and magnitude of the proposed modification, and compliance with this chapter.
c. Modification requests may be denied or altered if the community development director has reason to believe, based on experience and existing development practices, that the proposed modification may lead to excessive or inadequate parking or may inhibit or prevent regular and intended functions of either the proposed or existing use, or adjacent uses.
2. Submittal Requirements. A report shall be submitted by the applicant providing the basis for more or less parking and will include the following information:
a. For requests of up to twenty percent:
i. Describe the site and use characteristics, specifically:
(A) Site accessibility and proximity to transit infrastructure and transit times;
(B) Site accessibility and proximity to bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure;
(C) Shared and combined parking opportunities; and
(D) Employee or customer density and transportation practices.
ii. Describe and demonstrate alternative transportation strategies such as carpooling, flexible work schedules, telecommuting, or parking fees, if used;
iii. Demonstrate compliance with commute trip reduction measures as required by state law, if applicable;
iv. Identify possible negative effects on adjacent uses and mitigation strategies, if applicable; and
v. If increasing, employers with one hundred or more employees must meet the design and facility requirements in TMC 18.50.060(L).
b. For requests greater than twenty percent and up to forty percent:
i. Provide the contents of a twenty percent or less request;
ii. If increasing, provide a parking demand study prepared by a transportation engineer licensed in the state of Washington, which supports the need for more parking;
iii. Increased parking in excess of twenty percent shall be banked in accordance with TMC 18.50.100 for a minimum of three years; and
iv. If decreasing, show that the site is within a one-quarter-mile walk to transit service, or that it will be within six months of occupancy to be verified by Intercity Transit.
3. Administrative decisions may be appealed pursuant to TMC Chapter 14.12.
(Ord. O2024-005, Amended, 12/03/2024; Ord. O2014-008, Added, 10/07/2014)
18.50.080 On-street parking credit.
Properties not exclusively residential and located adjacent to a public right-of-way where on-street parking is permitted may receive credit for one off-street parking stall for each twenty linear feet of abutting right-of-way available for parallel parking, and 13.3 linear feet of abutting right-of-way available for diagonal parking; provided, that the public works director must approve a proposal for diagonal parking within the public right-of-way. This provision shall be applied for on-street parking on the same side of the street as the proposed land use, or on the opposite side of the street if the adjacent property does not have the potential for future development.
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Amended during 2011 reformat; O2011-002, Amended, 03/01/2011; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.090 Shared and combined parking facilities.
A. Definitions and Processes.
1. “Combined parking” means two or more land uses or a multitenant building which have similar hours of operation, and which merge parking needs to gain a higher efficiency in vehicular and pedestrian circulation, economize space, reduce impervious surface and result in a superior grouping of building(s). Combined parking facilities shall qualify to decrease the number of parking spaces by five percent with compliance of this section.
2. “Shared parking” means two or more land uses or a multitenant building within close proximity (parking facility must be within one thousand three hundred twenty feet of a primary entrance) which merge parking needs based on different operating hours to gain a higher efficiency in vehicular and pedestrian circulation, economize space, reduce impervious surface and result in a superior grouping of building(s).
a. When two or more land uses, or uses within a building, have distinctly different hours of operation (e.g., office and church), such uses shall qualify for a shared parking credit equal to one hundred percent of the less intensive use. Required parking shall be based on the use that demands the greatest amount of parking.
b. If two or more land uses, or uses within a building, have different daytime hours of operation (e.g., bowling alley and auto parts store), such uses shall qualify for a total parking reduction of no more than fifty percent of the least intensive use.
B. General Provisions. The community development director may require an applicant to demonstrate that shared or combined parking is feasible when adjacent land uses have different hours of operation. The community development director may require a parking demand study to ensure sufficient parking is provided.
1. Agreement. If authorized by the community development director and approved by the city attorney, an agreement establishing shared, combined, or banked parking shall be recorded with the county auditor’s office. Such agreements shall:
a. Run with the land for all properties and require city approval for any change or termination, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.
b. Be established as a condition of the occupancy permit for uses relying on the parking agreement.
2. Termination of Shared or Combined Parking. A shared or combined parking agreement shall not be terminated unless the community development department is notified at least one hundred twenty days prior to termination and one of the following actions is taken:
a. Alternative required parking is provided prior to the termination of the agreement; or
b. Administrative modifications or reduction options are approved to comply with the chapter prior to termination.
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Amended during 2011 reformat; O2011-002, Amended, 03/01/2011; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.100 Banked parking.
A. “Land banked parking” or “banked parking” refers to land reserved through an administrative modification for future development as parking in lieu of providing required parking. The land shall be graded and have ingress and egress access but may, in compliance with the Tumwater Municipal Code, be landscaped or used for other purposes such as bicycle facilities, outdoor seating, or temporary sales.
