8-11-001-0001    PURPOSE:

8-11-001-0002    AUTHORITY:

8-11-001-0003    ENFORCEMENT:

8-11-001-0004    DEFINITIONS:






8-11-001-0010    OTHER:

8-11-001-0001 PURPOSE:

The purpose of this Chapter is to establish regulations to provide for the safe and peaceful use of City park property by the public, for the recreational benefit and enjoyment of the public, and for the protection and preservation of the property, facilities, and natural resources of the City. (Ord. 1786, 01/05/93)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)

8-11-001-0002 AUTHORITY:

The City Council authorizes the City Manager to promulgate special rules and administrative policies necessary and appropriate to administer these regulations, and to enforce the same. Such policies shall be in writing and made available to the public during normal business hours in the office of the City Parks Section and Recreation Section. (Ord. 1891, 09/19/95)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)

8-11-001-0003 ENFORCEMENT:

Violation of § 8-11-001-0008, § 8-11-001-0009, or § 8-11-001-0010 is a class one misdemeanor. Enforcement shall be the responsibility of the City Manager, or his or her designee, and shall include the Parks Section and Recreation Section, Police Department, or other appropriate City employees. (Ord. 1891, 09/19/95)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)

8-11-001-0004 DEFINITIONS:

A.    "Park Property" means any land, its landscaping and vegetation, buildings, fixtures, monuments, or structures located thereon, devoted to park or recreational uses and owned, operated, or established by the City Council.

B.    "Recreation Superintendant" means the person immediately in charge of the Recreation Section, and to whom all Recreation Section employees are responsible.

(Ord. 1891, 09/19/95)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)


A.    Park property and recreation programs are open to use by all members of the public regardless of race, sex, national origin, color or physical disabilities.

B.    Permitted hours of use shall be between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 5:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight, Friday and Saturday, unless such person has acquired the appropriate permit from the City Parks Section and Recreation Section.

C.    In park property with functioning sports lighting, the hours of use shall be extended to 12:00 midnight, Sunday through Thursday, for conducting sporting events, and other events approved by permit.

D.    Hours of use shall not apply to the use of public sidewalks, or public streets located within any park property, which are being used as a transportation corridor.

E.    No person shall enter park property which has been closed to use, and is so posted by the City of Flagstaff.

F.    City employees and law enforcement officers acting within their authority shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section. (Ord. 1891, 09/19/95)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)


A.    A permit shall be obtained from the City’s Recreation Section whenever any person or group desires to reserve any portion of park property to:

1.    Conduct a special event, as defined in Chapter 8-12, Special Events;

2.    Conduct a special event, as defined in Chapter 8-12, Special Events, at which alcohol is served or consumed.

B.    Any person or group that desires to consume beer or wine in Ponderosa or Bushmaster Park shall obtain an alcohol beverage permit from the Recreation Section, the Parks Section or the Police Department which will be valid for a specific date and location only. The permit will be valid for one day and for normal park hours only. Alcohol beverage permits shall only be issued to persons 21 years old or older. No fee shall be charged for an alcohol beverage permit. No more than one alcohol beverage permit shall be issued to any individual during each day.

C.    Section 8-11-001-0005 of this Chapter shall not apply during, or within areas designated for, special events and permitted by issuance of a permit pursuant to Chapter 8-12, Special Events.

D.    Permits issued pursuant to this section must remain on site during the permitted activity and shown upon request.

E.    Persons attending an event at which beer or wine is possessed or served, or persons possessing or consuming beer and wine pursuant to an alcohol beverage permit, are subject to all federal, state and city statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations. Violators shall be subject to ejection from park property and/or prosecution.

F.    It is unlawful for any permittee to knowingly fail to comply with any term or condition of the alcohol beverage permit. (Ord. 1891, 09/19/95)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)


A.    With the exception of dogs and cats, no domesticated animal or wildlife shall be brought onto park property unless authorized by permit.

B.    No person shall bring domestic animals or wildlife upon park property unless on a leash, and is at all times entirely within the control of the person bringing it upon park property.

C.    Domestic animals are not permitted at any time in certain posted areas of park property.

D.    Persons bringing domestic animals or wildlife upon park property are responsible for immediate cleanup and removal of the animal’s defecation. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit domestic animals or wildlife to be on park property unless such person has in his immediate possession an appropriate depository for the transmission of excrement to a waste receptacle. This provision shall not apply to a person who is physically disabled.

