Chapter 18.141


18.141.010    Creation and general purpose.

18.141.020    Membership.

18.141.030    Matters subject to review.

18.141.040    Matters exempt from review.

18.141.050    Required information.

18.141.060    Criteria for approval of applicants.

18.141.070    Approval, conditions, and guarantees.

18.141.080    Dedication and improvement.

18.141.090    Noncompliance.

18.141.100    Revocation, expiration and extension of approval.

18.141.010 Creation and general purpose.

An architectural board of review is hereby created and established for the city of Willows to promote the general welfare of the city of Willows by developing and preserving a continuity of pictorial design in commercial and other structures, boulevards, parkways, parking lots, parks, aboveground utilities and/or any installation that would affect the aesthetic appeal and beauty of the city of Willows. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 472-69 § 1, 5-12-69. Formerly § 2.45.010; prior code § 2-91].

18.141.020 Membership.

The architectural review board shall be the planning commission of the city of Willows. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 518-75, 11-10-75. Formerly § 2.45.020; prior code § 2-92].

18.141.030 Matters subject to review.

(1) All new buildings, structures and other physical improvements and any relocation or exterior addition, extension, or change of or to existing buildings, structures and other physical improvements shall be subject to design review, whether or not a building permit is required, unless exempted therefrom in WMC 18.141.040.

(2) “Physical improvements” as used herein may include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) The siting and style of single-family residences and duplexes when consisting of a subdivision of five or more contiguous lots therein which are proposed to be built by one builder.

(b) Condominiums, townhouses, apartments and any other multifamily residences.

(c) Offices, commercial and industrial buildings and structures.

(d) Religious, fraternal, social, cultural, quasi-public and similar buildings and structures.

(e) Land Improvements. Grading or filling of land, removal of natural ground cover, vegetation or trees; installation of fences, retaining walls, walkways, sidewalks, curbs.

(f) Landscaping, including vegetation and low level lighting.

(g) Parking and loading areas, driveways, curb cuts or other street connections.

(h) Signs, when submitted simultaneously with plans for any of the improvements listed in subsection (1) of this section.

(i) Painting and Colors. Exterior textures and colors on new construction or the first time existing construction is finished with a color or colored material; thereafter on repainting and refinishing only if colors not on the approved earthtone-woodtone list are proposed to be used.

(j) Exterior lighting.

(k) Drainage.

(l) All other exterior ornamental or functional changes. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 11, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.030; prior code § 2-93].

18.141.040 Matters exempt from review.

The following are exempt from review:

(1) Single-family dwellings and duplexes when sited on individual lots with frontage on a public street and not otherwise listed under WMC 18.141.030(2).

(2) Exterior repainting and refinishing when colors are from the approved earthtone-woodtone list and there is no change in the exterior material.

(3) Improvements to single existing buildings and structures (not a part of a building complex) which are not visible from outside the lot.

(4) Signs except when submitted simultaneously with plans listed in WMC18.141.030(1).

(5) Work which has been determined by the building official to be minor or incidental with the intent and objectives of this chapter.

(6) Ordinary Maintenance. This includes the repair and replacement in similar or less quantity of existing utility distribution facilities and poles but does not permit the use of additional poles for extension of service. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 12, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.040; prior code § 2-94].

18.141.050 Required information.

(1) All plans shall be drawn to scale and accurately dimensioned unless substitute media are acceptable to the staff.

(2) The listed items of information may be submitted on separate sheets or combined in such a manner as will facilitate clarity of interpretation and presentation.

(3) The applicant shall submit the information listed in this section. The building official may require that additional information be submitted or may waive the submission of listed information.

(4) Proposed and Existing Features. Plans showing proposed and existing physical improvements and features shall show the following unless not relevant:

(a) Adjoining Features. The plans shall show the location of all adjoining streets including pavement, curb and sidewalk; and on contiguous lots, the location of principal and accessory buildings, curb cuts, driveways, elevation and grade of driveways in relation to applicant’s lot, parking and loading areas.

(b) Architectural Elevations. Elevations including exterior materials and showing all sides of the development shall be prepared. In case the exterior of an existing building is to be changed, the proposed and existing elevations of such buildings shall be shown. In case an addition to an existing building is proposed, the elevations of existing buildings shall be shown together with those of the addition. Exterior materials and colors of all proposed and existing buildings shall be indicated or generally described. The elevations also shall show all super-structures and equipment above the roof, if the information is available. Color samples and samples of material shall be submitted when requested.

(c) Engineering Elevations. Elevations showing all existing and proposed grades shall be prepared.

(d) Floor and roof plans of all proposed structures, drawn to scale.

(e) Grading plan showing existing and proposed contours at the intervals adequate to show the extent of cut and fill (as a guideline, one-foot intervals).

