Chapter 8.16


8.16.010    Metered service required.

8.16.020    Service connections.

8.16.030    Installation.

8.16.040    Relocation—Expense liability.

8.16.050    Reading.

8.16.060    Testing—Deposit.

8.16.070    Fast meter—Refunds.

8.16.080    Slow meter—Billing for undercharges.

8.16.090    Nonregistering meters.

8.16.010 Metered service required.

All water services shall be metered. A sum of money as set forth in the rate schedule shall be deposited with the district prior to installation of the meter facilities to pay all of the cost of the installation when the installation is made at the request of the customer. The fixed connection charge established by the district shall also be paid prior to installation. The service connection, whether located on public or private property, is the property of the district, unless specifically otherwise provided, and the district reserves the right to repair, replace and maintain it, as well as to remove it upon discontinuance of service.

Graphic for District Responsibility

(Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.020 Service connections.

When water service has been approved by the district, the district will furnish and install a service of such size and at such location as the applicant requests, provided such requests are reasonable. The service will be installed from its water distribution main to the curb line or property line of the premises which may abut on the street, or other thoroughfare, or one of the district’s rights-of-way or easements as shown in Section 8.16.010. The applicant shall furnish and install the meter box in accordance with district specifications prior to installation of the meter. Charges for new services are payable in advance and shall be in accordance with the current rates established by the board.

Public Water Meter Detail

(Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.030 Installation.

All meters may be sealed by the district at the time of installation, and no seal shall be altered or broken except by one of its authorized employees or agents. Meters damaged by act of the owner or his agent shall be replaced at the expense of the owner unless said damage was caused by the district. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.040 Relocation—Expense liability.

Meters moved for the convenience of the customer will be relocated at the customer’s expense. Meters moved at the initiation of the district will be moved at the district’s expense. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.050 Reading.

Meters will be read as nearly as possible on the same day monthly or bimonthly, at the option of the district. The monthly availability service charge will not be made for billing periods of fifteen or fewer days, but will be made for billing periods of sixteen or more days. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.060 Testing—Deposit.

All meters will be tested prior to installation and no meter will be installed which registers more than two percent fast. If a customer desires to have the meter serving his premises tested, in addition to applicable penalties, a testing charge as established by resolution of the board of directors will be made and collected prior to testing. Should the meter register more than two percent fast, the deposit will be refunded, but should the meter register less than two percent fast, the deposit will be retained by the district. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.070 Fast meter—Refunds.

If a meter tested at the request of a customer pursuant to Section 8.16.060 is found to be more than two percent fast, the estimated excess charges for the time service was rendered to the customer requesting the test or for a period of six months, whichever is the lesser, shall be refunded to the customer. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.080 Slow meter—Billing for undercharges.

If a meter tested at the request of a customer pursuant to Section 8.16.060 is found to be more than two percent slow for amounts in excess of one gallon per minute, the district may bill the customer for the amount of the undercharge based upon corrected meter readings for the period, not exceeding six months, that the meter was in use. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.16.090 Nonregistering meters.

If a meter is found to be not registering, the charges for service shall be at the minimum monthly rate or based on the estimated consumption, whichever is greater. Such estimates shall be made from previous consumption for a comparable period or by such other method as is determined by the district, whose decision shall be final. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)