Chapter 17.62


17.62.010    Purpose and intent.

17.62.020    Definitions.

17.62.030    Basic regulations for off-street parking.

17.62.040    Calculating parking requirements.

17.62.050    Design standards.

17.62.060    Off-street parking requirements.

17.62.070    Basic regulations for off-street loading and unloading spaces.

17.62.080    Design standards.

17.62.090    Loading/unloading space requirements.

17.62.095    Passenger drop-off zone requirements.

17.62.100    Relief from the provisions of this chapter.

17.62.010 Purpose and intent.

The regulations set out in this chapter are established in order to ensure that parking facilities are properly designed and located in order to meet the parking needs created by specific uses, and to protect the public safety. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.020 Definitions.

As used in this chapter (see also Chapter 17.04, Definitions):

A.    “California Building Code” means as referred to in Titles 24 and 25 of the California Administrative Code.

B.    “Carpool” means two or more people travelling together on a continuing and prearranged basis in a motor vehicle over routes tailored to accommodate rider needs.

C.    “Certificate of occupancy” means the permit required for occupancy of any building, pursuant to Sections 307 and 502 of the Uniform Building Code.

D.    Handicapped Persons. A handicapped/disabled person shall be defined pursuant to Section 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code.

E.    “Multiple uses” means industrial, commercial, office, retail or residential land uses, co-located in a project/development site or land subdivision map.

F.    “Passenger drop-off zone” means an area for passenger loading and unloading, rideshare, deliveries, and similar uses that is parallel to the curb, a minimum of twenty-four feet long and eight feet wide with an accessible loading area at the side of at least sixty inches wide.

G.    “Peak-demand hour (parking)” means that period of time within which demand for available off-street parking is most strong.

H.    “Private street,” “private road” or “driveway” means a way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other members of the public (Section 490 of the California Vehicle Code).

I.    “Public accommodation area” means those areas within restaurants, taverns, lounges and other establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages, designed to accommodate public seating and gathering, excluding hallways, restrooms, stairways, elevator shafts and common areas used only for major pedestrian movement.

J.    “Public transit” means publicly provided transportation, usually either by bus or rail, to users at a fixed cost per ride.

K.    “Secondary residential unit” means a housing unit established pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 17.78.

L.    “Staggered/variable work hours” means work schedules in which employees choose their arrival and departure times within management limits, and which increase the opportunity for employees to find convenient ridesharing arrangements.

M.    “Tandem parking spaces” means two parking spaces placed one behind the other.

N.    “Transportation coordinator (TC)” means a person, usually a company employee, responsible for helping employees find ridesharing or public transit commuting alternatives.

O.    “Transportation systems management (TSM)” means a low-cost transportation improvement, action or plan, implementable in the short term, that reduces traffic congestion and/or increases traffic system capacity and off-street parking capacity.

P.    “Uniform Building Code” means the rules, regulations and standards, printed and published by the International Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by the city pursuant to Government Code Section 50022.1 and State Health and Safety Code Section 179222, and adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within the city and collectively called the “Foster City Building Code.”

Q.    “Vanpool” means seven or more people travelling together on a continuing and prearranged basis in a motor vehicle designed for the transportation of persons over routes tailored to accommodate rider needs. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.030 Basic regulations for off-street parking.

A.    Off-street parking shall be provided subject to the provisions of this chapter for:

1.    Any new building constructed;

2.    Any new use established;

3.    Any addition or enlargement of an existing building or use; and

4.    Any change in the occupancy or use of any building or the manner in which any use is conducted that would result in additional parking stalls being required.

B.    With the exception of uses that have entered into city-approved shared-parking agreements, city-approved off-site parking agreements, or city-approved parking in-lieu fee agreements, required parking stalls or garages shall be located on site.

C.    All off-street parking stalls and areas required by this title shall be designed and maintained to be fully usable for the duration of the use requiring such areas and spaces.

D.    On-street parking within public or private streets, driveways or drives shall not be used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements, except where allowed by this chapter.

E.    Whenever the computation of the number of off-street parking stalls required by this section results in a fractional parking stall, one additional parking stall shall be required for one-half or more fractional parking stalls, and any fractional space less than one-half of a parking stall shall not be counted.

F.    Temporary use of off-street parking stalls for nonparking purposes will not violate this title only if such use is specifically approved by the city.

G.    Parking facilities approved to be constructed or substantially reconstructed subsequent to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, as amended, whether or not previously required, shall conform to the design standards set forth in this chapter. For the purposes of this chapter, substantially reconstructed shall include significant changes in the location, shape, or configuration of the parking lot or to the number or size of parking stalls, with the exception of the creation or adjustment of handicapped parking stalls. Substantially reconstructed shall not include simple maintenance such as repaving, oil and screening of lot surfaces, and/or repainting. When a parking facility is required to conform to the design standards pursuant to this section, the entire parking facility shall be required to conform. Existing legal nonconforming parking lots constructed pursuant to approved development plans shall be permitted to remain as approved until they are substantially reconstructed.

H.    All off-street parking required by this chapter shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

I.    If the parking requirements of this chapter conflict with any parking requirements established in this code for a specific zoning district, such as those contained in Section 17.36.060, or specific locations in the city or district, then those specific parking requirements shall prevail over the general requirements established in this chapter.

J.    The public works and community development department shall recommend off-street parking requirements for any land use not mentioned in this chapter, subject to planning commission review and approval.

K.    With the exception of a valet parking plan approved by the planning commission, or a parking management plan approved pursuant to Section 17.36.060, or two tandem parking stalls assigned to the same dwelling unit, no tandem parking (one space directly behind another) shall be allowed.

L.    Parking lots designed for more than ten cars must have one lane for lot ingress and one lane for lot egress.

M.    Whenever compact-car parking stalls are employed to meet off-street parking demand, whether in a residential, commercial, office or industrial project, they shall be distributed throughout the project rather than all clustered in one location.

N.    Whenever possible, parking in all districts should be ninety degrees in orientation (perpendicular).

O.    If a parking lot is so operated that a charge is required for the use of the parking facilities, the rates for parking shall be legibly posted upon city-approved parking regulation signs at all entrances to the lot. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.040 Calculating parking requirements.

