Chapter 17.54


17.54.010    Purpose

17.54.020    Applicability

17.54.030    Landscape Plan Requirements

17.54.040    Landscape Development Standards

17.54.050    Special Landscape Provisions

17.54.060    Irrigation

17.54.070    Maintenance

17.54.010 Purpose:

The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum landscape standards to enhance the appearance of developments, reduce heat and glare, control soil erosion, conserve water, establish a buffer and/or screen between residential and nonresidential land uses, and to ensure the ongoing maintenance of landscape areas. Additional provisions regarding tree removal and replacement are listed in applicable design guidelines. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.54.020 Applicability:

The provisions of this chapter apply to all land uses as follows:

A.    New Projects: New nonresidential projects, multifamily residential projects, and single-family residential subdivisions shall provide landscaping in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

B.    Existing Development: Where an existing nonresidential development proposes an amendment that increases the building square footage by ten percent (10%) or more, the designated approving authority for design review shall evaluate the existing landscape to ensure compliance with applicable provisions of this chapter as deemed necessary.

C.    Alternative Requirements: In conjunction with a development application, the designated approving authority may grant modifications to the standards of this chapter to accommodate alternatives to required landscape materials or methods where the designated approving authority first determines that the proposed alternative will be equally effective in achieving the intent of this chapter. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.54.030 Landscape Plan Requirements:

A.    Preliminary Landscape Plans: Preliminary landscape plans shall be submitted in conjunction with all design review projects. The preliminary landscape plan is a conceptual plan that depicts general descriptions of types, locations, and quantities of planned landscaping and shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered to practice in the state of California. Submittal requirements are listed on the current permit application forms.

B.    Final Landscape And Irrigation Plans: Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted in conjunction with improvement plans prior to the issuance of building permits for all new development projects. Such plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered to practice in the state of California. Submittal requirements are listed on the current permit application forms. Changes to approved landscaping or irrigation plans shall not be made without prior written approval of the planning director. The construction/installation of landscape and irrigation improvements shall be accomplished in compliance with the approved plans as a prerequisite to any final approval/clearance of the use or development to which it relates. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.54.040 Landscape Development Standards:

A.    General Location For Landscape Improvements: Landscaping shall be provided in the following locations for all types of developments, unless the designated approving authority determines that the required landscape is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter. Supplemental landscape design provisions are listed in the applicable city of Greenfield design guidelines.

1.    Setbacks: All setback areas required by this title shall be landscaped in compliance with this chapter, except where a required setback is occupied by a sidewalk or driveway, or is enclosed and screened from abutting public rights of way. Required setbacks and minimum landscape areas are listed in table 17.54-1 of this section.

2.    Unused Areas: All areas of a multi-family or nonresidential project site not intended for a specific use (including areas planned for future phases of a phased development) shall be landscaped with native vegetation, wildflowers, native grasses or city approved ornamental plants.

3.    Parking Areas: Within parking lots, landscaping shall be used for shade and climate control, to enhance project design, and to screen the visual impact of vehicles and large expanses of pavement consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

B.    Landscape Area Requirements By Zoning District: Minimum landscape area requirements are listed below by zoning district consistent with division III, "Zoning Districts, Allowable Uses, And Development Standards", of this title:

TABLE 17.54-1


Zoning Districts

Minimum Landscape Coverage1, 3 (Percent)

Minimum Landscape Planting Width (Feet)

Abutting Street2

Abutting Interior Property Line

Abutting Residential Property












































Professional office

















Public quasi-public







1.    Minimum landscape coverage required is the minimum percentage of net lot area that must be maintained with a pervious surface, preferably landscape planting.

2.    Listed planting widths are minimums. Established landscape corridors may be wider than the listed minimum, in which case the requirement is to comply with the landscape corridor provisions for a particular street and/or area.

3.    Community gardens and green roofs may also count as landscape coverage.

C.    Landscape Design And Planting Requirements: Landscape design and construction for new development shall be compatible with the surrounding urban and natural environment. Landscape planting for all new multi-family and nonresidential development shall comply with the plant type, size, and spacing provisions listed below.

1.    Landscape Design: Landscaping shall be designed as an integral part of the overall site plan with the purpose of enhancing building design, public views and spaces, and providing buffers, transitions, and screening.

a.    Planting design shall have focal points at project entries, plaza areas, and other areas of interest using distinct planting and/or landscape features.

b.    As appropriate, building and site design shall include use of pots, vases, wall plantings, and/or raised planters, as well as flowering vines both on walls and arbors.

