A.    Engineering Design and Construction Standards and Specifications: The City Council of the City of Flagstaff hereby acknowledges that three duplicate original copies of a document entitled "Engineering Design and Construction Standards and Specifications", as they were revised through July of 1993, have been filed with the City Clerk and have become public records; and hereby adopts those Engineering Design and Construction Standards and Specifications as revised in July of 1993 to be effective within the City of Flagstaff for all construction begun under permits that were issued after the effective date of this Ordinance. (Ord. 1805, 06/15/93)

That Section L pertaining to street lighting standards as set forth below be added to the Engineering Design and Construction Standards and Specifications, and that three (3) copies of the revised Engineering Design and Construction Standards and Specifications including Section L be forwarded to and maintained by the City Clerk. Section L shall read as follows:


L-1.00 General

Streets are lighted to achieve a number of different objectives. These objectives require widely varying light levels and different equipment to achieve the desired effects. There is evidence to support the desirability of lighting streets in both urban and rural areas. At-grade intersections, turning movements, signalization, parking and pedestrian traffic are common elements that benefit from street lighting. Roadway lighting is generally accepted as an important contributor to safe and efficient traffic operation.

L-1.01 Lighting Required

Street lights shall be installed on all streets in accordance with these standards. The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and all costs associated with the installation of the street lighting system. Plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval and shall conform to City standards. The street lights shall become the property of the City when the final inspection of all offsite improvements is made and the improvements accepted by the City Engineer.

The electrical lines connecting the street light shall be installed by Arizona Public Service (APS) and will remain the property of APS. The developer shall be responsible for making necessary arrangements with APS for the installation of the electrical service for the street lighting system.

L-2.00 Lighting Layout

The intent of roadway lighting is for improved transportation safety and efficiency. The individual elements that compose the lighting installation should compliment this intent. The street lighting design must include safety considerations to minimize hazards. The following elements for light pole design and location shall be applied.

L-2.10 Street lights at intersections

Street lights shall be installed at any intersections involving a type I or II street. The luminaire should extend over the higher class street.

For signalized intersections, the street lights shall be attached to the signal poles and there shall be two lights positioned at diagonally opposite locations.

L-2.20 Spacing of street lights

In addition to intersection locations, street lights shall be spaced along streets in accordance with the following table:

Street Type


LPS Lumens

Adjacent Land Use

Approximate Spacing

Type I

180 watts





135 watts




Type II, V

180 watts





135 watts





90 watts




Type III

135 watts





90 watts




Type IV, VI

90 watts





55 watts




L-2.21 Location and Placement of Equipment

In addition to the table, the following layout criteria shall be used:

1.    When a street light location falls near an unlit intersection, the light should be located at the intersection.

2.    Street lights should be located at property lines but not in conflict with other utility service locations.

3.    The spacing selected should not vary more than 10% from span to span.

4.    With relation to roadway cross-sections, poles should be located:

a.    One foot back of sidewalk, or,

b.    When the sidewalk is separated from the curb, two feet back of curb, or,

c.    When there is curb but no sidewalk, six feet back of curb, or,

d.    On a Type V roadway (a future Type II roadway), six feet back of the future alignment of the curb for the Type II roadway, or,

e.    On a Type VI roadway, 6 feet from the edge of pavement.

5.    Existing poles should be used whenever possible.

6.    Where a raised median divides a roadway, the pole should be located therein, whenever practicable, twin mast arms used, and appropriate adjustments in spacing made with regard to the divided roadway width.

7.    Wiring for street lights shall be underground and located behind curb.

8.    Additional lighting may be required when potential traffic hazards are identified in the plan review process.

L-3.01 Luminaires

Luminaires shall meet all requirements of any City ordinance pertaining to lighting, when applicable.

A list of acceptable luminaires will be maintained by the City Engineer. Luminaires not on this list will require submittal of technical information for review and approval by the City Engineer.

Luminaire style and wattage should not alternate too frequently. This will facilitate maintenance, lighting consistency, and system appearance.