A.    Whenever parking requirements are based on use square footages, calculations shall be based on gross leasable area of a building, which shall include the total interior floor area of the building or structure, measured at the inside face of the exterior walls, but excluding stairwells, elevator shafts, lobbies and bathrooms located for common or public usage of the total building rather than for tenant or internal usage, and space occupied by mechanical equipment or space related to the operation and maintenance of the building. Gross leasable area shall also include outside areas used for sales and/or display. When public lobby areas, outdoor areas or malls contain uses that generate a demand for parking, they shall be included as a part of the gross leasable area of the building.

B.    When a single structure or parcel contains multiple uses, more than one parking standard may apply.

C.    Parking stalls on public streets shall not be used to meet the requirements set forth herein. No development plans shall be based on the assumption that excess vehicles can be parked on public streets except where public streets have been specifically designed to accommodate on-street parking, and receive city approval for such use.

D.    When parking regulations are based on the number of employees, parking calculations shall use the largest number of employees who work at any one work shift. Where shift changes may cause substantial overcrowding of parking facilities, the city may require additional spaces. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.050 Design standards.

Design standards are established by this section to set basic minimum dimensions and guidelines for design, construction, and maintenance of parking stalls and areas within all of the zoning classifications.

A.    General. The following standards shall apply to all zoning classifications:

1.    Standard Parking Stall Size. Each standard parking stall shall consist of a rectangular area not less than nine feet wide by nineteen feet long. All covered parking stalls should have a vertical clearance of not less than seven feet.

2.    Compact Parking Stall Size. Stalls designated for use by compact cars may be reduced in size to a minimum of eight feet in width and sixteen feet in length. All covered parking stalls should have a vertical clearance of not less than seven feet.

3.    Universal Parking Stall Size. Each universal parking stall shall consist of a rectangular area not less than eight and one-half feet wide by eighteen feet long. All covered parking stalls should have a vertical clearance of not less than seven feet.

4.    Handicapped Persons Parking Stall Size. Parking stalls for the use of the physically handicapped and accessibility to structures and areas by the physically handicapped shall comply with the requirements as set forth in Part 2, Title 24, of the California Administrative Code and Division 11, Chapter 9, of the California State Vehicle Code.

5.    Aisle Dimensions. Each parking and loading space shall have adequate drives, aisles, and turning and maneuvering areas for access and usability, in accordance with Table 17.62.050-A.

6.    Paving. Parking and loading facilities shall be surfaced and maintained with asphaltic, concrete, or other permanent, impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose material, and other nuisances. Alternate surface material can be considered by the city, if shown that such material will not cause adverse effects and that it will remain in a usable condition.

7.    Drainage. All parking and loading facilities shall be graded and provided with permanent storm-drainage facilities. Surfacing, curbing and drainage improvements shall be sufficient to preclude free flow of water onto adjacent properties or public streets or alleys, and to preclude standing pools of water within the parking facility.

8.    Safety Features. Parking and loading facilities shall meet the following standards:

a.    Safety barriers or curbing, and directional markers shall be provided to assure pedestrian/vehicular safety, efficient utilization, protection to landscaping, and to prevent encroachment onto adjoining public or private property.

b.    Visibility of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists shall be assured when entering and exiting individual parking stalls, when circulating within a parking facility, and when entering and exiting a parking facility.

c.    Internal circulation patterns, and the location and traffic direction of all access drives, shall be designed and maintained in accord with accepted principles of traffic engineering and traffic safety.

d.    With the exception of single-family residential districts, backing of vehicles across a public walkway in order to exit from a parking space shall not be permitted.

9.    Lighting. Lights provided to illuminate any parking facility or paved area shall be designed to reflect away from residential use and motorists. All lighting shall maintain one foot-candle of illumination at ground level.

10.    Screening. Unenclosed off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from public streets and adjacent land uses. Screening may be accomplished by one or more, or a combination of several, of the following methods:

a.    Walls. Low-profile walls, not exceeding forty inches in height, shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, or similar types of solid masonry materials.

b.    Fences, Solid. A solid fence, not to exceed forty inches in height, shall be constructed of wood, or wood and masonry or other materials to form an opaque screen.

c.    Planting. Plant materials, when used as a screen, shall consist of compact evergreen plants. They shall be of a kind, or used in such a manner, as to provide screening, and have a minimum height of two feet within eighteen months after initial installation.

d.    Berms. Berms, including grass or plant materials, shall be provided.

e.    Plant Materials. All plant materials used to provide a screen for off-street parking areas shall be maintained in a condition such that impairment of safe sight distances does not result.

11.    Landscaping. The following basic standards shall be observed:

a.    A minimum of ten percent of the total off-street parking area shall be landscaped with at least one fifteen-gallon minimum size tree per each three parking stalls (which may be clustered or grouped) and appropriate ground cover. The parking area shall be computed by adding the areas used for access drives, aisles, stalls, maneuvering and landscaping within that portion of the premises that is devoted to vehicular parking and circulation.

b.    Each unenclosed parking facility shall provide a perimeter landscaped strip at least four feet wide (inside dimension) where the facility adjoins a side or rear property line. The perimeter landscaped strip may include any landscaped yard or landscaped area otherwise required, and shall be continuous, except for required access to the site or to the parking facility.

c.    All landscaping shall be protected with concrete curbs. Where trees are planted within four feet of sidewalks, curbs or streets, root barriers and tree-trunk protectors shall be used. Decorator planter boxes may, upon city approval, be used in appropriate locations.

d.    All landscaping shall be regularly cut, trimmed and maintained in a healthy condition and be kept free of weeds, debris or litter.

e.    No planting bed may be less than four feet in width (inside dimension) and twenty-four feet in area.

f.    Planting beds must be reasonably distributed throughout the parking area.

g.    A detailed landscaping plan drawn to scale shall be provided with all planting, clearly located and labeled, as well as any and all landscape features other than plantings. The plan must include the following information:

i.    Common name/botanical name;

ii.    Size of materials in diameter and height at planting and at maturity;

iii.    Number and spacing of plants and trees to be planted;

iv.    Method of irrigation;

v.    Methods to protect plant materials and landscaped areas from vehicle and pedestrian traffic;

vi.    Maintenance schedule;

vii.    Proposed treatment of all ground surfaces (paving, turf, other);

viii.    Grading and drainage;

ix.    Type, dimensions, and locations of all direction and regulation signs;

x.    Dimensions and locations of all parking-lot attendant shelters (such shelters shall be compatible with site architecture, materials and design).

