Chapter 10.15A
10.15A.020 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
10.15A.030 Parking in roadway.
10.15A.050 Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
10.15A.060 Parking of commercial trailers prohibited.
10.15A.070 Parking prohibited on narrow streets.
10.15A.090 Additional parking regulations.
10.15A.100 Restricted parking zones.
10.15A.120 Specific parking violations.
10.15A.130 Enforcement procedures.
10.15A.140 Penalty for violation.
10.15A.150 Penalty for failing to respond.
10.15A.160 Vehicle impound – Other enforcement.
10.15A.180 Enforcement – Exempt periods.
10.15A.190 Parking administration.
10.15A.010 Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the words and phrases set forth in this section are defined as follows:
“Block” means the area comprised of properties along each side of a street between two intersections or an intersection and a road end.
“Boat or vessel” means every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on the water including marine vehicle (trailered or nontrailered).
“Collection device” means any device, including any electronic pay station or parking meter, that, upon payment, registers or controls the amount of time for which a vehicle is authorized to park in a particular location.
“Director” means Director of Engineering or designee.
“Motor vehicle” means any self-propelled vehicle such as a car, truck, van, motorcycle, or any other similar self-propelled vehicle.
“Parking generator” means anything that significantly increases commuter parking demand. Examples include, but are not limited to: schools, hospitals, business districts, and military installations.
“Parking permit” means a permit issued by the City that, when displayed properly, exempts the permit holder from the parking restrictions in effect in the permit holder’s restricted parking zone.
“Passenger load only zone” means a parking space reserved for passenger loading only. These spaces will be marked with the time restriction applicable to them.
“Peak parking hours” means those hours in a day where a particular vicinity experiences the greatest demand for parking.
“Recreational vehicle” means a travel trailer, motor home, truck camper, or camping trailer that is primarily designed and used as temporary living quarters, is either self-propelled or mounted on or drawn by another vehicle, is transient and is not immobilized or permanently affixed to a mobile home lot and further includes a dune buggy or off-road vehicle (trailered or nontrailered).
“Resident” refers to an individual living in a dwelling unit or a business owner operating a business on property owned or leased by the business owner.
“Residential area” means a contiguous area containing public rights-of-way or parts thereof primarily abutted by residential property or residential use.
“Restricted parking zone” means an area of the City subject to parking restrictions including time limits or other restrictions contained in this chapter including paid parking zones, passenger load only zones and other restricted parking areas or spaces both in residential and nonresidential areas.
“Street” means any right-of-way, highway, avenue, lane, road, drive, place, boulevard, alley, way, sidewalk, planting or parking strip, shoulder and every way or place in the City of University Place open as a matter of right to public vehicular travel or parking or other similar public use.
“Trailer” means every vehicle without motor power designed to be drawn by another vehicle and attached to the towing vehicle by means of a hitch or other connector, and ordinarily used for transporting items upon public rights-of-way.
“Vehicle” means motor vehicle, car, truck, vehicle, van, tractor, bus, trailer (including boat trailer with or without a boat situated thereon), recreational vehicle, tractor or semi-trailer, motorcycle or boat or vessel (trailered or nontrailered), whether licensed or unlicensed, or motorized or nonmotorized, unless otherwise defined.
“Visitor vehicle” means a motor vehicle parked by a person who is visiting a resident within a restricted parking zone.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.020 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle:
A. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
B. On a sidewalk or street planting strip;
C. Within an intersection;
D. On a crosswalk;
E. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless official signs or markings indicate a different no-parking area opposite the ends of a safety zone;
F. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
G. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel;
H. On any railroad tracks;
I. At any place where official signs prohibit stopping;
J. Directly adjacent to curbside, clearly visible, residential mailboxes between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on all days of scheduled mail delivery by the United States Postal Service;
K. In any parking place or area designated as handicapped parking by displaying the international blue and white handicapped symbol of a wheelchair as described in RCW 70.92.120; provided, that it shall not be a violation of this chapter to stand, stop or park a vehicle in a place or area so designated when the vehicle clearly displays the handicapped symbol on a license plate, window decal or card as provided by RCW 46.16.380. A person charged with a violation of this subsection shall not be determined to have committed a violation if he or she produces in court or prior to the court appearance the special plate, special card or special decal required hereunder or demonstrates he or she was entitled to the same at the time of being ticketed.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.030 Parking in roadway.
