14.790 Refrigerators, Freezers and Iceboxes.

Any person who discards or abandons any refrigerator, freezer, icebox or deep freeze locker, having a capacity of one and one-half cubic feet or more, which is no longer in use, and which has not had the door removed, or such portion of the latch mechanism removed to prevent latching or locking of the door, is guilty of a violation of this section. Any owner, lessee or manager who knowingly permits such a refrigerator, freezer, icebox or deep freeze locker to remain on premises under his or her control without having the door removed or such portion of the latch mechanism removed to prevent latching or locking of the door is guilty of a violation of this section. For purposes of this section, a refrigerator, freezer, icebox or deep freeze locker which has a magnetic seal closing system must either have the door removed or the magnetic seal closing system removed so as to prevent the door from sealing shut in order to meet the requirement that locking or latching of the door is prevented.

[Prior code § 14.52]