Chapter 13.10
13.10.070 Public sewer construction.
13.10.090 Disconnection for failure to pay.
13.10.100 Use of public sewers required.
13.10.110 Premises located outside the corporate city limits.
13.10.130 Plumbing and sewers on private property.
13.10.140 Building laterals, street laterals and connections.
13.10.150 Inspection and approval.
13.10.170 Implementing provisions.
13.10.180 Changes in pretreatment and waste discharge requirements.
13.10.190 Sewer connection charges.
13.10.200 Sewer service user fee.
13.10.220 Adjustments for sewer user or connection fee.
13.10.010 Purposes.
The purposes of this chapter are:
(1) To provide revenue for the operation of the existing sanitary sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment plant of the city of Willows;
(2) To provide funds for the operation, maintenance, and replacement thereof. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-33].
13.10.020 Policy.
(1) Funds coming to the city of Willows under this chapter shall be used only for the purpose of maintaining, repairing or improving the sewer system and sewage disposal plant of the city of Willows and a prorated share of administration.
(2) No provision of this chapter shall be so construed as to require the city of Willows to extend its sewer system to any area within the corporate limits of said city not now served by the existing sewer system. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 2, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-34].
13.10.030 Definitions.
“City” shall mean the city of Willows.
“Commercial unit” shall mean a single business in a structure or structures on a parcel. A structure may contain several commercial units because each separate business shall be counted as a commercial unit.
“Domestic sewage” shall mean a combination of the liquid or water-carried human wastes or kitchen wastes usually discharged into sewage systems from residences or from the sanitary fixtures of business buildings, commercial establishments, institutions and industrial plants.
“Hotel or motel unit” shall mean sleeping quarters where no cooking facilities are available, including combinations with office or offices, restaurants, bar or bars, shop or shops. If the hotel or motel contains units with cooking facilities available, each such unit shall be charged the fee applicable to a multiple-family dwelling unit. Bed and breakfast facilities are included in this definition.
“Industrial wastes” shall mean the wastes of producing, manufacturing and processing operations of every kind and nature. It does not include domestic sanitary sewage, such as might be discharged from residences, hotels, motels, restaurants or business establishments.
“Multiple-family dwelling” shall mean any structure constructed for occupancy of more than one family, each separate living quarter to be referred to as a unit.
“Person” shall mean any human being, individual, firm, company, partnership, association and private or public and municipal corporations, the United States of America, the state of California, districts and all political subdivisions, governmental agencies including but not limited to county and school facilities and mandataries thereof.
“Premises” shall mean a lot, piece or parcel of land, or any building or establishment.
“Public district” shall mean any district organized under the laws of the state of California which is authorized to engage in and is engaged in collecting and disposing of sewage.
“Public premises” shall mean any premises owned of record by the city, the county of Glenn, elementary, high school or college district, the state of California, or the United States of America or any other public district.
“Sewer” shall mean domestic and commercial or industrial wastes.
“Sewer connected fixture” shall be any plumbing fixture, machine or device connected to the sanitary sewer for the discharge of any approved type waste:
(a) “Residential connected fixture” means any fixture connected to or discharging waste material into the sewer, including garbage disposals, washers, dishwashers and floor drains, in any home, apartment, motel or hotel.
(b) “Commercial connected fixture” means any fixture connected to or discharging waste material into the city sewer, including drinking fountains, floor drains, floor sinks, urinals, etc., in office buildings, stores, garages, service stations, machine shops, manufacturing buildings, churches, schools, hospitals, rest homes, barber and beauty shops, clinics, auditoriums, meeting halls, restaurants, mortuaries, public office buildings, etc.
(c) “Industrial connection” means any fixture, machine or device connected to or discharging waste material into the city sewer including commercial washing machines, bottle washing machines, parts washers, creamery churns, separators, auto, truck or equipment, wash racks, floor drains or any other that in the opinion of the director discharges into the city sewer an above average volume of waste.
“Single-family unit” shall mean any structure constructed for occupancy of one single family. This classification includes trailers and mobile home units with plumbing hook-up. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 3, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-35].
13.10.040 Screening required.
(1) The director of public works may require screening of any flow of commercial or industrial or other sewage as is required to protect the usefulness of the sewage system of the city. In such case, the screen shall be of such mesh as may, from time to time, be provided by resolution of the city council of said city, and unless said city shall so provide such screen shall have the equivalent of 20 meshes to the linear inch in both directions.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, or cause to be introduced into the city sewage collection and processing system, any deleterious substances (whether liquid, solid, gas, or combination thereof) which tend to or may harm, damage or destroy any portion of said system or the digestive action provided by the sewage processing plant. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 4, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-36].