A. No person may park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the roadway.
B. Subsection (A) of this section does not apply to the driver of any vehicle that is disabled in such a manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving the vehicle in such position. The driver shall nonetheless arrange for the prompt removal of the vehicle.
C. Subsection (A) of this section does not apply to the driver of either a properly marked school bus or a public transit vehicle who temporarily stops the vehicle upon the roadway for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers at a school or marked transit vehicle stop zone.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.040 Parking in alleys.
No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than eight feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic, and no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.050 Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
No person shall park a vehicle upon a roadway for the principal purpose of:
A. Displaying such vehicle for sale or for advertising services for vehicles; or
B. Washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by emergency.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.060 Parking of commercial trailers prohibited.
No person, without permission from the Director, shall park within a public right-of-way any detached trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, or any other trailer used for commercial purposes, unless such vehicle is being actively loaded or unloaded.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.070 Parking prohibited on narrow streets.
A. When the width of an improved roadway does not exceed 20 feet, the City Engineer is authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon both sides of such street. When the width of the improved roadway is between 20 and 28 feet, the City Engineer is authorized to erect a sign indicating no parking upon one side of the street.
B. When official signs prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as provided in this section, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any sign.
C. Any vehicle parked in violation of this section shall be declared to be an unauthorized vehicle and subject to immediate impoundment by a registered tow truck operator at the direction of a law enforcement officer or public official of the City.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.080 Angle parking.
The City Engineer, in his or her discretion, may allow angle parking on City roadways as authorized pursuant to RCW 46.61.575 as now enacted or hereafter amended.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.090 Additional parking regulations.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a two-way roadway shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels parallel to and within 12 inches of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
B. Except when otherwise provided in this section, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a one-way roadway shall be so stopped or parked parallel to the curb or edge of the roadway, in the direction of authorized traffic movement, with its right-hand wheels within 12 inches of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, or its left-hand wheels within 12 inches of the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
C. The State Highway Commission with respect to highways under its jurisdiction may place signs prohibiting or restricting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles on any highway where, in its opinion, as evidenced by resolution or order, such stopping, standing or parking is dangerous to those using the highway or where the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles would unduly interfere with the free movement of traffic thereon. Such signs shall be official signs and no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle in violation of the restriction stated on such signs.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.100 Restricted parking zones.
A. Creation. The decision(s) for creation, deletion or boundary changes or time change of restricted parking zones may be made by the City Manager following a finding by the Director that the change is in the best interest of the community and will improve the health, safety or welfare of the community, which may also include providing for reasonable parking availability and safe use of City streets.
B. The Director will consider each request seeking to modify, create or delete a restricted parking zone against the following criteria:
1. The nature of land use within the block.
2. The volume of traffic.
3. The volume of parking.
4. The width of surface of the street.
5. The relationship between the need for parking space for the land uses in the block, for the use of the regulated parking zone, and the need for parking space for the general public.
6. Patrons and prospective patrons of the places within the block or area to be served by the parking zone.
7. The hours of day or night when use of the parking zone is necessary or most convenient.
C. Posting. The creation, deletion, boundary change or time change shall become effective upon posting of applicable parking restriction signage in the restricted parking zone.
D. The City Council may, at any time, create a restricted parking zone or it may delete or change the boundary of a restricted parking zone.
E. The City Manager or designee is also authorized to place collection devices in restricted parking zones.
(Ord. 739 § 1, 2020;Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.110 Parking permits.
