Chapter 21.44
21.44.050 General sign requirements.
21.44.060 Special conditions by sign types.
21.44.070 Permanent signs – Development standards.
21.44.080 Permanent signs – Large sign development standards.
21.44.090 Limited duration signs – Development standards.
21.44.100 Private wayfinding signs.
21.44.010 Purpose and intent.
Signs perform an important function in identifying and promoting businesses, properties, services, events, and other matters of interest to the public. The intent of this chapter is to regulate signs within the City to ensure that they are appropriate for their respective uses, in keeping with the appearance of the affected property and surrounding environment, and protective of the public health, safety, and general welfare by:
(1) Setting content-neutral standards for the reasonable use of signs;
(2) Prohibiting the erection of signs in such numbers, sizes, designs, illumination, and locations as may create a hazard to motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and other transports;
(3) Ensuring signage is consistent with the City’s high-quality Northwest woodland character;
(4) Avoiding excessive conflicts from large or multiple signs, so that permitted signs provide adequate identification and direction while minimizing clutter, unsightliness, and confusion;
(5) Providing minimum maintenance requirements for signs; and
(6) Establishing supplemental processes for the review and approval of sign permit applications. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.020 Applicability.
Any sign erected, displayed, altered, or maintained within the City shall comply with this chapter. Signs located within the shoreline jurisdiction must also comply with WMC 21.75.100. Should a conflict arise between sign regulations, the more restrictive provision shall prevail. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.030 Prohibited signs.
The following signs are unlawful and prohibited:
(1) Abandoned signs (see WMC 21.44.110);
(2) Any sign that imitates, resembles, interferes with, or obstructs official traffic lights, signs, or signals;
(3) Off-premises signs, including billboards (see WMC 21.14.060(7) for special billboard provisions), except as permitted by this chapter;
(4) Signs attached to public trees, streetlights, and other types of utility poles, except for noncommercial signs posted by the utility or public agency owning or controlling such public tree, streetlight, or utility pole;
(5) Signs in public rights-of-way, except as permitted by this chapter;
(6) Signs erected or placed without the permission of the owner, except those authorized or required by a local, State, or Federal government;
(7) Animated signs, strobe lights, flashing signs, or signs that scroll or flash text or graphics outdoors, except as permitted by this chapter;
(8) Signs incorporating strobe or beacon, or lack measures to prevent direct rays of light from shining on nearby properties or streets;
(9) Any electronic or animated sign that reacts to the behavior or electronic signals of motor vehicles that is also visible from streets or pathways accessible for use by the general public;
(10) Any banner or sign of any type suspended across a street or pathway without the permission of the property owner or agency controlling the street or pathway;
(11) Reflective signs including signs containing mirrors;
(12) Inflatable devices or balloon signs, pennant stringers and streamers, and feather flag signs, except those used in temporary, noncommercial situations;
(13) Signs which emit smoke, visible vapors, particulate matter, sound, odor or contain open flames;
(14) Human held signs, except those used in temporary, noncommercial situations;
(15) Signs that exhibit statements, words, or pictures of obscenity as defined in Chapter 21.48 WMC;
(16) Signs that promote illegal activity; and
(17) Any sign reasonably determined by the Director to be a hazard to public safety due to its design, materials, physical condition, or placement. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.040 Sign permit.
(1) A sign permit is required for any of the following, unless specified otherwise by this chapter:
(a) Erecting, installing, or replacing of any permanent sign having a sign area greater than two square feet; or
(b) Erecting, installing, or replacing any sign of limited duration or portable signs having a sign area greater than four square feet.
(2) An application for a sign permit shall at a minimum include:
(a) A description of the sign indicating the number, size, shape, dimensions, and colors of the sign;
(b) For limited duration and portable signs, the expected length of time the sign will be displayed;
(c) A site plan drawing showing the proposed location of the sign in relation to nearby buildings and streets;
(d) If the sign will be illuminated, information showing compliance with illumination standards; and
(e) Other information determined by the Director as being necessary for deciding on a sign permit.
(3) A permit issued for a limited duration or portable sign shall be for one year and may be renewed annually.
(4) Signs not requiring a permit pursuant to subsection (1) of this section must comply with all other provisions of this chapter, including size and number of signs, unless specified otherwise by this chapter.
(5) The following signs are allowed without a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination of size and number of signs set forth elsewhere in this chapter, provided such signs comply with this section and comply with all other provisions of this chapter:
(a) Official traffic signs, public wayfinding signs, and other traffic control devices erected by the City or a public agency.
(b) Signs inside a building, or other enclosed facility, which are not intended to be viewed from outside, and are located greater than three feet from the nearest exterior windows.
(c) Incidental signs as defined in WMC 21.11A.200 having a sign area of two square feet or less.
(d) Holiday and seasonal decorations.
(e) Legal and public notices by government agencies.
(f) Vending machine signs that are integral to the design of the vending machine proper.
(g) Point of purchase advertising displays that are short-term and seasonal in nature.
(h) Personal expression signs of any type that do not exceed five square feet in sign area, are noncommercial in nature, and are not illuminated.
(i) Signs or emblems of a religious, civic, philanthropic, historical, or educational organization that do not exceed five square feet in sign area.
(j) Permanent plaques, cornerstones, nameplates, and other building identification markings attached to or carved into the building materials, and which are (i) an integral part of the structure; (ii) nonilluminated, and (iii) do not exceed four square feet in sign area.