2.    Plant Type: Landscape planting shall include drought tolerant, ornamental, and native species (especially along natural corridors), shall complement the architectural design of structures on the site, and shall be suitable for the soil and climatic conditions specific to the site.

a.    Planting Layout And Plant Diversity: Plant selection shall vary in type and planting pattern. Informal planting patterns are preferred over uniform and entirely symmetrical planting patterns. Use of flowering trees and colorful planting are encouraged in conjunction with evergreen species. Groupings of shrubs shall contain multiple plant types, interspersed with varying heights and blooming seasons for year round interest.

b.    Water Efficient Landscape: Consistent with the purposes of California Government Code section 65591 (water conservation in landscaping act), all new multi-family and nonresidential development shall comply with the city’s current water efficient landscape ordinance.

c.    Street And Parking Lot Trees: Street and parking lot trees shall be selected from the city’s adopted master list of street trees and parking lot trees. A minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the street trees and parking lot trees, respectively, shall be an evergreen species.

d.    Public Improvement Protection: Trees planted within ten feet (10') of a street, sidewalk, paved trail, or walkway shall be a deep rooted species or shall be separated from hardscapes by a root barrier to prevent physical damage to public improvements.

3.    Planting Size, Spacing, And Planting Widths: In order to achieve an immediate effect of a landscape installation and to allow sustained growth of planting materials, minimum plant material sizes, plant spacing, and minimum planting widths (inside measurement) are as follows:

a.    Trees: The minimum planting size for trees shall be fifteen (15) gallon with one-third (1/3) of all trees on a project site planted at a minimum twenty four inch (24") box and two and one-half inch (2 1/2") caliper size. For nonresidential development, tree spacing within the perimeter planters along streets and abutting residential property shall be planted no farther apart on center than thirty feet (30'). Minimum planter widths for trees shall be between five (5) and ten feet (10'), consistent with the city adopted master tree list for street trees and parking lot trees.

b.    Shrubs: Shrub planting shall be a minimum five (5) gallon size, with fifteen (15) gallon minimum size required where an immediate landscape screen is conditioned by the designated approving authority (e.g., screening of headlights from drive-through aisles). When planted to serve as a hedge or screen, shrubs shall be planted with two (2) to four feet (4') of spacing, depending on the plant species.

c.    Ground Cover: Plants used for mass planting may be grown in flats of up to sixty four (64) plants or in individual one gallon containers. Rooted cuttings from flats shall be planted no farther apart than twelve inches (12") on center, and containerized woody, shrub ground cover plantings shall be planted no farther apart than three feet (3') on center in order to achieve full coverage within one year. Minimum planter width for ground cover is two feet (2'), with the exception of sod, which requires a minimum planting width of six feet (6').

d.    Additional Spacing Provisions: Tree spacing shall ensure unobstructed access for vehicles and pedestrians and provide clear vision at intersections. Specifically, tree planting shall comply with the following spacing criteria: (1) Trees or shrubs with a full grown height equal to or greater than thirty inches (30") shall not be planted in any clear vision triangle. (2) A minimum distance of fifteen feet (15") is required between the center of trees and shrubs to street light standards. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.54.050 Special Landscape Provisions:

A.    Perimeter Landscape: Minimum width of perimeter landscape along adjoining streets and interior property lines are identified in section 17.54.040, table 17.54-1 of this chapter, within the perimeter landscape planter adjoining all streets, street trees shall be planted at a maximum spacing of thirty feet (30') on center, located between five (5) and ten feet (10') from the back of sidewalk. Within the perimeter landscape planting along interior property lines, screen trees shall be planted at a minimum spacing of thirty feet (30') on center, located between five (5) and ten feet (10') from the property line. Additionally, where nonresidential property abuts residential property, the required landscape planting shall include a minimum of twelve (12) trees and ten (10) shrubs for each one hundred feet (100') of landscape area.

B.    Residential Landscape: For single-family and two-family residential zoning districts, a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the front yard area shall be pervious surface.

C.    Parking Lot Landscape: Parking lot landscape includes perimeter plantings abutting parking lots and drive aisles, tree planting for parking lot shade, and a combination of continuous planting strips, planting fingers and parking islands throughout the parking lot. In addition to the perimeter landscaping required by this section, parking lots of five (5) spaces or more shall provide a landscaped island measuring a minimum of eight feet by sixteen feet (8' x 16') at a ratio of one island for every eight (8) spaces. As a minimum, the islands shall be placed every ten (10) spaces. All landscaping shall be within planters bounded by a curb at least six inches (6") high. No planter shall be smaller than twenty five (25) square feet, excluding curbing. Each planter shall include an irrigation system.