A. Parking Permits. Permits may be issued to park in a restricted parking zone for motor vehicles not exceeding 22 feet in length or having a maximum gross vehicle weight not in excess of 10,000 pounds only upon application of the following persons:
1. A legal resident of the restricted parking zone who has a motor vehicle registered in his or her name, or who has a motor vehicle for his exclusive use and under his control; or
2. A person who owns or leases commercial property and actively engages in business activity within a restricted parking zone.
Permits will be issued for terms not exceeding one year in length and be renewed upon expiration conditioned upon meeting the requirements for a permit. There shall be a limit of two residential parking permits issued per dwelling unit/business location, unless parking availability allows a greater number as determined by the Director in his or her sole discretion.
B. Visitor Parking Permits. Visitor parking permits are authorized for residents of a restricted parking zone for bona fide transient use for visitors to the property. No dwelling unit or place of business located in a restricted parking zone shall be issued more than one visitor permit. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to control the use of the permit. Bona fide transient uses include: visiting guests, babysitters, repair persons and other similar visitors. The following is prohibited:
1. Parking in excess of seven days within any 30-day period unless approved administratively prior to such use; or
2. Use of visitor permits by residents for the residents’ vehicles. Visitor permits shall only be used for visitor vehicles.
C. Service Parking Permits. Service parking permits may be issued, on a short-term temporary basis, for parking of vehicles on a street for a period of time exceeding a parking restriction time period established in UPMC 10.15A.100 when necessary. Service parking permits may be issued to landlords or their contractors for building improvements, individuals working in a home service industry (home health care, etc.), or for other short-term use for the providing of services to a residence or to a business in a residential restricted parking zone or a nonresidential restricted parking zone. Service parking permits, and any extensions thereto, shall be issued for a period not to exceed 30 days unless the Director determines that a longer period is warranted. The City may require proof of ongoing continuous work and of a City business license, as a condition to maintaining or extending a valid permit.
D. Display. Parking permits shall state thereon the particular restricted parking zone, the license number of the motor vehicle for which it is issued and the expiration date. Permits shall be displayed so as to be clearly visible through the rear window of the vehicle on the left side thereof or the front windshield on the left side when necessary. A parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated parking area.
E. The Director may establish policies for the issuance of parking permits. Parking permits may be issued throughout different times of the year based on zones or other criteria.
F. Permits issued pursuant to this section are not subject to the parking restriction time periods set forth in UPMC 10.15A.100.
G. Temporary Parking Permits – Exception to Time Restrictions. A vehicle may park on a street for a period of time which would otherwise constitute a violation of this chapter if it has been specifically permitted, on a temporary short-term limited basis and for the period of time permitted. Such a permit may be issued:
1. To a resident when necessary such as when the resident will be out of town or some other similar short-term use;
2. With a public works right-of-way permit or other similar City or State authorization for construction or other related public purpose; or
3. When otherwise authorized by the Director for good reason.
H. Parking permits may be issued to reserve public right-of-way areas to permit the use of one or more stalls that are reserved for specifically designated parties. The Director may issue permits and authorize the installation of parking reservation devices to reserve public right-of-way areas.
1. A reserved zone is a parking area reserved for the applicant, or a person with the consent of the applicant, to park a vehicle within the zone.
2. No vehicle may park in a reserved zone unless authorized as indicated by the sign or markings of the zone.
3. A parking space may be reserved by paying the fees set forth in the City’s fee schedule associated with a right-of-way permit and either executing an appropriate agreement with the City under conditions set by the Director or obtaining a right-of-way permit. The Director or City Manager is authorized to execute an agreement with an applicant on terms consistent with this chapter, but shall not exceed 20 years in duration without further approval by the City Council. In the event that a parking space is sought to be reserved for a period longer than one year, the fee assessed herein shall be paid annually.
4. In addition to the other factors set forth regarding the establishment of a restricted parking zone, an applicant seeking a reserved zone must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that the particular use has a substantial demand for short-term parking immediately adjacent to the business, that short-term parking will be restricted to a period of not more than 20 minutes per vehicle, and that the limit will be enforced by the business.
