Chapter 17.18
17.18.010 Purpose and intent of combining zones.
17.18.020 Planned development combining zone (PD) standards and regulations.
17.18.030 Smart residential development combining zone (SD) standards and regulations.
17.18.040 Industrial Boulevard area combining zone (IBA) standards and regulations.
17.18.010 Purpose and intent of combining zones.
The purposes and intent of the combining zones are as follows:
A. |
PD--Planned Development Combining Zone. The purpose of the planned development (PD) combining zone is to promote cluster development, provide for design flexibility, encourage the creation of open space areas, meet the changes in development technology, and be responsive to changes in market demand. The PD combining zone is designed to meet a higher standard of development through enhanced design and amenities by providing more flexibility in development standards than would otherwise be allowed through traditional development identified in this division. The PD combining zone implements the low density residential (LDR), medium density residential (MDR), quasi-public (QP), and schools (S). |
B. |
SD--Smart Residential Development Combining Zone. The purpose of the smart residential development (SD) combining zone is to promote development designs that respond to significant planning-related issues facing the San Joaquin Valley, including urbanization of agricultural land, air pollution, housing affordability, traffic, aesthetics, and neighborhood deterioration. This new approach to development design has been popularized by the term "smart growth" and its purpose is to achieve the average density goals set forth by each zone. |
The SD combining zone is structured to encourage a comprehensive development that is superior to traditional development of the recent past by increasing walkability and connectivity while achieving the higher net density and preservation of open space goals set forth by the general plan. To the greatest extent possible, attention shall be given to greater design details and the average density set forth by each individual zone shall be achieved through a mix of residential housing types and sizes. The SD combining zone implements the low density residential (LDR), medium density residential (MDR), high density residential (HDR), quasi-public (QP), and schools (S) land use designations in the general plan. |
C. |
IBA--Industrial Boulevard Area Combining Zone. The purpose of the Industrial Boulevard Area (IBA) combining zone is to provide special land development standards for property located along that portion of Madera Avenue, south of California Street, that is zoned for industrial uses. All regulations contained in this combining zone are deemed to be necessary for the protection of the health, safety, and general welfare of the city and of owners and users of property along this corridor. The IBA combining zone implements the industrial (I) land use designation in the general plan. |
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.18.020 Planned development combining zone (PD) standards and regulations.
A. Application of the PD Combining Zone. PD combining zones shall comply with the following:
1. The PD combining zone may be combined with any of the residential, office, commercial, or industrial zones established in this division. For purposes of identification, all established PD combining zones shall be suffixed by the zoning notation of the zone with which it is combined (i.e., PD-R-1, PD-R-3).
2. Existing uses in PD combining zones shall continue to be governed by this section, but no additional PD combining zones shall be established. Modifications or expansions to an existing use within existing PD zones shall require an amendment to the development plan permit approved for the use and approval of any other applicable planning permit. New uses within an existing PD zone may be allowed as permitted by subsection B of this section (PD Combining Zone Land Use Regulations).
B. PD Combining Zone Land Use Regulations. PD combining zones shall comply with the following:
1. Uses Allowed by Right. All uses identified as an allowed by right use (P) in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 zones in Table 17.10-1 (Land Use Regulations--Residential Zones), or those uses designated by the land use element of the general plan, shall be allowed.
2. Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Permit. All uses identified as requiring a conditional use permit (CUP) in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 zones in Table 17.10-1 (Land Use Regulations--Residential Zones), shall also require the approval of a conditional use permit.
C. PD Combining Zone Development Standards. The following development standards together with other applicable standards specified in this zoning code shall apply to all land and structures within the PD combining zone:
1. Minimum Parcel Area. The minimum parcel size for a PD combining zone parcel is two acres.
2. Density. The average number of dwelling units per net area shall not exceed the density allowed by the base zone, unless the applicant can demonstrate that additional usable common open space beyond the five percent requirement can be achieved. If so, the commission or council may grant a density bonus. This density bonus shall be based on the following standards:
a. Net Useable Open Space. PD combining zones shall provide the following:
i. Six to ten percent: Six percent density bonus;
ii. Eleven to twenty-five percent: ten percent density bonus;
iii. Over thirty-five percent: two hundred twenty percent density bonus.
b. Useable common open space is those portions of the project site which are suitable for common use by the residents of the development. This open space shall not include parking areas, private patios, building separations, or storage areas.
