This table lists all ordinances amending the development code passed since the Concord Development Code was adopted by Ordinance No. 12-4. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description.
Ord. | Adoption Date | Effective Date | Description |
12-4 | 7-24-2012 | 8-23-2012 | Amends §§ 114-31, 114-32, 114-37(4), 114-61, 114-62, 114-63, 114-64 and 114-65 – 114-78; repeals and replaces Ch. 122; repeals §§ 6-200(b)(1), 6-231 – 6-238, Ch. 42 and §§ 82-111 – 82-113 and 114-101 – 114-111, development code (5.45, 8.20, 8.40, 18.10, 18.15, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.65, 18.100, 18.105, 18.150, 18.155, 18.160, 18.165, 18.170, 18.175, 18.180, 18.185, 18.200, 18.205, 18.210, 18.300, 18.305, 18.310, 18.400, 18.405, 18.410, 18.415, 18.420, 18.425, 18.430, 18.435, 18.440, 18.445, 18.450, 18.455, 18.460, 18.500, 18.505, 18.510, 18.515, 18.520, 18.525, 18.530, 18.535, 18.540) |
12-5 | 10-23-2012 | 11-22-2012 | Amends Table 122-78.1, § 122-102, Tables 122-131.1, 122-132.1, 122-154.1, 122-155.1 and 122-177.1, § 122-332, Table 122-385.1, §§ 122-390(b)(2), 122-445(d), Table 122-541.1, §§ 122-616(a), (c)(1) and (d), 122-630(b)(3) and (d)(4), 122-666(e) and 122-1580, development code (18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.155, 18.160, 18.165, 18.180, 18.200, 18.205) |
13-1 | 4-10-2013 | 5-10-2013 | Amends §§ 122-57 and 122-1580, development code (18.20) |
13-5 | 10-8-2013 | 11-7-2013 | Amends §§ 122-32(b), 122-54(3)(d), Tables 122-78.1, 122-131.1, 122-155.1, 122-177.1 and 122-178.1, §§ 122-296, 122-297, 122-307, 122-385, 122-386, 122-534, 122-535, 122-536, 122-537, 122-538, 122-539, 122-542, 122-544, 122-616, 122-618(b) and (c), 122-621(c) and (e), 122-631(e), 122-633, 122-888 and 122-889, Art. VII Div. 4 title, §§ 122-902, 122-906, 122-908, 122-909 and 122-910, Table 122-1164.1 and §§ 122-1580 and 122-1608, development code (18.15, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.150, 18.160, 18.180, 18.200, 18.410, 18.415, 18.500) |
14-3 | 3-25-2014 | 4-24-2014 | Amends § 122-153(c) and Table 122-154.1, West Concord mixed-use district (18.45) |
14-6 | 7-8-2014 | 8-7-2014 | Adds § 122-634; amends §§ 6.10.020, 6.10.030 and 12.50.030(a), Tables 122-78.1, 122-103.1, 122-131.1, 122-154.1, 122-177.1, 122-200.1 and 122-223.1 and §§ 122.390(d)(5)(a) and 122-1580, eating and drinking establishments (6.10, 12.50, 18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.160, 18.200) |
15-5 | 7-28-2015 | 8-27-2015 | Amends §§ 18.50.010(A) through (C) and Table 18.50.020, business park and industrial districts (18.50) |
15-8 | 12-6-2015 | 1-7-2016 | Amends §§ 18.20.020, 18.40.020, 18.200.130, 18.505.020 and 18.540.090, clean-up amendments (18.20, 18.40, 18.200, 18.505, 18.540) |
16-1 | 3-22-2016 | 4-21-2016 | Amends Ch. 18.170, water efficient landscaping (18.170) |
16-2 | 4-12-2016 | 5-12-2016 | Amends § 18.200.180, secondary living units (Repealed by 17-2) |
16-425.2 | 9-13-2016 | 10-13-2016 | Rezone; amends § 18.45.010(C), West Concord mixed use zone (18.45) |
16-5 | 9-13-2016 | 10-13-2016 | Rezone; amends § 18.45.010(C), West Concord mixed use zone (18.45) |
16-6 | 9-27-2016 | 10-27-2016 | Amends §§ 18.20.030, 18.180.040, 18.180.060(A), 18.180.080, 18.180.110 and 18.180.130, signs (18.20, 18.180) |
17-425.1 | 2/14/17 | 3/16/17 | Rezone; amends § 18.50.010(B), industrial business park district (18.50) |
17-2 | 3/28/17 | 4/27/17 | Amends §§ 13.05.090, 18.20.020, 18.20.030, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020, 18.155.060, 18.160.040, 18.415.010, 18.415.020, 18.420.010 and 18.420.020; repeals and replaces § 18.200.180, accessory dwelling units (13.05, 18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.155, 18.160, 18.200, 18.415, 18.420) |
17-5 | 4/25/17 | 5/25/17 | Amends §§ 18.20.020, 18.20.030, 18.30.020, 18.30.040, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020, 18.150.040, 18.150.170, 18.160.040, 18.200.050, 18.405.020, 18.405.040, 18.415.100, 18.425.020, 18.425.030, 18.425.050 and 18.425.060, development code (18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.150, 18.160, 18.200, 18.405, 18.415, 18.425) |