5. Parking spaces may not be reserved to facilitate vending or promotional activities in the right-of-way.
6. The permission for the creation and establishment of a reserved zone and the right to use and occupy it shall be subject to the absolute right of the Director to revoke the permit for such zone when in his or her judgment the public convenience necessitates revocation or when said permit is no longer essential for the business operation of the permit holder. Unless the terms of any agreement provide for a different timeline, not less than five days’ notice shall be given of the termination of the zone.
(Ord. 739 § 2, 2020; Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.120 Specific parking violations.
In addition to other unlawful actions set forth in this chapter, it shall be unlawful and punishable as a civil infraction for any person to commit any of the following actions:
A. Parking in Time Limit and No Repark Zones. Where a time limit and no reparking is established by official signs, no vehicle may be reparked on either side of the same named street during the same calendar day after the expiration of the posted time limit. For purposes of this section, a vehicle shall be deemed to be reparked and in violation of this section even if the vehicle is moved prior to the expiration of the posted time limit and is reparked on either side of the same named street.
B. Parking or Storage of Vehicles within Street. Except when otherwise provided by UPMC 10.15A.110, the parking or storage of vehicles within any street shall be subject to the following parking restrictions in addition to other parking restrictions set forth in this chapter:
1. Time Restriction – No Repark. The parking or storage of any vehicle in the same parking location on a street or in a City-controlled parking location in excess of five consecutive calendar days without movement shall be unlawful. If at any time after the initial five-consecutive-calendar-day period the vehicle is still parked in the same location on the street in violation of the five-day parking restriction and is then reparked on the street within the same block for any period of time up to 24 hours, it shall be considered to be parked in the same location within the street and therefore still in violation of the five-day parking restriction.
C. Parking Against Traffic. Except when otherwise provided by City code, ordinance or resolution, it shall be unlawful for any vehicle to stop or park on a street unless:
1. Stopped or parked parallel (or at an angle when authorized) to the traveled portion of the street;
2. In the direction of authorized traffic movement of the street immediately adjacent thereto; and
3. Within 12 inches of the curb or as close as practicable to the edge of the shoulder.
D. Expired Registration. It is unlawful to park any vehicle on a street or on public property without valid, current vehicle license plates or registration tab displayed according to law.
E. Counterfeit Permits. It is unlawful for any person to copy, reproduce, or otherwise counterfeit a parking permit or to possess any counterfeit copy or facsimile of a City parking permit.
F. Unauthorized Use of Permit. It is unlawful for any person issued a parking permit by the City to:
1. Lend, sell or assign said permit to another;
2. Display any permit issued to another; or
3. Display any permit issued when the recipient of the permit is no longer eligible pursuant to this chapter.
G. Tampering with Collection Devices. No person shall deface, injure, tamper with, open, or willfully break, destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meter or collection device.
H. Unlawful Parking in City Lot. In addition to other enforcement remedies, it is unlawful to park any vehicle on a City-owned parking lot or structure without paying the posted fee or to park in excess of posted time limits or in violation of use restrictions.
I. Obliterating Tire Markings. It is unlawful to conceal, obliterate, or erase markings on vehicle tires made by a person enforcing this chapter for the purpose of recording parking time.
J. False Application. It is unlawful for any person to intentionally provide false or misleading information on any application for a parking permit.
K. Failure to Surrender Permit. The Director is authorized to revoke the residential parking permit of any person found to be in violation of its intended use. Upon written notification of permit revocation by the Director, it shall be unlawful for any person to fail to surrender a parking permit as directed.
L. Parking Fee – Nonpayment. It is unlawful to park a vehicle in any parking space monitored by a collection device without payment as indicated on the collection device.
M. Parking Fee – Time Permitted. It is unlawful to park a vehicle in any parking space monitored by a collection device for a consecutive period of time longer than that limited period of time for which parking is lawfully permitted in the time zone, irrespective of the amount of money deposited in such collection device.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.130 Enforcement procedures.
