Chapter 17.28
17.28.040 Conditional uses permitted.
17.28.050 Setback requirements.
17.28.070 Maximum building height.
17.28.090 Off-street parking and loading.
17.28.010 Purpose.
The recreation commercial zone (RC) is provided for those commercial uses having a definite relationship to the community’s resort and recreation industry. Allowed herein are uses that provide food, lodging, recreational activities and services that have a resort rather than a carnival character. Multi-unit residential development is also permitted which meets demands for housing in areas of concentrated recreation services, including seasonal and retirement homes. (Ord. 2023-26 § 12; Ord. 2023-04 § 15; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(1))
17.28.020 Uses permitted.
In an RC zone, the following are given as examples of those uses which meet the intent of this zone:
A. Motels and resorts;
B. Eating or drinking establishments;
C. Gift shops;
D. Convention centers;
E. Detached single-unit dwellings and duplexes, if developed under the standards set forth within the R1-5 zone;
F. Time-share units, when developed under the standards of LCMC 17.28.050;
G. Bed and breakfast accommodations;
H. Attached single-unit dwellings or attached single-unit dwellings developments, when developed in accordance with the standards specified in LCMC 17.20.050;
I. Manufactured homes and prefabricated structures;
J. Essential emergency communications, early warning and associated emergency facilities;
K. Community gardens and market gardens not larger than 12,500 square feet, in accordance with the standards of LCMC 17.80.080;
L. Mixed-use development;
M. Transportation uses, defined in Chapter 17.08 LCMC;
N. Tiny house developments, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.040(C);
O. Four-flat dwellings, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.150;
P. Mobile food units and mobile food pods, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.170;
Q. Child care centers;
R. Conversion (see definition in Chapter 17.08 LCMC);
S. Affordable housing (see definition in Chapter 17.08 LCMC);
T. Residential homes;
U. Visitor information center;
V. Short-term rentals, subject to LCMC 17.80.050 and to the license requirements of Chapter 5.14 LCMC;
W. Single-room occupancy with one such structure allowed per lot or parcel and a maximum of six single-occupancy room units in the structure;
X. Emergency shelters, subject to LCMC 17.80.220 and as defined in LCMC 17.08.010;
Y. Residential use of commercial lands as outlined in LCMC 17.80.230;
Z. Indoor commercial recreation establishments. (Ord. 2024-13 § 2; Ord. 2023-26 § 13; Ord. 2023-24 § 11; Ord. 2023-20 § 1; Ord. 2022-41 § 3; Ord. 2022-36 § 3; Ord. 2022-25 § 24; Ord. 2022-15 § 13; Ord. 2020-05 § 2; Ord. 2019-24 § 9; Ord. 2019-02 § 4; Ord. 2019-05 § 2; Ord. 2017-09 § 6; Ord. 2012-06 § 4; Ord. 2009-07 § 2; Ord. 2009-05 § 9; Ord. 2005-14 § 6; Ord. 95-15 § 7; Ord. 94-13 § 1; Ord. 94-12 § 3; Ord. 85-10; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(2))
17.28.030 Accessory uses.
The following accessory uses are permitted:
A. Gardens and animals, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.080;
B. Accessory dwelling units, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.110;
C. Other accessory uses and accessory buildings and structures customarily appurtenant to a permitted use;
D. Family child care home;
E. Special event. (Ord. 2022-38 § 10; Ord. 2022-25 § 25; Ord. 2020-03 § 7; Ord. 2014-08 § 4; Ord. 2009-05 § 10)
17.28.040 Conditional uses permitted.
In an RC zone, the following are given as examples of those uses that meet the intent of this zone on a conditional basis:
A. A use listed as a permitted use in this zone, with drive-in service facilities;
B. Public utility;
C. Utility substation;
D. Outdoor commercial amusement establishments;
E. Recreational vehicle parks;
F. Multi-unit dwellings developed under the standards and requirements for multi-unit dwellings in Chapter 17.20 LCMC and Article III of Chapter 17.74 LCMC;
G. Wireless communications facilities, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.180;
H. Repealed by Ord. 2023-26;
I. Docks, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.44.040;
J. Residential facilities developed under the standards and requirements for residential facilities in Chapter 17.20 LCMC, and subject to the provisions of Article III of Chapter 17.74 LCMC. (Ord. 2023-26 § 14; Ord. 2020-10 § 3; Ord. 2019-23 § 4; Ord. 2012-06 § 1; Ord. 2009-02 § 4; Ord. 2003-08 § 9; Ord. 97-11 § 2; Ord. 95-15 § 8; Ord. 89-11 § 5; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(3). Formerly 17.28.030)
17.28.050 Setback requirements.
A. Front Setback. The minimum front setback shall be five feet.
B. Side, Street Side, and Rear Setback. The minimum side and rear setback shall be at least five feet. The street side setback shall be a minimum of five feet. The side, street side, and rear setbacks shall be increased by one-half foot for each foot by which the building height exceeds 15 feet.
C. For special setback requirements, see Chapter 17.52 LCMC, Supplementary Regulations and Exceptions. (Ord. 2022-15 § 14; Ord. 2020-10 § 15; Ord. 91-14 § 4; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(4). Formerly 17.28.040)
17.28.060 Minimum lot area.
None required, except for motels and resorts which shall have a minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet. (Ord. 91-14 § 5; Ord. 91-8 § 3; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(5). Formerly 17.28.050)
17.28.070 Maximum building height.
Maximum building height shall be 45 feet, except as provided in LCMC 17.52.190 and 17.52.200. (Ord. 91-14 § 6; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(6). Formerly 17.28.060)
17.28.075 Landscaping.
Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.55 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-13 § 5)
17.28.080 Signs.
Signs shall be allowed subject to the provisions of Chapters 9.34 and 17.72 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-14 § 9; Ord. 91-14 § 6; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(7). Formerly 17.28.070)
17.28.090 Off-street parking and loading.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.56 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-13 § 14; Ord. 92-8 § 7; Ord. 91-14 § 6; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(8). Formerly 17.28.080)
17.28.100 Design features.
A. All single-unit (site-built, modular and manufactured homes) to be constructed or located in the RC zone are encouraged to use at least two of the following design features along the front of the dwelling:
1. Dormers;
2. Gables;
3. Recessed entries;
4. Covered porch entries;
5. Cupolas;
6. Pillars or posts;
7. Bay or bow windows;
8. Eaves (minimum six-inch projection);
9. Offsets on building face or roof (minimum 16 inches).
B. All commercial or mixed-use buildings in the RC zone must conform to Chapter 17.74 LCMC, Design Standards. (Ord. 2023-04 § 16; Ord. 2022-25 § 26; Ord. 2020-13 § 6; Ord. 2007-10 § 3; Ord. 94-13 § 2; Ord. 91-14 § 6; Ord. 84-2 § 3.060(9). Formerly 17.28.090)