D.    Parking Lot Screening: Landscaping within the perimeter planter abutting any street right of way shall be designed and maintained for partial screening of vehicles to a minimum height of thirty six inches (36"), measured from the finished grade of the parking lot. Screening materials may include a combination of plant materials, earthen berms, solid masonry walls, raised planters, or other screening devices authorized by the designated approving authority, which meet the intent of this screening requirement. Earthen berms shall be constructed with slopes no steeper than one vertical foot for each five (5) horizontal feet (20 percent slope), with a preferable two foot (2') wide crest on top of the mound.

E.    Landscape Corridors: Existing sidewalks (except at street intersections) and bus turnouts may meander from a minimum of a five foot (5') setback to a maximum of twenty feet (20') from the edge of pavement. The parkway area between the public street and the sidewalk shall be landscaped and planted with a street tree at least every fifty feet (50'). The parkway shall be a minimum of eight feet (8') in width for the location of the street tree.

F.    Buffering Between Uses: A landscape buffer shall be provided between residential and nonresidential uses and between single-family uses and multi-family uses containing three (3) or more units. Buffer areas shall include a minimum ten foot (10') wide planting strip with both deciduous and evergreen trees planted a maximum of thirty feet (30') on center.

G.    Clear Vision Triangle: Planting materials shall be designed to ensure that planting within the clear vision triangle at driveway and street intersections will not exceed thirty inches (30") in height at full maturity.

H.    Sound Walls/Masonry Walls: Where setback and open space areas are screened from public view by walls or similar approved structures, landscaping shall be provided such that fifty percent (50%) of the wall shall be covered by landscape material within five (5) years.

I.    Screening Of Drive-Through Aisles: In order to screen vehicles in a drive-through lane and associated headlights from view of abutting street rights of way, a minimum three foot (3') tall landscape barrier shall be established along the outer edge of drive-through aisles.

J.    Project Entry Landscaping: Entries to multi-tenant projects shall be designed as special statements reflective of the character and scale of the project in order to establish identity for tenants, visitors, and patrons. Flowering access plantings and specimen trees shall be used to reinforce the entry statement. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.54.060 Irrigation:

Landscape areas shall be supported by a permanent, automatic irrigation system coordinated to meet the needs of various planting areas. Proper irrigation shall be provided for healthy plant growth and maturation, and shall be designed to avoid the watering of structures, public ways, and pedestrian access. Landscape designs shall meet the following requirements:

A.    Design: Irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid runoff, excessive low head drainage, overspray or other similar conditions where water flows or drifts onto adjacent property, nonirrigated areas, walks, roadways or structures.

B.    Automatic Controllers: Automatic controllers shall be set to water between seven o’clock (7:00) P.M. and ten o’clock (10:00) A.M. to reduce evaporation:

C.    Irrigation Schedule: An irrigation schedule indicating irrigation timings for each of the four (4) seasons of watering cycles is recommended for all irrigated landscape areas, and is required for those projects with a total landscape area of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet or more.

D.    System Requirements: Low volume irrigation systems with automatic controllers shall be required. Low volume irrigation systems include low volume sprinkler heads, dry emitters, and bubbler emitters. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.54.070 Maintenance:

All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained by watering, clearing of debris and litter, weeding, pruning, insect control, and replacement of plant materials and irrigation equipment as needed to preserve the health and appearance of plant materials. All landscaping shall be maintained in such a manner as to not restrict designated pedestrian access. All trees, shrubs, and plants which, due to accident, damage, disease, or other cause, fail to show a healthy growth shall be replaced, in kind, pursuant to the approved landscape plans within thirty (30) days from the identified damage date.

A.    The owners of all landscaped property shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of the landscaping and irrigation systems.

B.    If landscaping is not being properly maintained, the property owner shall be notified by the city. If after thirty (30) days from the city’s notification the landscaping is still not being maintained, then the city may perform any type of maintenance necessary to ensure compliance with this section, the cost of which will be considered a lien on the property until paid in full by the property owner, tenant or their agent, if any.

C.    The designated approving authority may require the applicant to post a maintenance bond or other performance assurance for a period not to exceed nine (9) months from the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy or final installation of plant material, whichever is later, to ensure survival and maintenance of the required landscaping. The director shall be responsible for establishing the exact sum of the bond, which shall be based upon a reasonable replacement cost of all plant materials plus the cost of installation.

D.    Trees and shrubs shall not overhang or encroach upon walkways, drives, parking areas, and traffic signs to the extent that they interfere with the use of these areas. Tree limbs which overhang public sidewalks shall be kept trimmed to a height of at least ten feet (10') above the sidewalk level. Tree limbs which overhang the street shall be kept trimmed to a height of at least thirteen feet (13') above the street level.

E.    Grass and turf shall be kept free of weeds. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)