Chapter 10.25


10.25.010    Application of chapter.

10.25.020    Traffic laws to apply.

10.25.030    Repealed.

10.25.040    Obedience to traffic-control devices.

10.25.050    Repealed.

10.25.060    Riding on roadways, bicycle paths, and sidewalks.

10.25.070    Repealed.

10.25.080    Emerging from alley or driveway.

10.25.090    Hitching rides on vehicles.

10.25.100    Repealed.

10.25.110    Parking.

10.25.120    Lamps and other equipment.

10.25.130    Bikeways – Creation – Definitions.

10.25.140    Enforcement.

10.25.150    Rules and regulations.

10.25.160    Penalty.

10.25.010 Application of chapter.

It is unlawful for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this chapter. These regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated on any street or on any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, subject to those exceptions stated herein. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.01; 1982 Code § 74.01; 1983 Code § 7.74.01.]

10.25.020 Traffic laws to apply.

Every person riding a bicycle on a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by the laws of this State or by this traffic code, except as to special regulations in this traffic code and except as to those provisions of laws and ordinances which, by their nature, can have no application. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.03; 1982 Code § 74.02; 1983 Code § 7.74.02.]

10.25.030 License required.

Repealed by Ord. G-2021-18. [1962 Code § 353.02; 1982 Code § 74.03; 1983 Code § 7.74.03.]

10.25.040 Obedience to traffic-control devices.

Any person operating a bicycle shall obey the instructions of official traffic-control signals, signs, and other control devices applicable to vehicles, unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer. Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right, left, or U-turn is permitted, no person operating a bicycle shall disobey the direction of the sign, except where the person dismounts from the bicycle to make the turn, in which event the person shall then obey the regulations applicable to pedestrians. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.04; 1982 Code § 74.10; 1983 Code § 7.74.10.]

10.25.050 Riding on seat.

Repealed by Ord. G-2021-18. [1962 Code § 353.05; 1982 Code § 74.11; 1983 Code § 7.74.11.]

10.25.060 Riding on roadways, bicycle paths, and sidewalks.

(A) Every person operating a bicycle on a roadway shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Persons riding bicycles on a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use the path and shall not use the roadway.

(B) No person shall ride a bicycle on a sidewalk within a business district. However, whenever any person is riding a bicycle on a sidewalk, the person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing the pedestrian. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code §§ 353.05, 353.12; 1982 Code § 74.12; 1983 Code § 7.74.12.]

10.25.070 Speed.

Repealed by Ord. G-2021-18. [1962 Code § 353.07; 1982 Code § 74.13; 1983 Code § 7.74.13.]

10.25.080 Emerging from alley or driveway.

The operator of a bicycle emerging from an alley, driveway, or building shall, on approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on the sidewalk or sidewalk area, and on entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.08; 1982 Code § 74.14; 1983 Code § 7.74.14.]

10.25.090 Hitching rides on vehicles.

No person riding on any bicycle shall attach it or himself to any vehicle on a roadway. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.09; 1982 Code § 74.15; 1983 Code § 7.74.15.]

10.25.100 Carrying articles.

Repealed by Ord. G-2021-18. [1962 Code § 353.10; 1982 Code § 74.16; 1983 Code § 7.74.16.]

10.25.110 Parking.

No person shall park a bicycle on a street other than on the roadway against the curb, on the sidewalk in a rack to support the bicycle, against a building, or at the curb, in a manner so as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.11; 1982 Code § 74.17; 1983 Code § 7.74.17.]

10.25.120 Lamps and other equipment.

When in use at nighttime, every bicycle shall be equipped with a lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front, and with a red reflector on the rear of a type which shall be visible from all distances from 50 feet to 300 feet to the rear when directly in front of the lawful upper beam of the headlamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. Every bicycle shall also be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; 1962 Code § 353.13; 1982 Code § 74.18; 1983 Code § 7.74.18.]