h.    Planting material shall meet the approval of the city’s standards and specifications.

i.    No paved parking areas shall be more than thirty-five feet from a landscaped area, with the exception of ingress/egress and collector aisles located adjacent to a building.

j.    Not more than twenty-five percent of a landscaped planter or landscaped area may be covered with hard surfaces such as gravel, landscaping rock, concrete, or other impervious materials.

k.    To the extent that they are used as part of a landscape treatment for a parking lot, trash receptacles, bollards, walls or fences, planters, pots, light poles and fixtures, and tree guards and grates shall be coordinated in style, consistent in materials, and must be consistent with and related to the architectural style of the building(s) that are served by the parking lot.

l.    Parking lot planters shall be separated from maneuvering and parking areas by a six-inch raised concrete curb.

m.    Tree planters along the front of parking stalls shall contain a minimum of twenty-four square feet and the smallest outside dimension shall not be less than four feet.

n.    Landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls shall contain a minimum of sixty-four square feet, and the smallest outside dimension shall not be less than four feet.

o.    Pedestrian walks shall be provided in landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls as shown below. They shall consist of a minimum twelve-inch paver stepping stones, or pavers shall be provided adjacent to the curb (including curb width).

12.    Parking Lot Striping and Markings. Parking stall striping, directional arrows, and parking stall identification shall meet the following standards:

a.    All parking stalls shall be painted with a single four-inch-wide contiguous line.

b.    All aisles, entrances and exits shall be clearly marked, with directional arrows painted on the parking surface and, if necessary, appropriately designed signage.

c.    All compact parking stalls shall be individually labeled with the word “compact” painted on the parking surface of each such parking stall.

d.    All handicapped persons’ parking stalls shall be individually labeled and signed in accordance with the requirements as set forth in Part 2, Title 24 of the California Administrative Code.

e.    Parking lot striping and markings shall be maintained in a condition such that they can easily be seen.

13.    Maneuvering. With the exception of single-family residential districts, parking and maneuvering areas shall be arranged such that any vehicle entering a public right-of-way on a major or secondary street can do so traveling in a forward direction.

14.    Overhang. Surface-area parking stalls may permit vehicle overhang of eighteen inches into a landscaped planter.

15.    Parking Facility Design. Following are charts and diagrams in accordance with which all parking facilities shall be designed.

a.    Parking Bay Widths. Each parking facility shall be designed with parking bay units. The size or width of this unit is dependent on one- or two-way traffic and single- or double-loaded aisles. The following Table 17.62.050-A and accompanying parking diagram shall be used to determine the sizes of parking stalls, aisles, and bay widths. When configuration of the property or the location of existing structures constricts the design of parking areas, the deciding body may make minor modifications of up to five percent in a limited number of the parking stalls, aisle width, and minimum landscape planter dimensions; provided, that the applicant can demonstrate that the modification will not impair the function of the parking area. The additional cost of improvements that meet the requirements of this chapter shall not be considered grounds to make minor modifications in the required dimensions.


Table 17.62.050-A


Type of Parking Stall

Angle in Degrees

Stall Width






Stall Length





Stall Depth






Curb Length





One-Way Aisle Width




Two-Way Aisle Width




One-Way Parking Bay Width Double-Loaded


Two-Way Parking Bay Width Double-Loaded



8.5' × 18'















































8' × 16'















































9' × 19'














































(1)An overhang of 1.5 feet at the head of the stall into a landscaped planter may be deleted from these requirements.

(2)See attached Parking Diagram.

(3)May be reduced with an interlocking herringbone layout for angled parking.

b.    Mechanical parking systems. Mechanical parking systems may be used for multifamily residential or for employee use in office, or institutional uses. Other uses may use mechanical parking systems subject to approval of the community development director and may be required to provide on-site valet assistance at no fee to the user.

1.    Mechanical parking systems shall be located within an enclosed parking facility. All lifts, platforms, and associated equipment shall be screened from public views.

2.    The applicant shall submit an analysis and report prepared by a qualified professional for review and approval of the community development director that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed mechanical parking system, operational details, schematic or technical drawings, regular and emergency maintenance schedule, procedures and backup systems, vehicle queuing, access and retrieval efficiency.

3.    Mechanical parking systems shall not be used for accessible parking spaces, visitor parking, or loading spaces.

4.    Additional information, reports and analysis may be required and conditions may be imposed to ensure the use, operation and function of the mechanical parking system is not detrimental to the public welfare, property, land uses, and users of the property, other properties, or the public right-of-way, in the general vicinity.

5.    The community development director shall have authority to adopt design standards to implement this section.

6.    All development containing residential uses shall comply with Chapter 17.96.

B.    Residential. The following design standards shall apply to the residential districts and developments:

1.    Covered off-street parking stalls in a garage or carport designed for one car shall be a minimum of twelve feet in width and twenty feet in depth of unobstructed area provided for parking purposes, or if a tandem configuration shall be twelve feet in width and forty feet in depth. Two-car garages or carports shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width and twenty feet in depth of unobstructed area provided for parking purposes. The required minimum measurements may not include the exterior walls or supports of the structure.

2.    All covered off-street parking shall be architecturally consistent with the main site structure(s) and meet all building setback requirements.

3.    Driveways providing access to garages, carports and parking areas serving three or less dwelling units shall be a minimum of ten feet in width for one-way traffic, and twenty feet for two-way traffic.

4.    Driveways providing access to garages, carports, and open parking stalls serving four or more dwelling units shall be a minimum of twelve feet in width for one-way traffic, and twenty-four feet for two-way traffic, except for double-loaded aisles for compact parking stalls, which may be twenty-two feet in width.

5.    Driveways or aisles serving multiple dwelling units with garages or carports on either or both sides shall be increased a minimum of five feet on one side only, thus providing a twenty-nine-foot-wide accessway between garage or carport spaces for two-way traffic.

6.    The off-street parking stalls required by this chapter shall not be subleased, sublet, or otherwise made available to residents of other properties.

7.    All required covered off-street parking stalls shall be located conveniently accessible to the dwelling unit served by such parking stall.