(k) Address signs, that do not exceed two address signs per premises, and do not contain any commercial advertising, logos, or other commercial identification, and:
(i) Within residential zones (R-1 through R-48), individual address signs do not exceed three square feet in sign area; or
(ii) Within nonresidential zones, individual address signs do not exceed 32 square feet in sign area.
(l) Flags, provided:
(i) The flag and support structure are placed outside of public rights-of-way;
(ii) The flag is not a prohibited sign (e.g., feather flag sign);
(iii) Except as set forth in subsection (5)(l)(iv) of this section, the surface area of the flag does not exceed 50 square feet;
(iv) Flags containing commercial messages are subject to the following:
(A) Only on-site business names/logos may be displayed;
(B) No more than one flag per business or tenant on the premises is permitted;
(C) The surface area of the flag does not exceed 20 square feet;
(v) This exemption should not be construed to exempt support structures from the requirement for a building permit pursuant to Chapter 21.62 WMC.
(m) Security and warning signs, provided:
(i) In single-family residential zones (R-1 through R-18) such signs do not exceed two square feet in sign area; and
(ii) In all other zones, one large such sign per site not exceeding five square feet in sign area is permitted, and all other such signs do not exceed two square feet in sign area; and
(iii) Conventionally posted “no trespassing” signs may have the maximum sign area increased to four square feet in all zones.
(n) Historic site markers, plaques, and gravestones.
(o) Public announcement signs that do not exceed six square feet in sign area that are intended for public announcements only, such as community bulletin board/kiosk, that accommodate short-term messages and do not contain any commercial messaging.
(p) Signs on vehicles or vessels provided (i) the sign is an integral component of the vehicle or vessel; (ii) the sign consists of magnetic, decal or is painted onto or attached to the vehicle or vessel; (iii) the vehicle or vessel is in operational condition; and (iv) the vehicle or vessel is not a static display.
(q) Art and murals, provided such displays do not contain any commercial messaging or commercial imagery including commercial imagery figurative in nature.
(r) Limited duration signs expressly listed as exempt from a permit in WMC 21.44.090. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.050 General sign requirements.
(1) Sign Placement.
(a) No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger pedestrians, bicyclists, or traffic by obscuring views, or by interfering with official traffic signs by essence of position or color.
(b) Signs shall comply with sight distance requirements in WMC 21.40.060.
(c) Signs and support structures shall maintain clearance and noninterference with all utility and communications lines and/or equipment.
(d) Sites having no street frontage, in lieu of on-site placement, may place their permanent freestanding sign off site, provided:
(i) The off-site sign advertises only establishments on the site it supports;
(ii) The off-site sign is placed within 150 feet of the boundaries of the site it supports; however, the Director may approve a greater distance if there is no feasible placement location within 150 feet;
(iii) Written permission from the property owner for the off-site placement is obtained; and
(iv) Only one permanent off-site sign is permitted per site without street frontage. If such a site has multiple establishments, the permanent off-site sign may combine the advertisements of the establishments on the same permanent off-site sign. Permanent off-site signs beyond what is permitted by this subsection are prohibited.
(e) Limited duration and portable signs are prohibited from being placed within roundabouts, medians, and areas of street rights-of-way that are not accessible by a sidewalk or pedestrian walkway.
(2) Sign Spacing. The spacing between sign structures is measured as a straight-line distance between the closest edges of each sign.
(3) Sign Face/Area. The sign face and sign area are measured as follows:
(a) Sign Face. Sign face is measured by the smallest single rectangle which will enclose the combined lettering, wording, numbering, and accompanying design, logos, and symbols as illustrated in Figure 21.44.050(3)(a).
Figure 21.44.050(3)(a): Measuring Sign Face
(b) Sign Area. Sign area is measured by the entire surface area of the sign including panel, border, cabinet and/or framing upon which the sign message is displayed or illustrated, except on freestanding signs the foundation, any support structure, or bracing is excluded from the measurement of sign area, provided it does not contain any lettering, wording, or symbols as illustrated in Figure 21.44.050(3)(b).
Figure 21.44.050(3)(b): Measuring Sign Area
(c) Only one side of a double-faced sign is counted towards the sign face/area. If a sign has more than two sides, all sides count towards the sign face/area.
(d) Signs consisting of several individual signs placed on the same support structure, including those on the same building facade, and signs containing multiple copies such as shopping center signs, are calculated as the total of all individual sign components, except when specifically excluded from the calculations by this chapter.
(e) A round or cylindrical sign is calculated as the maximum area that can be seen at one time from one position, or 50 percent of the total area, whichever is greater.
(4) Sign Height.
(a) Building Signs. The highest point of a building sign, including all components of the sign, shall not protrude above the outer edges of the silhouette of the roof of a building, or a parapet, whichever is higher, on the building facade on which the sign is placed, provided in the case of a parapet, the parapet must extend the entire width of the building facade on which the sign is placed. See Figure 21.44.050(4)(a).
Figure 21.44.050(4)(a): Roof Silhouette/Parapet
(b) Projecting Signs. Projecting signs, including all components of the sign, shall not protrude above the lowest point of the roof structure. See Figure 21.44.050(4)(b).
