Chapter 17.87
17.87.040 Permit requirements and exemptions.
17.87.050 Vehicle parking requirements and calculations.
17.87.060 Required vehicle spaces.
17.87.070 Exceptions and reductions to required parking.
17.87.080 Use of parking spaces.
17.87.090 Parking design standards.
17.87.100 – 17.87.190 Reserved.
17.87.210 Bicycle parking facilities.
17.87.220 Modification of parking and loading requirements.
17.87.010 Intent and purpose.
The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure the provision of adequate, accessible, secure, screened, and well maintained parking areas. Properly provided and designed parking will facilitate the intended use of the property; reduce traffic congestion and safety concerns; protect the neighborhoods from the effects of vehicular noise and traffic generated by adjacent nonresidential land use districts; assure maneuverability of emergency vehicles; and provide a positive visual experience. (Ord. 1627 § 4 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.020 Applicability.
(A) New Buildings and Land Uses. On-site vehicle parking, bicycle parking, and loading spaces shall be provided pursuant to this Chapter at the time any main building or structure is erected, or any new land use is established.
(B) Existing Nonresidential Buildings.
(1) When a change in use, expansion of use, or expansion of floor area creates an increase of 25 percent or more in the number of required vehicle parking or loading spaces, additional parking and loading shall be provided for such addition, enlargement, or change in use. For existing uses with nonconforming parking conditions, additional parking shall be provided for the new additions or enlargements, and not for the entire building or site.
(2) Bicycle parking shall be provided for any change in use, expansion of use, or expansion of floor area.
(3) A change in tenancy or ownership is not considered a change in use unless the new occupant is in a different use classification than the former occupant.
(4) Additional parking and loading spaces are not required for the reconstruction of an existing building when there is no increase in floor area.
(5) If the number of existing vehicle parking, bicycle parking, and/or loading spaces is greater than the requirements for a proposed use, the number of excess parking or loading spaces may be counted toward meeting the requirements for any change, alteration, or major addition or renovation.
(C) Existing Residential Buildings. Parking pursuant to this Chapter shall be provided where additional dwelling units are created through the alteration of an existing building or construction of an additional structure or structures. Parking for ADUs and JADUs shall be provided pursuant to PMC § 17.91.010 (Accessory dwelling unit and junior accessory dwelling unit standards). (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.030 General provisions.
(A) Existing Parking and Loading to Be Maintained. No existing parking and loading area serving any use may be reduced in amount or changed in design or location below the requirements for such use unless equivalent substitute facilities are provided, and unless otherwise allowed by this Chapter. The provision for off-street parking facilities shall be a continuing obligation of the property owner so long as any use requiring vehicle parking continues.
(B) Nonconforming Parking and Loading. An existing use of land or structure shall not be deemed to be nonconforming solely because of a lack of parking and/or loading facilities required by this Chapter as long as facilities used for parking and/or loading are not further reduced in number to less than what is required as of the date of adoption of this code.
(C) Parking Areas. Motorized vehicle parking is only allowed within garages, carports, parking lots, and other approved structures and locations that have been developed in conformance with this Title.
(D) Stacked and Valet Parking. Stacked or valet parking is allowed if an attendant is present, or an automated system is in place to move vehicles. Uses with valet parking shall provide an approved valet parking plan which includes insurance provisions for patrons. Such provisions shall be reviewed by the City Attorney and approved by the Review Authority. If stacked parking managed by an attendant is used for required parking spaces, an acceptable form of guarantee must be filed with the Director ensuring that an attendant will be present while the parking lot is in operation.
(E) Assigned Parking. Lots developed with multiple uses and a shared parking area shall not assign parking spaces to individual tenant spaces or uses, except that parking spaces for residential uses in a mixed-use development shall be assigned to residential occupants.
(F) Unbundling Parking for Residential Uses. The following rules apply to the sale or rental of parking spaces accessory to attached single-family residential developments and multifamily developments of five units or more, unless waived by the Director as infeasible. One hundred percent affordable housing projects shall be exempt from this requirement.
(1) Required Unbundling. All off-street spaces shall be leased or sold separately from the rental or purchase fees for dwelling units for the life of the dwelling units, such that potential renters or buyers have the option of renting or buying a residential unit at a price lower than would be the case if there were a single price for both the residential unit and the parking space.
(2) Use of Unbundled Spaces. Owners or lease holders have the right of first refusal to parking spaces built for their unit or use. Remaining residential unbundled parking spaces that are not leased or sold to on-site users built for their unit or use may be leased to other on-site users or to off-site residential users on a month-to-month basis.
(3) Reoccupancy of Use. New owners or leaseholders shall have the opportunity to lease or purchase parking spaces built for their unit or use upon occupancy of the residential use.
(4) Hierarchy of Right of First Refusal. In cases where there are fewer parking spaces than dwelling units, the parking spaces shall be offered first to the potential owners or renters of three-bedroom or more units, second to owners or renters of two-bedroom units, and then to owners and renters of other units. Spaces shall be offered to tenants first. Nontenants may lease with a provision for 30 days to terminate the lease.
(5) Affordable Units. For deed-restricted affordable units, the tenant may choose to either receive one parking space, which shall be included within the unit’s affordable rent level, or receive a rent discount equivalent to half the amount charged for monthly lease of a parking space, in exchange for not receiving a parking space. Tenants of affordable units shall not be permitted to sublease their parking spaces. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.040 Permit requirements and exemptions.
(A) Permit Requirements. New parking lots and modifications or expansions to existing parking lots will be evaluated as part of the project review for other permits and approvals (e.g., site plan review, minor modification). At a minimum, a minor site plan review shall be required for new parking lots and expansions to existing parking lots to determine compliance with all applicable provisions of this Title. A zoning clearance shall be required for modifications to existing parking lots.
(B) Exempt Activities. Parking lot improvements listed below shall be considered minor in nature if they do not alter the number or configuration of parking stalls and are therefore exempt from zoning clearance or minor modification requirements. However, exempt activities listed herein may require other permits (e.g., grading permit).
(1) Repair of any defects in the surface of the parking area, including repairs of holes and cracks;
(2) Resurfacing, slurry coating, and restriping of a parking area with identical delineation of parking spaces;
(3) Repair or replacement in the same location as damaged planters and curbs; and
(4) Work in landscape areas, including sprinkler line repair or replacement of landscape materials, except removal of trees. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.050 Vehicle parking requirements and calculations.
(A) Minimum Number of Vehicle Spaces Required. Each land use shall be provided at least the number of parking spaces stated in Table 17.87.060-1 (Required Number of Vehicle Parking Spaces). The parking requirement for any use not listed in Table 17.87.060-1 (Required Number of Vehicle Parking Spaces) shall be determined by the Director based upon the requirements for the most similar comparable use, the characteristics of the proposed use, and any other relevant data regarding parking demand (e.g., parking demand analysis of similar facilities within the City or region).
(1) Additional Parking Required. Nothing in this Chapter shall be deemed to limit the power of the Review Authority to require adequate provision of parking spaces as a condition of approval of a site plan review, minor site plan review, or as a development standard when, under the circumstances of a particular case, a greater number than specified in this Chapter is found to be necessary.
(B) Accessible Spaces. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking spaces shall be provided pursuant to State and Federal regulations and shall be considered in the calculation of required spaces.
(C) Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces.
(1) Nonresidential Development. Nonresidential development shall provide electric vehicle charging stations pursuant to CALGreen.
(2) Multifamily Residential Development. New multifamily residential developments with 40 or more parking spaces shall be equipped with raceways, wiring, and power to support future Level 2 EV charging stations at a rate of one for every 20 parking spaces. To incentivize the provision of electric vehicle charging stations, required parking may be reduced by two spaces for every Level 2 EV charging station provided, up to a maximum of a 10 percent reduction in total required parking. Notwithstanding the above, all electric vehicle charging facilities shall comply with the requirements in the California Building Code and California Electrical Code.
(D) Calculation of Required Spaces. The following rules apply to the calculation of vehicle parking spaces in this Chapter:
(1) Parking Ratios.
(a) Floor Area. Where an on-site parking or loading requirement is stated as a ratio of parking spaces to floor area, the floor area is assumed to be net floor area, unless otherwise stated.
(b) Employees. Where an on-site parking or loading requirement is stated as a ratio of parking spaces to employees, the number of employees shall be based on the largest shift that occurs in a typical week.
(c) Bedrooms. Where a parking requirement is stated as a ratio of parking spaces to bedrooms, any rooms meeting the standards of the building code as a sleeping room shall be counted as a bedroom.
(d) Students. Where a parking or loading requirement is stated as a ratio of parking spaces to students (including children in day care), the number is assumed to be the number of students at the State-certified capacity or at building code occupancy where no State certification is required.
(e) Seating. Where fixed seats provided are either benches, bleachers, or pews, such seats shall be calculated at one seat for every 32 inches, and one seat for every 24 inches of booth length for dining.
(f) Assembly Area. All rooms or areas that can be logically used for seating, in addition to any fixed seating area, shall be calculated in determining the parking requirement for assembly areas.
