Chapter 17.20
17.20.010 Description and purpose.
17.20.020 Permitted buildings and uses.
17.20.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.
17.20.050 Building or structural height limitations.
17.20.070 Parking requirements.
17.20.090 Development standards for manufactured housing.
17.20.010 Description and purpose.
The R-1 single-family residential district is intended to create, preserve and enhance areas for standard construction and modular construction, urban, single-family and limited two-family residential uses. These areas shall be located as residential neighborhoods to provide for those persons desiring low-density living styles. The size of the districts, in conjunction with other residential land uses, is to be more than 20 acres in size. To be consistent with sound planning practice, these districts will primarily be adjacent to other residential districts and adjacent to traffic collector streets. [Ord. 2010-01 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.040), 1980].
17.20.020 Permitted buildings and uses.
A. One-family dwellings.
B. Accessory dwelling units under the provisions of Chapter 17.80 EPMC.
C. Duplex or two-family dwellings on corner lots.
D. Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, tennis courts, community centers, recreation buildings, or swimming pools.
E. Public and semi-public buildings essential to the physical and economic welfare of the area, such as fire stations, libraries, substations, pump stations, reservoirs; provided, that each side and rear yard adjacent to a residential use shall be a minimum of 10 feet.
F. Accessory buildings and structures are permitted (120-square-foot maximum); provided, that they are not built in the required front or street side yard. There shall not be more than two buildings allowed as accessory to any single-family dwelling. Well house structures shall not be considered as accessory buildings or structures for the purpose of this title.
G. Existing duplexes on interior lots.
H. Residential care facilities.
I. Manufactured housing subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.20.090.
J. Home occupations subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.52.100. [Ord. 2010-01 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 9-101 § 2, 1991; Ord. 9-98 § 1 (Exh. 1), 1991; Ord. ZN/CH-86-7 § 1 (Exh. A § 3.041), 1986].
17.20.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.
The planning commission may grant a conditional use permit in accordance with the standards and procedure set forth in Chapter 17.84 EPMC for such other buildings or uses as the commission determines to be in keeping with the district’s purpose. Such other uses shall not have any different or more detrimental effect upon the adjoining neighborhood areas or zones than such specifically permitted uses. In addition, the following conditional uses are authorized:
A. Churches, except rescue missions or temporary revivals with the following special yard requirement: side and rear yards have a minimum width of 20 feet. Note: A dedicated adjacent alley may be included in the 20 feet.
B. Hospitals with the following special yard requirements:
1. Front yards of at least 30 feet.
2. Rear and side yards of at least 50 feet.
C. Group care facilities.
D. Day nurseries, kindergartens and child care facilities on sites at least 10,000 square feet with the following special yard requirements: a completely enclosed exterior play yard, set back not less than 70 feet from the front property line with an area of not less than 50 square feet per child. The enclosed play yard is to be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any adjoining properties zoned for residential use. A solid fence or hedge at least six feet, but not more than eight feet, in height on or adjacent to the property line except on that portion of the lot within 70 feet of the front property line. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided. The applicant for this use shall provide a complete copy of the applicant’s application for state certification of the facility.
E. Schools (public and private, primary, elementary, junior high, high schools and colleges) are subject to the following conditions:
1. Dedication and improvement of public streets.
2. Conveyance or dedication of public utility easements as determined by the city of Eagle Point.
3. Fire truck and emergency vehicle access.
4. Fire hydrants as approved by the city of Eagle Point.
F. Cemeteries.
G. Planned development subject to the planned development procedures set forth in Chapter 17.76 EPMC.
H. Temporary placement of mobile homes or manufactured homes subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.52.210 and Chapters 17.60 and 17.84 EPMC.
I. Bed and breakfast subject to the provisions of EPMC 17.52.310. [Ord. 2009-01 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 9-100 § 1, 1991; Ord. 9-98 § 1 (Exh. 1), 1991; Ord. ZN/CH-86-7 § 1 (Exh. A § 3.042), 1986].
17.20.040 Yard regulations.
In the R-1 district, each lot shall have yards of not less than the following size unless otherwise provided for in Chapter 17.52, 17.56 or 17.60 EPMC.
A. Front yard setback: 15 feet. Exception: garages and carports taking access on the front of the property shall be set back 20 feet.
B. Interior side yard setback: five feet.
C. Alley side yard setback: five feet.
D. Street side yard setback: 10 feet.
E. Rear yard setback: 10 feet per story. Exception: garages and carports taking access from an alley shall be set back 20 feet, except if a two-hour masonry firewall is installed at the property line, the setback then may be zero feet.
