Chapter 17.55


17.55.010    Purpose

17.55.020    Applicability

17.55.030    Resource Efficiency Standards

17.55.010 Purpose:

The purpose of this chapter is to identify and regulate minimum resource efficiency standards, requirements, and incentives for new construction including retrofitting, remodels, additions, alterations, condominium conversions and tenant improvements. These standards and requirements are designed to promote recycling, promote the use of resource efficient construction materials, promote water conservation, and promote energy efficiency in new and remodeled residential, industrial, and other nonresidential buildings. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.55.020 Applicability:

A.    Residential Development Requirements: Every discretionary residential project with a total liveable area over five thousand (5,000) square feet shall include all of the required resource efficiency features listed in subsection 17.55.030A of this chapter and two (2) of the resource efficiency features listed in subsection 17.55.030B of this chapter, or alternatively may be satisfied through conditions of approval at the discretion of the planning director.

B.    Industrial Development Requirements: Every discretionary industrial project with a total conditioned area over ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall include all of the required resource efficiency features listed in subsection 17.55.030A of this chapter and one of the resource efficiency features listed in subsection 17.55.030B of this chapter, or alternatively may be satisfied through conditions of approval at the discretion of the planning director.

C.    Nonresidential And Nonindustrial Development Requirements: Every discretionary nonresidential and nonindustrial project with a total conditioned area over ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall include all of the required resource efficiency features listed in subsection 17.55.030A of this chapter and two (2) of the resource efficiency features listed in subsection 17.55.030B of this chapter, or alternatively may be satisfied through conditions of approval at the discretion of the planning director. (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)

17.55.030 Resource Efficiency Standards:

A.    Required Resource Efficiency Features: All applicable projects as noted in section 17.55.020 of this chapter must include all general resource efficiency features in their project design, or alternatively through conditions of approval, at the discretion of the planning director as follows:

1.    Construction Resources: Construction contractors shall implement a waste management and responsible construction materials program (WMRCMP) for all major discretionary projects, as outlined in section 17.55.020 of this chapter. The WMRCMP shall include everything listed below and shall be a condition of approval for applicable projects. The WMRCMP shall be reviewed and approved by the city of Greenfield building and planning department prior to issuance of building or demolition permits for said applicable development projects.

Construction contractors shall implement a Waste Management Recycling Program (WMRP) to be reviewed and approved by the City of Greenfield Building and Planning Department prior to issuance of building or demolition permits. Many natural resources are saved by recycling construction site waste, while salvaging, reusing, and recycling these materials can reduce disposal costs, extend the life of landfills, and create jobs. The program shall include the following two sections. Each section will be reviewed and approved as noted.

SECTION ONE: Submitted and approved prior to issuance of building or demolition permits:

1.    Salvage and Deconstruction: Identify the items you anticipate salvaging and the salvage company that will be used.

2.    Inert Solids: Identify inert solids that will be generated and identify how these will be diverted from disposal through salvaging, reusing or recycling 100% of inert solids, including asphalt, brick, concrete, dirt, fines, rock, sand, soil, and stone.

3.    Separation On-Site: In addition to 100% diversion of inert solids, SO% of non-inert materials must be diverted, including wood, metal, cardboard, green waste, gypsum, and fixtures. Non-inert materials may be separated on-site for recycling and will count towards the 50% diversion requirement. Identify materials that will be separated on-site for recycling companies.

4.    Mixed Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris: If non-inert materials are not separated on-site for recycling, or if the materials separated for recycling are not at least 50% of the total mixed debris generated, then mixed C&D must be taken to a mixed C&D sorting facility that will separate and recycle for you. Indicate the mixed C&D sorting facilities you intend to use.

5.    Disposal: Indicate what percentage of all debris generated will be disposed, what materials you expect to dispose of, and what facility(ies) you will use.

6.    Hauling of debris: Indicate how you intend to transport debris.

SECTION TWO: Submitted and approved following the removal of all debris and prior to issuance of occupancy for any buildings on-site:

Requires documentation of debris handling during the project and submittal of receipts, or equivalent documentation, demonstrating that 100% of inert solids and SO% of the remaining construction and demolition debris were diverted. Upon completion of the project, the contractor will have 30 days in which to submit Section Two with the required receipts, or equivalent documentation to demonstrate compliance with the WMRP. If the 100% of inert solids and SO% of the remaining construction and demolition debris diversions are met, then the entire deposit will be returned within 14 days upon submittal of all original receipts. If the diversion rates are not met, only a pro rata portion of the deposit will be returned to the applicant.

2.    Water Use Efficiency: Features to increase water use efficiency shall be included in project designs for all applicable projects, as outlined in section 17.55.020 of this chapter. Project design shall include the use of both potable and nonpotable water to the maximum extent practicable and use of low flow appliances (i.e., toilets, shower heads, washing machines, dishwashers, drought resistant landscaping, drip irrigation systems, automatic shutoff valves for sinks in restrooms, etc.).

3.    Energy Efficiency: Features to increase energy efficiency shall be included in project designs for all applicable projects, as outlined in section 17.55.020 of this chapter. Project design shall include use of energy efficient appliances meeting the Energy Star rating or better. All lightbulbs, as appropriate, shall be energy efficient, such as compact fluorescents or light emitting diodes (LED). Confirmation of compliance with this requirement will take place at final building inspection.

B.    Resource Efficiency Features: All applicable projects as noted in section 17.55.020 of this chapter must include the number of resource efficiency features as required in said section, or alternatively through conditions of approval, at the discretion of the planning director as follows:

1.    Gray water Systems: The installation of a gray water system in new or renovated buildings that eliminates the need for landscape irrigation. "Gray water" is the wastewater produced from bathtubs, showers, and clothes washers. In order to conserve water, it can be used for irrigation through subsurface distribution systems. A permit is required from the department of environmental health for the gray water system1.

2.    Energy Efficiency: Increase energy efficiency twenty percent (20%) beyond title 24 requirements through the use of innovative design and technology (i.e., natural daylighting, passive heating/cooling, green roofs, additional insulation, or on site renewable electricity generation).

3.    Construction Materials Efficiency: Use of over ten percent (10%) (based on cost) postconsumer recycled content construction materials. "Postconsumer material" is defined as waste material generated by households or by commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in their role as end users of the product, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose. "Recycled content" shall be defined in accordance with the International Organization of Standards document, "ISO 14021 - Environmental Labels And Declarations Self-Declared Environmental Claims (Type II Environmental Labeling)".

4.    Land Use Efficiency: Development of the proposed project at the maximum density allowed under the general plan with the inclusion of transit oriented design, jobs/housing proximity, and alternative forms of transportation (i.e., bicycles, charging stations for electric cars, pedestrian friendly design features, etc.). (Ord. 473 §3, 2007)


    CPC title 24, part 5, Cal.Adm.Code, appendix G.