(f) Parking, Loading and Circulation Plan. In accordance with standards as established by the city, all driveways, bicycle paths, pedestrian walks, and other open spaces, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, the locations of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and off-street loading areas, the location of each parking space and each loading berth, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles.

(g) Existing trees and foliage, showing location, type and approximate size of all trees whose trunks exceed a diameter of 16 inches at a point 24 inches above the ground level at the base of the tree, or where the trunk is less than 16 inches but more than 10 inches, and the height exceeds 30 feet; all bushes extending from a single root that exceed both a height and diameter of 10 feet; and all hedges that exceed a height of five feet and length of 15 feet. All of the above that are proposed to be removed are to be so designated.

(h) Landscape plan showing the location and dimensions of all planted areas, all sprinkler pipes and heads, all lights or other utilities or structures if within planted areas; and the size, location (center spacing) and type of all trees, plants, boulders, and other landscape material (rock, gravel, lava stone, etc.) or landscape structures (arbors, trellises, alcoves, benches, etc.) proposed or that exist and are to remain.

(i) Exterior lighting plan showing all lights, the elevation of the light, total height of light standard, if any, style, appearance, color, direction and intensity at the property boundaries.

(j) Drainage Facilities and Utility Connections. Locations and dimensions of principal elevations of such facilities and connections.

(k) Site photographs showing site and adjacent properties. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 13, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.050; prior code § 2-95].

18.141.060 Criteria for approval of applicants.

Review shall be guided by the following:

(1) Competent Design. Development has been designed by and bears the signature of a person who under the building code has been designated as legally competent to submit such development proposal. The overall design may be directed towards buildings of any architectural characteristic. However, there must be a consistent organization of materials and openings, and a harmonious relationship of major elements; and decorative parts must relate to the character of the design.

(2) Relationship Between Structures Within the Development and Between Structures and Site. There shall be a harmonious and pleasing relationship between the various structures of the development on the site and between the structures and the site itself. The proposed structures should be designed to fit the site and not vice versa.

(3) Relationship Between Development and Neighborhood. Proposed structures and site development shall be related harmoniously and have good space and relationship to the terrain and to existing structures and development in the vicinity. The design shall show that due regard has been given to orientation of structures to streets, climatic considerations, and especially, the creation and utilization of open space. Overdevelopment of the site shall be avoided.

(4) Materials and Colors Used. Soft and muted colors in the earthtone and woodtone range and natural materials are preferred and generally should predominate. Other colors and materials may be accepted if the applicant can demonstrate that they are appropriate to the style, are appropriate accent colors, and are harmonious with the site or compatible with the character of the neighborhood.

(a) Earthtone and woodtone colors are considered to be various shades of reddish-brown, brown, tan, ocher, umber, gold, sand and green. Color schemes for new residential construction are incorporated into the single-family design guidelines.

(b) Natural materials include adobe, slump block brick, stone, redwood, exterior wood wall covering, or wood shakes and shingles.

(c) Windows and Glass. Bronzetone or other glare reducing and color harmonizing finishes may be required on glass surfaces when they constitute 50 percent or more of a wall or building face, when such wall or face is exposed to the direct rays of the sun for any substantial part of the daylight hours. Similar treatment is to be used to reduce see-through capacity where glass surfaces would otherwise permit a view of pipes, utilities and other service units attached to a ceiling or roof. Mirror-type glass shall be avoided.

(d) Roofs (including equipment, but excluding skylights) are to be composed of nonglossy earthtone or woodtone finishes that minimize reflectivity.

(e) Metal Buildings or Finishes. Unpainted metal, galvanized metal or metal subject to ordinary rusting may not be used. Galvanized metal may be used in areas that are zoned in the industrial classifications. Metals that develop an attractive oxidized finish may be used: copper or weathering steel are examples of such materials.

(f) Concrete surfaces must be colored, textured, sculptured, patterned and/or serve a design function as opposed to a mere structural function.

(5) Wall, fences or screening shall be employed in a skillful manner and in harmony with the design of the development to conceal and to screen parking and loading areas, garbage and refuse collection areas and mechanical equipment from public view from adjoining streets, from persons residing on or working in the development, or from persons residing or working in the neighborhood.

(6) Surface Water Drainage. Special attention shall be given to proper site surface drainage. Stormwaters shall be removed and carried away in an adequate drainage system. Surface water and all paved areas shall be collected at intervals so that it will not obstruct the flow of vehicles or pedestrian traffic and will not create puddles on the paved areas.

(7) Drives, Parking and Circulation. With respect to vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian circulation (including walkways, interior drives and parking) special attention shall be given to location and number of access points to the public streets, open space areas, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian from vehicular traffic and arrangement of parking areas that are safe and convenient insofar as practical. Such facilities should not detract from the design of the proposed buildings and structures or from adjoining or neighboring properties. The effect of the development on adjoining sites and properties must be considered and the loading capacities of adjoining streets must also be considered.

