Chapter 17.32


17.32.010    Purpose.

17.32.020    Uses permitted.

17.32.030    Accessory uses.

17.32.040    Conditional uses permitted.

17.32.050    Setback requirements.

17.32.060    Minimum lot width.

17.32.070    Maximum building height.

17.32.080    Maximum building size.

17.32.085    Landscaping.

17.32.090    Signs.

17.32.100    Off-street parking and loading.

17.32.110    Other required conditions.

17.32.010 Purpose.

The general commercial zone (GC) is provided to accommodate a wide range of retail commercial uses including those which attract shoppers from a community or larger market area, as well as convenience service/retail uses and single-unit dwellings. Retail commercial uses are those that sell services and/or products to the ultimate consumer. Also permitted as conditional uses are low intensity fabrication uses and other limited service facilities as listed. (Ord. 2023-26 § 16; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(1))

17.32.020 Uses permitted.

In a GC zone, the following are given as examples of those uses that meet the intent of this zone:

A. Convenience service/retail use;

B. Eating and drinking establishments, excluding drive-in restaurants;

C. Carpet, rug, fabric and interior decorating shops including reupholstering, making of draperies and other similar articles which are conducted as part of, and secondary to, a retail sales operation;

D. Sporting goods stores;

E. Motels and resorts;

F. Building supply stores;

G. Public facilities;

H. Garden supplies and nursery;

I. Community meeting buildings, fraternal or social organizations;

J. Automotive parts and accessories;

K. Printing;

L. Carpenter, plumbing, cabinet, upholstering and sheet metal shops, and other contractor’s establishments, if conducted wholly within an enclosed building;

M. Appliance sales and service;

N. Repealed by Ord. 2023-20;

O. Detached single-unit dwellings and duplexes, if developed under the standards set forth within the R1-5 zone;

P. Mini-warehouses, if existing on or if development review approval was applied for before June 9, 2008. Mini-warehouses in existence on or applied for before June 9, 2008, may be expanded within the boundaries of the lot or lots they occupied as of that date, subject to the standards applicable as of the date of application for expansion;

Q. Time-share units, when developed under the standards of LCMC 17.28.050;

R. Bed and breakfast accommodations;

S. Professional and business offices;

T. Art gallery and studio;

U. Physical therapy;

V. Equipment rental establishments;

W. Physical fitness center;

X. Repealed by Ord. 2023-26;

Y. Manufactured homes and prefabricated structures, subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.16 LCMC for the R1-5 zone;

Z. Veterinary clinics;

AA. Community gardens and market gardens not larger than 12,500 square feet, in accordance with the standards of LCMC 17.80.080;

BB. Mixed-use development;

CC. Essential emergency communications, early warning and associated emergency facilities;

DD. Retail marijuana facilities, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.130;

EE. Indoor theaters;

FF. Transportation uses, defined in Chapter 17.08 LCMC;

GG. Tiny house developments, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.040(C);

HH. Four-flat dwellings, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.150;

II. Places of worship, and accessory uses set forth in LCMC 17.80.160(B);

JJ. Mobile food units and mobile food pods, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.170;

KK. Attached single-unit dwellings or attached single-unit dwelling developments, when developed in accordance with the applicable standards specified in LCMC 17.20.050;

LL. Child care centers;

MM. Conversion, subject to LCMC 17.80.190 and as defined in LCMC 17.08.010;

NN. Affordable housing, subject to LCMC 17.80.200 and as defined in LCMC 17.08.010;

OO. Residential homes;

PP. Short-term rentals, subject to LCMC 17.80.050 and to the license requirements of Chapter 5.14 LCMC;

QQ. Emergency shelters, subject to LCMC 17.80.220 and as defined in LCMC 17.08.010;

RR. Single-room occupancy, with one such structure allowed per lot or parcel and a maximum of six single-occupancy room units in the structure;

SS. Multi-unit dwellings developed under the standards and requirements for multi-unit dwellings in Chapter 17.20 LCMC;

TT. Residential use of commercial lands as outlined in LCMC 17.80.230;

UU. Indoor commercial recreation establishments. (Ord. 2024-13 § 3; Ord. 2023-26 § 17; Ord. 2023-24 § 12; Ord. 2023-20 § 2; Ord. 2022-41 § 4; Ord. 2022-36 § 4; Ord. 2022-25 § 28; Ord. 2022-15 § 17; Ord. 2020-05 § 3; Ord. 2019-24 § 10; Ord. 2019-21 § 5; Ord. 2019-02 § 5; Ord. 2019-05 § 3; Ord. 2017-09 § 7; Ord. 2017-08 § 1; Ord. 2016-05 § 1; Ord. 2014-29 § 1; Ord. 2012-06 § 2; Ord. 2010-05 § 2; Ord. 2009-07 § 3; Ord. 2009-05 § 11; Ord. 2008-05 § 2; Ord. 2005-14 § 7; Ord. 95-26 § 1; Ord. 95-15 § 9; Ord. 94-13 § 3; Ord. 94-3 § 1; Ord. 90-22 § 1; Ord. 90-21 § 1; Ord. 90-12 § 1; Ord. 90-5 § 1; Ord. 85-10; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(2))

17.32.030 Accessory uses.

The following accessory uses are permitted:

