2-14-001-0001    CREATION OF COMMISSION:



2-14-001-0004    ORGANIZATION:

2-14-001-0005    MEETINGS:

2-14-001-0006    DUTIES:


There is hereby established a City Beautification and Public Art Commission. There shall be seven (7) voting members of said Commission who shall meet as hereinafter provided to consider and recommend programs for the expenditure of the beautification and arts and sciences portions of the Bed, Board and Booze Tax allocated under Chapter 3-06, Hospitality Industry Tax Revenues.

"Arts and sciences" means support for Flagstaff arts, scientific and cultural activities, events and organizations to provide direct and indirect citizen participation and enhancement of the overall quality of life and community image including support of public art. (Same meaning as set forth in Section 3-06-001-0001.)

"Beautification" means any modification of the urban physical environment to increase pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalt the mind or spirit or strengthen the urban design framework of the City (same meaning as set forth in Section 3-06-001-0001). (Ord. 1580, Enacted, 08/02/1988; Ord. 2006-15, Amended, 05/16/2006; Ord. 2007-07, Amended, 02/06/2007; Ord. 2014-28, Amended, 11/18/2014; Ord. 2015-22, Amended, 01/05/2016)


The composition of the membership shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council.

Each member shall serve three (3) year terms, on a staggered basis. A member’s term in office shall commence with the first regular Commission meeting following the appointment and terminate with the regular Commission meeting at which the successor takes office. No voting member of the Commission may be appointed to more than two (2) full consecutive terms. (Ord. 1580, Enacted, 08/02/1988; Ord. 1674, Amended, 09/18/1990; Ord. 2006-15, Amended, 05/16/2006; Ord. 2007-04, Amended, 02/06/2007; Ord. 2014-28, Amended, 11/18/2014; Ord. 2015-22, Amended, 01/05/2016)


Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. (Ord. 1580, Enacted, 08/02/1988)

2-14-001-0004 ORGANIZATION:

The Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. The term of the Chairperson shall be one year with eligibility for reelection. Commission members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chairperson. The Council representative shall not be eligible for the Chair. (Ord. No. 1580, Enacted, 08/02/1988)

2-14-001-0005 MEETINGS:

A.    The Commission shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting per month, which shall at all times be open to the public; the time and place of said meeting shall be posted in accordance with the applicable Arizona State Statutes.

B.    A quorum consisting of a minimum of four (4) voting members of the Commission shall be required to conduct business. (Ord. 1580, Enacted, 08/02/88; Ord. 2006-15, Amended, 05/16/2006; Ord. 2016-30, Amended, 07/05/2016)

2-14-001-0006 DUTIES:

The duties of the Commission shall be to:

A.    The Commission shall be responsible for preparing a Five (5) Year Plan. The Five (5) Year Plan shall be used as a guideline for future programs. Said Plan shall be presented to the Council prior to April 1st of each year.

B.    Develop and present to City Council an Annual Plan outlining the Commission’s program recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. Said plan shall be presented to the Council prior to April 1st of each year.

C.    Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the annual budgetary allocation of the beautification and public art portions of the Bed, Board and Booze Tax and other monies as deemed appropriate by the City Council, to include, but not be limited to:

1.    Purchase, installation or modification of landscaping and irrigation systems;

2.    Purchase, removal or modification of billboards and nonconforming signs;

3.    Beautification of buildings and facilities, streetscapes and gateways;

4.    Purchase and installation of public art projects;

5.    Purchase or lease of easements or property necessary for beautification projects.

D.    Make recommendations to the City Council for public art projects by:

1.    Reviewing and defining potential public art projects and writing project descriptions.

2.    Determining the artist selection method and writing the call to artists for public art projects.

3.    Evaluating public art proposals for recommendation to the City Council.

4.    Facilitating display of local art in public facilities.

E.    With respect to the arts and science portion of the Bed, Board and Booze Tax allocated under Chapter 3-06, Hospitality Industry Tax Revenues, the Commission shall make recommendations to the Council concerning the annual budgetary allocation of the arts and science portion of this tax, to include but not be limited to:

1.    Developing and supporting the Flagstaff arts, scientific and cultural activities, events and organizations to provide direct and indirect citizen participation, and opportunities for enhancement of the overall quality of life and community image.

2.    Developing, acquiring and distributing material to promote arts and science.

3.    Developing financial assistance programs to stimulate artistic and scientific activities in Flagstaff.

4.    Retaining of appropriate staff to implement approved programs.

F.    Perform those additional duties as determined by the City Council, related to the Beautification and Public Art Commission. (Ord. No. 1580, Enacted, 08/02/88; Ordinance No. 2006-15, Amended, 05/16/2006; Ord. 2015-22, Amended, 01/05/2016)