B. Eligibility. New and existing parking requirements may be satisfied through banked parking provided the applicant demonstrates that banked parking will not cause a shortage that restricts the regular and intended functions of surrounding uses to be determined by the community development director. Existing parking may be eligible for redevelopment as banked parking if spaces are used less than thirty days per year. No more than twenty-five percent of the supplied parking shall be converted to banked parking. Banked parking must complete a parking agreement in accordance with TMC 18.50.090(B)(1), and be capable of compliance with subsection (C)(2) of this section.
C. Termination and Development.
1. The land owner may decide to replace banked parking with the required parking at any time, unless subject to TMC 18.50.075(B)(2)(b)(iii) or otherwise specified.
2. The city shall have the right to require replacement of banked parking with required parking at any time if the community development director determines the use of banked parking inhibits regular and intended functions of surrounding uses, wherein the use shall provide required parking within one hundred eighty days.
3. After three years, the land owner may use an administrative modification to apply for removal of a banked parking reservation, after which the restriction on the land will be removed and reduced parking shall be allowed.
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O2010-014, Amended, 06/15/2010; Ord. O97-015, Added, 03/03/1998)
18.50.110 Purchased credits.
A. If the community development director determines that available public parking options, including on-street parking, exist within five hundred feet, and the use is within the boundaries of the brewery district or the capitol corridor, the land owner may voluntarily enter into an agreement with the city in which the land owner may purchase parking credits equal to providing parking stalls.
B. Purchased credits shall not exceed public parking commonly available within five hundred feet of the main entrance during the use’s normal business hours and shall not exceed fifteen percent of the use’s required parking.
C. Fees will be established by the city council to reflect the costs of constructing and providing public parking, and will be intended to benefit public parking and multimodal transportation options.
(Ord. O2014-008, Added, 10/07/2014)
18.50.120 Required bicycle facilities.
The following requirements shall apply to any off-street parking area designed to accommodate ten or more vehicles and any non-single-family/duplex development over three thousand square feet. This requirement excludes auxiliary buildings that are not a primary arrival location for employees, visitors, or residents, such as storage buildings.
A. Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Figure 18.50.120(A). Bicycle facilities satisfying Figure 18.50.120(A) shall meet the following requirements. Bicycle facilities provided in excess of Figure 18.50.120(A) shall only be required to meet subsections (A)(4) through (A)(6) of this section:
1. Covered to protect bicycles from weather;
2. Visible from primary entrances or provide signs indicating location;
3. Illuminated;
4. Secure to protect bicycles from theft through the use of racks, cages, lockers, or other approved methods;
5. Located within one hundred feet of primary entrances for employees, visitors, or residents unless combined with other uses on site for convenience, in which case bicycle facilities shall be located within two hundred feet of a primary entrance. Bicycle facilities should be located no farther away from the main entrance than the nearest nonaccessible space;
6. Accessible for bicycles, defined as the following:
a. Provide proper maneuvering space (usually a minimum of twenty-four inches) between landscaping, buildings, and other obstructions;
b. Not interfere with means of ingress or egress from the building; and
c. Accessible without using stairs.
B. Short-term (class 2) bicycle facilities shall provide a secure and quickly accessible space to lock a bicycle to a bicycle rack.
1. Racks shall enable the use of a U-lock between the bicycle frame and the rack. Additionally, racks shall support the bicycle frame in two or more places (e.g., “inverted U”).
2. Racks shall provide a bicycle parking space equal to twenty-two inches by six feet, unless placed side to side, in which case they may be placed thirty-six inches apart.
3. Prohibited racks include grid/comb/wheelbenders which only secure a wheel, and wave/ribbon racks.
4. Encouraged racks include inverted “U,” “A,” post and loop racks, and security rails.
5. Long-term bicycle facilities provided in excess of the minimum requirements shall serve to meet up to fifty percent of short-term bicycle facility requirements at the request of the land owner.
C. Long-term (class 1) bicycle facilities shall protect bicycles and their components from theft, unauthorized access, and weather. Examples include a lockable bike cage or class 1 bicycle lockers.
1. Each bicycle must be able to be individually locked or secured unless the facility is designed to only be used by an individual or family (such as in a private garage). If racks are used, they must be compliant with subsection B of this section.
2. Bicycle lockers are encouraged, but no site should depend solely on bicycle lockers for long-term storage. Bicycle lockers should have a see-through window or view-hole to discourage improper use.
3. Each residential unit shall have access to the required long-term bicycle space.
4. Long-term bicycle facilities shall be provided as specified in Figure 18.50.120(A).
D. All major employers or major worksites as defined by RCW 70.94.524 shall provide a minimum of one shower and changing facility per gender.