A. Gardens and animals, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.080;

B. Accessory dwelling units, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.110;

C. Other accessory uses and accessory buildings and structures customarily appurtenant to a permitted use;

D. Family child care homes;

E. Special event. (Ord. 2022-38 § 11; Ord. 2022-25 § 29; Ord. 2020-03 § 8; Ord. 2014-08 § 5; Ord. 2009-05 § 12)

17.32.040 Conditional uses permitted.

In a GC zone, the following are given as examples of those uses which meet the intent of this zone on a conditional basis:

A. A use listed in this zone with drive-in service facilities and including, but not limited to, drive-in restaurants, service stations, car washes and photo processing booths;

B. Repealed by Ord. 2019-21;

C. Indoor commercial recreation establishments;

D. Passenger terminals;

E. Public utility;

F. Utility substation;

G. Outdoor commercial recreational establishments, such as swimming pool and miniature golf;

H. Automobile and trailer sales; provided, that any incidental repair activities shall be conducted and confined wholly within a building;

I. Light fabrication establishments entailing the assembly of electronic or precision equipment, the sewing of fabric or materials or similar activities;

J. Recreational vehicle parks;

K. Repealed by Ord. 2023-26;

L. Motor vehicle repair facility;

M. Tire shops;

N. Kennels;

O. Aggregate sales and storage;

P. Manufactured dwelling sales and service;

Q. Mortuary;

R. Wireless communications facilities, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.180;

S. Repealed by Ord. 2023-26;

T. Docks, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.44.040;

U. Residential facilities developed under the standards and requirements for residential facilities in Chapter 17.20 LCMC, and subject to provisions of Article III of Chapter 17.74 LCMC. (Ord. 2023-26 § 18; Ord. 2020-10 § 4; Ord. 2019-23 § 5; Ord. 2019-21 § 6; Ord. 2017-08 § 2; Ord. 2012-06 §§ 3, 8; Ord. 2010-05 § 8; Ord. 2003-08 § 10; Ord. 97-11 § 3; Ord. 95-17 § 1; Ord. 92-4 § 4; Ord. 91-31 § 1; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(3). Formerly 17.32.030)

17.32.050 Setback requirements.

A. Front Setback. None, except when the property line is abutting or across the street from a property in a residential zone and then the front setback shall be that required in the contiguous residential zone. However, the provisions of LCMC 17.52.060 shall apply.

B. Side, Street Side and Rear Setback. None, except when the side, street side or rear property line is abutting or across the street from a property in a residential zone, and then the side, street side or rear setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet. The required side, street side or rear setback shall be increased by one-half foot for each foot by which the building height exceeds 15 feet. However, the provisions of LCMC 17.52.060 shall apply. (Ord. 2022-15 § 18; Ord. 2020-10 § 15; Ord. 92-19 § 1; Ord. 91-19 § 1; Ord. 91-14 § 7; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(4). Formerly 17.32.040)

17.32.060 Minimum lot width.

Automobile service stations, drive-in restaurants and similar drive-in establishments shall have a minimum lot width of 100 feet. (Ord. 91-14 § 8; Ord. 91-8 § 4; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(5). Formerly 17.32.050)

17.32.070 Maximum building height.

Maximum building height shall be 45 feet, except as provided in LCMC 17.52.190 and 17.52.200. (Ord. 91-14 § 9; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(6). Formerly 17.32.060)

17.32.080 Maximum building size.

A. No building or group of contiguous buildings shall exceed a footprint of 60,000 square feet. Notwithstanding this limitation, any building or group of contiguous buildings in lawful existence that exceeded this limitation on January 1, 2003, may expand its footprint, by not more than 10 percent of the footprint on January 1, 2003; provided, that the use of the building or combined contiguous buildings has not ceased for a period of six months or more ending at any time on or after January 1, 2003.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 17.64 LCMC, any building or group of contiguous buildings in lawful existence and that exceeded this limitation on January 1, 2003, may be rebuilt if destroyed by any cause to any extent up to its footprint immediately prior to its destruction.

C. Variances under LCMC 17.77.140 to the footprint limitation set out in this section shall not be allowed. (Ord. 2023-26 § 19; Ord. 2003-01 § 2; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(7). Formerly 17.32.070)

17.32.085 Landscaping.

Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.55 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-13 § 7)

17.32.090 Signs.

Signs shall be allowed subject to the provisions of Chapters 9.34 and 17.72 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-14 § 10; Ord. 2003-01 § 2; Ord. 91-14 § 9; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(8). Formerly 17.32.080)

17.32.100 Off-street parking and loading.

Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.56 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-13 § 15; Ord. 2003-01 § 2; Ord. 92-8 § 8; Ord. 91-14 § 9; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(9). Formerly 17.32.090)

17.32.110 Other required conditions.

A. Outdoor Storage Areas. All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from ground level view from adjacent properties and from rights-of-way.

B. Outdoor Sales Displays. Outdoor sales displays are allowed, but shall not be located in any setback area, landscaped area, or off-street parking or loading area which is required by this title.

C. All development in the GC zone must conform to and comply with applicable portions of Chapter 17.74 LCMC, Design Standards. (Ord. 2023-04 § 17; Ord. 2022-15 § 19; Ord. 2020-13 §§ 8, 29; Ord. 2020-10 § 5; Ord. 2007-10 § 4; Ord. 2003-01 § 2; Ord. 98-12 § 1; Ord. 91-14 § 9; Ord. 84-2 § 3.070(10). Formerly 17.32.100)