8.    All recreational vehicle parking and/or storage areas located within the front yard setback shall be paved with either asphaltic concrete, cement.

C.    Commercial, Office, Industrial Uses. The following design standards shall apply to commercial, office, industrial uses:

1.    Those areas designated for use by motorcycles shall measure four feet by eight feet. Such areas shall be clearly marked for motorcycle parking, sufficient to prevent automobile parking in the area.

2.    Those areas designated for use by bicycles shall measure at least two feet by seven feet, shall be located in groups, and shall be equipped to allow for the locking of each bicycle. Bicycle spaces shall be located where access to such spaces is not hampered by physical barriers or parked vehicles.

3.    Two-way access drives with no parking shall be a minimum of twenty-four feet. One-way access drives with no parking shall be a minimum of twelve feet. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.060 Off-street parking requirements.

The following subsections list the required amount of off-street parking for each category of uses, special requirements, and optional requirements:

A.    Residential.

1.    Single-family dwellings (conventional), detached: two parking stalls per unit, at least two of which must be within a garage or carport;

2.    Secondary residential units (“granny flats”): one off-street parking stall which may be uncovered or a part of the existing driveway serving the main residence;

3.    Multifamily, cluster developments (condominium, townhouse), semidetached single-family (zero lot-line, patio homes, duplexes):

a.    Studio/Bachelor Units. One off-street parking stall per unit, which shall be in a garage or carport;

b.    One-Bedroom Units. One and one-half off-street parking stalls per unit, of which one stall shall be in a garage or carport;

c.    Two-Bedroom Units. Two, and not more than two, off-street parking stalls per unit, of which two parking stalls shall be in a garage or carport;

d.    Three or More Bedroom Units. Two, and not more than two, off-street parking stalls per unit, of which two parking stalls shall be in a garage or carport;

e.    Resident Parking. All off-street resident parking shall be located within two hundred feet of an entrance to the unit(s) it is designed to serve;

f.    Guest/Visitor Parking (Projects With Twenty-Five or More Dwelling Units). In addition to the required number of covered off-street parking stalls for each unit, 0.25 off-street uncovered parking stalls shall be provided for each unit for visitor parking;

g.    Guest/Visitor Parking (Projects With Less Than Twenty-Five Dwelling Units). In addition to the required number of covered off-street parking stalls for each unit, 0.30 off-street uncovered parking stalls shall be provided for each unit for visitor parking;

h.    All guest parking spaces should be well-distributed throughout a project and be clearly marked by signing and pavement markings. Directional signs to guest parking should be posted starting at each driveway entrance to a complex. Signing should also be used at each guest parking area indicating the addresses of the closest buildings served by that area;

4.    For developments containing five or more units, up to thirty percent of the required uncovered parking stalls may be compact car size;

5.    Senior Citizens Rental Housing and Supportive Housing.

a.    A housing development designed and maintained as rental housing for senior citizens (persons aged sixty years or older) or supportive housing will be permitted a reduction in the required number of resident off-street parking stalls down to a ratio of 0.75 off-street parking stalls per bedroom. Required resident parking may be reduced pursuant to subsection (D)(3) of this section.

b.    Guest parking shall be provided at a ratio of 0.25 off-street parking stalls per unit. A passenger drop-off zone provided per Section 17.62.095(A)(4) could count towards five guest parking spaces. However, in no case, may the guest parking reduction exceed five spaces.

c.    Notwithstanding the requirements for resident and guest parking, if a supportive housing development is located within one-half mile of a public transit stop, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65654, no minimum parking requirements shall be imposed.

B.    Commercial/Nonresidential Uses. The following requirements will generally apply for all commercial/nonresidential uses in the city:

1.    a. Commercial and Service Uses. One off-street parking stall for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area for all buildings and/or uses in the center;

b.    General Office Uses. One off-street parking stall for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area.

Whenever delineation of specific uses is required, the following standards shall apply:

c.    Automobile Washing and Cleaning Establishments, Except Self-Service. Two and one-half parking stalls per washing bay;

d.    Self-Service Automobile Washer. Two parking stalls for each washing stall;

e.    Automobile Service and Gas Station. Three parking stalls plus two parking stalls for each service bay;

f.    Barbershops or Beauty Parlors. One and one-half parking stalls for each barber chair or beautician station and one parking stall per employee;

g.    Buildings Used Solely for Coin-Operated Laundromats or Dry Cleaning Establishments. One parking stall for each three washing machines, or three plus one parking stalls for each five hundred square feet over one thousand square feet of gross floor area;

h.    Commercial Banks, Savings and Loan Offices, and Other Financial Institutions. One parking stall for each three hundred thirty square feet of gross floor area;

i.    Contractor’s Storage Yards in Connection With Contractor’s Business; Junkyard, Automobile Wrecking Yard; Storage Yard. Six parking stalls separated from the enclosed storage area;

j.    Lumber and General Building Materials Yards. One parking stall for each three hundred square feet of gross floor area for retail sales, plus one parking stall for each one thousand square feet of open area devoted to display (partially covered, by roof, awning, etc.) or sales;

k.    Mortuaries and Funeral Homes. One parking stall for every forty-five square feet or fraction thereof of assembly room or gross floor area, plus one parking stall for each vehicle used in the operation of the funeral home or mortuary;

l.    Motels and Hotels. One parking stall for each guest unit and two parking stalls for resident manager or owner;

m.    Motor Vehicle Sales and Automotive Repair, Painting, Body Work or Service. Minimum of five parking stalls, plus one parking stall per four hundred square feet of gross floor area;

n.    Stores Solely for the Sale of Furniture and Appliances. One parking stall for each five hundred square feet of gross floor area;

o.    General Retail Stores, Food Stores, Supermarkets, Drugstores. One parking stall for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area.