3. Height. The maximum height of a structure shall be consistent with the base zone requirements.
4. Average Parcel Size. The average parcel size of a single-unit residential subdivision that is processed under the PD combining zone shall be that of the minimum parcel size of the base zone (i.e., the R-1-7 zone has a minimum parcel size of seven thousand square feet therefore the average parcel size shall be seven thousand square feet). Average parcel size shall be calculated by adding the square footage of all parcels designated for single-unit dwelling use and dividing that number by the number of single-unit dwelling parcels.
5. Percentage of Lots Below Minimum Parcel Size of Base Zone. The percentage of parcels designated for single-unit dwellings that are below the minimum parcel size of the base zone shall not be more than thirty-three percent of the total lots designated for single-unit dwelling uses.
6. Parcel Width. The minimum parcel width of a single-unit dwelling lot that has an R-1-7 base zone shall not be less than sixty-five feet, one hundred feet for the R-1-12 zone, and one hundred twenty feet for the RR zone. Not more than thirty-three percent of the single-unit dwelling parcels shall have a parcel width less than the base zone standard.
7. Parcel Depth. The minimum parcel depth of a single-unit dwelling parcel that has an R-1-7 base zone shall be one hundred feet; one hundred twenty feet for the R-1-12 and RR zone districts.
8. Side Yard Setback. Not more than twenty-five percent of the parcels in a single-unit dwelling subdivision shall deviate from the side yard setback standard of the base zone nor shall any of these parcels have a side yard setback that is less than five feet on interior parcels, ten feet on street side parcels, or fifteen feet on reverse corner parcels.
9. Duplex Locations. All duplexes shall be located on corner parcels. The front door of each dwelling unit in a duplex shall face a different street. The city may require one duplex for every twenty single-unit dwelling parcels contained in a subdivision. Duplex units shall have the same setback requirements as adjacent single-unit dwellings, except in the case of the side yard between a duplex and single-unit dwelling. This side yard shall be twelve feet.
10. Street Width. Single-unit dwelling subdivisions may have local streets that have a minimum right-of-way width of fifty-six feet, thirty-six feet paved width; cul-de-sac streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of fifty-two feet, thirty-two feet paved width.
11. Subdivision Parks. In consideration of the greater need for public recreational space in higher density residential zones, the city requires that certain improvements will be made to the city’s park system. This may be accomplished in one of two methods as selected by the commission and subject to the council’s approval, based upon the needs of the park system and the impact of the proposed development. The value of these improvements shall be based upon the cost and park development of one average size parcel for every thirty lots within a subdivision. The commission and council shall determine whether property dedication and development or the payment of an in-lieu fee for acquisition or development of nearby recreational facilities would best serve the recreational needs of residents. The amount of any in-lieu fee shall be based upon the value of the parcel dedication and development costs referenced above as determined by the city engineer provisions for dedication and development or payment shall be made in a subdivision agreement.
D. Processing Requirements. All development on the PD combining zone district shall be subject to the development plan review permit as required in Chapter 17.96 (Development Plan Review Permit).
E. Accessory Structures. Construction of accessory structures shall be consistent with the standards established in Chapter 17.22 (Accessory Structures).
F. Signs. Signs shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.30 (Sign Regulations).
G. Fences, Walls, and Hedges. PD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
1. Fences, walls, and hedges shall be consistent with the sight distance provisions established in Section 17.20.030 (Clear vision triangle).