A. Enforcement Officer. The parking regulations set forth in this chapter and the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance as adopted pursuant to Chapter 10.55 UPMC may be enforced by the:
1. City’s police officers and other law enforcement officers;
2. Individuals authorized by Chapter 1.30 UPMC to issue infractions; and/or
3. City’s parking enforcement officers, as applicable.
The City’s parking enforcement officers include parking enforcement officers with limited commission as set forth in subsection (D) of this section and those individuals authorized by the Director to enforce provisions of this chapter.
B. Notice of Infraction. If any vehicle is found parked, standing, or stopped in violation of this chapter, or otherwise violates the provisions of this chapter, the enforcement officer finding the vehicle is authorized to take its license number and may take any other information displayed on the vehicle which may identify its user and shall conspicuously affix to the vehicle a notice of parking infraction. A notice of parking infraction represents a determination that a parking infraction has been committed.
C. Registered Owner Responsible for Violation. In any parking violation case involving an infraction relating to the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle, proof that the particular vehicle described in the complaint was parked in violation of any such law or regulation, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint was at the time of such parking a registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute prima facie evidence that the registered owner of such vehicle was the person who parked or placed such vehicle at the point where, and for the time during which, such violation occurred. This presumption may be rebutted upon satisfactory proof that the vehicle was sold or stolen or other similar event in which the registered owner had no direct or indirect control of the vehicle.
D. Limited Commission Officers. The City Manager or Chief of Police is authorized to appoint parking enforcement officers with a limited commission to issue notices of infractions for violations of this chapter.
E. With approval of the Director and on terms suitable to the Director, holders of licenses to utilize restricted parking areas may arrange for the private towing and private impoundment under Chapter 46.55 RCW.
(Ord. 739 § 3, 2020; Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.140 Penalty for violation.
A. Violation of UPMC 10.15A.020, 10.15A.030 or 10.15A.040 shall be deemed an infraction and shall be subject to a fine of $100.00, plus fees, costs and assessments.
B. Violation of UPMC 10.15A.120(H), (L) or (M) shall be deemed an infraction and shall be subject to a fine of $25.00, plus fees, costs and assessments.
C. Any violation or failure to comply with any provisions of this chapter for which a penalty is not otherwise specified shall be deemed an infraction and shall be subject to a fine of $50.00 plus fees, costs and assessments.
D. In addition to any fines, the City shall be entitled to restitution for all recoveries, including, but not limited to, the costs of impoundment and the loss of the ability to use the parking space.
E. It shall be an affirmative defense to an infraction under subsection (B) of this section that the person responsible for the parking of the motor vehicle parked for the purpose of securing emergency or urgent medical care for themselves or a family or household member. For the purposes of this subsection, “family or household member” shall have the same definition as set forth in RCW 10.99.020.
(Ord. 783 § 1, 2024; Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.150 Penalty for failing to respond.
There shall be imposed a penalty of $25.00 upon the failure of any defendant to respond within 15 days from the date of mailing of the notice of traffic infraction relating to parking. This penalty shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for the traffic infraction. As provided by RCW 46.63.110, this penalty is not subject to statutory assessment applicable to traffic offenses.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.160 Vehicle impound – Other enforcement.
Any vehicle parked and/or used in violation of this chapter or any regulation or restriction established hereunder, or any other applicable provision of the code or of any ordinance, is an unauthorized vehicle declared to be a nuisance which may be summarily abated by the impounding and removal of the vehicle as follows:
A. Impound with Notice. As authorized pursuant to RCW 46.55.080(1), an unauthorized vehicle left within a street may be impounded under the direction of a police officer or parking enforcement officer after notice of such proposed impoundment has been securely attached to and conspicuously displayed on the vehicle for a period of 24 hours prior to such impoundment pursuant to RCW 46.55.085 under the following circumstances:
1. Violations of Parking Code. When such vehicle is parked and/or used in violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other law, ordinance or regulation; or
2. Chronic Nuisance. A vehicle is hereby declared to be a chronic nuisance and subject to impound as provided herein when:
a. Outstanding Infractions. When a vehicle is parked on any street or City parking facility within the City and there are three or more outstanding parking infractions issued against the vehicle for each of which a person has failed to respond, failed to appear at a requested hearing, or failed to pay a parking infraction for at least 45 days from the date of the filing of the notice of infraction.