2.    Commercial Recreation Uses.

a.    Bowling Establishments and/or Billiard Halls. Five parking stalls for each lane and/or two parking stalls for each billiard table and one parking stall for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area containing amusement games or devices, plus one locking bicycle facility per two amusement games or devices. All bicycle facilities shall be located clear of public walkways and convenient to the main entrance of the use;

b.    Driving Ranges (Golf). One parking stall per tee, plus the parking stalls required for additional uses on the site, and one parking stall per employee;

c.    “Pitch and Putt” and Miniature Golf Courses. Three parking stalls per hole, plus the parking stalls required for accessory uses, and one parking stall per employee;

d.    Skating Rinks, Ice or Roller. One parking stall for each one hundred square feet of gross floor area, plus the parking stalls required for additional uses on the site, and one parking stall per employee;

e.    Swimming Pool (Commercial). One parking stall for each one hundred square feet of water surface, plus one parking stall for each employee, but not less than ten parking stalls for any such use;

f.    Tennis, Handball and Racquetball Facilities. Three parking stalls for each court, plus the parking stalls required for additional uses on the site, and one parking stall per employee;

g.    Amusement Arcades. One parking stall for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area, plus one locking bicycle facility per two amusement games or devices, with a minimum of ten locking bicycle facilities. All bicycle facilities shall be located clear of public walkways and within fifty feet of the main entrance.

3.    Educational Uses.

a.    Elementary and Junior High Schools. One parking stall for each employee (excluding auditoriums and stadiums which must be parked according to subsection (B)(6)(c) of this section);

b.    Senior High Schools. One parking stall for each member of the faculty and each employee, plus one parking stall for each six students regularly enrolled (excluding auditoriums and stadiums which must be parked according to subsection (B)(6)(c) of this section);

c.    Colleges, Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning, Parochial and Private. One parking stall for each three students, plus one parking stall for each two members of the faculty and employees (excluding auditoriums and stadiums which must be parked according to subsection (B)(6)(c) of this section);

d.    Trade Schools, Business Colleges and Commercial Schools. One parking stall for each two student seating or study areas in each classroom, plus one parking stall for each faculty member or employee (excluding auditoriums and stadiums which must be additionally parked according to subsection (B)(6)(c) of this section).

4.    Health Uses.

a.    Dental Clinics or Offices; Medical Clinics or Offices, Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics. One parking stall for every two hundred square feet of gross floor area, plus one parking stall per employee;

b.    Hospitals. One parking stall for each two patient beds.

c.    Health Studios and Spas. One parking stall for each two hundred thirty square feet of gross floor area and one parking stall per employee. (For the purpose of this subsection, swimming pool area shall be counted as floor area).

5.    Industrial, Wholesale, Manufacturing and Like Uses.

a.    Heavy Manufacturing and Processing Factories or Plants. One parking stall for each employee on the largest shift or one parking stall for each five hundred square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater;

b.    Light Manufacturing, Warehouse, Wholesale and Assembly Plants. One parking stall for each employee on the largest shift, or one parking stall for each five hundred square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater;

c.    Research and Development Facilities. One parking stall for each three hundred square feet of gross floor area;

d.    Unspecified Use Buildings. One parking stall for each three hundred square feet of gross floor area;

e.    Public Utility Facilities, Including, but Not Limited to, Electric, Gas, Water, Telephone and Telegraph Facilities Not Having Business Offices on the Premises. One parking stall for each employee on the largest shift, plus one parking stall for each vehicle used in connection with the use. A minimum of ten parking stalls shall be provided for each such use, regardless of building space or number of employees.

f.    Biopharmaceutical campus developments consisting of office buildings, research and development buildings, laboratory buildings/facilities, and supporting ancillary facilities that are developed and continue to meet the below criteria may be allowed to use a reduced parking ratio for laboratory buildings. The actual parking ratio to be used for laboratory buildings, including ancillary office space and related support space within laboratory buildings used by laboratory scientists and staff, throughout the campus shall be established by the city at the time the general development plan (or an amendment to the general development plan) for the biopharmaceutical campus is approved by the city council. All of the laboratory buildings within the campus shall be subject to the requirements of subsection (D)(1) of this section, with the exception of subsection (D)(1)(c) of this section. The following criteria apply:

i.    The entire land area encompassing the biopharmaceutical campus shall be owned or leased and occupied by one biopharmaceutical company, unless the city, in its sole discretion and based on the factors set forth in subsection (B)(5)(f)(vi) of this section, approves the lease or sale of a portion of the biopharmaceutical campus to another entity or entities.

ii.    The biopharmaceutical campus shall consist of a minimum of thirty acres, contiguous or across the street.

iii.    The biopharmaceutical campus shall contain sufficient land area so that at build-out it can support all required parking in either at-grade parking lots or within parking structures.

iv.    Once approved by the city as a part of the initial use permit, the use(s) housed within buildings in the biopharmaceutical campus shall not be changed without the prior review, evaluation of parking available to serve the changed use(s), and approval by the city.

v.    If the city allows a parking ratio for laboratory buildings within a biopharmaceutical campus that is less stringent than would be required for the same type of buildings not located within the subject biopharmaceutical campus, such parking ratio shall be recorded with the San Mateo County recorder’s office along with the general development plan approved by the city. The recorded document shall make clear that the reduced parking ratio applies to laboratory buildings in the subject biopharmaceutical campus only and that if removed from the biopharmaceutical campus or if title is transferred to another entity, at the discretion of the city, the laboratory buildings may be subject to the parking requirements then in effect for similar buildings in the city that are not located within the subject biopharmaceutical campus. The documents shall be recorded with the San Mateo County recorder’s office such that this information shall be easily detected and routinely included in a standard preliminary title report.

vi.    No proposed sale or lease of any portion of the biopharmaceutical campus shall close escrow or otherwise be finalized without the prior review and approval of the city, which shall limit its review and approval to the impact of the proposed sale or lease on the ability of the existing and new occupants to meet their off-street parking requirements, both individually and in the aggregate. Any purchase and sale agreement or lease with respect to any portion of the biopharmaceutical campus shall be conditioned upon such city approval; shall specifically identify all land use approvals for the biopharmaceutical campus, including, without limitation, any environmental impact report, mitigation monitoring plan, general development plan, specific development plan or other approval applicable to the biopharmaceutical campus; and shall include an express obligation on the part of the transferee or lessee to abide by all conditions and requirements set forth in such existing land use approvals, including, without limitation, the conditions set forth in any environmental impact report, mitigation monitoring plan, general development plan, specific development plan or other approval applicable to the biopharmaceutical campus.