Figure 21.44.050(4)(b): Height of Projecting Signs
(c) Freestanding Signs. The height of freestanding signs is measured from the lowest point of the ground grade directly below the sign, excluding berms and the like, to the highest point of the sign. See Figure 21.44.050(4)(c).
Figure 21.44.050(4)(c): Measuring Height of Freestanding Sign
(5) Sign Clearance. Signs that project over pedestrian walkways or sidewalks shall maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet between the bottom of the sign and the top of the walking surface directly below the sign as illustrated in Figure 21.44.050(5). If the sign projects over a City right-of-way, permission from the City for the projection over the right-of-way is required.
Figure 21.44.050(5): Sign Clearance
(6) Building Signs on Buildings Containing Multiple Tenants.
(a) Exterior Tenants. Where a building contains more than one tenant space and individual building signs for tenants are desired, each tenant is allowed building signs up to the prescribed percentage based on the tenant’s leasable exterior wall square footage of the building facade, provided the limitations prescribed for the entire building facade in WMC 21.44.070 are followed.
(b) Interior Tenants. If a building contains tenants who do not have leasable exterior wall square footage and individual building signs for tenants are desired, the interior tenants may be allowed building signs based on the exterior wall of the subject building facade not used or subject to leasing by other exterior tenants as described in subsection (6)(a) of this section, provided:
(i) The interior tenant’s building signage does not exceed the allowed building signage of the ground floor tenant with the largest leasable exterior wall square footage on the subject building facade (see Figure 21.44.050(6)); and
(ii) The limitations prescribed for the entire building facade in WMC 21.44.070 are followed.
Figure 21.44.050(6): Calculating Building Signs for Interior Tenants
Interior tenants may use “Remanent Area D” to calculate their sign face, provided their sign does not exceed the maximum sign face permitted for “Tenant A.” |
(7) Landscaping. All permanent freestanding signs larger than six square feet in sign area shall have a distinct landscape/decorative area on the ground surrounding the base of the sign in accordance with the following:
(a) The surface area must be at least 75 percent of the sign area;
(b) The landscape/decorative area must have living predominately native plants and should use drought-resistant, low-maintenance plant species as appropriate;
(c) Up to 50 percent of the landscape/decorative area may consist of hardscape and other inanimate features such as large rocks, raised planter boxes, decorative rock, and similar decorative features that promote a Northwest woodland character appearance;
(d) Groundcover species of plants exceeding 25 percent of the landscape/decorative surface area and/or all trees and concrete pavers shall only be allowed in the landscape/decorative area with the permission of the Director as promoting the Northwest woodland character appearance;
(e) Asphalt, gravel, and similar materials that do not contribute to a Northwest woodland character shall not be included in the distinct landscape/decorative area; and
(f) Maintenance of the landscape/decorative area shall be consistent with WMC 21.36.120.
(8) Sign Illumination.
(a) Illumination of permanent signs is permitted only if authorized pursuant to the tables in WMC 21.44.070. Illumination of limited duration and portable signs is prohibited.
(b) Where illumination of signs is permitted, it shall be in accordance with the following standards:
(i) If an external light source is used to illuminate a sign, it shall be placed no further away than the height dimension of the sign area;
(ii) If an internal light source is used to illuminate a sign, it shall be incorporated into the sign in a manner emphasizing the lighting of the sign text, message, and/or symbols and minimizing the lighting of the background of the sign;
(iii) Lighting shall incorporate such measures as cutoff fixtures, shields, and baffles, and appropriate application of fixture mounting height, wattage, aiming angle, and fixture placement to avoid glare, projection of, or the reflection of light onto other properties and streets;
(iv) No more than 0.2 footcandles of light shall be detectable at the boundary of any abutting property;
(v) All illumination, including neon lighting, must be static in intensity and comply with the applicable prohibitions in WMC 21.44.030; and
(vi) The Director may condition the installation of sign lighting to limit the hours of illumination if such illumination is determined potentially to detrimentally impact nearby residences.
(c) Brightness. In addition to the applicable prohibitions in WMC 21.44.030, signs with digital displays are subject to the following brightness limits:
(i) During daylight hours between sunrise and sunset, luminance shall be no greater than 5,000 nits;
(ii) At all other times, luminance shall be no greater than 250 nits; and
(iii) Signs must have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness of the display as the natural ambient light conditions change.
(9) Sign Materials and Construction.
(a) All signs, except for limited duration and portable signs, must be constructed of durable, maintainable materials. Signs that are made of materials that deteriorate quickly or feature impermanent construction are prohibited. For example, plywood or plastic sheets without a sign face overlay or without a frame to protect exposed edges are not permitted.
(b) When required by WMC 21.44.070, signs shall be constructed of the following materials (when not required, these materials are encouraged):
(i) Sign frames are wood, anodized metal, or concrete;
(ii) Sign faces are anodized metal, wood, or bronze;
(iii) Sign mountings are wood, stone, concrete, masonry, or structural metal; and
(iv) Plastic is discouraged, except when used for backlit lettering.
(c) The frame of building signs must be concealed or integrated with the building by using similar materials.
(10) Sign Colors.