13.10.050 Grease traps.
(1) When, in the judgment of the director of public works, waste pretreatment is required, an approved type grease trap complying with the revisions set forth in the Uniform Plumbing Code shall be installed and maintained in the waste line leading from sinks, drains, and other fixtures and equipment in establishments such as restaurants, cafes, lunch counters, cafeterias, bars and clubs, hotels, hospitals, rest homes, sanitariums, factories or school kitchens, or other establishments where grease may be introduced into the drainage or sewage system in quantities that can effect line stoppage and hinder lift pump action or sewage treatment.
(2) All establishments as listed above shall install a grease trap or grease interceptor and complete the installation of the same within 90 days after the effective date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter. Installation shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth the Uniform Plumbing Code and approved by the city building official.
(3) All parties maintaining a grease trap or grease interceptor shall maintain the same in good operating condition and shall clean and dispose of the accumulated waste as frequently as is necessary to maintain proper operating conditions. None of the waste materials cleaned from any such waste trap or waste interceptor shall be disposed of into any city storm drain or sewer manhole nor in any other manner which constitutes a public or private nuisance.
(4) The director of public works or any personnel acting under his direction may enter any business where any such grease trap or grease interceptor is required to be maintained to inspect such devices periodically or whenever deemed necessary to ascertain whether all the requirements of this section are in compliance.
(5) Annual inspection fees may be established by resolution.
(6) Violation of this section shall be an infraction and punishable pursuant to WMC 1.05.090. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 615-87, 11-10-87. Prior code § 17-37].
13.10.060 Public district.
Public districts which desire to connect to the city sewer system for disposal of sewage shall enter into a contract providing for such connection and shall pay a connection fee as designated in the city sewer connection policy. Also, a sewer service charge shall be paid to the city by the district as delineated in this chapter. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 5, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-38].
13.10.070 Public sewer construction.
(1) Permit Required. No person shall construct, extend or connect to any public sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the city and paying all fees and connection charges and furnishing bonds as required therein. The provisions of this section requiring permits shall not be construed to apply to contractors constructing sewers and appurtenances under contracts awarded and entered into by the city.
(2) Design and Construction Standards. Minimum standards for the design and construction of sewers within the city shall be in accordance with Chapter 17.55 WMC, Land Division Standards. The director of public works may permit modifications or may require higher standards where unusual conditions are encountered.
(3) Persons Authorized to Perform Work. Only properly licensed contractors shall be authorized to perform work of sewer construction within the city. All terms and conditions of the permit issued by the city to the applicant shall be binding on the contractor.
(4) Compliance with Local Regulations. Any person constructing a sewer within a street shall comply with all state, county, or city laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the cutting of pavement, opening, barricading, lighting and protecting of trenches, backfilling and repaving thereof and shall obtain permits and pay all fees required by the department having jurisdiction prior to the issuance of a permit by the city. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-39].
13.10.080 Meter installation.
The city reserves the right to require meter installations. The cost of such meter installation shall be borne by the user. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-40].
13.10.090 Disconnection for failure to pay.
Failure to pay the sewer service user fee within 30 days after it becomes delinquent shall make the premises subject to disconnection from the public sewer; provided, however, that such disconnection shall not be made in less than 10 days after mailing of a written notice by registered mail to the property owner. The owner shall pay the actual cost for reconnection, but not less than $25.00. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-41].
13.10.100 Use of public sewers required.
(1) Disposal of Wastes. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in an unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the city, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said city, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or other objectionable waste.
(2) Treatment of Wastes Required. It shall be unlawful to discharge to any stream or watercourse any sewage, industrial wastes, or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with provisions of this chapter.
(3) Unlawful Disposal. Except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, seepage pit or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage.
(4) Occupancy Prohibited. No building, industrial facility, or other structure shall be occupied until the owner of the premises has complied with all rules and regulations of city and/or applicable regulations of the county.
(5) Sewer Required. The owner of any building situated within the city and abutting on any street in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sewer of the city, is hereby required at his expense to connect said building directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 90 days after date of official notice to do so; provided, that said public sewer is within 200 feet of the nearest point of the property; provided, however, that where territory is annexed to the city upon which existing improvements are located which are served by a satisfactorily operating and maintained septic tank, the owner may continue to dispose of waste to said septic tank so long as it remains in operating condition to the satisfaction of the county health officer or until any additional building or buildings or any division of the property is proposed, at which time connection to the public sewer shall be required. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-42].