2. Fences, walls, and hedges shall not exceed seven feet in height in any rear or side yard.
3. Fences, walls, and hedges shall not exceed forty-two inches in height in any required yard area.
4. Swimming pools shall be entirely enclosed by a wall or fence at least five feet in height. The wall or fence shall be equipped with self-latching gates, the latching mechanism being located not less than four feet above the ground. The fence or wall must be installed and approved by the building division prior to the pool being filled with water, or as required by California Building Code.
5. Fences or structures exceeding seven feet in height, to enclose tennis courts or other game areas, located within the rear half of a lot shall be composed of wire mesh capable of admitting at least ninety percent of light as measured on a calibrated light meter.
H. Parking. PD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
1. Off-street parking and loading shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.28 (Parking, Loading, and Access).
2. All parking for residential uses shall be screening from adjacent public rights-of-way. Such screening may include dense plantings, fences, hedges, or grade separation.
Figure 17.18-1
Example of Planned Development
I. Required Findings. The commission may combine the PD combining zone with a base district if all the following findings are made:
1. The proposed project is consistent with the general plan;
2. The standards of density, parcel area and dimensions, structure coverage, yard spaces, height of structures, off-street parking, and landscaped areas are consistent with the objectives of this zoning code;
3. A homeowners association or maintenance district has been formed to maintain the common area of the residential development;
4. The development will not generate more traffic than the streets in the vicinity can carry without congestion and the local infrastructural systems and utilities are not overloaded;
5. Any unique features of a site are considered in the overall design of the planned development; and
6. Development in this zone is demonstratively superior to the development that could occur under the base zone regulations. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.18.030 Smart residential development combining zone (SD) standards and regulations.
A. Application of the SD Combining Zone. The SD combining zone allows both single-unit and multi-unit residential dwelling development. The SD combining zone designation shall be suffixed with the zoning notation of the minimum parcel size permitted by that specific zone (i.e., SD-R-5, SD-R-4.5, SD-R-3.5, SD-R-2.5).
B. SD Combining Zone Land Use Regulations. SD combining zones shall comply with the following land use regulation standards:
1. Uses Allowed by Right. If a land use is permitted by right in the base zone, than it shall be permitted by right in the SD zone.
2. Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Permit. If a land use requires a conditional use permit in the base zone, than it shall also require a conditional use permit in the SD zone.
C. SD Combining Zones Development Standards. SD combining zones shall comply with the following development standards unless otherwise specified by the development plan review permit (see Chapter 17.96):
1. Table 17.18-1 Development Standards--Smart Residential Development Combining Zones. Table 17.18-1 (Development Standards--Smart Residential Development Combining Zones) establishes parcel and structure standards that apply to all development in the specified SD combining zones. Provisions in other sections of this zoning code may also apply.
Development Feature (minimum unless otherwise specified)
Combining Zone |
SD-R-5 |
SD-R-4.5 |
SD-R-3.5 |
SD-R-2.5 |
General |
Average Parcel Size (sq. ft.) |
5,000 |
4,500 |
3,500 |
2,500 |
Height (max. ft.) |
35 |
35 |
35 |
45 |
Structure Coverage (max. percentage of total parcel area) |
50 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
Density* |
Minimum (min. du/ac)1 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
20 |
Maximum (max. du/ac)1 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
24 |
Yards (ft.)2 |
Front |
20 |
20 |
10 |
10 |
Rear |
10 |
10 |
7 |
7 |
Interior Side3 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Street Side |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Street Side (Reverse Corner lot including fencing) |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
Yard Area (sq. ft.)4 |
800 |
700 |
500 |
250 |
Specific Standards |
* Density calculations do not include park or open space amenities. |
1 The number of residential dwelling units per acre shall meet the minimum average density and not exceed the maximum average density set forth by each district. To the greatest extent possible, the density set forth by each district shall be achieved through a variety of housing types and sizes. |
2 Minimum yard standards shall be approved by the planning commission. When yard standards are not determined by the planning commission, the yard standards identified in Table 17.18-1 of this chapter shall apply. |
3 Residential dwelling unit(s) is/are allowed to be built on a property line (i.e., zero lot line design) if there is a minimum distance on one side or the other of ten feet between said unit and the structure on the abutting parcel. |
4 Each yard satisfying the minimum size requirement shall have a minimum depth and width of ten feet and shall have direct access from at least one of the enclosed living areas (i.e., family room, living room, or kitchen area) of the dwelling. |
2. Architectural Style. The elevation drawings of structures to be constructed in the SD combining zones shall be submitted as part of the development plan review permit, to be approved by the commission.