F. Swimming pools shall conform to dwelling setback requirements.
G. Special Yard Provisions.
1. Yard Conditions.
a. Except as provided in this chapter, every required yard shall be open and unobstructed. No yard or open space provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this chapter shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building, and no yard or open space on any adjoining property shall be considered as providing a yard or open space of a building site whereon a building is to be erected.
b. Separate detached accessory buildings, including garages and carports, shall maintain a four-foot minimum distance from the main building and from each other as well as the other required yard setbacks.
2. Modification of Side Yard Requirement on Combined Lots. When the common boundary line separating two or more contiguous lots is covered by a building or permitted group of buildings, such lots shall constitute a single building site, and the yard spaces as required by this chapter shall then not apply to such common boundary lines.
3. Yard Requirements for Property Abutting Future Street Right-of-Way.
a. A building or structure shall not be erected on a lot which abuts a street having only a portion of its required width dedicated, unless the yards provided and maintained in connection with such building or structure have a width and/or depth of that portion of the lot needed to complete the city established road width plus the width and/or depth of the yards required on the lot by this title. (See Chapter 17.56 EPMC.)
b. Where a precise plan adopted pursuant to law (see Chapter 17.56 EPMC) includes the plans for the widening of existing streets, the connecting of existing streets, or the establishment of new streets, the placement of buildings and the maintenance of yards, where required by this title, shall relate to the future street boundaries as determined by said precise plan.
4. Vision Clearance on Corner Lots. All corner lots subject to yard requirements shall maintain, for safety vision purposes, a triangular area, one angle of which shall be formed by the lot front and side lines separating the lot from the streets, and the sides of such triangle forming the corner angle shall each be 15 feet in length, measured from the aforementioned angle. The third side of said triangle shall be the straight line connecting the last two points which are 15 feet in distance from the front and side lot lines. No screen or other physical obstruction higher than three and one-half feet above the established top of the curb shall be permitted within said triangle. (See Figure 17-7.)
5. Permitted Intrusions into Required Yards. The following intrusions may project into any yard, but in no case shall such intrusions extend more than 18 inches into such required yard except as provided below; and provided further, that such extension does not reduce any remaining side yard to a width less than three feet.
a. Projections listed in EPMC 17.52.180.
b. Fireplace structures not wider than eight feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part.
c. Stairways, balconies and fire escapes.
d. Uncovered porches and platforms which do not extend above the floor level of the first floor.
e. Planting boxes or masonry planters not exceeding three and one-half feet in height.
f. Guard railings for safety protection around ramps. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A §§ 5, 8, 9), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.043), 1980].
17.20.050 Building or structural height limitations.
In the R-1 district, the maximum building or structural height of the main building shall be two and one-half stories or 25 feet, whichever is the lesser. Accessory buildings in the R-1 district are limited to one and one-half stories or 15 feet, whichever is the lesser. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.044), 1980].
17.20.060 Lot regulations.
A. Area and Dimensions. In the R-1 district, the minimum lot areas and dimensions shall be as follows for single-family residences:
Zone Designation |
Lot Area |
Lot Dimensions |
R-1 |
6,000 square feet Exception: Corner lots, 7,000 square feet |
Interior lot widths: 60 feet minimum Corner lot widths: 70 feet minimum Lot depths: 100 feet minimum |
R-1-8 |
8,000 square feet Exception: Corner lots, 9,000 square feet |
Interior lot widths: 80 feet minimum Corner lot widths: 90 feet minimum Lot depths: 100 feet minimum |
R-1-10 |
10,000 square feet Exception: Corner lots 11,000 square feet |
Interior lot widths: 90 feet minimum Corner lot widths: 100 feet minimum Lot depths: 100 feet minimum |
R-1-12 |
12,000 square feet Exception: Corner lots 13,000 square feet |
Interior lot widths: 100 feet minimum Corner lot widths: 110 feet minimum Lot depths: 120 feet minimum |
In all R-1 zones, duplexes shall have a minimum of 12,000 square feet per lot (6,000 square feet per unit) |
Minimum width: 100 feet |
Minimum depth: 120 feet |
B. Coverage and Density Requirements. In the R-1 district, the maximum coverage of the lot by all structures shall not exceed 40 percent of the lot area for one-family dwelling lots. Patio structures which are open in use, and swimming pools not structurally covered shall not be counted as a structure in determining lot coverage. Duplex or two-family dwellings and accessory structures on corner lots may cover up to 45 percent of the lot area. Maximum density in the R-1 zones is six units per acre. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.045), 1980].
17.20.070 Parking requirements.
In the R-1 district, two off-street parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit. See Chapter 17.72 EPMC for additional detailed information concerning parking space requirements. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.046), 1980].