(8) Utility Service. Utility connections shall be installed underground. Proposed method of sanitary sewage disposal for all buildings shall be indicated. Adequate garbage and refuse collection areas shall be mandatory and designed to prevent scatter and located in areas convenient both to users and to persons who make collections and be of sufficient size and properly screened. There shall be adequate ingress and egress to all utilities.

(9) Signs, when submitted as part of the development, shall be so designed as to be skillfully integrated into the development and not detract from the overall appearance of the project or of surrounding areas or developments.

(10) Exterior Lighting. Light sources shall not create a glare or hazard on adjoining streets or be annoying to adjacent properties or residential areas. The location of lights and electric conduits in the landscaped areas shall be coordinated with the landscaping and irrigation plans.

(11) Landscaping shall be well designed with appropriate variations and shall be included as an integral enhancement of the site and, where needed, for screening purposes. Plant materials shall be suitable for the functions to be served. Irrigation systems may be required, and their location shall be coordinated with the plans for the location of plants. All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition and any dead or dying plants, bushes, or trees shall be replaced with new healthy stock of a size compatible with the remainder of the growth at the time of replacement.

(12) Temporary visual and air pollution resulting from construction shall be minimized through retention of natural vegetation, rock formations and topography until applicant is prepared, once he starts grading, to continue immediately with the construction applied for through to completion as one continuous process. The period of construction shall be of duration reasonable to the size and complexity of the development. During grading, dust prevention must be emphasized to avoid unnecessary annoyance to persons living or working in the area.

(13) Any or all of the above criteria may be waived by the planning commission in developments showing exceptional design merit, which carry out the objectives of this chapter and which are consistent with the general plan.

(14) Consistency with Design Guidelines. A proposed development shall be consistent with the city’s design guidelines as applied to the project through the design review process. The historic downtown and wood street design guidelines, the single-family residential and multifamily residential design guidelines, shall be utilized for proposals brought before the architectural design review board.

(15) Development is subject to public works standards per WMC 17.55.280, 17.55.290 and 17.55.300. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 14, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.060; prior code § 2.96].

18.141.070 Approval, conditions, and guarantees.

(1) An application for design review may be approved, approved with modifications, conditionally approved or disapproved.

(2) The city may require the applicant contract with the city to complete the development proposed in accordance with the design review approval given, and also may require the posting of a bond to guarantee performance, which shall be in such amount as the city may fix.

(3) An approved application and all other related and approved maps, drawings, and other supporting materials constituting a part of the approved applications shall be so endorsed by the city manager or his/her designee.

(4) The city shall review construction drawings, final plans, and other similar documents for compliance with the approved design review, and conditions attached thereto, or any approved or required modifications thereof. The city shall when performing building inspections on the site also inspect for compliance with design review requirements. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 15, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.070; prior code § 2-97].

18.141.080 Dedication and improvement.

Dedication, relocation, installation and/or improvement of rights-of-way may be required where essential to prevent congestion and/or hazards which may result from the use of land proposed. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 16, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.080; prior code § 2-98].

18.141.090 Noncompliance.

(1) In addition to any other fines, penalties or enforcement provisions set forth in this code, failure to comply in any respect with an approved design review application shall constitute grounds for the immediate stoppage of the work involved in said noncompliance.

(2) An occupancy permit shall not be issued in part or whole for any building or group of buildings subject to design review unless and until the work specified in the design review approval has been completed, including landscaping. If for any valid reason full compliance cannot be made, a cash bond shall be posted for the work to be completed within a reasonable period of time as determined by the city manager or his/her designee. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 17, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.090; prior code § 2-99].

18.141.100 Revocation, expiration and extension of approval.

(1) When demolition or removal of any existing structure is a part of design review approval, said demolition or removal shall be completed and all debris removed from the site within 90 days of design review approval, or the entire design review permit shall be deemed to have expired for cause as of midnight on the ninetieth day unless the city manager or his/her designee shall grant an extension of time for such work.

(2) Design review permits shall expire in one year unless a different expiration date or unlimited expiration is stipulated at the time of approval. Prior to the expiration of a design review approval, the applicant may apply to the city manager or his/her designee for an extension of not more than one year from the original date of expiration. The city manager or his/her designee shall grant the extension and may make minor modifications of the approved design at the time of extension, if he finds that there has been no substantial change in the factual circumstances surrounding the originally approved design. Any further extension beyond one year shall require planning commission approval. [Ord. 753-22, 4-26-22; Ord. 520-76 § 18, 1-12-76. Formerly § 2.45.100; prior code § 2-100].