L-3.02 Street Light Support Structures

Street light support structures consist of the base, pole and mast arms. The standards of construction for this equipment shall follow those of Arizona Public Service (APS).

A copy of the APS standards is available for review at the Engineering Section.

L-4.00 Plan Submittals

All new preliminary plan, site plan, tentative plat or construction plan submittals shall show adjacent existing street lights with their luminaire type and wattage.

New street lights and auxiliary equipment and changes to street lights and equipment in the vicinity of the project which are required as a result of the project, shall also be shown on these plan submittals with the luminaire type, wattage, and other pertinent information.

Typical construction details for the support structure shall be made a part of the construction plans.

L-5.00 Modifications to the Existing System that are not a Part of Development Requirements

Individual requests for additions to, or deletions from, the City’s street light system, which are not in accordance with the Lighting Layout of the Standard, shall be acted on by the City Engineer or his authorized representative.

L-6.00 Repair and Replacement

If an existing street light installation, which is not in conformance with these standards, suffers damage to such an extent that the cost of repairing the damage is greater than 50% of the cost of replacing the non-conforming installation, then either:

A.    The light shall not be repaired, but rather, replaced with an installation which fully conforms to these Standards if such an installation would be in conformance with the intersection and spacing requirements of the Standards; or,

B.    The light shall be removed if the intersection and spacing requirements of the Standards would be violated by its repair or replacement.

If the repair cost is less than 50% of the replacement cost then the installation shall be repaired in accordance with these Standards whenever possible.

L-7.00 Variances

Variances for these requirements for unusual circumstances shall be approved by the City Engineer or his authorized representative. (Ord. 1645, 11/7/89)

That the City Council of the City of Flagstaff hereby revises Section I-3.50 of a document entitled "City of Flagstaff Engineering Design and Construction Sandards and Specifications", by adding the following:

"...Such systems are also subject to a fee equal to the estimated amount of operation and maintenance expenses for a period of twenty years. Such fee shall be agreed to by the City and Developer and paid prior to any occupancy being allowed in the development. Operation and maintenance expenses shall be based on all personnel, contractual, commodities, and replacement capital costs that are estimated for the first twenty years of operation. Replacement capital costs shall be based on a ten year life of pumps and motors. Capital with a life of greater than ten years shall be depreciated based on its life expectancy. The actual amount paid shall be based on the future value of the estimated amounts assuming a 5% rate of inflation and then discounted back to their present value using a factor equal to the previous average six month interest paid by the Arizona State Treasurer’s Office paid on the Local Government Investment Pool or other investment vehicles the City may have. (Ord. 1716, 10/1/91)

B.    Maricopa Association of Governments "Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction", 1979 edition, together with the 1980 - 1989 revisions thereof and the City of Flagstaff addendum thereto of November, 1988; and the Maricopa Association of Governments "Uniform Standard Details for Public Works Construction," the 1979 edition together with the 1983 - 1989 revisions, are hereby adopted and shall be the minimum standards for public works construction within the City limits. (Ord. 1672, 8/21/90)

Three copies of the aforesaid Standard Specifications and Standard Details and of the revisions thereto, together with the 1988 City of Flagstaff addendum thereto shall remain on file in the office of the City Clerk to be available during normal business hours for the use and inspection of the public. (Ord. 1672, 8/21/90)

If any part of the Maricopa Association of Governments Uniform Standard Specifications, the MAG revisions or the City of Flagstaff addendum thereto; or of the Standard Details and of the MAG revisions thereto should be held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. (Ord. 1672, 7/21/90)

(Ord. No. 1599, Amended, 12/06/88; Ord. No. 1628, Amended, 08/01/89; Ord. No. 1645, Amended, 11/7/89; Ord. No. 1597, Rep&ReEn, 12/06/88; Ord. No. 1672, Rep&ReEn, 08/21/90; Ord. No. 1716, Amended, 10/01/91)