(a) When required by WMC 21.44.070, sign face background colors (color behind the lettering and symbols) are required as follows using the Pantone color system as a reference (when not required, these background colors are encouraged):
Color |
Pantone Numbers: |
Red |
181, 188, 194, 202, 208, 216, 222, 229, 235, 242, 262, 478, 483, 506, 518 or darker or duller (more black or green added to the color) |
Yellow/Brown |
133, 140, 147, 154, 161, 168, 174, 464, 469, 478, 491, 499 or darker or duller (more black or violet added to the color) |
Blue |
269, 276, 281, 289, 296, 302, 309, 533, 540, 548 or darker or duller (more black or orange added to the color) |
Green |
316, 322, 329, 336, 343, 554, 562, 567, 574 or darker or duller (more black or red added to the color) |
Gray |
404, 409, 416, 425, 431, 437, 444, 450 or darker or duller (more black added to the color) |
(b) When required by WMC 21.44.070, frame colors are for use on the frames of freestanding signs and are prescribed as follows using the Pantone color system as a reference.
Color |
Pantone Numbers: |
White/Cream |
All |
Red |
181, 188, 194, 202, 208, 216, 222, 229, 235, 242, 262, 478, 483, 506, 518 or darker or duller (more black or green added to the color). |
Yellow/Brown |
133, 140, 147, 154, 161, 168, 174, 464, 469, 478, 491, 499 or darker or duller (more black or violet added to the color) |
Blue |
269, 276, 281, 289, 296, 302, 309, 533, 540, 548 or darker or duller (more black or orange added to the color) |
Green |
316, 322, 329, 336, 343, 554, 562, 567, 574 or darker or duller (more black or red added to the color) |
Gray |
404, 409, 416, 425, 431, 437, 444, 450 or darker or duller (more black added to the color) |
(c) The frame of building signs must be concealed or integrated with the building using similar colors. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.060 Special conditions by sign types.
(1) Building Signs.
(a) Except for projecting signs, no portion of a building sign shall project out more than 18 inches from the structure against which it is affixed and the minimum sign clearance in WMC 21.44.050(5) shall apply. If the building sign is affixed to a building wall and projects out three inches or less from the building wall, the sign clearance in WMC 21.44.050(5) shall not apply.
(b) No portion of a projecting sign shall extend out more than five feet from the building wall on which it is affixed, and the minimum sign clearance in WMC 21.44.050(5) shall apply. Additionally, the outermost edge of a projecting sign shall be no closer than three feet from the curb line or shoulder of a street.
(c) Projecting signs shall be affixed against the surface of a building wall and not architectural projections that would allow a greater extension from the building wall than permitted in subsection (1)(b) of this section.
(2) Freestanding Signs. The placement of permanent freestanding signs shall comply with the following:
(a) Set back a distance of at least five feet from the closest edge of the line for street rights-of-way and easements for sidewalks, excluding official traffic signs and governmental signs;
(b) Support structures shall be embedded, anchored, or connected to the sign in such a manner as to incorporate it into the landscape or architectural design scheme; and
(c) Shall not occupy an area designated for parking, loading, walkways, driveways, fire lanes, and other areas required to remain unobstructed.
(3) Changeable Messaging Signs.
(a) Allowance. Permanent signs with changeable messaging are permitted in accordance with this subsection. Except as specified otherwise by this chapter or as may be permitted by the Director to allow for traffic control or public service announcements, temporary and mobile signs with changeable messaging are prohibited.
(b) Maximum Number.
(i) If the sign uses electrical or electronic methods for changing messaging, no more than one such sign with changeable messaging is permitted per site. This limitation includes sites with multiple buildings and/or multiple tenants.
(ii) If the sign uses manual methods for changing messaging, it shall not be subject to the limitation in subsection (3)(b)(i) of this section.
(c) Digital Displays. When electrical or electronic methods for changing messages are incorporated into a sign, the digital display of such signs shall not exceed 50 percent of the sign area of the sign, or 32 square feet, whichever is less. Digital displays must be incorporated into the structure of the sign and are prohibited from being standalone components of a sign. See Figure 21.44.060(3)(c).
Figure 21.44.060(3)(c): Digital Display Requirements
Permitted because digital display is incorporated into the sign structure and will satisfy size limits. |
Prohibited because digital display is not incorporated into the sign structure. |
(i) Measuring Sign Face. If a digital display is incorporated into a building sign, the entire surface area of the digital display shall be included in the measurement of the sign face.
(ii) Glare Control. The control of glare from such signs shall be pursuant to WMC 21.44.050(8).
(iii) Message Duration. The length of time each message may be displayed is based upon the visibility and speed limit unique to the individual signs and nearby road conditions. The following method should be used to calculate message duration:
(A) Determine the greatest distance from which the sign becomes visible on the road the sign is primarily intended to serve and if the sign is intended to be seen by more than one roadway, the road with the lower posted speed limit shall be used for determining message duration;
(B) Multiply the road’s posted speed limit by 5,280 and then divide by 3,600 to obtain the speed limit in feet per second;
(C) Divide the visibility distance by the speed limit in feet per second;
(D) Add an additional 10 percent of this number to the total; and
(E) The resulting amount of time is the minimum permitted message duration; provided, that the minimum message duration shall be no less than eight seconds.
(4) Window Signs. The following applies to permanent and limited duration window signs:
(a) Window signs shall not exceed 20 percent of the transparent/translucent area of the window;
(b) Window incidental type signs displaying pertinent business operational information such as the business hours of operation and credit card acceptance shall be excluded from the area calculations for window signs, provided the sign faces of such incidental signs do not exceed two square feet;
(c) Window signs are additional to other signage permitted by this chapter and are exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under this chapter.