b. Multiple Infractions. When a vehicle is parked on any street and said vehicle has been issued six or more parking infractions while parked on any street within the City, whether paid or unpaid, within the preceding 90 days. Furthermore, such vehicle may not park on any street within the downtown core for a period of 90 days from the date of issuance of the notice of impoundment.
B. Impound without Notice. As authorized pursuant to RCW 46.55.080(1), a vehicle may be impounded under the direction of a police officer or parking enforcement officer, with or without citation and without giving prior notice to its owner as required in subsection (A) of this section, only under the following circumstances:
1. Public Safety. When a vehicle is unattended upon a street where the vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic or jeopardizes public safety as defined in RCW 46.55.113; or
2. City Parking Facility. When an unauthorized vehicle is parked in a City-owned or -controlled parking facility which is properly posted with parking restrictions pursuant to RCW 46.55.070.
C. Other Impoundment. In addition to the impound provisions set forth in subsections (A) and (B) of this section and those penalties established pursuant to this chapter, a vehicle in violation of any of the parking regulations established herein may be impounded by a registered tow truck operator at the direction of a police officer pursuant to those requirements established in WAC 308-330-406 and other related sections of the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance as adopted pursuant to this code. (See RCW 46.55.113.)
D. Immobilization of Vehicle. In lieu of impoundment, a vehicle may be immobilized with a restraining device (i.e., boot). A vehicle that has been immobilized for 48 or more hours may be impounded, unless the vehicle needs to be towed sooner for public safety reasons as set forth in subsection (B)(1) of this section as determined by the police officer or parking enforcement officer.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.170 Costs of impound.
A. The registered owner shall be responsible for all towing and storage costs relating to impounds of a nuisance vehicle. If the vehicle is immobilized pursuant to this chapter, the impounding officer shall affix to said vehicle a notice setting forth procedures for release and directing that, in addition to the payment of fines or posting bail, the owner shall pay an administrative immobilization fee of $100.00 before the vehicle may be released.
B. If impounded or immobilized, the vehicle shall not be released until the City, parking enforcement officer or towing company, as applicable, receives a receipt or other notice from the court showing that all infractions and crimes relating to standing, stopping or parking the vehicle have been paid or otherwise resolved unless such release is otherwise approved by law enforcement or parking enforcement officer for good reason.
(Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.180 Enforcement – Exempt periods.
Time restrictions on parking, as set forth in this chapter, shall not be effective on legal holidays or such additional days specifically exempted by Council resolution, except that enforcement in restricted parking zones shall be at the times and in the manner posted.
(Ord. 739 § 4, 2020; Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).
10.15A.190 Parking administration.
Collection of parking fees, maintenance of collection devices, and the issuance of parking permits shall be administered by the Director, who shall promulgate procedures to administer permits as authorized in this chapter, including processes for establishing proof of residency; vehicle ownership, use or control; and for the revocation of permits due to misuse. Appropriate parking fee schedules, permit fees and related services shall be set by the City Council in accordance with its fee schedule. Where the Council has established a maximum and minimum hourly fee, to achieve maximum target utilization, such fees may be adjusted by the Director within the set maximum and minimum hourly fee as established by the City Council. Fees may be collected by the use of parking meters, pay boxes or other collection devices and through the issuance of parking permits authorized by this chapter. The Director shall, in a manner consistent with this chapter, establish, locate and post parking restrictions within the City rights-of-way where required to regulate parking.
(Ord. 783 § 2, 2024; Ord. 727 § 2 (Exh. A), 2020).