E.    No person shall catch, injure, destroy, or interfere in any way with any wildlife on park property. (Ord. 1786, 01/05/93)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93)

(Ord. 2004, Amended, 10/05/1999; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)


In addition to those events requiring a special event permit, set forth in Chapter 8-12, Special Events, the following activities shall not be conducted on park property unless authorized by permit:

A.    Playing an audio device, use a public address device, or any device to amplify music.

B.    Operation of a motor vehicle of any type, including, but not limited to, automobiles, motorcycles, motorbikes, or snowmobiles except on roads or parking areas designated for that purpose.

C.    Leaving personal property unattended for more than four hours.

D.    Discharging any bow, crossbow or other similar device which is calculated to propel or project an arrow or dart.

E.    Flying or launching powered model airplanes or rockets.

F.    Cutting or sawing any live or dead trees or their parts with any type of equipment, power or otherwise, or remove any live or dead trees.

G.    No signs, notices, decorations, or objects of any kind shall be attached to, located on or painted on any part of park property.

H.    Conducting or soliciting of any business, trade or occupation.

I.    Enclosure of any area or erection of any structures.

J.    Planting of vegetation or causing vegetation to be planted.

K.    Digging into the surface of park property.

L.    Horseback riding. Law enforcement officers acting within their authority shall be exempt.

M.    Roller skating, skateboards, and bicycling in areas so posted.

N.    Use of any portion of a park for golfing purposes, or make use of any golf clubs, or golf balls.

O.    Possession or consumption of beer and wine in Ponderosa or Bushmaster Park except as described in Subsection 8-11-001-0006. (Ord. 1786, 01/05/93)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)


The following activities shall be prohibited on park property:

A.    Servicing any automobile, including washing, waxing, repairing, or performing other work, except in case of an emergency.

B.    Defacing, destroying or injuring in any way, misusing, or removing any park property.

C.    Interfering with any City employee acting in the course of his or her official duties.

D.    Possessing and discharging any fireworks or explosives on park property.

E.    Depositing, leaving, or spilling refuse or other substances other than in receptacles provided for this purpose.

F.    Depositing refuse from private premises in park property trash receptacles.

G.    Possessing a glass beverage container in any park, trail, or facility, nor shall any person purposely throw, toss, or otherwise propel, or break any glass object on park property, parking area, or access road leading to park property.

H.    Urinating or defecating other than in the facilities provided.

I.    Congregating or assembling in or about any restroom or entry ways of buildings in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct the proper use thereof.

J.    Violating any regulation posted for the operation of an individual recreation center or facility.

K.    Utilizing a playing field which is wet or otherwise unsuitable for play and which may cause damage to the field.

L.    Camping or overnight parking.

M.    Fires are permitted for the purpose of cooking only in picnic areas, and are restricted to grills constructed for this purpose, and privately owned grills or stoves. Wood fires on park property are prohibited for any purpose.

N.    Trapping, except when necessary by the Arizona Game and Fish Department or other law enforcement authority.

O.    Consuming spirituous liquor as defined by State law. This paragraph shall not apply to a person consuming beer from a broken package on park property, except as otherwise posted. (Ord. 1891, 09/19/95).

P.    The outdoor use of any sound amplification device between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Sundays.

Q.    Discharging any firearm or projectile weapon or explosive of any kind, including, but not limited to, BB guns, pellet guns, air guns, paint ball guns, slingshots or other devices capable of causing injury to person or animals or damage or destruction to property.

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95)

(Ord. 2003-05, Amended, 03/18/2003; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)

8-11-001-0010 OTHER:

A.    Lost objects found on park property must be turned over to the City Police or City Parks Section and Recreation Section and may be recovered by proper identification at Police Headquarters or City Parks or Recreation Offices.

B.    Picnic areas not requiring a permit are operated on a "first come, first serve" basis. Picnic ramadas shall be reserved by permit on a "first come, first serve" basis, which must be made in person at the City’s Recreation Office.

C.    Sledding, downhill skiing, snowmobiling, tobogganing or cross-country skiing is permitted on park property unless restricted as posted. (Ord. 1891, 09/19/95)

(Ord. No. 1786, Enacted, 01/05/93; Ord. No. 1891, Amended, 09/19/95; Ord. 2010-39, Amended, 12/07/2010)