Chapter 2.25


2.25.010    Purpose.

2.25.020    Distribution.

2.25.030    Applicability.

2.25.040    Exemptions.

2.25.050    Definitions.

2.25.060    General manager – Responsibility.

2.25.070    General manager – Authority.

2.25.080    Purposes for district’s use of tickets.

2.25.090    Unused tickets.

2.25.100    Transfer prohibited.

2.25.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all tickets and/or passes to attend a facility, event, show, or performance for an entertainment, amusement, recreational, or similar purpose made available to or for the district are distributed in furtherance of governmental and/or public purposes as required under Fair Political Practices Commission (“FPPC”) Regulation 18944.1. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.1].

2.25.020 Distribution.

The district finds that the receipt of all such discounted, free or purchased tickets and/or passes are public resources. District hereby desires to distribute these public resources in a manner that furthers its governmental and public purposes as reasonably described herein, such as the promotion of water conservation, water quality, water supply, water policy, the marketing of district services, and the recognition of the district and its community and government partners for these purposes. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.2].

2.25.030 Applicability.

This policy shall only apply to the district’s distribution of tickets and/or passes to, or at the behest of, a district official for which no equal or greater consideration of equal or greater value is provided by the district official. Consideration of equal or greater value shall be presumed if the tickets and/or passes are distributed pursuant to this policy. Tickets provided to district officials as part of their official duties, or tickets provided so that the district official may perform a ceremonial role or function on behalf of the district, shall not be subject to this tickets and/or passes distribution policy and are exempt from any disclosure or reporting requirements. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.3].

2.25.040 Exemptions.

Unless exempted otherwise under state law, any ticket and/or pass received or directed for use by a district official not in conformance with this policy remains subject to separate disclosure requirements and the annual gift limit. This policy does not generally apply to political or nonprofit fundraisers which are governed under a separate policy. Tickets and/or passes to events that primarily provide informational material and are provided to assist the district official in the performance of his or her official duties or that of his or her elected office being sought are also not generally subject to this policy. As any event becomes more entertainment-oriented, this policy as well as district counsel should be consulted. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.4].

2.25.050 Definitions.

“District officials” shall mean all public officials and those employees as that term is defined by Government Code 82048 and FPPC Regulation 18701.

“Tickets and passes” is defined as an admission to a facility, event, show or performance for an entertainment, amusement, recreational, or similar purpose. (FPPC Regulation 18944.1) [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.5].

2.25.060 General manager – Responsibility.

The general manager or his designee shall be responsible for managing all donations of tickets and/or passes and for the accounting and inventory of all donated tickets and/or passes. In such a case where the general manager desires to obtain a ticket or pass, the district board authorizes the board president to exercise the district’s sole discretion in determining whether the general manager’s use or behest of tickets and/or passes is in accordance with the terms of this policy. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.6].

2.25.070 General manager – Authority.

The general manager may authorize district staff to approach companies or organizations to request donation of tickets and/or passes to facilitate the achievement of the governmental and public purposes described in HDWDC 2.25.080. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.7].

2.25.080 Purposes for district’s use of tickets.

The district may accomplish one or more public purposes of the district through the distribution of tickets to, or at the behest of, a district official. The following list is illustrative, rather than exhaustive, of the public purposes of the district that may be served by district officials attending events using tickets distributed to them by the district.

A. Promotion of water conservation and water supply within the district, regionally and statewide.

B. Promotion of water quality within the district, regionally and statewide.

C. Promotion of water services within the district, regionally and statewide.

D. Marketing promotions highlighting the achievements of public agencies, local residents, nonprofits, community groups and businesses in the areas of water conservation, water services, water supply, or water quality.

E. Promotion and marketing of district facilities and resources available for public use.

F. Promotion of district recognition, visibility, and/or profile on a local, state, national or international scale.

G. Promotion of district issues and interests at events sponsored by other governmental agencies, government-related industry groups, and nonprofit organizations, including but not limited to annual state of the city events hosted by surrounding cities, League of California Cities, Association of California Water Agencies, or California Special Districts Association events.

H. Promotion of open government by district official appearances, participation and/or availability at business or community events.

I. Sponsorship agreements involving private events where the district specifically seeks to enhance the district’s reputation both locally and regionally by serving as hosts, providing the necessary opportunities to meet and greet visitors, dignitaries, and residents.

J. All written contracts where the district as a form of consideration has required that a certain number of tickets or suites be made available for its use.

K. Employment retention programs.

L. Charitable 501(c)(3) fundraisers for the purpose of networking with other community and civic leaders.

M. Spouses of district officials in order to accompany him or her to any of the events listed above.

N. Any purpose similar to the above-included in any district contract. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.8].

2.25.090 Unused tickets.

Any district official or any member of the district official’s immediate family may return any ticket unused to the district for redistribution pursuant to this policy. Government Code Section 82029 has defined “immediate family” to mean spouse and dependent children. Under no reasons may either the district official or a member of his or her immediate family sell or further transfer any ticket and/or pass provided under this policy. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.9].

2.25.100 Transfer prohibited.

The transfer by any district official of any tickets and/or passes distributed pursuant to this policy to any other person, except to members of the district official’s immediate family for their personal use, is prohibited. [Res. 09-06 § 1 2036.10].