(5) Awning Signs.
(a) An awning without lettering or other advertising shall not be regulated as a sign.
(b) Awning signs must be centered within or over architectural elements such as windows or doors.
(c) If multiple awning signs are mounted on a multi-tenant building, all awning signs shall be similar in terms of height, projection, and style across the building facade upon which they are affixed.
(6) Marquee Signs.
(a) Such signs are allowed only above the principal public entrance of a building along a building facade facing a street or parking lot.
(b) No marquee structure shall be wider than the entrance it serves, plus four feet on each side thereof.
(c) No marquee shall extend closer to the inner edge of a road curb than three feet.
(d) The lowest edge of the marquee sign shall be at least 10 feet above the finished grade directly below.
(7) Street Pole Banner Signs. Street pole banners are allowed in accordance with this subsection and are excluded from the determination of the number and area of signs allowed elsewhere by this chapter.
(a) Street pole banner signs are permitted only in the Central Business District and Tourist Business zones at locations approved by the Director, except the Director may approve street pole banners in other nonresidential zones, provided the street pole banner signs promote nonprofit and/or City-sponsored events.
(b) Illumination of street pole banner signs is prohibited.
(c) Each street pole banner sign shall have a maximum sign area of 12.5 square feet and a maximum width of three feet.
(d) Up to two street pole banner signs are permitted per street pole.
(e) Minimum Height.
(i) If the street pole banner’s edge is less than 18 inches from a street curb, the lowest edge of the street pole banner shall be at least 18 feet above the ground grade below.
(ii) If the street pole banner’s edge is 18 inches or greater from a street curb, the lowest edge of the street pole banner shall be at least 14 feet above the ground grade below.
(f) Placement.
(i) No street pole banner shall extend beyond the curbline of a street.
(ii) Street pole banners shall maintain a minimum of three-foot vertical clearance below any luminaries located on the pole measured from where the ballasts connect to the poles.
(iii) Street pole banners shall not interfere with the visibility of traffic signals or signs.
(iv) No street pole banner shall be located on a pole that has traffic or pedestrian control signals. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.070 Permanent signs – Development standards.
Permanent commercial and noncommercial building and freestanding signs are permitted in accordance with the corresponding development standards of the zone where the sign is placed. These standards apply in combination with other provisions of this chapter. Signs may also be subject to additional requirements set forth in the commercial and industrial design standards set forth in Chapters 21.33 and 21.34 WMC.
(1) Residential Zones. Table 21.44.070(1) sets forth the development standards for all permanent building and freestanding signs in the R-1 through R-48 zones.
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
Building Signs |
Freestanding Signs |
Maximum Number |
One per site |
One per street frontage per site |
Maximum Sign Face |
8% of building facade area not to exceed: • 10 square feet in the R-1, R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones • 20 square feet in the R-12, R-18, R-24 and R-48 zones |
Not applicable |
Maximum Sign Area |
Not applicable |
20 square feet |
Maximum Height |
See WMC 21.44.050(4) |
6 feet |
Placement |
On Site |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Off Site |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Right-of-Way |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Illumination |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Background Colors |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(a) |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(a) |
Sign Materials |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(9)(b), except plastic is prohibited |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(9)(b), and base/support structure must be solid in appearance |
Frame Requirements |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(b) |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(b) |
(2) Nonresidential Zones. Table 21.44.070(2) sets forth the development standards for all permanent building and freestanding signs in the NB, TB, CBD, GB, O, T/I, and I zones.
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
Building Signs |
Freestanding Signs |
Maximum Number1 |
One per tenant per building facade not to exceed two signs per tenant |
One for each full 250 feet of linear street frontage; with a minimum of one allowed per each street frontage per site |
Plus, one building sign per building |
Plus, one shingle sign per tenant2 |
Maximum Sign Face |
8% of building facade area, except as may be increased per WMC 21.44.080 (size and height bonus) |
Not applicable |
Maximum Sign Area |
Not applicable |
One sq. ft. per each full four feet of linear street frontage; with a minimum 25 sq. ft. and a maximum 75 sq. ft. allowed, except as may be increased per WMC 21.44.080 (size and height bonus) |
Maximum Height |
See WMC 21.44.050(4) |
10 feet, except as may be increased per WMC 21.44.080 (size and height bonus) |
Placement |
On Site |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Off Site |
Prohibited |
Prohibited3 |
Right-of-Way |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Illumination |
Allowed (See WMC 21.44.050(8)) |
Allowed (See WMC 21.44.050(8)) |
Background Colors |
Not required |
Not required |
Sign Materials |
Encouraged to satisfy WMC 21.44.050(9)(b) |
Encouraged to satisfy WMC 21.44.050(9)(b), but base/support structure must be solid in appearance, or use double posts |
Frame Requirements |
Not required, but must be concealed or integrated with the building using similar materials and colors |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(b) |
1 The Director may exclude from the number of signs small signs displaying a logo only, provided such signs (a) do not have a sign face exceeding one-half square foot, (b) integrate the logo with the building by using similar colors, (c) are nonilluminated, and (d) cannot be reasonably grouped with other nearby lettering/symbols to form the appearance of a larger sign. 2 Shingle signs cannot exceed three square feet in sign area. 3 See WMC 21.44.050(1)(d) for properties without street frontage. |
(3) Other Zones. Table 21.44.070(3) sets forth the development standards for all permanent building and freestanding signs in the P/I and P zones.