(2) Sites with Multiple Uses. The number of parking spaces is computed based on the primary uses on the site except as stated in Subsection (D)(3) of this Section (Accessory Uses). When there are two or more separate primary uses on a site, the minimum parking for the site is the sum of the required or allowed parking for the individual primary uses, unless a reduction is approved pursuant to PMC § 17.87.070 (Exceptions and reductions to required parking).
For example, following would be the required number of spaces for a public park and recreation facility with the following amenities:
Primary Use/Amenities |
Required Vehicle Spaces per Table 17.87.060-1 |
Calculated Number of Spaces |
Active recreation area – 5 acres |
10 spaces/net acre of active recreational area (e.g., athletic fields) within a park or playground |
50 spaces |
Tennis courts – 6 courts |
Tennis, racquet, or handball facilities: 3 spaces/court |
18 spaces |
Pool – 20,000 sf |
Pools: 2 spaces/1,000 sf of pool area, minimum 5 spaces |
40 spaces |
Amphitheater – 20,000 sf |
1 space/8 fixed seats or 1 space/100 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats |
200 spaces |
308 spaces |
(3) Accessory Uses. When more than 20 percent of the floor area on a site is an accessory use, the required or allowed parking is calculated separately for the accessory use. An example would be a 10,000-square-foot building with a 7,000-square-foot warehouse and a 3,000-square-foot accessory retail area. The minimum parking would be computed separately for the retail and warehouse uses, except as provided in Table 17.87.060-1 (Required Number of Vehicle Parking Spaces).
(4) Fractions. If the calculation for parking needs results in the requirement for a fraction of a parking space, the value shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.060 Required vehicle spaces.
(A) Parking Schedule. Each land use is subject to the following minimum vehicle parking space requirements unless otherwise provided in another Section of this Title. All spaces may be uncovered unless otherwise specified. “Not applicable” shall mean that there is no minimum vehicle parking space requirement for the specified use.
Use |
Number of Required Spaces |
Aerospace Uses |
Aerospace Manufacturing |
1 space/employee1, plus 5 guest spaces, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Aerospace Services |
1 space/employee, plus 5 guest spaces, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Agriculture and Animal Keeping Uses |
Agricultural Support, Sales, Service, and Storage |
1 space/employee |
Animal Husbandry and Production |
Not applicable |
Animal Raising and Keeping (domestic, livestock, horses, poultry) |
Not applicable |
Farmstands |
Not applicable |
Garden/Greenhouse, Private |
Not applicable |
Horticultural/Crop Production/Aquaculture |
1 space/employee |
Kennels, Private/Hobby |
Not applicable |
Stable/Equestrian Facility, Commercial/Public |
1 space/4 stables |
Stable/Equestrian Facility, Hobby/Private |
Not applicable |
Automobile and Vehicle Uses |
Fueling Station |
1 space/employee, plus additional spaces for convenience store and/or service/repair if included (see Convenience Store and Vehicles and Equipment Services and Repair). If a convenience store is included, see “General Retail” for additional required parking. If service bays are included, see “Vehicle and Equipment Services and Repair” for additional required parking. |
Travel Center |
1 space/employee, plus truck space parking sufficient to accommodate the use, plus additional parking required (per this table) for additional uses |
Vehicle and Equipment Services and Repair, Major |
2 spaces/service bay |
Vehicle and Equipment Services and Repair, Minor |
2 spaces/service bay |
Vehicle Rental |
3 spaces/1,000 sf of office or retail area, 1 space for each rental vehicle for planned fleet inventory, plus 1 space/service bay when repair services are included |
Vehicle Sales, New |
3 spaces/1,000 sf of office area, 1 space for each sale vehicle for planned fleet inventory, 2.5/1,000 sf of gross floor area in the showroom, plus 1 space/service bay when repair services are included |
Vehicle Sales, Used |
3 spaces/1,000 sf of office or retail area, 1 space for each sale vehicle for planned fleet inventory, 2.5/1,000 sf of gross floor area in the showroom, plus 1 space/service bay when repair services are included |
Vehicle Sales and Rental, Large Vehicles and Equipment |
2 spaces/1,000 sf of office or retail area, plus 1 space/1,000 sf of outdoor display |
Vehicle Towing/Impounding |
1 space/employee, plus sufficient vehicle spaces to accommodate all impounded vehicles |
Vehicle Washing and Detailing |
2 spaces/service bay or lane |
Vehicle Wrecking/Dismantling |
5 spaces, plus 1 space/employee |
Eating and Drinking Establishments and Entertainment Uses |
Bar/Nightclub/Lounge |
Greater of: 1 space/3 seats or 10 spaces/1,000 sf for indoor areas, for outdoor dining/seating areas > 450 sf in size: 1 space/150 sf of outdoor dining and seating area over 450 sf |
Brewpub/Taproom/Wine Bar/Microdistillery |
Greater of: 1 space/3 seats or 6 spaces/1,000 sf for indoor areas, for outdoor dining/seating areas > 450 sf in size: 1 space/150 sf of outdoor dining and seating area over 450 sf |
Cafe/Bakery |
Greater of: 1 space/4 seats or 5 spaces/1,000 sf for indoor areas, for outdoor dining/seating areas > 450 sf in size: plus 1 space/150 sf of outdoor dining and seating area over 450 sf |
Cinema/Theater/Performing Arts Center |
1 space/4 fixed seats, or 1 space/40 sf of assembly area if seats are not fixed |
Live Entertainment as Accessory Use, Indoor (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Live Entertainment as Accessory Use, Outdoor (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Outdoor Dining (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Outdoor Entertainment |
1 space/4 fixed seats or 1 space/60 sf of assembly area if seats are not fixed, or 1 space/1,000 sf of lot area |
Restaurant, Bona Fide |
Greater of: 1 space/3 seats or 6 spaces/1,000 sf for indoor areas, for outdoor dining areas > 450 sf in size: 1 space/150 sf of outdoor dining and seating area over 450 sf |
Restaurant, Dine-In and Take-Out |
Greater of: 1 space/3 seats or 6 spaces/1,000 sf for indoor areas, for outdoor dining areas > 450 sf in size:1 space/150 sf of outdoor dining and seating area over 450 sf |
Restaurant, Drive-Through |
1 space/employee plus 4 spaces for pickup |
Film, Research and Development |
Film Production and Post Production |
2.5 spaces/1,000 sf, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Research and Development |
2.5 spaces/1,000 sf. For developments where office space exceeds 25% of the gross floor area, parking for that portion of office space shall be required at 4 spaces/1,000 sf. |
Industrial and Manufacturing Uses |
Artisan Manufacturing/Makers Space |
2 spaces/1,000 sf |
Brewery/Distillery/Winery – without tasting room or > 10,000 sf |
2 spaces/1,000 sf, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Brewery/Distillery/Winery – with tasting room and < 10,000 sf |
2 spaces/1,000 sf, plus 1 space/4 seats in tasting room area, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Commercial Vehicle Parking (Primary) |
Not applicable |
Construction and Materials Yards |
1.5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Food or Beverage Manufacturing |
1 space/1,000 sf, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Hazardous Materials Facility |
1 space/employee, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Indoor Warehousing, Storage, Wholesaling, and Distribution |
0.5 spaces/1,000 sf or 1 space/employee1 whichever is less, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Manufacturing, Outdoors |
0.5 spaces/1,000 sf of outdoor storage area or 1 space/employee1 whichever is less, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Manufacturing/Processing, Light |
1 space/1,000 sf, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Manufacturing/Processing, Heavy |
1 space/1,000 sf, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Mining/Resource Extraction |
Not applicable |
Ministorage Warehousing or Facility |
1 space/75 storage units, plus 3 spaces/1,000 sf of office area. A minimum of 5 spaces shall be provided. |
Outdoor Storage (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Outdoor Storage (Primary) |
0.5 space/1,000 sf, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Outdoor Storage (Temporary) |
Not applicable |
Salvage Yards |
1 space/employee, plus space to accommodate all service trucks/vehicles |
Temporary Buildings or Storage Facilities (Temporary and Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Lodging |
Bed and Breakfast |
1 space/guest room, plus 2 spaces/resident owner or manager |
Lodging – Hotels, Motels, Extended Stay |
1 space/guest room, plus 4 spaces/1,000 sf of eating area in a restaurant/cafe, plus 1 space/70 sf of seating area in a ballroom/banquet hall, plus 1 space/3 employees |
Lodging – Timeshares |
1 space/unit, plus 1 space/10 units for guest and staff parking, plus 4 spaces/1,000 sf of eating area in a restaurant/cafe, plus 1 space/70 sf of seating area in a ballroom/banquet hall |
Public, Quasi-Public and Institutional Uses |
Civic/Government |
2.5 spaces/1,000 sf of gross floor area |
Cultural Institutions |
2.5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Hospital |
Adequate number as determined through review process |
Public Service Facility |
Adequate number as determined through review process |
Social Service Facilities |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Uses |
Athletic Fields, Unlighted |
Not applicable (see required spaces for primary use) |
Athletic Fields, Lighted |
Not applicable (see required spaces for primary use) |
Campground |
1 space/campsite, plus 1 space/onsite caretaker |
Cemeteries, Crematories, or Mausoleums |
1 space/6 fixed seats or 1 space/150 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats |
College/University |
Adequate number as determined through review process |
Commercial Recreation and Sports, Indoor |
• Health, Fitness and Sports Clubs: 4.5 spaces/1,000 sf • Bowling Alleys and Billiard Clubs: 3 spaces/bowling lane and/or billiard table plus additional spaces for accessory uses (e.g., restaurant) • Pools: 2 spaces/1,000 square feet of pool area, minimum 5 spaces • Indoor Tennis, Racquet, or Handball Facilities: 3 spaces/court • Coin-Operated Electronic Amusement Centers: 4.5 spaces/1,000 sf • All Other Outdoor Recreational Uses: 2 spaces/1,000 sf Plus 4 spaces/1,000 sf for associated restaurant/cafe/commercial uses. |
Commercial Recreation and Sports, Outdoor |
• Golf Facilities: ◦ Pitch and Putt: 3 spaces/hole ◦ Driving Range: 1 space/tee ◦ Golf Course: 5 spaces/hole • Outdoor Tennis, Racquet, or Handball Facilities: 3 spaces/court • Pools: 2 spaces/1,000 square feet of pool area, minimum 5 spaces • Community Assembly/Amphitheaters: 1 space/8 fixed seats or 1 space/100 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats • All Other Recreational Uses: 1 space/1,000 sf of lot area Plus 4 spaces/1,000 sf for associated restaurant/cafe/commercial uses. |