6.    Places of Assembly.

a.    Restaurants, Taverns, Lounges and Other Establishments for the Sale and Consumption on the Premises of Food and Beverages. One parking stall for every forty square feet of public accommodation area, plus one stall per two hundred fifty square feet of remaining area, or one stall per employee, whichever is greater;

b.    Fast-Food Restaurants (With or Without Drive-Through). One parking stall for each seventy-five square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum requirement of ten parking stalls, plus a minimum requirement of ten locking bicycle facilities. All bicycle facilities shall be located clear of public walkways and convenient to the main entrance of the use;

c.    Auditoriums, Sports Arenas, Stadiums. One parking stall for each three seats, or one parking stall for each thirty-five square feet of gross floor area where there are no fixed seats;

d.    Theaters, Movies.

i.    Single Screen. One parking stall per three seats, plus one parking stall per employee;

ii.    Multi-Screen. One parking stall per three seats, plus one parking stall per employee;

e.    Libraries. One parking stall for each four hundred square feet of gross floor area;

f.    Private Clubs, Residential Recreation Buildings, Lodge Halls, Union Headquarters (No Sleeping Facilities). One parking stall for each seventy-five square feet of gross floor area, or one parking stall for each five fixed seats, whichever is greater;

g.    Churches and Other Places of Assembly Not Specified Above. One parking stall for each four fixed seats within the main auditorium, or one parking stall for each thirty-five square feet of seating area within the main auditorium where there are no fixed seats; eighteen linear inches of bench shall be considered a fixed seat.

7.    Other Uses.

a.    Day Nurseries, Including Preschools and Nursery Schools. One parking stall for each staff member, plus one parking stall for each five children.

8.    Unlisted Uses. For uses not specifically listed the public works and community development department shall recommend off-street parking requirements subject to planning commission review and approval.

C.    Special Requirements. The following parking requirements are applicable to all uses. Special parking stalls (handicapped, motorcycle, bicycle) shall be closest to the facility for which they are designated in order to encourage their use.

1.    Handicapped. The required number of parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be as set forth in Part 2, Title 24 of the California Administrative Code and Division 11, Chapter 9 of the California State Vehicle Code.

2.    Motorcycle. Parking facilities with twenty-five or more parking stalls shall provide at least one parking stall as a designated parking area for use by motorcycles. Parking facilities with over one hundred parking stalls shall provide motorcycle parking at the rate of one percent of the total number of parking stalls provided. Areas delineated for use by motorcycles shall meet standards set forth in Section 17.62.050(C)(1).

3.    Bicycle Parking.

a.    Bicycle parking shall be provided, at a minimum, in an amount equal to:




Residential with private garage for each unit

1 parking space per 10 units for developments of 10 or more units


All other residential

1 parking space per 10 units for developments of 10 or more units

1 per unit

Retail and recreation

1 space per 3,000 square feet of building area within 50 feet of primary building entrance

1 space per 10,000 square feet of building area

Office, R&D, and other nonresidential uses

1 space per 8,000 square feet of building area within 75 feet of primary building entrance

1 space per 10,000 square feet of building area

b.    The long-term bicycle parking requirement may be reduced by up to fifty percent with a transportation demand management (TDM) program that includes bicycle sharing, subject to approval of the community development director.

4.    Stall Sizes. All new parking facilities shall consist of the universal parking stall size or larger, with up to five percent compact stalls allowed where necessary to accommodate existing curves, obstructions, or other site or lot configuration problems. For unusual circumstances, including but not limited to existing utility installations, lot shape or dimensions, commercial nonresidential facilities with ten or more parking stalls may provide up to thirty percent of their parking for use by compact cars, if determined necessary by the community development director.

5.    Drive-Through Facilities. Drive-through facilities require special consideration as their design can significantly impact the vehicular circulation on a site. The following requirements apply to any use with drive-through facilities:

a.    Each drive-through lane shall be separated from the circulation routes necessary for ingress or egress from the property, or access to any parking stall.

b.    Each drive-through lane shall be striped, marked, or otherwise distinctly delineated.

c.    The vehicle-stacking capacity of the drive-through facility and the design and location of the ordering and pickup facilities will be determined by the city, based on appropriate traffic engineering and planning data. The applicant shall submit to the city a traffic study addressing the following issues:

i.    Nature of the product or service being offered;

ii.    Method by which the order is processed;

iii.    Time required to serve a typical customer;

iv.    Arrival rate of customers;

v.    Peak demand hour;

vi.    Anticipated vehicular stacking required.

6.    Signs, Markings. Spaces provided for the specific uses as listed above shall be clearly designated through signs, colored lines, etc., all of which must be approved by the city.

D.    Optional Provisions. The following may be provided at the option of the developer when applicable to commercial, residential or office off-street parking uses, subject to city approval:

1.    Shared Parking Facilities. The city shall allow shared parking agreements in conformance with Government Code Section 65863.1 as it currently exists or may hereinafter be amended. In addition, the city, through the use permit procedure, may allow the parking requirements of this chapter to be satisfied by the sharing of parking stalls by more than one use, provided:

a.    The proposal is in the best interests of the city and does not inhibit the implementation of other city ordinances, policies or plans; and

b.    The applicant is able to show that peak hours of use will not overlap or coincide to the degree that peak demand for parking stalls from all uses is greater than the total supply of parking stalls; and

c.    The shared parking facility is within three hundred feet of the principal entrance containing the use(s) for which the parking is required; and

d.    A written agreement between landowner(s) and the city, satisfactory in form and content to the city attorney, is approved by the city. This agreement concerning use and access to parking stalls shall be in the form capable of and subject to being recorded to constitute a covenant running with the land. The agreement shall include:

i.    A guarantee that there will be no substantial change in the uses that will create a greater demand for parking;

ii.    A guarantee among the landowners for access to and use of the shared parking facilities;

iii.    A provision that the city may require parking facilities in addition to those originally approved upon finding by the city council that adequate parking to serve the use(s) has not been provided; and

iv.    A provision stating that the city may, with due cause, notice and hearing, unilaterally modify, amend or terminate the agreement at any time.

