Chapter 16D.05.20
16D.05.20.010 Flood Hazard Areas Established.
16D.05.20.070 Interpretations.
16D.05.20.090 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability.
16D.05.20.010 Flood Hazard Areas Established.
The special flood hazard areas identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in a scientific and engineering report entitled “The Flood Insurance Study for Yakima County, Washington and Incorporated Areas” dated November 18, 2009, and any revisions thereto, with an accompanying flood insurance rate map (FIRM), and any revisions thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of Chapters 16D.10.03, and Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 and are established as flood hazard areas. The flood insurance study and maps are on file at the Yakima County Courthouse Building, Yakima, Washington. The best available information for flood hazard area identification as outlined in 16D.05.44.060 shall be the basis for regulation until a new FIRM is issued that incorporates data utilized under 16D.05.44.060.
(Res. 127-2012 § 1(3), 2012: Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).
16D.05.20.030 Principles.
(1) Recognizing the right and need of the river channel to periodically carry more than the normal flow of water and desiring to minimize loss of life and property, Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 restrict uses and regulate structures to those that are consistent with the degree of flood hazard.
(2) In advancing the above principles, the intent of Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 and their application is:
(a) To alert the county assessor, appraisers, owners, potential buyers and lessees to the natural limitations of flood-prone land;
(b) To meet the minimum requirement of the National Flood Insurance program;
(c) To implement state and federal flood protection programs.
(Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).
16D.05.20.050 Applicability.
The guidelines and regulations set forth herein, in YCC Title 13 and related International Codes shall apply to all special flood hazard areas within the jurisdiction of Yakima County and shall be utilized when considering the issuance of permits through the administrative of quasi-judicial processes within Yakima County.
(1) The provisions of Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 shall apply to any development proposed in a special flood hazard area.
(2) Flood hazard permits shall be approved by Yakima County. County approvals shall only be granted when in accordance with Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 and other applicable local, state and federal regulations.
(3) Topographic, engineering and construction information necessary to evaluate the proposed project shall be submitted to the department for approval.
(4) The granting of a permit for any development or use shall not constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind or nature by Yakima County, or any official or employee thereof, of the practicality or safety of any structure or use proposed and shall create no liability upon or cause of action against such public body, official or employee for any damage that may result thereto.
(Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).
16D.05.20.060 Exemptions.
The following uses and activities are exempt from the provisions of Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72:
(1) The alteration or substantial improvement of any structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a state inventory of historic places;
(2) The installation and maintenance of aboveground utility transmission lines and poles;
(3) Private driveways, fences and other accessory activities and/or uses necessary for agricultural uses which the building official determines will not unduly decrease flood storage or capacity, significantly restrict floodwaters, or create a substantial impoundment of debris carried by floodwaters, and will resist flotation and collapse;
(4) Construction and practices normal or necessary for agricultural uses. The construction of an accessory barn or similar agricultural structure, designed to have a low flood-damage potential, not involving substantial cutting, filling, or watercourse modification, is subject to Section 16D.05.28.020(3)(a) through (e). (Ref. IRC 323)
(Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).
16D.05.20.070 Interpretations.
(1) In the interpretation and application of Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72, the provisions shall be considered as minimum requirements, shall be liberally construed in favor of Yakima County, and deemed neither to limit or repeal any other powers granted under state statute. Its provisions shall be applied in addition to and as a supplement to provisions of the Yakima County Codes (YCC), Title 13, Building and Construction, Title 19, Unified Land Development Code, and the Shoreline Master Program. Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 are not intended to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where these chapters and other ordinances, easements, covenants or deed restrictions conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent requirement shall prevail.
(2) In an interpretation as to an exact location of the boundaries of the special flood hazard areas (i.e., conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions), the person contesting the location of the boundary shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation. Such appeals shall be granted consistent with the standards of Section 60.6 of the rules and regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program (44 CFR 59, etc.) (Ref. IBC 104.1).
(Res. 80-2016 (Exh. A) (part), 2016; Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).
16D.05.20.080 Compliance.
No structure or land shall hereafter be used, constructed, located, extended, converted or altered without full compliance with the terms of Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 and other applicable regulations.
(Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).
16D.05.20.090 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability.
The degree of flood protection required by Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by manmade or natural causes. Chapters 16D.05.20 through 16D.05.72 do not imply that land outside the area of special flood hazards or uses permitted within such area will not be subject to flooding or flood damage.
(Ord. 14-2007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2007).