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
Building Signs |
Freestanding Signs |
Maximum Number |
One per building |
One per street frontage per site |
Plus, one shingle sign per tenant1 |
Maximum Sign Face |
8% of building facade area |
Not applicable |
Maximum Sign Area |
Not applicable |
20 sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum Height |
See WMC 21.44.050(4) |
6 feet |
Placement |
On Site |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Off Site |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Right-of-Way |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Illumination |
Allowed (See WMC 21.44.050(8)) |
Allowed (See WMC 21.44.050(8)) |
Background Colors |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(a) |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(a) |
Sign Materials |
Encouraged to satisfy WMC 21.44.050(9)(b) |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(9)(b), and base/support structure must be solid in appearance |
Frame Requirements |
Not required, but must be concealed or integrated with the building using similar materials and colors |
Required per WMC 21.44.050(10)(b) |
1 Shingle sign cannot exceed three square feet in sign area. |
(Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.080 Permanent signs – Large sign development standards.
Where the tables in WMC 21.44.070 reference an allowance for increasing the size of permanent signs, the larger sign development standards in Table 21.44.080 may apply; provided, that the corresponding conditions in the table are satisfied.
Type of Sign |
Development Standard |
Conditions |
Building Sign |
The maximum sign face may be increased to 12% of the building facade area |
To qualify for the increase, the sign must: • Use materials set forth in WMC 21.44.050(9)(b), and the background and frame colors set forth in WMC 21.44.050(10) • Not use backlighting of the sign, except for logos and lettering |
Freestanding Sign |
The maximum sign area may be increased to 100 sq. ft., and the maximum sign height to 15 feet |
To qualify for the increase, the sign must: • Use materials set forth in WMC 21.44.050(9)(b), and the background and frame colors set forth in WMC 21.44.050(10); • Not use backlighting of the sign, except for logos and lettering; • Must include minimum landscaping of one square foot of area for each square foot of sign area; and • Must incorporate two of the following: ○ Architecture features of the building and/or site; ○ Increase landscaping to a minimum of two square feet of area for each square foot of sign area, which must include taller shrubs and/or trees; ○ Prominent water feature such as a fountain that is incorporated into the design of the sign and landscaping. |
(Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.090 Limited duration signs – Development standards.
(1) General Provisions.
(a) Limited duration signs are permitted in accordance with the applicable table in this section and the corresponding development standards in the zone where the sign is placed.
(b) Premises may have a cumulative of commercial and noncommercial limited duration signs as specified for each under the applicable tables and corresponding table columns.
(c) The development standards in this section apply in combination with other applicable provisions of this chapter, except as specified otherwise by this section.
(2) Portable Signs. Table 21.44.090(2) sets forth the development standards applicable to portable signs. Portable signs that comply with Table 21.44.090(2) are excluded from the determination of the number and area of signs allowed elsewhere by this chapter.
Zone |
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
Commercial Signs |
Noncommercial Signs |
All zones |
Hours of display |
Portable signs shall not be displayed before 6:00 a.m. nor after 10:00 p.m. daily. Additionally, within these hours, portable signs can be displayed only during the hours the establishment or event advertised is operating; plus up to 30 minutes before and after to install and remove the portable sign. |
Illumination |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Changeable messages |
Portable signs may integrate manual changeable messaging, provided the messaging is that of an on-premises sign as defined in WMC 21.11A.200. |
Landscaping |
Not required |
Not required |
R-1 through R-48 |
Maximum number |
Prohibited, except as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
Four per lot |
Maximum sign area |
Six sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Three and one-half feet |
Placement1 |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed |
NB, GB, TB, CBD, and O |
Maximum number |
One per establishment; plus as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
One per establishment; plus four per site |
Maximum sign area |
Six sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Three and one-half feet |
Three and one-half feet |
Placement2 |
On site |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed |
Allowed |
I and T/I |
Maximum number |
Two per establishment; plus as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
Two per establishment; plus four per site |
Maximum sign area |
Six sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Three and one-half feet |
Three and one-half feet |
Placement2 |
On site |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed |
Allowed |
P/I and P |
Maximum number |
One per establishment; plus as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
One per establishment; plus, four per site |
Maximum sign area |
Six sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Three and one-half feet |
Three and one-half feet |
Placement2 |
On site |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed |
Allowed |
Special conditions: 1 The placement of portable signs in residential zones must be on site or, if placed in a street right-of-way, must be within the same zoning district as the site it supports, provided: a. The sign must not obstruct vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian traffic or as prohibited by WMC 21.44.050(1)(e); b. If a portable sign is placed on a public or private street sidewalk, a minimum of 36 inches of unobstructed width must be maintained on the sidewalk; c. No landscaping may be damaged or modified to accommodate portable signs; and d. Portable signs must be placed and/or secured to avoid being carried away by high winds, but shall not be attached to any utility poles, traffic signals, street signs, trees, or similar. 2 The placement of portable signs in nonresidential zones must be on site or within the adjoining front area of a street right-of-way including adjoining public or private sidewalk, provided: a. The sign must not obstruct vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian traffic or as prohibited by WMC 21.44.050(1)(e); b. If a portable sign is placed on a public or private street sidewalk, a minimum of 36 inches of unobstructed width must be maintained on the sidewalk; c. No landscaping may be damaged or modified to accommodate portable signs; and d. Portable signs must be placed and/or secured to avoid being carried away by high winds, but shall not be attached to any utility poles, traffic signals, street signs, trees, or similar. |
(3) Other Limited Duration Signs. Tables 21.44.090(3)(a) and 21.44.090(3)(b) set forth the development standards applicable to commercial and noncommercial limited duration signs, excluding portable signs and street pole banner signs (street pole banner signs are permitted pursuant to WMC 21.44.060(7)). Limited duration signs that comply with Tables 21.44.090(3)(a) and 21.44.090(3)(b) are excluded from the determination of numbers and area of signs set forth elsewhere by this chapter.