13.10.110 Premises located outside the corporate city limits.
Any premises or group of premises, public premises or public districts located outside the corporate city limits upon approval of the city council, after payment to said city of a pro rata of the capital value of the sewage system of the city (which value shall be fixed periodically by the city council) may, upon issuance of a permit by the city council to the owner or owners of such premises, be connected to the city sewer system. Owner or owners shall pay all costs involved with a main sewer extension and shall pay all costs for the connection to the premises. There shall be an annual service fee based on the same criteria set forth for premises located inside the corporate city limits as set forth in WMC 13.10.200, Sewer service user fee. [Ord. 647-96, 2-27-96; Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 11, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-43].
13.10.120 Permits and fees.
No public sewer, side sewer, building lateral or other sewerage facility shall be installed, altered or repaired within the city until a permit for the work has been obtained from the city and all fees paid in accordance with the requirements of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-44].
13.10.130 Plumbing and sewers on private property.
The installation, use, maintenance, repair and inspection of all plumbing and sewers inside private property shall be subject to and governed by the plumbing ordinance of the city and the county, now existing or as hereafter amended. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-45].
13.10.140 Building laterals, street laterals and connections.
(1) Permit Required. In accordance with this chapter, no person shall construct a building lateral, street lateral or make a connection with any public sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the city and paying all fees and connection charges as required herein.
(2) Design and Construction Requirements. Design and construction of building laterals and street laterals shall be in accordance with the requirements of the city and in accordance with the city standard specifications. All new connections are prohibited from having inflow/infiltration sources.
(3) Separate Sewers. Except as hereinafter provided, every house and building fronting on the same street or easement requiring sewer service shall be separately and independently connected with the public sewer; provided, however, that where two or more buildings are on the same parcel, belonging to one owner, and which cannot legally be subdivided, separate connections need not be made with the public sewer. No two separate owners of adjacent parcels shall be permitted to join in the use of the same sewer lateral, except in a townhouse development where the individual building sewers are located a maximum of five feet from the involved common walls and property line. Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, single-family residential units with common walls, condominium, stock cooperative, community apartment or other similar improvements, including commercial condominiums or other similar units, which entitles owners of interests therein to occupy independent ownership interests and to make joint use of utility and other services, which may be provided by facilities owned in common, may, upon issuance of a permit authorizing such common use by the director of public works, be permitted to maintain a common side sewer or sewers.
(4) Old Building Sewers. Old building laterals may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, upon examination and test, to meet all requirements of the city.
(5) Cleanouts. Cleanouts in building laterals shall be provided in accordance with the city and/or county plumbing code and the city standard specifications.
(6) Sewer Too Low. In all buildings in which any building lateral is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such building lateral shall be lifted by artificial means approved by the director of public works and discharged to the public sewer at the expense of the owner.
(7) Connection to Public Sewer. The connection of the side sewer into the public sewer shall be made in accordance with city standard specifications and at the applicant’s expense, including connection, trenching, backfill and paving. The connection to the public sewer shall be made in the presence of a city inspector and under his supervision and direction. Any damage to the public sewer shall be repaired in conformance with city standard specifications.
(8) Maintenance of Building Laterals and Side Sewers. Building laterals shall be maintained by the owner of the property served thereby; provided, however, that where a side sewer provides service to more than one single-family residential unit in a development with common walls, condominium, stock cooperative, community apartment or other similar improvements, including commercial condominiums or other similar units, the obligation to maintain the side sewer shall be in the homeowners’ association or other entity responsible for the maintenance of the property and facilities owned in common. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-46].
13.10.150 Inspection and approval.
The director of public works is to be given notice when any work is ready for inspection, and all work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected and approved. Such inspection shall be made within 24 hours after such notification, weekends and holidays excepted. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 13, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-47].
13.10.160 Prohibited wastes.
Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following water or wastewaters into public sewers:
(1) Rainwater or Uncontaminated Water. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any rainwater, stormwater, groundwater, street drainage, subsurface drainage, water from yard fountains, ponds, or lawn sprays or any other uncontaminated water into any sewerage facility which directly or indirectly discharges to facilities owned by the city. The provisions of this section shall apply only to sanitary sewers.
(2) Explosive or Flammable Substances. Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive solid, liquid, or solvent with a flashpoint less than 190 degrees Fahrenheit.
(3) Corrosive Materials. Any waste having a pH lower than 5.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment or personnel of the city.
