Chapter 2.30


2.30.010    Created.

2.30.020    Membership.

2.30.030    Mission.

2.30.040    Role.

2.30.050    Meeting location.

2.30.010 Created.

The board of directors of the Hi-Desert Water District hereby forms a single public advisory committee (PAC) made of the remaining members of the wastewater public advisory committee and the public advisory committee, with the purpose to hear and serve in an advisory capacity on certain matters relating to wastewater and water prior to board action. [Res. 22-29; Res. 11-07].

2.30.020 Membership.

The PAC will consist of no more than 22 members of the public who reside in the Hi-Desert Water District service area or sphere of influence, representing a cross-section of the public, who will serve at the pleasure of the board. PAC members are volunteers, appointed by the board of directors. Meetings will be on a regular basis, as determined by the committee, and vacancies will be filled as needed. No quorum is required to conduct a meeting of the PAC.

The PAC will elect of its active members a chair and co-chair for the purpose of leading meetings.

PAC meetings are not subject to the Brown Act and public notice requirements; however, a minimum 72-hour notice of the meeting will be provided via email to the members.

The board of directors of the Hi-Desert Water District advises the committee members acquire no more than three unexcused absences from the public advisory committee meetings; and if so, allows the committee to determine if the member be allowed to continue to serve on the committee. [Res. 22-29; Res. 15-25; Res. 13-12; Res. 11-07].

2.30.030 Mission.

The mission of the public advisory committee is to offer citizen input on policies and programs. Membership is designed to reflect the knowledge and interest of major affected constituencies: ratepayers, businesses, church/religious groups, senior citizens, engineering and construction industry, environmental advocacy, etc. [Res. 22-29; Ord. 87, 2019. Formerly 8.10.020].

2.30.040 Role.

The role of the PAC is advisory, offering citizen input to Hi-Desert Water District staff. District staff will utilize this input to help formulate and provide the Hi-Desert Water District board recommendations for board consideration and direction on water and wastewater policy and projects. [Res. 22-29; Ord. 87, 2019. Formerly 8.10.040].

2.30.050 Meeting location.

The PAC can meet virtually, hybrid and/or in person at the Hi-Desert Water District board room at 55439 Twentynine Palms Highway, Yucca Valley, CA 92284. [Res. 22-29; Ord. 87, 2019. Formerly 8.10.050].