Community Assembly, ≤ 5,000 sf (gross sf) |
1 space/4 fixed seats, or 1 space/40 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats |
Community Assembly, > 5,001 sf – 12,000 sf (gross sf) |
1 space/4 fixed seats, or 1 space/40 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats |
Community Assembly, >12,000 sf (gross sf) |
1 space/4 fixed seats, or 1 space/40 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats |
Family Day Care Center |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/8 children/adults for loading and unloading |
Instructional Services, ≤ 5,000 sf |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/4 students |
Instructional Services, > 5,001 sf |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/4 students |
Open Space, Natural |
Not applicable |
Parks and Recreation Facilities |
• 10 spaces/net acre of active recreational area (e.g., athletic fields) within a park or playground, plus 5 spaces/net acre of passive recreational area; minimum 5 spaces • Additional spaces shall be required for uses such as swimming pools, gymnasiums, and tennis courts as follows: ◦ Golf Course: 5 spaces/hole ◦ Tennis, racquet, or handball facilities: 3 spaces/court ◦ Pools: 2 spaces/1,000 sf of pool area, minimum 5 spaces ◦ Gymnasiums: 2 spaces/1,000 sf ◦ Community Assembly/Amphitheaters: 1 space/8 fixed seats or 1 space/100 sf of assembly area if no fixed seats |
Retreat Center |
Adequate number as determined through review process |
Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park |
1 space/travel trailer/RV site |
Schools, Public or Private (TK-12) |
• Elementary and Middle Schools: 1.5 spaces/classroom, plus 1 space/2 employees or admin personnel • High School: 5 spaces/classroom, plus 1 space/2 employees or admin personnel |
Tutoring Facilities |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/4 students |
Vocational/Trade School ≤ 10,000 sf |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/3 students |
Vocational/Trade School > 10,001 sf |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/4 students |
Residential Uses |
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) (Accessory) |
See PMC § 17.91.010 (Accessory dwelling unit and junior accessory dwelling unit standards) |
Agricultural Worker Housing |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/unit or 1 space/3 beds |
Caretaker’s Unit (Accessory) |
1 space/unit |
Child Day Care in a Home |
1 space/nonresident employee plus one space for loading and unloading children plus parking required for the residential housing type |
Cottage Food Operation (Accessory) |
None beyond the parking required for the residential housing type |
Cottage Industry (Accessory) |
None beyond the parking required for the residential housing type |
Emergency Shelters |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/20 temporary residents |
Group Residential Home |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/bedroom/sleeping room |
Home Occupation (Accessory) |
None beyond the parking required for the residential housing type |
Live/Work |
2 spaces/1,000 square feet of nonresidential area plus 1 space for each residential unit |
Model Home (on-site) |
Not applicable |
Manufactured/Mobile Home Park or Subdivision |
2 spaces/unit (may be tandem), plus 1 guest space/5 home lots (may be provided on street) |
Residential Care Facilities, Small |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/facility vehicle, plus 1 space/6 beds |
Residential Care Facilities, Large |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/facility vehicle, plus 1 space/8 beds |
Residential Housing Types |
Single-Family Dwelling – Attached |
2 spaces/unit, of which 1 shall be enclosed |
Single-Family Dwelling – Detached |
2 enclosed spaces/unit |
Two-Family Dwelling/Duplex |
• 1 space/studio or one-bedroom unit • 2 spaces/unit with two or more bedrooms Minimum 1 space/unit shall be enclosed |
Multifamily Dwelling, Triplex/Quadplex |
• 1 space per studio or one-bedroom unit • 2 spaces per unit with two or more bedrooms Minimum 1 space/unit shall be covered. |
Multifamily Residential, Greater Than or Equal to 5 Units |
• 1 space per studio or one-bedroom unit • 1.5 spaces per two-bedroom unit • 2 spaces per unit with three or more bedrooms Minimum 0.5 space per unit shall be covered. Plus 0.2 guest space per unit For senior housing developments (62 years or age or older): 0.5 space/unit. Plus 0.1 guest space per unit |
Manufactured/Mobile Home |
See “Manufactured/Mobile Home Park or Subdivision.” Manufactured/mobile homes not within a manufactured/mobile home park or subdivision shall provide parking pursuant to the parking requirements for a “Single-Family Dwelling – Attached” or “Single-Family Dwelling – Detached” |
Single-Room Occupancy |
0.5 space/unit |
Sober Living Home |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/7 beds |
Supportive Housing |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/7 beds |
Transitional Housing |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/7 beds |
Yard Sales (Temporary Use) |
Not applicable |
Retail, Service, and Office Uses |
Adult-Oriented Business |
Greater of: 1 space/3 fixed seats or 4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Facility, Large |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/7 beds |
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Facility, Small |
1 space/employee plus 1 space/7 beds |
Alcohol Sales, Off-Sale |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Animal Sales and Services |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Auction Sales, Indoor |
1 space/3 fixed seats or 1 space/50 sf in the seating area used for the auction if no fixed seats |
Auction Sales, Outdoor |
1 space/1,000 sf of lot area devoted to sales and display |
ATM (Accessory) |
1 space/ATM (if stand-alone) |
Bail Bonds |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
Banks, Financial, Savings and Loan Institutions |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
Building Materials Sales and Services |
2 spaces/1,000 sf interior sales area, plus 1 space/1,000 sf exterior sales and storage area |
Business to Business Support Services |
2 spaces/1,000 sf, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Check-Cashing Businesses |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
Convenience Market |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Drive-Through Services (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Farmers’ Market (Temporary) |
1 space/1,000 sf of lot area devoted to sales and display |
Food Preparation, Commercial |
2 spaces/1,000 sf, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Fortunetelling, Palm and Card Reading |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
Funeral Homes and Mortuaries |
1 space/4 fixed seats or 1 space/40 sf of assembly area where no seats or where temporary or moveable seats are provided |
General Retail ≤ 5,000 sf |
5 spaces/1,000 sf |
General Retail 5,001 sf – 25,000 sf |
25 spaces for the first 5,000 sf; plus 4 spaces/1,000 sf above 5,000 sf |
General Retail/Superstore > 25,000 sf |
105 spaces for the first 25,000 sf; plus 3 spaces/1,000 sf above 25,000 sf |
Grocery Store |
25 spaces for the first 5,000 sf; plus 4 spaces/1,000 sf above 5,000 sf |
Kennels/Boarding, Commercial |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
Kiosk/Outdoor Vending |
Not applicable |
Laundromat |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Massage Establishment, Accessory (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Massage Establishment, Stand-Alone |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
Medical Services, Extended Care |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/facility vehicle, plus 1 space/3 beds |
Medical Services, Medical/Dental/Holistic/Clinic |
5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Medical Services, Urgent Care |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Microblading/Permanent Makeup |
Greater of: 4 spaces/1,000 sf or 2 spaces/chair |
Neighborhood Market |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Nursery/Garden Center |
2 spaces/1,000 sf of building floor area; 1 space/1,000 sf of outdoor display area |
Office, Processing |
7 spaces/1,000 sf |
Office, Professional/Administrative |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Office, Service |
5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Outdoor Display |
Not applicable |
Pawnshop |
5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Personal Services |
Greater of: 4 spaces/1,000 sf or 2 spaces/chair |
Pet Daycare |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Resale/Consignment/Thrift Shop |
5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Smoking Lounge |
Greater of: 1 space/3 fixed seats or 5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Smoke Shop |
5 spaces/1,000 sf |
Swap Meet, Indoor |
3 spaces/1,000 sf of floor area devoted to sales and display |
Swap Meet, Outdoor |
1 space/1,000 sf of lot area devoted to sales and display |
Tattoo/Body Art/Piercing |
Greater of: 4 spaces/1,000 sf or 2 spaces/chair |
Temporary Real Estate Sales Office (Temporary) |
1 space/employee, plus 2 guest spaces |
Veterinary Hospitals |
4 spaces/1,000 sf |
Utility, Transportation, and Communication Uses |
Airports and Heliports |
Adequate number as determined through review process |
Collocated Small Wind Energy Systems (CSWES) (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Communications/Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, Major |
1 space/maintenance vehicle operated or kept on site; minimum 2 spaces |
Communications/Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, Minor |
1 space/maintenance vehicle operated or kept on site; minimum 2 spaces |
Communications, Facilities Within Buildings |
3 spaces/1,000 sf of office space, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Freight/Trucking Facility |
2 spaces/1,000 sf of office space, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Light Fleet-Based Services |
2 spaces/1,000 sf of office space, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Parking Lots and Structures |
Not applicable |
Passenger Transportation Facilities |
Adequate number as determined through review process |
Recycling Collection Facility, Large |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Recycling Collection Facility, Small |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle; plus 3 spaces required for accessory small recycling collection facilities located at the established parking lot of the primary use |
Recycling Processing Facility, Heavy |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Recycling Processing Facility, Light |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Reverse Vending Machine |