17.20.080 Fences and walls.
In the R-1 district, fences and walls shall not exceed three and one-half feet in height above the sidewalk grade, within the front yard or street side yard setback area. Vision clearance shall be required on all corner lots. On an interior lot a wall, fence, or hedge not more than eight feet in height may be located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the required front yard or street side yard setback line. All fences, walls and hedges shall be properly constructed, maintained, trimmed and kept in good condition and repair.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to fences required to surround and enclose public utility installations or to chain link fences enclosing school grounds and public playgrounds.
Retaining walls protecting a cut or fill, and located on a line separating lots, may be topped with a fence, wall, or hedge of the same height that would otherwise be permitted at the location, if no retaining wall existed. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.047), 1980].
17.20.090 Development standards for manufactured housing.
A. Eligibility.
1. Each manufactured home shall contain at least 1,000 square feet of floor area and be multi-sectional. It must meet the construction standards established by the state of Oregon.
2. To qualify as a manufactured home, the housing unit must have been built with a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) label certifying that the structure is constructed in accordance with the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act as amended and meet the state of Oregon definition of “manufactured housing.”
B. Accessory Buildings and Structures.
1. Accessory buildings other than garages, carports, patios, and porches which are not a part of the main building shall be separated from the main building by at least four feet.
2. No more than two accessory buildings are allowed for each manufactured home dwelling.
C. Yard Regulations. Manufactured housing units shall be placed on a lot in accordance with the regulations and setback requirements of the applicable district.
D. Building or Structural Height Limitations. The maximum building or structural height shall be that contained in the applicable district.
E. Lot Area and Dimensions. The minimum lot area and dimensions shall be that established by the applicable district.
F. Lot Coverage and Density.
1. The maximum lot coverage of all structures shall not exceed the lot coverage standards of the applicable district. Patio structures which are open in use and swimming pools that are structurally covered shall not be counted as a structure in determining lot coverage.
2. Manufactured housing developed in the RF or R-1 districts shall abide by the respective standards for lot size and density of those districts.
G. Construction of Unit. All manufactured housing units shall be certified by the manufacturer to have exterior thermal envelopes meeting the performance standards specified by state law for single-family dwellings constructed under the state building code.
H. Foundations and Skirting. Each manufactured home shall be placed and secured on a back-filled style foundation or skirting of pressure treated wood, masonry, or continuous concrete which is enclosed at the perimeter. All foundations or skirting shall be completed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and shall be of the same materials as the exterior siding.
I. Exterior Siding. Each manufactured home shall have exterior siding consisting of painted or stained wood, aluminum, or fiberglass with lapped siding, board and batt, or board and board motif. Manufactured homes may not have bare metal siding; only factory applied, baked-on finishes shall be allowed.
J. Roof and Drainage. The roof shall have a minimum slope of three feet in height for each 12 feet in width with a composition wood (shingle or shake) or tile roof. Wood (shingle or shake) roofs are recommended to have a minimum slope of four feet in height for each 12 feet in width. Roofs and underfloor drainage shall be in conformance with construction standards established by the state of Oregon.
K. Garages, Carports and Attachments.
1. Additions for living areas constructed onto or part of any manufactured home constructed in accordance with this section shall be of the same design and materials as the original unit.
2. Construction of garages, carports, attached awnings, patios, patio covers, porches, porch covers or storage facilities shall be constructed of the same building materials as the manufactured home and in accordance with the International Building Code then in effect and as approved by the city.
L. Parking Requirements. Two off-street parking spaces are required for each manufactured home. An exception may be made by the planning commission for those projects which are developed for the elderly and which it is shown there is no need for more than one car, and which, through deed restrictions, limit the number of cars each owner of the project can park in the area. Chapter 17.72 EPMC provides additional information concerning parking space requirements.
M. Historical Locations. Manufactured homes shall not be sited adjacent to any structure or district listed in the Registry of Historic Landmarks and Districts or the city’s historic district (HD).
N. Design Features. All manufactured housing units or single-family dwellings developed in accordance with this section shall utilize at least two of the following design features to provide visual relief along the front of the dwelling:
1. Dormers;
2. Gables;
3. Recessed entries;
4. Covered porch entries;
5. Cupolas;
6. Pillars or posts;
7. Bay or bow windows;
8. Eaves, minimum six-inch projections;
9. Offsets on building face or roof (minimum 16 inches). [Amended during 2013 codification; Ord. 9-99 §§ 1, 2, 1991; Ord. 9-98 § 1 (Exh. 1 § 3.048), 1991].