(a) Table 21.44.090(3)(a) sets forth the development standards applied to commercial limited duration signs.
Zone |
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
All zones |
Illumination |
Prohibited |
Changeable messages |
Prohibited |
Landscaping |
None required |
R-1 through R-48 |
Prohibited, except as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
NB, GB, TB, CBD, O, T/I, I, P/I, and P |
Duration of display |
Displays of each sign shall be limited to seven days prior to commencement and 48 hours after the cessation of the event advertised; not to exceed 30 consecutive days, nor a total of 90 days in a calendar year |
Maximum number |
One per establishment, plus as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
Maximum sign area |
16 sq. ft. per sign, except a banner sign mounted to a building may have the sign area increased to 50 sq. ft. |
Maximum height |
Same as applicable to permanent building and freestanding signs |
Placement1 |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Prohibited, except as allowed in WMC 21.44.090(4) |
Special conditions: 1 Properties without street frontage may place one additional limited duration sign in a right-of-way, provided the placement is the nearest feasible location to the property and the sign is removed between the nighttime hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. (See WMC 21.44.050(1) for additional restrictions.) |
(b) Table 21.44.090(3)(b) sets forth the development standards applied to noncommercial limited duration signs.
Zone |
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
All zones |
Illumination |
Prohibited |
Changeable messages |
Prohibited |
Landscaping |
None required |
Duration of display |
Private property |
Display of each sign shall be removed within 14 days after the cessation of the event advertised |
Right-of-way |
Displays of each sign shall be removed within 14 days after the cessation of event advertised; not to exceed a total of 180 days of display in a calendar year |
Sign permit requirement |
In lieu of WMC 21.44.040(1)(b), noncommercial limited duration signs placed on private property and having a sign area of 16 sq. ft. or less do not require a sign permit |
R-1 through R-48 |
Maximum number |
Private property |
None |
Right-of-way |
No more than one sign per each advertised event shall be displayed along abutting street frontage of a lot |
Maximum sign area |
Private property |
The aggregate sign area shall not exceed 32 sq. ft. per site |
Right-of-way |
Four sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Six feet for freestanding signs, and WMC 21.44.050(4) for building signs |
Placement |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed (See WMC 21.44.050(1)) |
NB, GB, TB, CBD, O, T/I, I, P/I and P |
Maximum number |
Private property |
None |
Right-of-way |
No more than one sign per each advertised event shall be displayed along each 200 lineal feet of street frontage |
Maximum sign area |
Private property |
The aggregate sign area shall not exceed 64 sq. ft. per site; provided, that no single sign shall exceed 32 sq. ft. in sign area, except a banner sign mounted to a building may have the sign area increased to 50 sq. ft. |
Right-of-way |
Five sq. ft. per sign, except a banner sign approved by the City may have the sign area increased to 75 sq. ft. |
Maximum height |
Six feet for freestanding signs, and WMC 21.44.050(4) for building signs |
Placement |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed (See WMC 21.44.050(1)) |
(4) Real Estate, Yard Sales, and Construction Signs. Table 21.44.090(4) sets forth the development standards applicable to real estate, yard sales, and construction signs. Such signs complying with Table 21.44.090(4) are excluded from the determination of numbers and area of signs set forth elsewhere by this chapter including those limited duration signs set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this section. Real estate, yard sales, and construction signs may be portable or in the form of other types of limited duration signs.