3 spaces |
Sanitary Landfills |
1 space/employee, plus 1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
Small Residential Wind Generator Systems (SRWGS) (Accessory) |
Not applicable |
Solar Energy System (Primary) |
1 space/maintenance vehicle operated or kept on site; minimum 2 spaces |
Utilities, Major |
1 space/maintenance vehicle operated or kept on site; minimum 2 spaces |
Utilities, Minor |
1 space/maintenance vehicle operated or kept on site; minimum 2 spaces |
Utility Yard |
1 space/service or fleet vehicle |
1. Number of employees shall be based on the largest shift that occurs in a typical week.
(Ord. 1613 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023; Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.070 Exceptions and reductions to required parking.
The number of parking spaces required by PMC § 17.87.060 (Required vehicle spaces) may be reduced as follows if the Director finds any or all of the following criteria are applicable, that the number of parking spaces provided is adequate and such reduction will not create a traffic safety hazard. In the event the City Engineer determines additional spaces are needed for traffic safety, or an intensification of use is proposed on the site, the City may require provision of the additional spaces. Parking reductions are cumulative, up to a maximum of 50 percent; all applicable parking reductions may be applied in determining the number of required parking spaces.
(A) Transit Access. When a site has a bus stop with frequent transit service (every 15 minutes on average during peak hours) located within a quarter mile, a maximum 10 percent reduction to the required number of automobile parking spaces shall be allowed.
(B) Bus Turnout. Where required or agreed to by the City and the transit authority, provisions for a bus turnout shall be provided. When such a turnout is provided, the number of on-site parking spaces may be reduced by a maximum of either five spaces or two- and one-half percent of the required number of spaces.
(C) Carpool/Vanpool Spaces. When a site has dedicated parking spaces for carpool or vanpool vehicles, a maximum five percent reduction to the required number of automobile parking spaces shall be allowed.
(D) Motorcycle/Scooter Spaces. When a site has dedicated parking spaces for motorcycles, scooters, or electric carts reductions to the minimum dimensions for parking spaces shall be allowed.
(E) Adjacent On-Street Parking. For nonresidential uses and the nonresidential portion of a mixed-use development, the Director may approve on-street parking spaces located adjacent to the subject site toward the number of required parking spaces, provided the parking spaces meet the dimensional standards of this Chapter.
(F) Car Sharing Programs. Required parking spaces may be substituted with designated carshare vehicle parking spaces, and the required number of parking spaces may be reduced, pursuant to the following:
(1) Carshare Parking Designation. A maximum of 10 percent of the required parking spaces may be designated as carshare vehicle parking spaces.
(2) Reduction Allowed.
(a) Parking Areas with 50 or Fewer Parking Spaces. A five percent reduction in the required parking shall be allowed where five percent of the required spaces are designated as carshare vehicle parking spaces.
(b) Parking Areas with 51 or More Parking Spaces. A 10 percent reduction in the required parking shall be allowed where 10 percent of the required spaces are designated as carshare vehicle parking spaces.
For example, if a development was required to provide 100 vehicle parking spaces, and they provide 10 as carshare spaces, they would receive a 10 percent reduction in total required vehicles spaces for a total of 90 spaces (10 of which would be designated for carshare).
(3) Accessibility. Car share spaces shall be made available to a car share organization for the purposes of providing car share services for service subscribers. In addition to conforming to the requirements of this Chapter, the parking area shall be designed to be accessible to local and nonlocal car share subscribers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
(a) Exception. Car share parking spaces may be occupied by noncar share vehicles, if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director that no car share organization can make use of the parking spaces. These spaces shall not be separately leasable and shall be made available on a first come first serve basis.
(4) Deed Restriction. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded identifying the number and location of the car share parking spaces. The location of the car share spaces shall be subject to approval by the Director or Review Authority, as applicable.
(G) Shared Parking. Required parking facilities for two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may be satisfied by the same parking facilities used jointly, to the extent that the owners or operators show that the need for parking facilities does not materially overlap (e.g., uses primarily of daytime versus nighttime nature; weekday uses versus weekend uses); and provided, that the right of joint use is evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, contract, covenants, conditions, or restrictions (CC&Rs), or similar written instrument are executed and recorded ensuring that required parking is provided and that the uses and operating characteristics of all participating uses are maintained. The total number of spaces and their distribution through the site shall be substantiated through a parking demand study and a parking management plan prepared by a qualified traffic engineering professional.
(1) Review Process. Requests for shared parking shall be considered as follows:
(a) Existing Development. Where the request involves an existing development, an application shall be filed pursuant to PMC § 17.26.040 (Minor modification to approved plans).
(b) New Development. Where the shared parking is being proposed as part of a site plan review or minor site plan review application, the request shall be processed concurrently with said applications.
(2) Findings and Conditions of Approval. Shared parking requests shall be subject to review and approval based on the following criteria and findings:
(a) Factors evaluated to establish shared parking arrangements shall include operating hours, seasonal/daily peaks in parking demand, the site’s orientation, location of access driveways, transit service, accessibility to other nearby parking areas, pedestrian connections, distance to the parking area, availability of parking spaces, special trip reduction programs (e.g., subsidized vanpooling, transit, shuttle, or telecommuting), and cooperation of adjacent owners;
(b) The parking demand, rates, and/or number of parking spaces required shall be based on well-recognized sources of parking data such as the Urban Land Institute (ULI) or Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) reports. If standard rates are not available or are limited, the applicant may collect data at similar sites to establish local parking demand rates. If the shared parking plan assumes use of an existing parking facility, then field surveys shall be conducted to determine actual parking accumulation;
(c) The peak hours of parking demand from all uses do not coincide so that peak demand will not be greater than the parking provided;
(d) Commercial/nonresidential parking demand often occurs at different times of the day;
(e) Residential parking spaces will be available to residents between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.;
(f) The efficiency of parking provided will equal or exceed the level that can be expected if parking for each use were provided separately;
(g) If a privately owned parking facility is proposed to serve two or more separate properties, a legal agreement shall be established between property owners guaranteeing access to, use of, and management of designated spaces;
(h) Signage does not prohibit or reserve parking spaces for a particular use;
(i) All shared parking spaces are located in order to be reasonably accessible to the uses they serve and are not separated from such uses by any street, unless otherwise approved by the Review Authority; and
(j) Pedestrian connections are provided from any shared parking spaces to all the uses that they are proposed to serve.
(3) Additional Requirements. Nothing in this Section shall preclude the Review Authority from placing additional conditions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City or to establish the number or percentage of off-street parking to be shared.
(H) Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Programs. Reductions in the number of parking spaces provided may be approved by the Review Authority through the minor exception process pursuant to PMC Chapter 17.23 (Variances and Minor Exceptions) when the applicant has provided substantial evidence that TDM efforts may be effective in reducing vehicle demand. Such a program may require such provisions as:
(1) Land set aside for additional parking if determined necessary;
(2) In-lieu payments for transportation demand related services and programs;
(3) Periodic monitoring and certification that the TDM effort is being maintained; and/or
(4) Penalties for noncompliance (including suspension or revocation of occupancy permit). (Ord. 1641 § 4 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.080 Use of parking spaces.
(A) General. Except as otherwise provided by this Title, required parking spaces must be available for residents, guests, renters, customers, or employees of the use. Parking and loading areas shall be accessible for their intended purpose during all hours of operation.
(B) No area designated as a required parking area in connection with any designated building or use shall be operated as a commercial or public lot providing parking spaces for the general public or the occupants, tenants, customers, clients, or residents of any use or activity for a fee or other compensation, unless approved by the Review Authority. Required parking spaces may not be assigned in any way to a use on another site, except for shared parking pursuant to PMC § 17.87.070(G) (Shared Parking).
(C) Required parking spaces shall not be used for sale, display, rental, storage, or repair of motor vehicles.
(D) Residential Zones.
(1) No vehicle which is registered for commercial purposes pursuant to applicable provisions of the Vehicle Code of the State of California or other jurisdiction and which has a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more shall be parked or left standing on any residentially zoned property, in excess of 30 consecutive minutes unless it falls within the exceptions given in PMC § 10.04.040.
