Chapter 18.40
18.40.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.
18.40.010 Purpose.
The high density residential or R-3 district is intended to provide areas for high density residential living in accordance with the general plan and to minimize the impact of multiple-family projects on adjacent developments. [Ord. 698-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 13.01, 10-22-91].
18.40.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses and structures are permitted in the R-3 district:
(1) Uses permitted in an R-2 district as set forth in WMC 18.35.020.
(2) Group dwellings, multiple-family dwellings and apartments, boarding and lodging houses and single-room occupancy (SRO) units.
(3) Incidental and accessory buildings and uses on the same lot with and necessary for the operation of any permitted use.
(4) Transitional and supportive housing as defined in Health and Safety Code Sections 50675.2 and 50675.14. [Ord. 712-15 § 1, 6-9-15; Ord. 698-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 13.02, 10-22-91].
18.40.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the R-3 district only if a conditional use permit has first been secured:
(1) Uses permitted in R-2 district as set forth in WMC 18.35.030.
(2) Nursing and group care homes.
(3) Private schools.
(4) Hospitals.
(5) Other uses which the planning commission finds are similar to the above. [Ord. 698-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 13.03, 10-22-91].
18.40.040 Other regulations.
NOTE: Lot development requirements for single-family and two-family uses shall conform with the regulations set forth in WMC 18.30.040 and 18.35.040.
(1) Minimum lot area: 6,000 square feet for interior lots; 7,500 square feet for corner lots.
(2) Minimum lot width: 60 feet for interior lots, 75 feet for corner lots.
(3) Maximum main building coverage: 55 percent of lot area.
(4) Minimum open space: 30 percent of the lot shall be landscaped open space except that the surface area of a pool or uncovered patio can be included as open space.
(5) Minimum Yard Setbacks.
(a) Front yard: 25 feet.
(b) Side yard: six feet except the side yard on the street side of each corner lot shall not be less than 10 feet. A zero side yard is permitted when two or more adjacent lots are developed as a unit and the opposite yard is a minimum of 10 feet. If the yard abuts an R-1 or R-2 district each story over the first requires an additional five-foot setback.
(c) Rear yard: 15 feet. If the yard abuts an R-1 or R-2 district, each story over the first requires a five-foot additional setback.
(6) Minimum distance between buildings: 10 feet.
(a) Group dwellings in a single-row “side to side” series facing a side lot line: side yards to the rear of buildings, eight feet; side yards in front of buildings, 14 feet.
(b) Group dwellings in a double-row “side to side” series facing a central court: side yards to the rear of buildings, eight feet; width of central court, 24 feet; distance between buildings, 10 feet.
(c) The rear yard on a lot on which a dwelling group is constructed may be reduced to not less than 12 feet. No building in a group dwelling development shall have the rear thereof abutting upon a street.
(7) Maximum Building Height. For main buildings, 30 feet without a use permit and 50 feet with an approved use permit. Accessory buildings are 25 feet.
(8) Minimum Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in an amount in accordance with the regulations of Chapter 18.120 WMC.
(9) Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided according to design review standards. [Ord. 712-15 § 1, 6-9-15; Ord. 698-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 13.04, 10-22-91].