2.    Off-Site Parking Facilities. The city may allow the parking requirements of this chapter to be satisfied through the provision of off-site parking facilities.

a.    The proposal is in the best interests of the city and does not inhibit the implementation of other city ordinances, policies or plans;

b.    The off-site parking facility is within three hundred feet of the principal entrance(s) containing the use(s) for which the parking is required or the off-site parking facility containing the use(s) for which the parking is required is served by a shuttle bus system the operations of which are approved by the city and guaranteed by an agreement which is subject to the provisions of subsection (D)(2)(d) of this section;

c.    Off-site parking facilities may be shared by more than one use by meeting the shared parking requirements;

d.    A written agreement between landowner(s) and the city satisfactory in form and content to the city attorney is approved by the city. This agreement concerning use and access to parking stalls shall be in a form capable of and subject to being recorded to constitute a covenant running with the land. The agreement shall include:

i.    A guarantee that there will be no substantial change in the uses that will create a greater demand for parking;

ii.    A guarantee among the landowners for access to and use of the shared parking facilities for the period of time that the off-site parking facilities are needed in order to serve the subject uses;

iii.    A provision that the city may require parking facilities in addition to those originally approved upon the making of a finding by the city council that adequate parking to serve the use(s) has not been provided or has not been maintained; and

iv.    A provision stating that the city may, with due cause, notice and hearing, unilaterally modify, amend or terminate the agreement at any time.

3.    Transportation Systems Management Plans. Off-street parking facilities and/or the number of required off-street parking stalls may be decreased up to a maximum of fifteen percent, subject to the approval of the city planning commission, based upon a detailed transportation systems management plan supplied by the applicant which may include, but is not limited to, provisions for assisting employees to use public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, preferential parking arrangements, charter buses, club buses, employer’s contribution to bus service costs, staggered or variable work hours. Plans which employ the use of mass transit as a means of reducing the demand for employee and customer parking shall provide loading/unloading areas and facilities within a reasonable walking distance to and from the site and buildings for which they are provided. In evaluating the request, the city shall consider, among other factors:

a.    Projected effectiveness of carpool, vanpool, staggered work hours or similar transportation programs;

b.    Proximity to public transportation facilities serving a significant portion of employees and/or customers;

c.    Evidence that employees and/or customers utilize, on a regular basis, transportation alternatives to the automobile.

d.    Where transportation systems management techniques are employed and plans approved which reduce the number of required off-street parking stalls for a development, employment site, commercial or office complex, a written agreement between the landowner(s) and the city must be approved. Such written agreement must be satisfactory in form and content to the city attorney, and is subject to planning commission and city council approval. This agreement shall be in a form capable of and subject to being recorded to constitute a covenant running with the land. The agreement shall include:

i.    A provision to identify that the position of transportation coordinator is created by the agreement, whose purpose is to insure that the transportation systems management plan is successful. The city will be kept informed regarding who the transportation coordinator is and how he/she may be contacted;

ii.    A guarantee that the transportation systems management techniques will not be diminished, suspended, eliminated or in any way be operated at a lower level of effort on the part of the parties identified as responsible for the implementation of these techniques in the transportation systems management plan without prior city approval;

iii.    Provision for an annual report to the city reviewing the past year’s efforts to encourage employees and customers to use transportation systems management techniques, and an accounting of the number of employees and customers actually and regularly employing the techniques to and from the site. Such report will also update that section of the plan outlining efforts to increase employee and customer participation in the transportation systems management program during the coming year;

iv.    A provision that the city, acting with due cause, notice, and at a public hearing, may unilaterally amend or terminate the agreement at any time, thereby requiring the landowner to construct an adequate amount of off-street parking that meets the requirements of the existing parking ordinance at the time the project was constructed.

4.    Credit for Bicycle and Motorcycle Parking in Commercial and Industrial Districts. Where bicycle spaces or motorcycle spaces are provided for uses in commercial and industrial districts in excess of the amount of bicycle and/or motorcycle parking otherwise required, parking stalls otherwise required pursuant to this chapter may be omitted in accordance with the following provisions and subject to the following limitations:

a.    One parking stall may be omitted for each eight bicycle spaces provided (see Section 17.62.050(C)(2) and subsection (C)(3) of this section for requirements);

b.    One parking stall may be omitted for each two motorcycle spaces provided (see Section 17.62.050(C)(1) and subsection (C)(2) of this section for requirements);

c.    In no instance shall credit for motorcycle or bicycle parking or combination thereof exceed five percent of the total required parking stalls.

5.    Parking In-Lieu Fees. The city may allow the parking requirements of this chapter to be satisfied through the payment of parking in-lieu fees.

a.    In commercial, service and office districts where it can be demonstrated that the reasonable and practical development of property precludes the provision of required off-street parking, the city council, upon recommendation of the planning commission, may permit the off-street parking requirements for the use to be satisfied by the payment to the city of a sum equivalent to the estimated, normal, current cost of providing required off-street parking to serve the contemplated use. Any off-street parking satisfied in this manner shall run with the land, and any subsequent change of use which requires more parking shall require subsequent action to satisfy the additional parking requirement. No refund of such payments shall be made when there is a change to a use requiring less parking. Such payment shall be made to the city in one lump sum prior to the issuance of a building permit and/or business license.

b.    The amount of payment for each required parking space shall be fixed by resolution adopted from time to time by the city council. Funds derived from such payments shall be deposited by the city in a special fund, and shall be used and expended exclusively for the purpose of planning, designing, acquiring and developing off-street parking facilities located, insofar as practical, in the general vicinity of the property for which the in-lieu payments were made. (Ord. 684 § 2 (Exh. G), 2024; Ord. 677 § 3 (Exh. D), 2024; Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.070 Basic regulations for off-street loading and unloading spaces.

A.    Unless waived or modified by the planning commission, every use shall have permanently maintained off-street loading and unloading spaces, as follows. Such off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be exclusive of driveways, setbacks and public rights-of-way, and shall be designed so that parking maneuvers for loading or unloading shall not interfere with traffic on collector or thoroughfare streets, or emergency vehicle accessways.

B.    Off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be provided subject to the provisions of this chapter for:

1.    Any new commercial/office, service, industrial or wholesale building constructed;

2.    Any new commercial/office, service, industrial or wholesale use established;

3.    Any addition or enlargement of an existing commercial/office, service, industrial or wholesale building or use;

4.    Any change in occupancy of any commercial/office service, industrial or wholesale building, or the manner in which any use is conducted that would result in additional loading/unloading spaces being required;

5.    Any new residential building containing one hundred or more dwelling units.

C.    All required off-street loading/unloading spaces shall be located on the site of the building or uses that they are constructed to serve, shall be clearly marked as loading/unloading spaces only, and shall not interface with site access or emergency vehicle access.