17-6 | 5/23/17 | 6/22/17 | Amends Ch. 18.160, parking, loading and access (18.160) |
17-11 | 9/26/17 | 10/26/17 | Adds Ch. 18.207; amends cross-references in Title 5 and Ch. 5.30; amends Ch. 18.20, §§ 18.25.050(B), 18.30.010, 18.30.020, Table 18.35.020, §§ 18.40.010, 18.40.020, 18.45.010, 18.45.020, Table 18.50.020, §§ 18.55.010, 18.55.020, 18.60.010, 18.60.020, 18.150.010, 18.150.070(C), 18.160.010, 18.160.020, Table 18.160.040 and Ch. 18.205, wireless communication facilities (18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.150, 18.160, 18.205, 18.207) |
17-13 | 11/14/17 | 12/14/17 | Amends Ch. 5.80, §§ 9.05.020, 18.20.020, 18.20.030, 18.25.060, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020 and 18.180.080, marijuana (5.80, 9.05, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.180) |
18-1 | 3/27/18 | 4/26/18 | Amends §§ 18.20.010, 18.20.020, 18.35.030, 18.150.160, 18.200.180, 18.200.200 and 18.425.020, development code (18.20, 18.35, 18.150, 18.200, 18.425) |
18-3 | 6/12/18 | 7/12/18 | Adds Ch. 18.110; amends Ch. 5.80, §§ 9.05.020, 18.20.020, 18.20.030, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020 and 18.180.080; repeals § 18.25.060, cannabis (5.80, 9.05, 18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.110, 18.180) |
18-9 | 1/8/19 | 2/7/19 | Amends § 18.200.100, home-based businesses (18.200) |
19-2 | 5/14/19 | 6/13/19 | Rezone; amends Ch. 18.60, community land districts (18.60) |
19-5 | 6/25/19 | 7/25/19 | Amends §§ 18.20.020, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020 and 18.60.020, development code (18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60) |
20-2 | 2/25/20 | 3/26/20 | Amends §§ 18.205.020 and 18.205.030, small wireless facilities (18.205) |
20-4 | 5/26/20 | 6/25/20 | Amends Ch. 5.80, §§ 18.20.020, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020, Ch. 18.110, § 18.180.080 and Ch. 18.460, cannabis (5.80, 18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.110, 18.180, 18.460) |
21-2 | 6/22/21 | 7/22/21 | Amends § 18.20.020, 18.20.030, Tables 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020, 18.160.040 and § 18.200.180, accessory dwelling units (18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.160, 18.200) |
21-3 | 8/10/21 | 9/9/21 | Amends §§ 18.45.010 and 18.45.020, downtown districts (18.45) |
21-5 | 11/9/21 | 12/9/21 | Adds § 18.200.220; amends §§ 18.20.020, 18.45.020 and 18.200.090, convenience stores (18.20, 18.45, 18.200) |
23-6 | 9/12/23 | 10/12/23 | Adds Ch. 18.152, objective design standards (18.152) |
23-7 | 10/3/23 | 11/2/23 | Adds Ch. 18.402; amends Chs. 18.405 and 18.415, development code (18.402, 18.405, 18.415) |
23-8 | 10/3/23 | 11/2/23 | Amends § 18.200.180, accessory dwelling units (18.200) |
24-1 | 2/13/24 | 3/14/24 | Amends § 18.20.030 and Ch. 18.185; repeals Res. 16-6042.5, affordable housing (18.20, 18.185) |
24-2 | 2/13/24 | 3/14/24 | Adds Ch. 18.115 and § 18.200.230; amends § 18.20.030, affordable housing overlay district and lot consolidation (18.20, 18.115, 18.200) |
24-5 | 9/10/24 | 10/10/24 | Amends §§ 18.20.020, 18.20.030, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020 and 18.200.070, emergency shelter and homeless shelters (18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.200) |
24-6 | 11/12/24 | 12/12/24 | Amends §§ 5.05.090, 18.20.020, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.35.030, 18.35.080, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020, 18.105.040, 18.160.040(F), 18.160.050, 18.200.050, 18.200.140(A) and 18.415.030, business licenses, residential uses (5.05, 18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.105, 18.160, 18.200, 18.415) |
24-7 | 11/12/24 | 12/12/24 | Amends §§ 18.20.020, 18.30.020, 18.35.020, 18.35.030, 18.35.040, 18.35.060, 18.40.020, 18.45.020, 18.50.020, 18.55.020, 18.60.020, 18.105.040, 18.150.030, 18.160.040(F), 18.160.050, 18.160.090(A) and (B), 18.200.050, 18.200.140 and Ch. 18.410; repeals § 18.35.050, residential uses (18.20, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.105, 18.150, 18.160, 18.200, 18.410) |