Chapter 18.35


18.35.010    Purpose.

18.35.020    Permitted uses.

18.35.030    Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.

18.35.040    Other regulations.

18.35.010 Purpose.

The two-family residential use or R-2 district is intended to allow mixed uses of residential types at a medium density. [Ord. 697-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 12.01, 10-22-91].

18.35.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses and structures are permitted in the R-2 district:

(1) One- or two-family dwellings, manufactured homes, including private garages, accessory buildings and uses.

(2) Agriculture, horticulture, gardening, and keeping of animals as permitted by city ordinance but not including stands or structures for the sale of agricultural or nursery products.

(3) Underground utility installations and aboveground utility installations for local service except that substations, generating plants, public utility communication buildings, and gas holders must be approved by the planning commission prior to construction. The route of any proposed transmission line shall be discussed with the planning commission prior to acquisition.

(4) Rooming and boarding of not more than two persons.

(5) Family day care homes serving 12 or fewer children exclusive of children who reside at the home.

(6) Residential care facilities in accordance with Health and Safety Code Sections 1267.8, 1566.3, and 1568.08 (serving six or fewer persons).

(7) Transitional and supportive housing as defined in Health and Safety Code Sections 50675.2 and 50675.14. [Ord. 697-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 12.02, 10-22-91].

18.35.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.

The following uses and structures may be permitted in the R-2 district only if a conditional use permit has first been secured:

(1) Private and religious schools, nursery schools, and family day care centers providing services to more than 12 children.

(2) Churches and home occupations.

(3) Golf and country clubs.

(4) Temporary real estate offices, tract sales offices and advertising signs, and tract construction and equipment yards.

(5) Bed and breakfast establishments. [Ord. 697-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 12.03, 10-22-91].

18.35.040 Other regulations.

(1) Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet for interior lots; 7,500 square feet for corner lots.

(2) Minimum lot width: 60 feet for interior lots; 75 feet for corner lots.

(3) Maximum lot coverage: 45 percent of the lot area.

(4) Minimum Yard Setback.

(a) Front yard: 25 feet.

(b) Side yard: six feet except the side yard on the street side of each corner lot shall not be less than 10 feet.

(c) Rear yard: 15 feet.

EXCEPTION: A garage that is not attached to and made a part of the main building shall not be closer than eight feet clear distance to the main building and shall be five feet from alley property line. A nongarage accessory building shall be a minimum of three feet from the rear property line.

(5) Maximum building height: two and one-half stories not exceeding 30 feet. Nongarage accessory buildings shall not exceed 12 feet in height without prior approval of the planning commission.

(6) Parking spaces required: see WMC 18.120.020. [Ord. 697-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 12.04, 10-22-91].