E. Administrative Modification. If, in the judgment of the community development director, required bicycle facilities are demonstrated by the applicant to be excessive for a particular development given its use (such as with a residential care facility or rest home), or if there are unusual circumstances which preclude the establishment of required bicycle facilities, the community development director may allow reduced standards. Administrative decisions may be appealed pursuant to TMC Chapter 14.12.
(Ord. O2024-005, Amended, 12/03/2024; Ord. O2022-013, Amended, 10/04/2022; Ord. O2014-008, Added, 10/07/2014)
Angle |
Stall Width (A) |
*Stall Depth (B) |
**Aisle Width (C) |
Parking Module Width (D) |
Interlock Reduction (E) |
45º |
9' – 0" |
17' – 4" |
12' – 3" |
46' – 11" |
2' – 0" |
50º |
9' – 0" |
18' – 4" |
12' – 9" |
49' – 5" |
1' – 10" |
55º |
9' – 0" |
18' – 6" |
13' – 3" |
50' – 3" |
1' – 7" |
60º |
9' – 0" |
18' – 10" |
14' – 3" |
51' – 11" |
1' – 4" |
65º |
9' – 0" |
19' – 0" |
15' – 2" |
53' – 2" |
1' – 2" |
70º |
9' – 0" |
19' – 2" |
16' – 1" |
54' – 5" |
0' – 11" |
75º |
9' – 0" |
19' – 0" |
17' – 6" |
55' – 6" |
0' – 8" |
90º |
9' – 0" |
18' – 0" |
22' – 6" |
58' – 6" |
N/A |
( ) Definitions for letters in parentheses appear in Figure 18.50.060(B).
* For accessible parking standards, refer to TMC Chapter 15.04.
** If parking aisle also serves as a required fire lane, the minimum unobstructed width shall be twenty feet.
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014)
Figure 18.50.060(B)
(Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014)
Single-family dwelling (includes duplex and townhouse and designated manufactured homes) |
Minimum of 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit. |
Accessory dwelling |
1.0 space per dwelling unit, if no on-street parking is available within 300 feet of the unit. |
Studio apartment |
1.0 space per dwelling unit. |
Multifamily dwelling |
1.5 spaces per 1 – 2 bedroom dwelling unit, 2.0 spaces per 3+ bedroom dwelling units, plus 1.0 guest space for every 10 units.1 |
Triplex and fourplex |
1.5 spaces per 1 – 2 bedroom dwelling unit, 2.0 spaces per 3+ bedroom dwelling units, plus 1.0 guest space for every 10 units.1 |
Senior citizen apartment |
1.0 space per 2 bedroom unit plus 1.0 guest spaces for every 10 units. |
Rooming/boarding house and bed and breakfasts |
1.0 space for each guest bedroom and 2.0 spaces for the operator. |
Group foster home |
1.0 space for each staff member plus 1.0 space for every 5 residents. Additionally, 1.0 space shall be provided for each vehicle used in connection with the facility. |
Adult family home |
1.0 space in addition to the space(s) required for the residential unit. |
Residential care facility |
1.0 space for each staff member plus 1.0 space for every 5 residents. Additionally, 1.0 space shall be provided for each vehicle used in connection with the facility. |
Designated manufactured home park |
1.0 spaces per lot or unit, whichever is greater. In addition, if recreation facilities are provided, 1.0 space per 10 units or lots, whichever is greater. |
Home occupation |
1.0 space for each employee outside of the immediate family in addition to the spaces required for the dwelling unit. If the occupation requires any customers and/or clients to visit the premises, at least 2.0 additional spaces shall be provided. |
(1) Can be reduced to 1.0 spaces per 1 – 2 bedroom dwelling unit and 1.5 spaces per 3+ bedroom unit if within one-half mile of a transit stop by sidewalk or paved path. |
Banks with drive-through windows/ATM units |
3.0 per 1,000 square feet. |
Beauty salon, barber shop |
See Retail use. |
Carpet and furniture showrooms |
1.25 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross showroom floor area. Each store shall have a minimum of 4.0 spaces. |
Family child care home, child mini-day care center, child day care center |
1.0 space for each staff member plus 1.0 space per 10 children. A facility located in a family residence must also provide required parking for a dwelling unit. |
Hardware and building materials retailer |
2.75 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Hotel and motel |
1.0 space for each room or suite and 1.0 space per manager’s unit. Banquet and meeting rooms shall provide 6.0 spaces for 1,000 square feet of seating area. Restaurants are figured separately. |
Laundromat, dry cleaner |
See Retail use. |
Market, shopping center, and large retail/wholesale outlet |
Less than 20,000 square feet = 3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Greater than 20,000 square feet = 3.25 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. |
Mini-storage facility |
1.0 space for every 100 storage units and 2.0 spaces for permanent on-site managers with a minimum of 3.0 spaces for all facilities, regardless of size. |
Mixed use |
Shared or combined parking standards shall be used to calculate needed parking. This calculation is based upon the gross leasable area for each shop or business and does not include atriums, foyers, hallways, courts, maintenance areas, etc. See Shared and combined parking facilities, TMC 18.50.090. |
Mortuary and funeral parlor |