(2) Light auto repair and maintenance activities on vehicles owned and operated by the resident of a dwelling unit are permitted only within the dwelling unit’s garage, and shall be conducted pursuant to PMC Chapter 8.36. Any waste oil, automobile fluids or automobile parts shall be disposed of as prescribed by State law and local ordinance. No vehicle repair or maintenance activities, or storage of inoperable vehicles, are permitted within driveway areas, front yard setbacks or in rear or side yard areas which are visible from a public right-of-way. No commercial auto repair activities are permitted in the residential zones.
(E) Commercial/Office and Industrial Zones. Required parking spaces shall not be used or allowed to be used for the repair, servicing, or storage of vehicles, or for the storage of recycling bins, property, or materials, nor shall the racks and pump blocks used in auto repair shops or other similar uses be considered in calculating required parking spaces. (Ord. 1613 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023; Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.090 Parking design standards.
The following design standards shall apply to all off-street parking areas:
(A) Location and Orientation.
(1) Residential Uses. Required parking for residential uses shall be on the same lot as the dwelling or use they serve, or on a parcel or tract owned in common by all the owners of the properties that will use the parking area:
(a) Single-Family Residential. For single-family detached residential uses, parking shall not be located within a required front, street-facing side, or rear setback. For attached single-family residential uses, driveways may count toward the required parking so long as the driveway is at least 20 feet long. Parking shall only be allowed in a garage or approved driveway. There shall be no expansion of parking areas through the addition of paved areas in the front, side, or rear yards without the appropriate approval as outlined within Division 2 (Review Procedures) of this Title.
(b) Multifamily Residential and Residential Mixed-Use.
(i) Off-street parking spaces for multifamily dwelling types shall be located on the same development site and on the same lot or parcel, but in no event more than 200 feet from the dwelling unit for which the parking space is provided. No parking space shall be located in the required front, side, or rear setback area, except as otherwise provided in this Title.
(ii) Off-street parking serving multifamily and residential mixed-use development shall be located in one of the following facilities:
A. Surface parking lots, garages, or carports located to the side or rear of residential buildings in relation to adjacent streets. If a site fronts on two or more streets, the standard shall apply on the street with the highest classification in the General Plan. If a site fronts on two public streets of equal classification, the Director may determine on which frontage to meet the standard.
B. Parking structures in which parking is located underground or the exterior facades are treated with an external skin, facade articulation strategy, or an integrated building facade. See PMC § 17.87.090(Q) (Surface Parking Screening).
(2) Nonresidential Uses. Parking shall be located on the same lot, or, with a reciprocal parking and access agreement approved by the City, on a lot contiguous to the building, structure, or use to be served. Where feasible, parking shall be located to the side or rear of buildings in relation to adjacent streets. Where parking is proposed to be located off-site, the location of such parking, and where applicable the lot itself, shall be approved by the Review Authority. Any term agreements between private property owners shall be recorded and shall require review by the City Attorney and approval by the Director, Review Authority, and/or City Engineer as applicable prior to execution. Pedestrian access shall be available within a distance of not more than 300 feet measured from the nearest point of public access to the building, to the nearest part of the off-site parking area, unless otherwise approved by the Review Authority. Such separated parking areas shall be useable without causing unreasonable traffic congestion, detriment to any residential neighborhood, or safety concern to pedestrian or vehicular traffic in the vicinity.
(B) Size. Parking spaces and maneuvering aisles shall meet the minimum dimensions required by this Section. Screening walls, roof support posts, columns, or other structural members shall not intrude into the required dimensions for parking spaces.
(1) Standard Parking Spaces and Drive Aisles. The minimum basic dimension for standard parking spaces is nine feet in width and 18 feet in length, with a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet. End spaces where clear back-out space is restricted on one side shall be 11 feet in width. Table 17.87.090-1 (Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions) provides the dimensions of spaces (stalls) and aisles according to angle of parking spaces and is accompanied by Figure 17.87.090-1 (Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions).
(2) Compact Spaces. A compact parking space shall have minimum dimensions of eight feet in width and 15 feet in depth. For nonresidential uses with 20 or more required parking spaces, up to 25 percent of the required spaces provided may be compact size as defined in this Title. For unassigned/guest stalls for residential uses with more than 25 spaces, up to 25 percent of the required spaces may be compact. Compact car parking spaces shall be clearly marked “compact cars only,” “compact,” or “c.”
Stall Type |
Minimum Space and Aisle Dimensions |
A Stall Width |
B Stall Length |
C Stall Depth (Aisle to Curb) |
D Drive Aisle Width |
One-Way |
Two-Way |
Parallel |
9 ft |
22 ft |
9 ft |
12 ft |
26 ft |
30 Degree |
9 ft |
18 ft |
17 ft |
16 ft |
26 ft |
45 Degree |
9 ft |
18 ft |
19 ft |
18 ft |
26 ft |
60 Degree |
9 ft |
18 ft |
20 ft |
20 ft |
26 ft |
90 Degree |
9 ft |
18 ft |
18 ft |
26 ft |
26 ft |
Compact Stalls, all angles |
8 ft |
15 ft |
– |
Same as standards above per stall type |
Angled Parking Spaces |
Parallel Parking Spaces |
Key: |
a = Stall width |
c = Stall depth |
b = Stall length |
d = Drive aisle width |
(3) Accessible Spaces. Whenever any off-street parking is required, spaces shall be provided pursuant to the latest version of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.
(4) Spaces Abutting Fences and Walls. Each parking space adjoining a wall, fence, column, or other obstruction higher than one-half foot in the vicinity of where a vehicle door may be located shall be widened by two feet to accommodate access to the vehicle through the door.
(5) Overhang. Two and one-half feet of the sidewalk width located perpendicular to parking stall may be counted as part of the overall parking space length.
(6) Minimum Dimensions for Residential Garages and Carports. Garages and carports serving residential uses shall be constructed to meet the following minimum inside dimensions and related requirements:
(a) A single car garage or carport: 10 feet in width by 20 feet in length.
(b) A two-car garage or carport: 20 feet in width by 22 feet in length.
(c) A garage or carport containing three or more spaces: 9 feet in width by 18 feet in length per space.
(d) A tandem garage or carport: 10 feet in width by 40 feet in length.
(e) The vertical clearance for garage or carport parking spaces shall not be less than eight feet.
(7) Reduced Parking Space Length and Width Prohibited. No reduction of parking space length or width shall be allowed.
(C) Tandem Parking. Tandem parking may be allowed to satisfy parking requirements pursuant to the following:
(1) No more than two vehicles shall be placed one behind the other.
(2) Both spaces shall be assigned to the same residential dwelling unit or nonresidential establishment for employee parking.
(3) Tandem parking to meet required parking for nonresidential uses may be used for employee parking only; the maximum number of tandem parking spaces shall not exceed 50 percent of the total number of spaces.
(4) Tandem parking for visitors or customers may be allowed with valet parking, subject to approval by the appropriate Review Authority.
(5) Tandem parking to meet required parking for multifamily residential development shall be located within an enclosed structure; the maximum number of tandem parking spaces shall not exceed 25 percent of the total number of spaces.
(6) Tandem parking shall not be used to meet the guest parking requirement.
(D) Parking Access. Parking access areas shall be designed to ensure vehicular access to parking spaces as determined by the City Engineer.
(1) Access Hierarchy. Parking and service area access shall be provided from the following, in order of preference: (a) from an alley; (b) in the absence of an existing or proposed alley, access shall be from a driveway shared with a property abutting the development site; (c) in the absence of an alley or shared driveway, access shall be from the side/lesser street abutting the development site; (d) in the absence of a side street, from a curb cut/driveway along the primary street frontage.
(2) Distance from Intersection. Driveways for parking facilities shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from the intersection of any two streets, or the maximum feasible distance from the intersection.
(3) Shared Vehicle Access. Nonresidential projects are encouraged to provide shared vehicle and pedestrian access to adjacent nonresidential properties for convenience, safety, and efficient circulation. A joint access agreement guaranteeing the continued availability of shared access between the properties shall be reviewed by the City Attorney and approved by the Director, Review Authority and/or City Engineer, as appropriate, prior to recordation of the document in the County Recorder’s Office.
(4) Forward Entry. Except for single-family dwelling units, parking areas of four or more spaces shall be provided with suitable maneuvering room so that all vehicles therein may enter an abutting street in a forward direction.
(5) Driveways and Curb Cuts. Each development project site shall be limited to one curb cut, including driveways and private/service streets, for every 400 feet of public street frontage, or two curb cuts for each street frontage, whichever is less (unless otherwise required for emergency vehicle access).
(6) Driveway Length. Driveway length shall be regulated per the following to properly facilitate lot layout and on-site parking:
(a) Driveways for nonresidential uses shall be designed to prevent queuing and backing up onto public rights-of-way. Adequate clear throat distance shall be provided at all parking entrance and/or exit driveways. Parking stalls within the first 40 feet are strongly discouraged.
(b) For attached and detached single-family dwelling units and duplexes, resident parking is allowed in a driveway with a minimum depth of 20 feet.
(c) Driveways providing direct access from a public street to a garage or carport shall be at least 20 feet in depth, with the following exceptions. No portion of the public sidewalk shall be counted toward meeting this requirement.
