Chapter 6.12
6.12.010 Quarantine – Required When.
6.12.030 Quarantine – Restrictions.
6.12.050 Anti-Rabies Treatment.
6.12.060 Existing Hazard – Notice.
6.12.010 Quarantine – Required When.
It shall be the duty of the Yakima County health district health officer to cause to be quarantined any dog within the county, which he has grounds to suspect of being infected with the disease of rabies or hydrophobia. The biting of a human being by a dog is specifically declared to be a ground for suspecting such animal to be so infected.
(Vol. Y p. 543 §1, 1953).
6.12.020 Quarantine – Notice.
Any such individual quarantine shall be initiated by delivering to the owner or keeper of any such dog a written notice of such quarantine, which shall prescribe the duration of the same; provided, that the period of the quarantine shall not exceed fourteen days unless it shall be determined that the existence of such disease is present. The delivery of the notice of quarantine to an adult residing upon the premises where such dog is kept shall be considered as delivery of the notice to the owner or keeper. Any such dog so quarantined shall be impounded, provided that, in the discretion of such district health officer, said animal may be quarantined upon the premises of the owner or a licensed veterinarian during such time as the provisions of the quarantine are strictly kept.
(Vol. Y p. 543 §2, 1953).
6.12.030 Quarantine – Restrictions.
During the period of any quarantine made under the provisions of this chapter, the owner or keeper of any dog so quarantined shall not allow the dog to come in contact with any other animal or person, or permit such dog to run at large on any street or highway, or other property in the county, or upon the premises where quarantined unless the premises are enclosed by a secure fence, nor shall such owner or keeper remove or cause such dog to be removed from the premises without the consent of the district health officer. These restrictions shall continue until the dog shall have been released from quarantine. Any dog subject to these restrictions found running at large as defined herein or which has been removed from the premises upon which quarantined, shall be impounded and unless claimed and redeemed by its owner within two days after the expiration of quarantine period, may be humanely disposed of by the proper authorities.
(Vol. Y p. 543 §4, 1953).
6.12.040 Confinement.
Whenever rabies or hydrophobia is declared by said district health officer to be a hazard to the public health, it is unlawful for any owner, keeper or handler of any dog to keep or harbor same within the county, unless such dog is securely confined at all times by leash or kept in a tight enclosure from which such dog cannot escape. Any dog found running at large in the county during said period shall be impounded, and unless claimed and redeemed by its owner within two days after such impounding, may be humanely disposed of by the proper authorities.
(Vol. Y p. 543 §3, 1953).
6.12.050 Anti-Rabies Treatment.
Any dumb animal known to have been bitten or otherwise exposed to a rabid animal must be destroyed or given anti- rabies (Pasteur) treatment or confined for a period of not less than six months, unless such exposed animal had been vaccinated against rabies not longer than six months, but not less than thirty days, prior to exposure, in which case such animal shall remain under surveillance for six months. If anti-rabies (Pasteur) treatment is given to such exposed animal, confinement and surveillance may be reduced to three months following exposure.
(Vol. Y p. 543 §5, 1953).
6.12.060 Existing Hazard – Notice.
Whenever rabies or hydrophobia is considered by said district health officer to be a hazard to the public health, such officer shall cause to be published a notice to that effect in the official newspapers of the city for three successive days, following which for a period not to exceed ninety days after the date of the last publication of said notice the provisions of Section 6.12.040 shall be applicable, provided that such health officer shall have authority when in his judgment an extension of time is necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this chapter, to renew said period, by notice given in the manner provided in this section and to further thereafter and in the same manner continue said period until in his judgment the general quarantine herein provided for shall be unnecessary.
(Vol. Y p. 543 §6, 1953).