(4) Obstructions and Interferences. Solids or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation of the sewerage works, such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, sawdust, oil, grease, metal, glass, rags, hair, hides, wool, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, underground garbage, paper dishes, cups, containers, etc., either whole or ground by garbage grinder.
(5) Garbage. Any garbage excepting properly shredded garbage from dwellings or restaurants engaged in preparation of foods and beverages for consumption. Properly shredded garbage shall contain less than five percent (dry weight basis) of material and able to pass a three-eighths-inch screen.
(6) Petroleum Products. Any mineral oils, greases or products of a petroleum origin or any excessive concentrations of nonbiodegradable oil, petroleum oil or refined petroleum products, or cutting oils, commonly called soluble oil, which form persistent water emulsions.
(7) Suspended Solids. Any industrial process water or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant. Suspended solids discharged in industrial process wastewater shall have a dimension no larger than that of a one-fourth-inch mesh.
(8) Cooling Water and Swimming Pool Drains. Uncontaminated cooling water, evaporative cooler water, or swimming pool drains unless special permission has been granted by the director of public works.
(9) Toxic Substances. Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantities to injure or interfere with or create any hazard in the sewage treatment process, effluent quality, or receiving water quality requirements to humans, animals or plant life.
(10) Chemical Pesticides and Similar Toxicants. No chlorinated hydrocarbon, organo-phosphate or similar chemical compounds used as algaecides, bactericides, fungicides, insecticides, or pesticides shall be discharged into the sewerage system in any concentration except as specifically approved by a written permit.
(11) Oxidizing and Reducing Agents. Strong oxidizing and reducing agents shall not be discharged into the sewerage system.
(12) Nondegradable Wastes. Any water or wastes containing substances which are not amendable to treatment or which cause the treatment plant effluent to fail to meet any discharge requirements established by the state of California or the United States Federal Government.
(13) Unusual Waste Concentrations. Materials which exert or cause:
(a) Unusual concentrations of inert suspended solids.
(b) Excessive discoloration.
(c) Unusual BOD, chemical oxygen demand, or chlorine requirements in such quantities as to constitute a significant load on the sewage treatment plant.
(d) Unusual volume of flow or slugs. As used herein, “slug” shall mean any discharge of water, sewage or waste which in concentration or any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than 15 minutes more than five times the average 24-hour concentration or flow during normal operation.
(14) Noxious and Malodorous Substances. Any noxious or malodorous substances which by themselves or by interaction with other wastes may create a public nuisance or hazard or make human entry into the sewers or other sewerage appurtenances extraordinarily hazardous.
(15) Extreme Temperatures. Any wastewater with a temperature exceeding 150 degrees Fahrenheit or a temperature lower than 33 degrees Fahrenheit.
(16) Effluent Limitations – Sludge Disposal. Any wastewater which will cause a violation of treatment plant effluent limitations or precludes the selection of the most cost effective alternate for wastewater treatment and sludge disposal. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-48].
13.10.170 Implementing provisions.
(1) Waste Discharge Report. When required by the director of public works, a discharger shall complete and file with the city, within 30 days after written notification, a waste discharge report acceptable to the director of public works. The director may require additional information as a part of the report if, in the opinion of the director, insufficient information has been provided. On written request the director of public works may extend the time for filing an additional 30 days. The waste discharge report shall include, but not be limited to, nature of the process, volume, rates of flow, substances and concentrations in the waste discharge. The foregoing examples are in explanation and in no way a limitation of the information which the director of public works may require. The director of public works may, if the discharger fails to file a waste discharge report, thereafter, take action to disconnect.
(2) Sampling Facilities. The discharger of any industrial waste shall, at his own expense, install a sampling manhole and other metering and monitoring equipment to facilitate observation, sampling, and measurement of the discharger’s waste. Such sampling facility shall be acceptable to the director of public works for the purposes required, shall be safely located, accessible at all times and constructed in a manner and with materials in conformance with city regulations. These facilities shall be maintained in good condition at all times by the discharger at his expense. Sampling facilities shall be installed within 90 days after notice by the director of public works.
(3) Notice of Violation. Whenever the director of public works finds that discharge of any waste is, or threatens to become, a public nuisance or a violation of established requirements, including but not limited to this chapter, other ordinances and resolutions, he shall issue an order specifying such nuisance, violations, or threatened violations, and ordering compliance within the time schedule specified therein. Noncompliance with such order shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(4) Serious and Immediate Hazards. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of this chapter, whenever, in the judgment of the director of public works, it appears that any waste discharge is causing any condition constituting a hazard to the life, health or safety of any person, or to the sewage system, the director of public works is empowered to terminate service immediately.