Zone |
Description of Standard |
Development Standards |
All zones |
Illumination |
Prohibited |
Changeable message |
Not applicable |
Landscaping |
None required |
Sign permit requirement |
In lieu of WMC 21.44.040(1)(b), limited duration real estate, yard sales, and construction signs placed on private property and having a sign area of eight square feet or less do not require a sign permit |
Duration of display |
Private property |
Signs can be displayed only on the days the event advertised is operating; plus 14 days after the cessation of the event advertised |
Right-of-way |
Signs cannot be displayed before 9:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. daily. Additionally, within these hours such signs can be displayed only during the hours the event advertised is operating |
R-1 through R-8 |
Maximum number |
Private property |
None |
Right-of-way |
Four per site having event being advertised |
Maximum sign area |
Private property |
The aggregate sign area shall not exceed eight sq. ft. per site |
Right-of-way |
Four sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Private property |
Eight feet |
Right-of-way |
Four feet |
Placement1 |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-Way |
Allowed for real estate and yard sale signs, but prohibited for construction signs |
R-12 through R-48 |
Maximum number |
Private property |
None |
Right-of-way |
Four per site having event being advertised |
Maximum sign area |
Private property |
The aggregate sign area shall not exceed 32 sq. ft. per site |
Right-of-way |
Four sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Private property |
12 feet |
Right-of-way |
Four feet |
Placement1 |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed for real estate and yard sale signs, but prohibited for construction signs |
NB, GB, TB, CBD, O, T/I, I, P/I and P |
Maximum number |
Private property |
None |
Right-of-way |
Four per site having event being advertised |
Maximum sign area |
Private property |
The aggregate sign area shall not exceed 64 sq. ft. per site, and no single sign shall exceed 32 sq. ft. in sign area |
Right-of-way |
Four sq. ft. per sign |
Maximum height |
Private property |
12 feet |
Right-of-way |
Four feet |
Placement1 |
On site |
Allowed |
Off site |
Prohibited |
Right-of-way |
Allowed for real estate and yard sale signs, but prohibited for construction signs |
Special conditions: 1 The placement of real estate, yard sale, and construction signs must be on site or, for real estate and yard sale signs if placed in a street right-of-way, must be within the same zoning district as the site it supports, provided: a. The sign must not obstruct vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian traffic or as prohibited by WMC 21.44.050(1)(e); b. If a sign is placed on a public or private street sidewalk, a minimum of 36 inches of unobstructed width must be maintained on the sidewalk; c. No landscaping may be damaged or modified to accommodate the sign; and d. Signs must be placed and/or secured to avoid being carried away by high winds, but shall not be attached to any utility poles, traffic signals, street signs, trees, or similar. |
(Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.100 Private wayfinding signs.
(1) Intent. Wayfinding signs are a system of signs grouped together that direct people through a place. The intent of this section is to allow a complementary system of permanent private wayfinding signs managed by nongovernmental entities that help people orient and find areas of interest and localized establishments more easily.
(2) Applicability. Permanent private wayfinding signs may be approved by the Director, provided such signs: (a) must comply with this section; (b) are excluded from the determination of the number and area of signs allowed; and (c) must comply with all other requirements of this chapter.
(3) Development Conditions.
(a) Private wayfinding signs are permitted only within an approved designated area established in accordance with the following:
(i) The designated area must comprise of an identifiable neighborhood district or development campus having at least four nonresidential tenant spaces and a minimum of two acres of land;
(ii) The designated area must be managed by a unifying entity (e.g., homeowners’ association, property management company, single ownership, etc.);
(iii) The placement of signs must be in accordance with an approved signage plan pursuant to subsection (4) of this section;
(iv) Both the boundaries of the designated area and the private wayfinding signage plan must obtain approval from the Director; and
(v) Designated areas shall not be divided into subareas for purposes of allowing more private wayfinding signage than set forth in subsection (3)(c)(iii) of this section.
(b) Private wayfinding signs may include maps and directories, and directional and arrow signs and similar information that helps direct people. Such signs may include the name and symbols of the district/campus and individual establishments within the designated area only. Advertising goods and services on wayfinding signs is prohibited.
(c) Signage Design Standards. The following standards apply to private wayfinding signs:
(i) All signs must display a unifying theme including color and font;
(ii) Signs should be placed at points within the designated area having high traffic visibility and clear decision points;
(iii) The quantity and size of signs must comply with the following:
(A) One large sign may be allowed not exceeding 75 square feet of sign area for every full two acres within the designated area; not to exceed a total of three large signs within the designated area; and
(B) In addition to the large sign(s) allowed in subsection (3)(c)(iii)(A) of this section, smaller private wayfinding signs may be allowed, provided the total sign area/sign face of all such signs do not exceed 50 square feet within a 100-foot radius circle around each smaller sign (see Figure 21.44.100); and
(iv) Illumination is permitted consistent with WMC 21.44.050(8)(b) and (8)(c);
(v) Landscaping is required pursuant to WMC 21.44.050(7), except any private wayfinding sign primarily intended to be read by people in close proximity to the sign (e.g., five feet or less), or by Braille. The Director may approve reductions to the landscaped area but only to the extent necessary to allow people to approach and read/touch the sign.
Figure 21.44.100: Calculating Total Sign Area/Sign Face for Smaller Private Wayfinding Signs
(4) Applicants wishing to install private wayfinding signs under this section are required to obtain approval of a wayfinding signage plan pursuant to WMC 21.82.070. The application for the private wayfinding signage plan must include the following:
(a) A completed application form;
(b) Owner authorization form identifying the person representing the property owner’s interest;
(c) Information on the entity responsible for managing the wayfinding signage;
(d) A narrative outlining how the wayfinding signage plan will be managed, including maintenance and changes in the individual establishments;
(e) A site plan drawing containing at a minimum the following:
(i) A layout of the subject area including boundaries, buildings, roads, walkways, etc.;
(ii) The location and types of all proposed wayfinding signs;
(iii) The size and height of the wayfinding signs;
(iv) Information on design, materials, and illumination; and
(v) If wayfinding signs are proposed within public rights-of-way, a proposed agreement with the City for maintaining and removal of the signs; and
(f) Other information as required by the Director to determine compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)
21.44.110 Abandoned signs.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any property upon which an abandoned sign is located to remove such sign within 90 days of the sign becoming abandoned as defined in this title. Removal of an abandoned sign shall include the removal of the entire sign including the sign structure and the support structure. See WMC 21.14.070 for provisions applicable to nonconforming signs that are not abandoned. (Ord. 766 § 10 (Att. A), 2024)