3. Public Streets and Alleys. SD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
a. Street Width. Residential subdivisions may have local streets that have a paved minimum width of thirty-two feet (curb to curb) and include additional on-street parking within the right-of-way. One-way streets shall have a minimum width of twenty feet and the left travel lane shall be marked as a fire lane with no parking allowed.
b. Parkways. Tree-lined parkways shall be installed with a minimum width of seven feet and a sidewalk with a minimum width of five feet. Sidewalks may be in or partially in an access easement outside the right-of-way.
c. Connectivity. All streets and public walks shall be designed to maximize connections of both street and walkways to surrounding collector and arterial streets to provide maximum walkability within neighborhoods and help dilute traffic congestion and speed. Cul-de-sacs are generally discouraged and should be used only where necessitated by shape of the overall property being subdivided.
d. Alleys. Alleys shall have a paved width of twenty feet. Connecting driveways shall be provided with adequate sight distance on either side of the driveway.
e. Traffic Calming Devices. Traffic calming devices such as bulb-outs are encouraged at all intersections and roundabouts are encouraged where appropriate as an alternative to a four-way stop.
i. "Bulb-outs" refers to curb extensions that serve to narrow roadways to slow traffic, shorten the exposed distance pedestrians must walk to cross intersections, create parking pockets and discourage parking on street corners.
ii. "Roundabouts" refers to a type of road junction where traffic yields upon entering traffic that streams circularly around a central island. Statistically safer than traditional intersections, roundabouts also eliminate excessive stopping and idling which has been proven to be a major contributor to air pollution.
4. Private Streets and Alleys. Where a project uses private streets, the requirements for sidewalks and parkways adjacent to the private street may be waived by a majority vote of the commission as a whole.
5. Open Space/Parks. In the SD combining zones, common open space shall be provided on site at a ratio of four acres per one thousand residents. Where the parks and community services director finds that a neighborhood park is not necessary because of proximity to the location of a community park, an in lieu fee shall be paid. The amount of said fee shall be determined by the master fee schedule and shall be identified in a subdivision agreement.
6. Residential Unit Design. SD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
a. Garages. The elevation of a garage nearest a street shall be set back to the extent necessary to be practical and safe.
b. Corner Parcels. Residential dwelling units situated on corner parcels should encourage a design that orients the garage and the front door to face different streets, except for duplexes. In the case of a corner parcel home with an alley, the garage may be accessed from the alley.
7. Landscaping and Open Space. SD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
a. A minimum of forty percent of the front yard area shall be landscaped with a combination of trees, turf, or shrubbery. Hybrid Bermuda or other grass that requires a minimum of water shall be encouraged. Plant material shall be varied in size, shrubs from one to five gallons, and trees from fifteen to twenty-four-inch boxes.
b. All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation system.
c. At least two parkway trees shall be required on both the front and side street frontage of each parcel with a maximum spacing of one fifteen-gallon tree per forty feet.
d. Deciduous trees shall be planted along the south and west facing structure walls to allow solar access during the winter.
e. Trees should be located where they will screen views by residents of parking lots, back yards and patios.
f. On-site common open space shall be centrally located to promote visibility from surrounding units. Benches, shading, waste receptacles, lighting, and a drinking fountain should be incorporated into this open space feature.
g. Deviation from the above landscaping requirements may be considered by the commission in order to meet state MWELO requirements or other state governing mandates necessary to preserve water usage.