(i) For single-family dwelling units and duplexes, side-on garages may be located a minimum of 15 feet from the public right-of-way; provided, that driveway parking shall accommodate a full car length of 20 feet measured from the edge of the public right-of-way. In hillside areas, the maximum driveway slope shall be 15 percent, with at least 18 feet in front of the garage at a slope not exceeding five percent.
(ii) For multifamily residential and residential mixed-use developments, a minimum five-foot driveway apron shall be provided between the garage and any private street or drive aisle. Garages with parking aprons of less than 20 feet in length shall have automatic garage door openers and sectional roll-up doors.
(7) Driveway Width.
(a) Single-Family Residences and Duplexes. Minimum width of 12 feet for any driveway serving one residence. There shall be no more than two driveways per parcel. Driveways for three- or four-car garages shall be tapered down to a standard two-car width at the street.
(b) Minimum width of 12 feet for a one-way driveway.
(c) Minimum width of 26 feet for a two-way driveway serving any use other than single-family residential and duplexes.
(d) The width of driveways shall be limited to the width necessary to access the allowed parking spaces or garage/carport.
(E) Circulation and Safety.
(1) Visibility shall be assured for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists entering individual parking spaces, circulating within a parking facility, and entering or leaving a parking facility. Parking shall not be allowed within the traffic safety visibility area per PMC § 17.82.070 (Safety visibility area restrictions).
(2) Parking lots shall be designed so that sanitation, emergency, and other public service vehicles can provide service without backing up unreasonable distances or making other dangerous or hazardous turning movements.
(3) Parking Aisles.
(a) Parking aisle length shall not exceed 350 feet without a cross aisle for vehicle circulation.
(b) Tangent or long radius sections of aisles along the perimeter of buildings should be less than 400 feet.
(c) Four-way aisle intersections should be avoided, and where use of such intersection is necessary, it should be properly signed.
(d) Dead end aisles should be avoided.
(4) Separate vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems shall be provided where possible. Multi-unit residential developments of five or more units must provide pedestrian access that is separate and distinct from driveways. Parking areas for commercial/office and mixed-use developments with 25 or more parking spaces must have distinct and dedicated pedestrian access from the use to parking areas, building entries, and public sidewalks, according to the following standards:
(a) Connection to Public Sidewalk. An on-site walkway shall connect parking areas to building entries and to the public sidewalk. Access for people with disabilities shall be provided pursuant to State and Federal statutes and shall provide a convenient and efficient circulation system for these individuals. For commercial/office uses, parking spaces should be located within 150 feet of a building entrance, or a sidewalk leading to a building entrance.
(b) Separation From On-Site Buildings. Parking areas designed to accommodate five or more vehicles must be separated from the front and side exterior walls of on-site buildings by walkways or landscaping a minimum of four feet in width.
(c) Routes Through Parking Areas. Walkways running parallel to the parking rows shall be provided for every four rows. Parking lot layout should minimize the need for pedestrians to cross parking aisles and landscape areas to reach destination points.
(d) Materials and Width. All walkways located perpendicular to parking stalls shall be a minimum of seven feet in width to accommodate vehicle overhang and to meet accessibility requirements.
(e) Identification. Pedestrian walkways shall be clearly differentiated from driveways, parking aisles, and parking and loading spaces through the use of elevation changes, different paving material, or similar method.
(f) Separation and Distinction. Pedestrian pathways shall be clearly delineated by using landscaping, raised walkways, special pavers, decorative bollards, arches, trellises, and/or other design elements to alert drivers to potential conflicts with pedestrians. Where a pedestrian walkway is parallel and adjacent to an auto travel lane, it must be raised and separated from the auto travel lane by a raised curb at least four inches high, bollards, or other physical barrier. Where the path crosses the auto lane, the path shall be clearly delineated by a contrasting color, pavement material or pattern, and/or be raised slightly to form a speed table.
(F) Parking Lot Striping. All parking stalls shall be clearly outlined with striping, and all aisles, approach lanes, and turning areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows and lines as necessary to provide for safe traffic movement. Parking lots shall be completely striped, indicating individual parking spaces and traffic lanes as provided in a striping/parking plan submitted to and approved by the City. Except for parallel parking, the striping of all other parking spaces shall be either single line or double line. All parallel parking spaces shall be striped with single lines. Handicapped spaces shall be striped, marked and signed pursuant to Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.
(G) Surfacing. All parking lots shall be paved and improved, and all sites shall be properly graded and drained, consistent with applicable stormwater runoff regulations and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Drainage shall not be allowed across the surface of sidewalks or driveways. All areas used for the movement, parking, loading, repair, or storage of vehicles shall be paved according to the requirements in this Title. All areas within the parking area not used for parking stalls or maneuvering areas shall be landscaped pursuant to Subsection (N) of this Section (Landscaping).
(1) Pavement Standards. Parking areas shall be paved consistent with the following materials or comparable material recommended by a geotechnical engineer, approved by the City Engineer:
(a) Residential Areas. Two inches of asphalt on four inches of aggregate, on four inches of compacted base material recommended by a geotechnical engineer, or four inches of concrete.
(b) Nonresidential Areas. A minimum of three inches asphalt on four inches of aggregate, on four inches of compacted base material recommended by a geotechnical engineer, or four inches of concrete.
(c) Pavers or Permeable Pavement Systems. Pavers or permeable pavement systems with strength equivalent to Subsection (G)(1)(a) or (b) of this Section.
(2) Landscaping Alternative. Up to two feet of the front of a parking space as measured from a line parallel to the direction of the bumper of a vehicle using the space may be landscaped with ground cover plants instead of paving. In addition, a ribbon driveway with a three-foot landscape strip in the middle shall be allowed in single-family residential zones.
(H) Slopes.
(1) Parking Spaces and Turnarounds. All parking lot areas used exclusively for parking and turnarounds shall be designed and improved with a grade not exceeding five percent slope. Parking spaces for the handicapped shall conform to the slope requirements of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(2) Driveways. All driveways within a parking lot used exclusively for ingress and egress or interior parking lot circulation shall be designed and improved with grades not to exceed a 10 percent slope. Driveways providing a means of ingress and egress to a lot upon which is proposed to be located a single-family detached dwelling shall not be subject to this requirement, except that in hillside areas, the maximum driveway slope shall be 15 percent, with at least 18 feet in front of the garage at a slope not exceeding five percent.
(I) Drainage. Parking areas, aisles and access drives shall be graded and drained to dispose of surface water without damage to private or public properties, streets, or alleys. All parking and circulation areas shall be designed with an adequate drainage system and improvements shall consist of appropriate devices as specified by the City Engineer.
(J) Perimeter Curbing. Parking areas within 15 feet of a building, structure, fence/wall, public right-of-way or lot line, except spaces within a garage or carport, shall provide six-inch-wide and six-inch-high concrete curbing along the outer edge of the parking facility pavement. Curbs separating landscaped areas from parking areas shall be designed to allow stormwater runoff to pass through.
(K) Wheel Stops. Use of individual wheel blocks should be avoided.
(L) Heat Island Reduction. In order to reduce ambient surface temperatures in parking areas, at least 50 percent of the areas not landscaped shall be shaded, of light-colored materials with a solar reflectance index of at least 29, or a combination of shading and light-colored materials. Shade may be provided by canopies, shade structures, trees, or other equivalent mechanism. If shade is provided by trees, the amount of required shading shall be achieved within 15 years.
(M) Lighting. Parking area lighting shall comply with the regulations in PMC § 17.86.030 (Outdoor lighting).
(N) Landscaping.
(1) Applicability. The following landscaping requirements shall apply to all off-street parking areas for residential and commercial/office zones and uses, and for public/institutional uses consistent with these zones. For industrial zones and for public/civic uses consistent with these zones, the following landscaping requirements shall apply to off-street parking areas which are visible from freeways, regional and crosstown streets, and less-intensive zones. For parking lots in industrial areas which are not visible to the general public from freeways, regional and crosstown streets, or less-intensive zones, the requirement for parking lot landscaping may be reduced or waived by the Review Authority.
(2) Minimum Parking Lot Landscaping.
(a) Minimum Landscaping. A minimum of 15 percent of the total off-street open parking area shall be landscaped with a mixture of trees, shrubs, ground cover, and other plant material. A minimum of one-third of the required landscaping shall be distributed within the interior of the parking facility and the remaining two-thirds of the required landscaping shall be provided as peripheral planting on the exterior edges of the parking area. The parking area shall be computed by adding the areas used for access drive aisles, stalls, maneuvering, and landscaping within that portion of the premises that is devoted to vehicular parking and circulation.
(b) Minimum Trees. A minimum of one canopy tree shall be required for every four parking spaces (or eight parking stalls when two rows of four share a common frontage). A minimum 50 percent of the parking lot trees shall be a minimum two-inch caliper in a 24-inch box size or larger container. A minimum 20 percent of the parking lot trees shall be a minimum two- and one-half-inch caliper in a 36-inch box size or larger container. Parking lot trees may be coordinated with required street trees, but in no event shall the number of trees be less than one for every 30 lineal feet of street frontage. The following exceptions shall apply:
(i) Where this ratio cannot be achieved due to the installation of solar facilities, trees shall be provided along the perimeter of the parking lot.