1.0 space per 75 square feet of assembly area or 13.0 stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross area, whichever is greater. |
Offices, general |
Gross floor area up to 2,000 square feet = 4.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet. GFA 2,001 to 7,500 square feet = 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet. GFA 7,501 to 40,000 square feet = 2.8 spaces per 1,000 square feet. GFA greater than 40,000 square feet = 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Offices, government |
3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Retail use |
3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Automotive services (e.g., tire installation, lubrication, repair) |
The community development director may require a parking demand study or determine the standards that should be applied to the use in question. |
Warehouse distribution center, cross-dock facility, or motor freight terminal |
1.0 space per 2,000 square feet, or the community development director may require a parking demand study or determine the standards that should be applied to the use in question. |
Warehouse, storage |
10,000 square feet or less = 1.0 space per 2,000 square feet, 10,001 to 20,000 square feet = 10.0 spaces plus 0.75 spaces for each additional 2,000 square feet, Over 20,000 square feet = 18.0 spaces plus 0.5 space for each additional 2,000 square feet; or the community development director may require a parking demand study or determine the standards that should be applied to the use in question. |
Drive-up stands (espresso, etc.) |
2.0 spaces plus 1 lane for each drive-up window with stacking space for 3 vehicles. See TMC 18.43.020 for additional stacking lane requirements. |
Cafe, bar and other drinking establishments |
10.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Car hop (auto-borne customers served outside of building only) |
1.0 space per 15 square feet. |
Fast food |
10.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet plus 1 lane for each drive-up window. See TMC 18.43.020 for stacking lane requirements. |
Restaurant with seats |
1.0 space per 100 square feet of dining area. |
Manufacturing use |
1.0 space for each employee on the largest shift, with a minimum of 5.0 spaces, or the community development director may require a parking demand study or determine the standards that should be applied to the use in question. |
Elementary and middle schools |
1.0 space per 6 students at design capacity. |
High school |
1.25 spaces per classroom or office, plus 1.0 space per 4 students. Public assembly areas, such as auditoriums, stadiums, etc., that are primary uses may be considered a separate use. |
Library and museum |
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of public floor area. |
Nursing home, congregate care, rest home, hospice care home and mental health facility |
1.0 space per 4 regular beds, plus 1.0 space for every regular employee on the largest shift. |
Medical clinics |
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Emergency housing, emergency shelter, permanent supportive housing, and transitional shelter |
A parking plan based on population served and projected needs should be submitted and approved by the community development director. |
Church |
1.0 space per 4 seats or 1.0 space per 6 feet of bench or other seating. 6.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of assembly area where seats or pews are not provided or when circumstances warrant increased parking, such as a church which attracts a large, regional congregation or one which has multiple functions. See Shared and combined parking facilities, TMC 18.50.090. |
Private club or lodge |
6.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Theater and auditorium |
1.0 space per 4.5 fixed seats. If the theater or auditorium is a component of a larger commercial development, the above parking standard may be modified to account for shared or combined parking; TMC 18.50.090. |
Theater and auditorium without fixed seats |
1.0 space per 3 permitted occupants. |
Bowling alley |
5.0 spaces per alley. |
Health club |
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
Skating rink and other commercial recreation |
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet. |
(Ord. O2021-019, Amended, 01/18/2022; Ord. O2020-005, Amended, 03/16/2021; Ord. O2017-023, Amended, 07/17/2018; Ord. O2017-022, Amended, 12/05/2017; Ord. O2014-008, Amended, 10/07/2014; Ord. O2011-006, Amended, 11/15/2011)
Required Bicycle Parking Spaces |
Short-term (class 2) bicycle facilities: |
Parking areas or buildings with less than 150 vehicular parking spaces |
2 spaces or 5% of vehicular spaces, whichever is greater |
Parking areas or buildings with 150 or more vehicular parking spaces |
8 spaces or 3% of vehicular spaces, whichever is greater |
Residential uses |
2 spaces or 1 space per 4 units, whichever is greater |
Long-term (class 1) bicycle facilities: |
Commercial, industrial, and institutional uses or parking areas providing 50 or more vehicular parking spaces |
1 space per 50 vehicular spaces, plus 1 space per 100 additional vehicular spaces |
Residential uses |
1 space per 4 units |
(Ord. O2014-008, Added, 10/07/2014)