10.25.130 Bikeways – Creation – Definitions.

(A) There are hereby established certain designated bikeways within the City. The Board of Public Safety shall have the authority to designate these bikeways.

(B) The bikeways shall consist of any road, street, path, or way which is in some manner specifically designated as being open to bicycle travel.

(1) A “Class I bikeway” shall consist of a separate trail or path for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians.

(2) A “Class II bikeway” shall consist of a portion of a roadway or a shoulder designated by a paint stripe, curb, or other similar device for use by bicyclists.

(3) A “Class III bikeway” shall consist of a roadway designated by signs as a bicycle route.

(C) A “bicycle” shall be defined as any solely foot-propelled vehicle irrespective of the number of wheels in contact with the ground. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; Ord. G-82-37, passed 10-4-82. 1982 Code § 74.25; 1983 Code § 7.74.25.]

10.25.140 Enforcement.

Rules and regulations concerning bikeways shall be enforced by the City Police Department and the Division of Code Enforcement. Park Rangers may enforce the rules and regulations concerning bikeways to the extent that those bikeways pass through park property. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; Ord. G-82-37, passed 10-4-82. 1982 Code § 74.26; 1983 Code § 7.74.26.]

10.25.150 Rules and regulations.

(A) Classes I, II, and III.

(1) When more than two persons in a group are operating bicycles on a bikeway, they shall ride single file.

(2) No person shall operate a bicycle on a bikeway while under the influence of liquor or drugs or while physically or mentally unfit to safely operate same.

(3) No person shall operate a bicycle on a bikeway which is not in such mechanical condition so that it can be safely operated.

(4) A person operating a bicycle shall yield right-of-way to pedestrians on the bikeway.

(5) No person operating a bicycle or vehicle shall park the bicycle or vehicle on the bikeway. No person operating a bicycle or vehicle shall block the bikeway so as to interfere with other bicycles or pedestrians.

(6) Bicycles shall be operated as near as practical to the right-hand edge of the bikeway.

(7) No bicycle shall be operated at any time faster than is reasonable or proper and no bicycle shall be operated without reasonable regard to the safety of the rider and of other persons and property on and near the bikeway.

(8) Every person operating a bicycle shall strictly observe all traffic signals and all other traffic rules and regulations.

(B) Class I Only. No person shall operate any vehicle other than a bicycle along and within the bikeway.

(C) Class II Only.

(1) No person shall operate a bicycle on any portion of the street designated as a class II bikeway, except within the bikeway on the right side of the roadway.

(2) No person shall operate any vehicle other than a bicycle along and within the bikeway, except as necessary for ingress and egress to adjoining property.

(3) A vehicle operating in the bikeway shall yield the right-of-way to any bicycle operating along the bikeway.

(D) Class III Only. Operators of a bicycle shall yield right-of-way to vehicles. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; Ord. G-82-37, passed 10-4-82. 1982 Code § 74.27; 1983 Code § 7.74.27.]

10.25.160 Penalty.

(A) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, and any parent of any child and any guardian of any ward who knowingly authorizes or permits any such child or ward to violate any provision of this chapter, shall be subject to the penalties set forth in EMC 1.05.180.

(B) Any person who violates any provisions of EMC 10.25.130 through 10.25.150, with the exception of EMC 10.25.150(B), and any parent of any child or any guardian of any ward who knowingly authorizes or permits the child or ward to violate any provision of EMC 10.25.130 through 10.25.150, with the exception of EMC 10.25.150(B), shall be subject to the penalties set forth in EMC 1.05.180. Any person who violates EMC 10.25.150(B) and any parent of any child or any guardian of any ward who knowingly authorizes or permits the child or ward to violate EMC 10.25.150(B) shall be subject to a minimum fine of $50.00. [Ord. G-2021-18 § 1, passed 11-23-21; Ord. G-82-37, passed 10-4-82. 1982 Code § 74.99; 1983 Code § 7.74.99.]