(5) Maintenance of Pretreatment Facilities. Where pretreatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the city.
(6) Interceptors Required. Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when in the opinion of the director of public works they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except that such interceptors shall not be required for buildings used for residential purposes. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the director of public works, and shall be so located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.
(7) Maintenance of Interceptors. All grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times.
(8) Measurements and Tests. All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater” and shall be determined at the control manhole provided for, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the side sewer is connected.
(9) Special Agreements. No statement contained in this chapter shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the city and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the city for treatment, subject to payment therefor by the industrial concern and subject to such terms and conditions as might be required by city.
(10) Right of Entry. The director of public works and other duly authorized employees of the city bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all properties served by the city for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, and testing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-49].
13.10.180 Changes in pretreatment and waste discharge requirements.
The provisions contained herein relating to pretreatment and to prohibited waste discharges and as to limitations and restrictions on waste discharges are subject to regulations by state and federal authorities and are subject to the terms and conditions of the national pollution discharge elimination system permit heretofore issued to the city. Should the state and federal regulations be modified or should the national pollution discharge elimination system permit be amended, the requirements of this chapter shall be suspended to the extent that such standards are higher than those contained herein, and such higher standards shall be immediately applicable upon the effective date of such state or federal regulations or of the amendment of the national pollution discharge elimination system permit. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-50].
13.10.190 Sewer connection charges.
The city council shall by resolution adopt a city sewer connection policy fixing the amount payable to the city for any domestic sewer connection, commercial, and industrial sewer connection. These fees shall be due and payable prior to a connection being made or obtaining a building permit, whichever is earliest. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-51].
13.10.200 Sewer service user fee.
Sewer service user fee shall be required for all premises connected to the city sanitary sewer system. The fees and classifications are to be established by resolution. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-52].
13.10.210 Sewer fund.
All moneys received by the city pursuant to any provision of this chapter shall be deposited by the city treasurer in either the sewer maintenance fund or sewer capital outlay fund.
(1) The sewer capital outlay fund shall receive revenue derived from connection fees, buy-in fees and other like sources. These funds shall be used for expansion and improvements which would include construction as well as equipment, land purchases, easements and right-of-way. These funds are not to be used for replacement.
(2) The sewer maintenance and operation fund is hereby created to place moneys that are derived from user charges for utilizing the sewer service. These funds will be expended for the cost of labor, power, chemicals, supplies, laboratory control, monitoring, general administration, billing, and replacement of the entire wastewater system which also includes all sewer lines. These funds may also be utilized for the purposes set forth in the sewer capital outlay fund. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-53].
13.10.220 Adjustments for sewer user or connection fee.
The city manager may adjust connection or billing fees or grant rebates for the following reasons:
(1) Upon change of use or users.
(2) Dispute as to a charge.
(3) When a structure is no longer suitable for occupancy.
Application requesting an adjustment of billing and stating grounds for an adjustment or rebate shall be made in writing to the city manager. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93. Prior code § 17-54].
13.10.230 Appeal.
Any person who shall be dissatisfied with any determination or decision made under the provisions of this chapter may, at any time within 30 days after any such determination or decision, appeal to the city council by giving written notice to the city administrator and to the city clerk setting forth the determination or decision with which such person is dissatisfied. In the event of any such appeal, the director shall transmit to the city council a report upon the matter appealed. The city council may, at any time, upon its own motion elect to settle appeal with or without a public hearing. In the event of a public hearing, the city council shall cause notice to be given at least 10 days prior to the time fixed for such hearing to all persons affected by such appeal of the time and place fixed by the city council for hearing such appeal. The city council shall direct the city clerk to mail a written notice, postage prepaid, to all such persons whose addresses are known to the city council, and to publish such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation within the city at least five days prior to the date fixed for such hearing.
Pending decisions upon any appeal relative to the amount of any charge under this chapter, the person making such appeal shall pay such charge. After the appeal is heard the city council shall order refunded to the person making the appeal such amount as the city council shall determine should be refunded. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 21, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-55].
13.10.240 Validity.
If any provision of this chapter, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, no other provision of this chapter shall be affected thereby. [Ord. 639-93, 10-26-93; Ord. 482-71 § 22, 4-12-71. Prior code § 17-56].
Cross references—Plumbing code, Chapter 15.35 WMC; installing in subdivisions, WMC Title 17.