Chapter 17.18
17.18.010 Description and purpose.
17.18.020 Permitted buildings and uses.
17.18.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.
17.18.050 Building or structural height limitation.
17.18.070 Parking requirements.
17.18.080 Fences, walls and hedges.
17.18.010 Description and purpose.
The RF residential farm district is intended to create, preserve and enhance areas for standard and modular construction, rural, large lot, single-family residential developments. These areas shall be located as residential neighborhoods to provide for those persons desiring more private, exclusive living styles and/or provide for development of lands that because of steep slopes are best suited for large lot development. The size of the district, in conjunction with other residential and rural land uses, is to be more than 20 acres in size. To be consistent with sound planning practice, these districts will primarily be adjacent to other low space reserve districts and have access to traffic collector streets. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.030), 1980].
17.18.020 Permitted buildings and uses.
A. One-family dwellings subject to provisions of EPMC 17.20.090(N).
B. Two hogs or two head of livestock per acre over the age of six months.
C. Other agriculture and farm uses not listed as a conditional use except kennels, animal sales yards or feed lot operations.
D. Barns, stables and other buildings to house livestock located 50 feet or more from property lines.
E. Guest houses, not rented or otherwise conducted as a business.
F. Living quarters for persons regularly employed on the premises. Not including labor camps or transient buildings.
G. Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, tennis courts, community centers, recreation buildings or swimming pools.
H. Public and semi-public buildings essential to the physical and economic welfare of the area, such as fire stations, libraries, substations, pump stations, and reservoirs; provided, that each side and rear yard adjacent to a residential use shall be a minimum of 10 feet.
I. Accessory buildings and structures are permitted; provided, that they are not built in the required front or street side yard.
J. Residential care facilities.
K. Manufactured housing subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.20.090.
L. Home occupations subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.52.100. [Ord. 9-101 § 2, 1991; Ord. 9-98 § 1 (Exh. 1), 1991; Ord. ZN/CH-86-7 § 1 (Exh. A § 3.031), 1986].
17.18.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.
The planning commission may grant a conditional use permit in accordance with the standards and procedure set forth in Chapter 17.84 EPMC for such other buildings or uses as the commission determines to be in keeping with the district’s purposes. Such other uses shall not have any different or more detrimental effect upon the adjoining neighborhood areas or zones than such specifically permitted uses. In addition, the following conditional uses are specifically authorized:
A. Any use permitted in the R-1 single-family residential district subject to the development requirements of this district.
B. Poultry operations, apiaries, kennels, riding stables, or raising or keeping of birds or fowl.
C. Temporary placement of mobile home or manufactured home subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.52.210 and Chapters 17.60 and 17.84 EPMC.
D. Bed and breakfast subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.52.310. [Ord. 9-100 § 1, 1991; Ord. 9-98 § 1 (Exh. 1), 1991; Ord. ZN/CH-86-7 § 1 (Exh. A § 3.032), 1986].
17.18.040 Yard regulations.
In the RF district, each lot shall have yards of not less than the following size unless otherwise provided for in Chapter 17.52 or 17.56 EPMC:
A. Front yard setback: 20 feet;
B. Interior side yard setback: 10 feet;
C. Alley side yard setback: 10 feet;
D. Street side yard setback: 20 feet;
E. Rear yard setback: 20 feet;
F. Swimming pools shall conform to dwelling setback requirements. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.033), 1980].
17.18.050 Building or structural height limitation.
In the RF district, the maximum building or structural height of the main building shall be two and one-half stories or 30 feet, whichever is the lesser. Accessory buildings, except farm structures, in the RF district are limited to two and one-half stories or 25 feet, whichever is the lesser. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.034), 1980].
17.18.060 Lot regulations.
A. Area and Dimensions. In the RF district, the minimum lot area shall be five acres.
1. The lot shall have a minimum depth of 300 feet.
2. The lot shall have a minimum width of 200 feet.
B. Coverage and Density Requirements. In the RF district, the maximum coverage of the lot by all structures shall not exceed 20 percent of the lot area. Patio structures which are open in use and swimming pools not structurally covered shall not be counted as a structure in determining lot coverage. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.035), 1980].
17.18.070 Parking requirements.
In the RF district, two off-street parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit. See Chapter 17.72 EPMC for additional detailed information concerning parking space requirements. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.036), 1980].
17.18.080 Fences, walls and hedges.
In the RF district, fences and walls shall not exceed three and one-half feet in height above the sidewalk grade, within the front yard or street side yard setback area. Vision clearance shall be required on all corner lots. On an interior lot a wall, fence or hedge not more than eight feet in height may be located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the required front yard or street side yard setback line. All fences, walls and hedges shall be properly maintained. The provisions of this section shall not apply to fences required to surround and enclose public utility installations or to chain link fences enclosing school grounds and public playgrounds. Retaining walls protecting a cut or fill, and located on a line separating lots, may be topped by a fence, wall, or hedge of the same height that would otherwise be permitted at the location, if no retaining wall existed. Special security buildings, facilities, walls and fences to provide these districts with security and privacy may be installed with the permission of the site plan committee under provisions of Chapter 17.60 EPMC. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A § 7), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.037), 1980].