(ii) An existing shade tree may fulfill this requirement, so long as the existing shade tree is a minimum of four inches diameter at breast height. Existing mature trees on the site in good health shall be preserved whenever possible.
(c) Nonplant Material. Crushed rock, pebbles, stones, and similar nonplant materials shall be allowed up to 60 percent of the total required landscaping. Landscaped areas shall be top dressed to avoid exposed bare soil.
(3) Perimeter Landscape Strip. Each unenclosed parking lot shall provide a perimeter landscaped strip where the facility adjoins a property line pursuant to the following standards. The perimeter landscaped strip shall be planted with trees, shrubs, and groundcover, and may include any landscaped yard or landscaped area otherwise required. The landscape strip shall be continuous, except for required access to the site or parking facility. See also PMC Chapter 17.83 (Transition Between Land Uses and Zones).
(a) Minimum five-foot landscape strip in residential and mixed-use zones.
(b) Minimum 10-foot landscape strip in nonresidential zones.
(4) Landscape Islands.
(a) Landscape planters shall be a minimum of six feet in width (inside dimension), except that tree wells located between parking rows and spaces may be a minimum of four feet in width (inside dimension). All landscaping and planting within paved areas shall be contained within raised planters surrounded by six-inch concrete curbs. Tree areas shall be planted a minimum of five feet from walls, walkways, or buildings. To protect the hardscape and encourage deep root development, root barriers shall be installed during planting operations.
(b) Wheel stops or curbs shall be placed a minimum of 30 inches away from the trunk of any tree.
(c) Landscape islands a minimum of 10 feet in width with minimum aisle turning radii of 10 feet shall be provided at the end of all parking rows, except where parking rows directly abut buildings, sidewalks, walls, or similar features.
(d) For parking rows containing 15 or more spaces, one landscape island within the interior of the parking row shall be provided for every 15 parking spaces in addition to the required row end landscape islands.
(e) Landscape islands shall not extend closer than three feet from the aisle end of the adjacent parking space(s).
(f) All landscape islands shall be designed with a six-inch curb and an additional paved strip to provide a minimum one-foot-wide paved landing area where abutting the side of parking stalls. Paved areas shall not be counted toward fulfilling landscape requirements or meeting minimum width requirements of this Title.
(g) All landscape islands shall be designed with a minimum two-and-a-half-foot area free from vegetation where the front of a vehicle may overhang the island. Overhang area shall be surfaced with nonliving landscape material such as gravel or rock.
(h) For projects requiring 20 or fewer parking spaces on site, the width of required landscape islands may be reduced to four feet, and the requirement for landscape islands within the interior of the parking row may be waived, subject to a determination by the Review Authority that an equivalent amount of overall site and parking lot landscaping is provided and that the parking lot is provided with a reasonable amount of shade.
(5) Adjacent to Vacant Property. Landscaping along a property line adjacent to an abutting property that has no entitlement application on file for development is required to be defined by use of a six-inch concrete curb or a block wall or six-inch concrete mowing strip or a combination thereof.
(6) Irrigation. All portions of a parking lot devoted to landscaping shall be provided with a permanent automatic irrigation system designed for water conservation.
(O) Fire Lanes. All fire lanes shall be identified through signs or pavement markings for “NO PARKING” pursuant to Fire Department specifications.
(P) Maintenance. All parking facilities, including landscaped areas, driveways, and loading areas, shall be maintained free of refuse, debris, or other accumulated matter, and shall be kept in good condition at all times. The maintenance thereof may include but shall not be limited to the repaving, oiling, and striping of a parking area and the repair, restoration, and/or replacement of any parking area design features when deemed necessary by the Director to insure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public.
(Q) Surface Parking Screening. All surface parking areas designed to accommodate five or more vehicles shall be screened from view from public streets, publicly accessible open spaces, and adjacent lots in a more restrictive zone, according to the following standards:
(1) Height. The maximum height of a fence or wall along street frontages and walkways/sidewalks shall be no taller than three feet when used to screen the parking lot. Alley frontages are exempt from this standard. Screening of parking lots along interior lot lines that abut residential zones shall be six feet in height, except within the required front setback of the applicable zone, where screening shall be three feet in height.
(2) Fences and Walls. Screening shall consist of one of the following:
(a) Walls. Low-profile walls consisting of brick, stone, stucco, or other quality durable material approved by the Director. Plain concrete blocks are not allowed as a screening wall material unless capped and finished with stucco or other material approved by the Director.
(b) Fences. An open fence of manufactured wood, wrought iron, or similar material combined with plant materials to form an opaque screen.
(3) Planting. In addition to a fence or wall, screening shall be landscaped with plant materials consisting of compact plants that form an opaque screen. Such plant materials must achieve a minimum height of two feet within 18 months after initial installation and must be permanently maintained. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.100 – 17.87.190 Reserved.
(Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.200 Loading standards.
Every use, building, or structure shall have permanently maintained off-street loading and unloading spaces as follows:
(A) Number of Loading Spaces Required. All off-street loading facilities shall have the number of spaces required per building based on proposed or projected use or uses as specified in Table 17.87.200-1 (Required Loading Spaces).
(1) Multi-Tenant Buildings. The gross floor area of the entire building shall be used in determining spaces for multi-tenant buildings. A common loading area may be required if each tenant space is not provided with a loading area. Drive-in roll-up doors for multi-tenant industrial projects may be substituted for required loading areas.
(2) Reduction to Number of Loading Spaces Required. The Review Authority may waive or reduce the loading space requirement, or allow joint use of loading zones through the site plan or minor site plan review process upon finding that the applicant has satisfactorily demonstrated that, due to the specific nature of the use and building, such loading space will not be necessary. When considering a request for joint use of loading zones, the Review Authority shall consider the proximity of the loading zone to the uses being served, the nature of the uses being served, their demand for frequent or continuous loading and the nature of the goods being loaded.
(3) Additional Loading Spaces Required. Additional loading spaces may be required to ensure that trucks will not be loaded, unloaded, or stored on public streets. Such requirement shall be based on the anticipated frequency of truck deliveries.
Use |
Floor Area (sf) |
Loading Spaces Required |
Restaurants and Other Eating and Drinking Establishments |
less than 4,000 |
0 |
4,000 to 20,000 |
1 |
20,001 to 50,000 |
2 |
(each additional 50,000) |
1 |
Medical Offices, Personal and Financial Services, Lodging, Hospitals and Similar Treatment Facilities, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Uses |
Less than 10,000 |
0 |
10,000 to 100,000 |
1 |
100,001 to 200,000 |
2 |
(each additional 100,000) |
1 |
Warehouses, Storage Facilities, Manufacturing and Other Industrial Uses, General Retail |
Less than 5,000 |
0 |
5,000 to 30,000 |
1 |
30,001 to 80,000 |
2 |
80,001 to 150,000 |
3 |
(each additional 100,000) |
1 |
(B) Calculation. The number of loading spaces shall be computed as follows:
(1) If the calculation for loading needs results in the requirement for a fraction of a loading space, the value shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
(2) In the case of mixed uses, the total number of required loading spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses proposed for each building.
(3) Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be based upon the requirements for comparable uses listed and upon the particular characteristics of the use as determined by the Director.
(4) No area may be utilized and counted both as a required parking space and a required loading space.
(5) No part of an alley or street shall be used for loading except areas designated by the City for loading.
(C) Location and Orientation.
(1) Off-street loading facilities shall be located on the same site with the use for which the spaces are required.
(2) Off-street loading facilities shall be designed and located so that loading vehicles are not parked in required setbacks, driveways, or required parking spaces during loading activities.
(3) No loading spaces shall be closer than 30 feet to any property in a residential zone unless completely enclosed within a building, or a uniformly solid fence or wall, or any combination thereof, not less than eight feet in height.
(4) No allowed or required loading space shall be located within 25 feet of the nearest point of any street intersection.
(5) Loading areas shall not face a public right-of-way. Loading spaces shall be located inside of buildings or on nonprimary street frontages, alleys, parking areas, and/or at the rear or side of building as specified within PMC Chapter 17.85 (Utilities and Services).
(6) Passenger loading spaces shall be located so that passengers do not need to cross drive aisles to walk from the loading space to the building entryway.
(7) Exceptions. The location requirement may be modified or waived where the Review Authority finds that:
(a) The intended use of the property or the location of or shape of the site and/or existing development warrant a variance or minor exception;
(b) That street-facing loading areas will exhibit architectural treatment, or will be enhanced with landscaping, in such a way as to minimize visual and noise impacts; and
(c) There are specific features of the site and design of the building such that strict application of the location requirement is impractical.
(D) Size.
(1) All off-street loading facilities shall comply with the following minimum dimensions, except that passenger loading spaces shall be at least 10 feet in width and 20 feet in length:
Use |
Width |
Length |
Clearance |
Turning Radius* |
Warehouses and Industrial Uses |
12 ft |
50 ft |
15 ft |
45 ft |
Office Commercial, Retail Commercial, Restaurants |
11 ft |
30 ft |
15 ft |
32 ft |
*Outside turning radius of the vehicles. |
(E) Loading Design Standards.