D.    All off-street loading/unloading spaces and areas shall be designed, landscaped and maintained in a manner such that they are fully integrated with the design and landscape of any required off-street parking, unless such loading/unloading spaces are located away from off-street parking areas and out of the public view. Off-street loading/unloading spaces located away from off-street parking and out of the public view shall be regularly maintained and kept free of trash and litter.

E.    Required off-street loading/unloading spaces shall not be used to satisfy required off-street parking.

F.    No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in areas designated for loading and unloading purposes.

G.    All loading shall take place on the site where the delivery is to be made, and freight-handling doors and facilities shall be oriented to legal off-street loading spaces, not to street or curb parking.

H.    Freight-handling docks shall be so located as to permit free use of aisles, driveways, and sidewalks during freight loading/unloading operations.

I.    Whenever the computation of the number of off-street loading/unloading spaces required by this section results in a fractional space, one additional space shall be required for one-half or more fractional space, and any fractional space less than one-half of a space shall not be counted.

J.    All required off-street loading/unloading spaces shall be provided prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

K.    All required off-street loading/unloading spaces shall be posted as an enforced “tow-away” zone for vehicles violating this section. Signs posting the area as a tow-away zone shall be designed in conformance with Division 11, Chapter 10 of the California State Vehicle Code.

L.    The public works and community development department shall recommend off-street loading/unloading space requirements for any land use not mentioned in this chapter, subject to planning commission review and approval. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.080 Design standards.

A.    The required size of an off-street loading/unloading space shall be a minimum of twelve feet wide by thirty-five feet long, with a minimum of fourteen feet in vertical clearance, except that an off-street loading/unloading space for a residential use may be ten feet in width and thirty feet in length with a minimum of fourteen feet in vertical clearance.

B.    No off-street loading/unloading space shall be located within twenty-five feet of a property in the R-1 or R-1/PD district. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.090 Loading/unloading space requirements.

A.    Commercial/Office/Service Uses. All freestanding (i.e., not located in a shopping center) commercial, office or service uses shall provide a minimum of one loading/unloading space. Freestanding commercial, office or service uses greater than five thousand square feet of gross leasable area shall provide loading/unloading space at a ratio of one space per fifty thousand square feet of gross leasable area, up to a maximum of five spaces.

B.    Shopping Centers.

1.    Within shopping centers, all commercial, office or service uses containing greater than five thousand square feet of gross leasable area shall provide a minimum of one loading/unloading space. Loading/unloading space shall be provided at a ratio of one space per fifty thousand square feet of gross leasable area.

2.    Within shopping centers, all commercial, office or service uses containing less than five thousand square feet of gross leasable area may share the loading/unloading spaces of other commercial, office or service uses within the shopping center; provided, that:

a.    An agreement for shared use of loading/unloading space is entered into by the space-sharing uses and the shopping center owner (or representative);

b.    The shared loading/unloading space is within a reasonable distance of each user sharing the space;

c.    Each user sharing a loading/unloading space is allocated a specific weekly time period when the space is reserved for that user only.

C.    Industrial, Wholesale, Manufacturing and Like Uses. All industrial, wholesale, manufacturing and like uses shall provide a minimum of one loading/unloading space. In addition, all industrial, wholesale, manufacturing and like uses containing greater than ten thousand square feet of gross leasable area shall provide one loading/unloading space at a ratio of one space per ten thousand square foot of gross leasable area, up to a maximum of five loading/unloading spaces. Thereafter, one loading space per fifty thousand square feet of gross leasable area shall be required.

D.    Residential Use of One Hundred or More Dwelling Units per Building. All residential buildings containing one hundred or more dwelling units shall provide one loading/unloading space. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.095 Passenger drop-off zone requirements.

A.    A minimum of one passenger drop-off zone shall be provided for the following:

1.    Any new commercial, hotel, or office building constructed of forty thousand square feet or larger;

2.    Any change in occupancy of any commercial or office building or the manner in which any use is conducted that would result in additional occupancy limits.

3.    Any new residential building containing fifty or more dwelling units.

4.    Any senior citizens housing development containing five or more dwelling units. (Ord. 684 § 2 (Exh. G), 2024; Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)

17.62.100 Relief from the provisions of this chapter.

A.    Parking Variance. With the exception of projects located in a planned development (PD) district, an applicant may apply to the planning commission for a variance from the off-street parking and/or loading space requirements in order to be relieved of providing the usual off-street parking and/or loading spaces required of a particular land use or set of land uses.

B.    In reaching its decision, the planning commission shall require a review of the total off-street parking and/or loading space needs of the proposed project, and an analysis of the request for a variance from such usual requirements. This analysis shall be conducted by a qualified traffic-engineering firm paid by the applicant and selected by the city, and shall include information regarding:

1.    Justification for the variance;

2.    Potential impacts caused by the requested variance (on site and in the surrounding area);

3.    Required mitigation (if necessary).

C.    In reaching its decision, the planning commission shall be free to consider any other information it deems necessary and appropriate.

D.    An application for a variance shall be filed with the planning division in a form prescribed by the city.

E.    The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on each application for a variance.

F.    Before granting a variance, the planning commission shall make the following findings that the circumstances prescribed below do apply:

1.    That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this code;

2.    That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone;

3.    That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same zone;

4.    That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zone;

5.    That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.

G.    Notwithstanding the above-mentioned required findings for a variance from the provisions of this chapter, a variance may be granted from the provisions of this chapter in order that some or all of the required off-street parking stalls be located off-site, including locations in other local jurisdictions, or that in-lieu fees or facilities be provided instead of the required parking stalls, if both the following conditions are met:

1.    The variance will be an incentive to, and a benefit for, the nonresidential development;

2.    The variance will facilitate access to the nonresidential development by patrons of public transit facilities, particularly guideway facilities.

H.    Within a planned development (PD) district, deviation from the provisions of the off-street parking or loading/unloading requirements contained in this chapter will be considered subject to the provisions of Section 17.36.060. (Ord. 674 § 2 (Exh. K), 2024)