Chapter 10.28


10.28.005    Purpose.

10.28.010    Land uses.

10.28.050    Design standards.

10.28.005 Purpose.

The SWBD land use classification is intended for areas suitable for the full range of office, service, and retail uses and residential dwelling units meeting specific design requirements. Some light manufacturing may be appropriate when consistent with design and residential requirements. The development of pedestrian destinations and improved public spaces is a goal of the SWBD. (Ord. 2020-35 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 2010-03 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2007-34 § 2 (Exh. A))

10.28.010 Land uses.

All permitted, accessory, conditional and prohibited uses within this district shall be as shown in Chapter 10.10 WCC, District Use Chart, provided all applicable provisions of the WCC are met. (Ord. 2010-03 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2007-34 § 2 (Exh. A))

10.28.050 Design standards.

Development in this district shall meet all applicable provisions of this title and all other rules, regulations and provisions of the WCC, and including the provisions below. Also, most residential developments, including mixed-use development that features at least one dwelling unit, are subject to conformance with applicable sections of the Residential Design Guidelines.

(1) Development standards in the SWBD are detailed in WCC 10.46.040.

(2) All applicable provisions of Chapters 10.47 and 10.48 WCC shall apply to development in this district.

(3) Off-street parking shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 10.60 WCC except for properties with frontage on South Wenatchee Avenue that are located north of Bridge Street which shall be subject to the following standards:

Buildings located in the specified area that are in existence on or before December 8, 2022, shall be exempt from meeting minimum off-street parking requirements listed in WCC 10.60.080 and elsewhere in this title based on use. New construction shall also be exempt from the standards in WCC 10.60.080 and instead be subject to the following criteria:

(a) One off-street parking space for each guest room, suite, or dwelling unit for hotels, motels, and other residential units. All other uses exempt.

(b) Demonstration of off-street loading space for trucks and delivery vehicles shall be provided.

(c) One hundred percent of the required parking may be provided through either:

(i) A shared parking agreement as provided for in WCC 10.60.040; provided the distance required of WCC 10.60.040(4) shall be expanded up to a one-half mile radius; or

(ii) An overnight parking permit acceptable to the city.

(4) Landscaping shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 10.62 WCC.

(5) Repealed by Ord. 2024-33.

(6) Access Controls.

(a) Access to State Route 285 (Wenatchee, Mission and Chelan Avenue) is subject to Chapter 7.36 WCC, Vehicular Access to State Highway System.

(b) Vehicular ingress and egress shall consider pedestrian and bicycle activities and locations, as well as adjoining vehicular patterns to minimize the number of ingress/egress locations and possible conflicts.

(c) Existing curb cuts shall be reviewed for safety and for minimum spacing requirements from intersections and neighboring curb cuts.

(d) Existing curb cuts shall be used unless proposed cuts are approved by the city engineer, based on an assessment of safety and traffic considerations.

(7) General Storage. Storage of materials and merchandise, other than for display purposes, shall be located inside buildings or enclosed and/or screened from public view by a 100 percent view-obstructing fence and/or landscaping.

(8) Chain-link fences located in front of the primary building shall incorporate landscaping in front of the fence resulting in 80 percent sight obstruction from the street front.

(9) Exterior Building Materials. The intent is to ensure building design and materials that reinforce a long-term investment/viability within the district. The building materials standards are applicable to front facades. Minor repair and maintenance is exempt from these standards. Minor repair constitutes less than 30 percent of any wall surface.

(a) Encouraged Materials.

(i) Masonry, marble, granite, tile and stone.

(ii) Concrete Block. When used for the facade of any building, concrete blocks shall be split, ground-faced, or demonstrate other treatment approved by the director. To add visual interest, the use of specialized textures and/or colors used effectively with other building materials and details is encouraged. A designed mix of masonry (for example, concrete block with courses of brick interspersed) is acceptable.

(iii) Exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) and similar troweled finishes (stucco):

(A) EIFS shall be detailed to provide durable corners and edges. Trim or some other detailed treatment should be incorporated at openings (e.g., doors and windows) to reduce weather penetration and add a sense of refinement. EIFS shall be sheltered from extreme weather by roof overhangs or other methods.

(B) EIFS is prohibited within two vertical feet of the sidewalk or ground level. Masonry or other similar durable/permanent materials shall be used.

(b) Limited Materials. The materials listed under this subsection shall each be limited to 50 percent of each exterior wall surface visible from public rights-of-way, not including alleys.

(i) Mirrored glass (45 percent or less light transmittance).

(ii) Textured or scored plywood (including T-111 or similar plywood).

(iii) Stucco board.

(iv) Metal siding.

(v) Vinyl siding.

(vi) Hardi board.

(c) As an alternative, the applicant may propose exceptions meeting the intent of the building materials section. Proposals will be processed as a Type III application and will be reviewed by the planning commission in accordance with the following criteria:

(i) The building design meets applicable goals and policies of the comprehensive plan.

(ii) The applicant demonstrates:

(A) Innovative design and/or new technology superior in quality which still meets the intent of the exterior building materials standards; or

(B) That it is necessary to better address unique aspects of the project or that it is a comprehensive approach to the overall project.

(10) Signs are permitted in accordance with Chapter 10.50 WCC, Signs.

(11) Blank Wall Limitation. The intent is to reduce blank wall impacts on the pedestrian and business district environment. Provide varied, pedestrian-friendly building facades and sidewalk activities. Avoid the creation of blank walls and dull facades that deaden the surrounding space and create an uninviting street environment.

(a) Development Standards. Blank walls, including retaining walls, are not allowed adjacent to or within 50 feet of a public street right-of-way or a public park. At least 30 percent of the wall area between two feet and 10 feet in height must be pedestrian friendly. Pedestrian-friendly facades shall have one or more of the following characteristics:

(i) Transparent Windows. Transparent window area or display windows which provide visibility into building interiors. The following transparency standards apply:

(A) Glass must be clear or lightly tinted in windows, doors, and displays. Because it does not provide visibility between the street and building interiors, reflective, opaque, or painted glass is excluded.

(B) Doors and entry windows must be transparent to meet this requirement. If they are not, they shall be considered blank walls.

(ii) Art or Architectural Treatment. Sculpture, mosaic, glass block, opaque art glass as relief artwork, or similar features of visual interest. Structural architectural elements may be acceptable as an administrative waiver if the design meets the intent of this section.

(iii) Vertical Trellis. A permanent vertical trellis in front of the wall with climbing plants or plant materials.

(iv) Pedestrian Plazas. Pedestrian plazas may meet this requirement if the design complies with pedestrian-oriented space standards as detailed in WCC 10.40.030(2). (Ord. 2024-33 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 2022-33 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 2019-35 § 9; Ord. 2010-03 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 2007-34 § 2 (Exh. A))