Subject | Chapter |
Part 1 General Provisions | |
Authority, Purposes And Effects | |
Definitions | |
Part 2 Administration | |
Assignment Of Duties | |
Permit Application Submittal | |
Site Plan Permits | |
Temporary Use Of Land Permits | |
Use Permits | |
Variances | |
Environmental Impact | |
Appeals | |
Amendments | |
Density Bonus | |
Annexations | |
Part 3 Zoning Districts | |
Summary Of Zoning Districts And | |
R-1 Low Density Residential District | |
R-1D Low Density Residential Downtown | |
R-2 Medium Density Residential District | |
MHP Mobile Home Park District | |
HC Highway Commercial District | |
NC Neighborhood Commercial District | |
Subject | Chapter |
MU Downtown Mixed Use District | |
MU-CC Downtown Mixed Use-Commercial | |
I Industrial District | |
OS Open Space District | |
A Agriculture District | |
PF Public Facilities District | |
Part 4 Overlay Districts | |
Planned Unit Development (PUD) | |
H Historic District Overlay | |
Part 5 Regulations Applying In All Districts | |
General Applications | |
Signs | |
Parking | |
Landscaping | |
Exceptions | |
Nonconforming Uses | |
Game Machines And Game Arcades | |
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | |
Cultivation And Manufacturing Of Medical | |
Agricultural Resource Mitigation |