(1) Screening. All loading zones and truck parking areas shall be screened from view by a minimum of an eight-foot-high wall or fence and may be installed in combination with a hedge, vine-covered fence, and landscaping pursuant to PMC Chapter 17.85 (Utilities and Services).
(2) Forward Entry. Loading spaces shall be located and designed so that trucks shall not back into a public street or alley, nor shall a loading area be designed to require the use of a public right-of-way for access to a loading dock.
(3) Maneuvering Space. Sufficient space for turning and maneuvering loading vehicles shall be provided on the site.
(4) Loading Doors. Loading doors should not open toward public streets; when these features must face a street due to prevailing winds or site constraints, they shall be adequately screened.
(5) Vertical clearance of all access aisles or drives to loading areas shall not be less than 14 feet above finished surface.
(6) Bumpers. Bumper rails shall be provided in loading areas where needed for safety or to protect property.
(7) Paving. Loading areas, aisles, and access driveways shall be paved in order to provide a durable, dustless surface and shall be graded and drained to dispose of surface water. Loading areas shall be paved with a minimum of four inches of asphalt over six inches of base material, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
(8) Rolling Doors. Hardware for rolling doors shall be placed on the inside of the building. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.210 Bicycle parking facilities.
(A) Short-Term Bicycle Parking. Short-term bicycle parking shall be provided in order to serve shoppers, customers, messengers, guests, and other visitors to a site who generally stay for a short time. Short-term bicycle parking shall be designed in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the primary building.
(1) Short-Term Bicycle Parking Spaces Required. Each land use is subject to the short-term bicycle parking requirements as specified in Table 17.87.210-1 (Short-Term Bicycle Parking Requirements). Fractional requirements of half a space or greater shall be considered as a full bicycle rack space.
Use |
Required Short-Term Bicycle Parking Spaces |
Residential Uses |
Multifamily residential with 5 or more units |
At least 10 percent of the number of required automobile parking spaces; minimum two spaces per development. |
Educational Uses |
Nursery/Preschools, Day Care Centers |
One short-term bicycle parking space for every 20 students at planned capacity. |
Elementary and Middle Schools |
One short-term bicycle parking space for every 20 students at planned capacity. |
High Schools |
One short-term bicycle parking space for every 10 students at planned capacity. |
Colleges and Universities |
One short-term bicycle parking space for every 10 students at planned capacity. |
Nonresidential Uses |
All other nonresidential uses anticipated to generate visitor or customer traffic (e.g., public/civic, retail and commercial, entertainment, etc.) |
At least 10 percent of the number of required automobile parking spaces; minimum two spaces per development. |
(2) Location. Short-term bicycle parking shall be located outside of the public right-of-way, pedestrian pathways and located within 50 feet of the main entrance to the building it serves. Where the bicycle parking area is not visible from the main entrance of the building, signs located at the main entrance of the building shall identify the location of bicycle parking.
(3) Access. Safe and convenient access shall be provided from the public right-of-way and internal circulation system to the bicycle parking facilities.
(4) Rack Style and Spacing.
(a) Rack Style. For each short-term bicycle parking space required, a stationary, securely anchored bike rack/structure shall be provided to which a bicycle frame and one wheel (two points of contact) can be secured with a high-security U-shaped shackle lock if both wheels are left on the bicycle. One such rack may serve multiple bicycle parking spaces. Decorative bicycle racks, such as circular, ring, or bicycle shaped racks are recommended. Wave style racks are prohibited.
(b) Rack Spacing. Racks shall be spaced a minimum of three feet between each other when placed side by side, and a minimum of five feet when placed end to end.
(5) Security. Short-term bicycle parking areas shall be lit during hours of darkness for security purposes. The location of bicycle racks should provide for surveillance of the area from the primary building parking and pedestrian access areas, to provide security of the bicycle parking area.
(6) Size and Clearance. Each short-term bicycle parking space shall be a minimum of two feet in width and six feet in length and shall be accessible without moving another bicycle. Two feet of clearance shall be provided between bicycle parking spaces and adjacent walls, poles, landscaping, street furniture, drive aisles, and pedestrian pathways and at least five feet from vehicle parking spaces.
(B) Long-Term Bicycle Parking. Long-term bicycle parking shall be provided in order to serve employees, students, residents, commuters, and others who generally stay at a site for four hours or longer.
(1) Long-Term Bicycle Parking Spaces Required. Each land use is subject to the long-term bicycle parking requirements as specified in Table 17.87.210-2 (Long-Term Bicycle Parking Requirements). Fractional requirements of half a space or greater shall be considered as a full bicycle rack space.
Use |
Required Long-Term Bicycle Parking Spaces |
Residential Uses |
Multifamily Residential |
A minimum of one long-term bicycle parking space shall be provided for every four units for multi-unit residential unit. |
Educational Uses |
Nursery/Preschools, Day Care Centers |
One long-term bicycle parking space for every 15 employees. |
Elementary, Middle, and High Schools |
One long-term bicycle parking space per 15 employees; minimum one space. |
Colleges and Universities |
One long-term bicycle parking space per 15 employees; minimum one space. |
Other Uses |
Other Uses (commercial, office, etc.) |
Any establishment with 15 or more full-time equivalent employees shall provide long-term bicycle parking for five percent of required automobile spaces; minimum one space. |
Parking Structures |
Long-term bicycle parking shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one space per 20 vehicle spaces. |
(2) Location. Long-term bicycle parking shall be located on the same lot as the use it serves, outside of the public right-of-way and pedestrian paths, and located within 50 feet of the entrance for which the rack is intended to serve. In parking garages, long-term bicycle parking shall be located within 50 feet of an entrance to the facility. Where the bicycle parking area is not visible from the entrance of the building, signs located at the entrance or in an entry lobby of the building shall identify the location of bicycle parking.
(3) Security. Long-term bicycle parking must be:
(a) Within an enclosed bicycle locker;
(b) Within a fenced, covered, and locked or guarded bicycle storage area;
(c) A rack or stand inside a building that is within view of an attendant or security guard or visible from employee work areas or within secure/restricted bicycle storage room; or
(d) Other secure area approved by the Director.
(4) Rack Style and Spacing. Racks, if used, shall be designed and spaced as follows:
(a) Rack Style. Decorative bicycle racks, such as circular, ring, or bicycle shaped racks are recommended. Wave racks are prohibited.
(b) Rack Spacing. Racks shall be spaced a minimum of three feet between each other when placed side by side, and a minimum of five feet when placed end to end.
(5) Size, Clearance, and Accessibility.
(a) Size. Each bicycle parking space shall be a minimum of two feet in width and six feet in length and shall be accessible without moving another bicycle.
(b) Clearance. Two feet of clearance shall be provided between bicycle parking spaces and adjacent walls, poles, landscaping, street furniture, drive aisles, and pedestrian pathways and at least five feet from vehicle parking spaces.
(c) Accessibility. Bicycle parking areas shall be accessible from the public right-of-way or from within the building or parking structure. The access path shall be clear at all times, provide a five-foot minimum width, a three-foot minimum door width, five percent maximum slope, elevator minimum interior dimensions of 80 inches by 54 inches, require no lifting of bicycle over any steps, and provide lighting for the access route and bicycle parking spaces. At least one main access path shall meet all the above listed criteria if multiple access paths are provided.
(6) Covered Spaces. One hundred percent of required bicycle parking for multi-unit developments shall be inside buildings, garages, or in bike lockers. At least 60 percent of other required long-term bicycle parking must be covered either inside a building, under roof overhangs or awnings, in bicycle lockers, or within or under other structures.
(7) Electric Bicycle Charging. Bike rooms shall provide outlets for charging electric bicycles.
(C) Bicycle Repair Stands. Bicycle repair stands have tools to help fix minor maintenance issues, such as adding air to a tire, tightening a loose chain, or adjusting handlebars. To support people bicycling, bicycle repair stands shall be provided as follows:
(1) Residential Uses. At least one bicycle repair stand shall be provided for all residential developments with 50 or more units.
(2) Nonresidential Uses. At least one bicycle repair stand shall be provided for all nonresidential developments with 50 or more employees. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)
17.87.220 Modification of parking and loading requirements.
(A) Minor reductions in the number of required parking spaces or configuration to meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act may be granted through approval of a minor exception, pursuant to PMC Chapter 17.23 (Variances and Minor Exceptions).
(B) Other Exceptions/Reductions Through Parking Analysis. The applicant may propose a parking standard that is different than the standards in Table 17.87.060-1 (Required Number of Vehicle Parking Spaces) for review and approval through the minor exception process pursuant to PMC Chapter 17.23 (Variances and Minor Exceptions). The applicant’s proposal shall consist of a written request and a parking analysis prepared by a qualified transportation professional. The parking analysis, at a minimum, shall assess the average parking demand and available supply for existing and proposed uses on the subject site; opportunities for shared parking with other uses in the vicinity; existing public parking in the vicinity; transportation options existing or planned near the site, such as frequent bus service, carpools, or private shuttles; and other relevant factors.
(C) Any other deviation from the requirements of this Chapter not specifically authorized as a minor exception shall be deemed a variance and may be approved pursuant to PMC Chapter 17.23 (Variances and Minor Exceptions). (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)