8. Fences, Walls, and Hedges. SD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
a. All fencing visible from the street shall contain pilasters, columns, or posts. These pilasters shall generally be placed as follows: where two fences intersect, where a fence and a gate intersect or at the corner of a parcel. Fencing that does not conform to this requirement must first be approved by the commission.
b. Fences or walls that surround a parking lot shall be landscaped with plant material, such as vines and shrubs that mask these hard surfaces.
c. Decorative wrought-iron fencing is encouraged, especially between on-street parking and the living units.
d. Gates and pedestrian opening(s) into the project shall be accentuated with pilasters, landscaping, trellises, lighting, and/or entry identification signs.
9. Trash Enclosures--Multi-Unit Dwelling Developments. SD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
a. Trash enclosures shall be constructed of solid masonry material or other material(s) and designed as approved by the planning commission. They shall be designed so that walk-in access is permitted by tenants without having to open the gates.
b. Trash enclosure(s) shall have decorative heavy gauge metal gates and be designed to hide or screen refuse containers. A concrete apron shall be constructed from the trash enclosure to a point of dumpster pickup by the waste removal truck.
c. Landscaping shall be provided to screen and to visually "soften" trash enclosures.
d. The dimensions of the trash enclosure shall be consistent with city’s improvement standards and have provisions for recyclable waste.
10. Parking. SD combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
a. Off-street parking and loading shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.28 (Parking, Loading, and Access).
b. No more than forty percent of any front, side, street side, or rear yard area shall be used for excess parking, beyond what is required by subsection (C)(10)(a) of this section.
c. A zoning clearance shall be required for any proposed excess parking.
d. Public utility easements shall not be hardscaped, unless permitted by the governing planning permit.
11. Processing Requirements. All development on the SD combining zone district shall be subject to the development plan review permit as required in Chapter 17.96 (Development Plan Review Permit). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.18.040 Industrial Boulevard area combining zone (IBA) standards and regulations.
A. IBA Combining Zone Land Use Regulations. IBA combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
1. Uses Allowed by Right. Uses allowed by right (P) in the IBA combining zone shall be determined by the underlying M-2 base zone.
2. Uses Requiring an Administrative Use Permit. Uses requiring an administrative use permit (AUP) in the IBA combining zone shall be determined by the underlying M-2 base zone.
3. Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Permit. Uses requiring a conditional use permit (CUP) in the IBA combining zone shall be determined by the underlying M-2 base zone.
B. IBA Combining Zone Development Standards. The following development standards together with applicable standards specified in the base M-2 zone shall apply to all land and structures in the IBA combining zone:
1. Minimum Parcel Size. A parcel of land abutting Madera Avenue shall have a minimum area of two acres.
2. Height. The maximum height of any structure shall be determined by the base zone.
3. Yard Setback Areas.
a. Front yard: fifty feet.
b. Rear yard: Determined by base zone.
c. Side yard: Determined by base zone.
4. Structure Coverage. No requirement.
5. Parcel Dimensions. That portion of a parcel fronting onto Madera Avenue shall have a minimum width of two hundred sixty-five feet.
6. Landscaping. The first ten feet from Madera Avenue towards the front yard setback line shall be landscaped, provided with irrigation and maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. Sixty-five percent of the landscaped area shall be composed of turf or groundcover as deemed acceptable by state-adopted regulations.
C. Signs. Requirements for signs shall be consistent with the standards specified in Chapter 17.30 (Sign Regulations).
D. Fences, Walls, and Hedges. IBA combining zones shall comply with the following standards:
1. Fences, walls, and hedges shall not be allowed in the front setback area of any parcel located in the IBA combining zone. Any fencing visible from Madera Avenue shall be of decorative wrought iron or block wall.
2. Fences, walls, and hedges shall be consistent with the sight distance provisions established in Section 17.20.030 (Clear vision triangle).
3. Fences, walls, and hedges shall not exceed seven feet in height in any rear or side yard.
E. Parking. Off-street parking and loading shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.28 (Parking, Loading, and Access).
F. Processing Requirements. All development on the IBA combining zone district shall be subject to the development plan review permit as required in Chapter 17.96 (Development Plan Review Permit). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).