Chapter 12.25


Article I. Park Rules and Regulations

12.25.010    Public parks.

12.25.020    Rules and regulations.

Article II. Park Naming Policy

12.25.030    Introduction.

12.25.040    Policy statement.

12.25.050    Historic events, people and places.

12.25.060    Outstanding individuals.

12.25.070    Major gifts.

12.25.080    Definitions.

12.25.090    General guiding principles.

12.25.100    Renaming a park or recreational facility.

12.25.110    Naming or renaming for historic events, people, and places.

12.25.120    Naming for major donations.

12.25.130    Other considerations.

12.25.140    Naming text.

12.25.150    Requests for naming or renaming of parks or recreational facilities.

12.25.160    Assessing and approving naming or renaming requests.

Article I. Park Rules and Regulations

12.25.010 Public parks.

Public parks shall include: Anna Classick Bicentennial Park, John F. Fleming Memorial Park, Coyote Evans Wayside Park, Ponderosa Memorial Park, Palmerton Park Arboretum and Rooster Park. [Ord. 23-418-O § 56; Ord. 94-238-O § 1; Ord. 87-149-O § 1].

12.25.020 Rules and regulations.

The following rules and regulations are hereby established, and are to be observed and enforced for the conduct of persons using or frequenting the public parks and public land of the city of Rogue River.

A. No person shall build a fire within any public park except in fireplaces as provided. Portable stoves, in good operating condition, will be allowed in table areas.

B. No person shall ride, lead or drive any horse, mule or other riding animals or permit any horse, mule or animals to go upon any portion of any public park.

C. No person shall permit any dog to run at large within any public park or on public land and all dogs shall be kept in control on a leash at all times. Owners of dogs or other animals damaging or destroying park property or public land will be held liable for the full value of property damaged or destroyed. No dogs or animals shall be allowed in any building except seeing eye dogs. Owners of dogs that defecate on park property shall be responsible for cleaning up and depositing the material in the proper containers provided.

D. Flowers, shrubs, foliage, trees or plant life shall not be picked, cut, mutilated or removed from any park or public land area.

E. No person shall mutilate, deface, damage or remove any table, bench, building, sign, marker, monument, fence, fountain, faucet or other structure or cause or assist in doing any other of the above from any park or public area.

F. No person shall dig up, deface or remove any dirt, stones, rocks or other substance whatsoever from any park or public area.

G. No person shall, except in designated areas, erect signs, markers or inscriptions of any type within the park without permission of the city of Rogue River.

H. No person in the park may, without written permission of the council:

1. Operate a concession, either fixed or mobile.

2. Solicit, sell or offer for sale, peddle, hock, or vend any goods, wares, merchandise, food, liquids or services.

3. Advertise any goods or services by any means whatsoever or distribute any circulars, notices, leaflets, pamphlets or written or printed information of any kind.

I. No bottles, cans, ashes, wastepaper, garbage, sewage, or other rubbish shall be left in the park or public land area except in receptacles designated for that purpose.

J. No overnight camping will be permitted unless authorized in writing by the city council.

K. Motor vehicles are required to park only in designated areas, and the city police may cause them to be towed if they are in violation.

L. No person shall hunt, pursue, trap, kill, injure, mutilate or disturb the habitat of any bird or animal.

M. Except as otherwise permitted by this code, no person shall discharge firearms, pellet guns, bows and arrows, slingshots or other types of weapons or instruments capable of injuring any person.

N. It shall be unlawful for any person to haul household or yard garbage, rubbish or trash to the city park and deposit the same in the park or public property or in the park trash containers.

O. No person shall use abusive, threatening, boisterous, vile, obscene or indecent language or gestures, nor shall any person cause, attempt to cause or bring about any public demonstration or disturbances nor in any way create a public nuisance while within the limits of city parks.

P. No person shall wash clothing or other material, or clean any fish in the bathrooms provided at the city parks.

Q. Except as authorized by the city council, no person shall use any device that amplifies sound, nor plug in a radio, tape recorder or record player using a high volume which could disturb other people using the parks.

R. Persons using bicycles on other than roads or parking areas shall walk their bicycles.

S. In order to enforce all rules and regulations, and to maintain a sanitary and orderly appearance in city parks and on public land, any city police officer is vested with the authority to require all persons using said park to abide by the rules and regulations and has full authority to issue a citation.

T. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $1,000.

U. The city police are hereby authorized to remove, or cause to be removed and stored, any vehicle left unattended overnight in a public park.

V. Persons using bicycles on areas other than roads or parking areas shall walk their bicycles. Skateboards, roller skates and similar contrivances shall not be used in public parks.

W. No person shall solicit the acquaintance of another or distribute obscene literature in a manner which annoys other persons within public parks.

X. No person shall solicit fares or beg or publicly solicit subscription of food or moneys within public parks.

Y. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited within public parks without the written permission of the Rogue River city council. The city council may grant permission to consume alcoholic beverages in special cases when a group reserves a park for a specific purpose. In all cases the city will require proof of liquor liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in a form that names the city as an additional insured prior to granting permission to consume alcoholic beverages within a public park. [Ord. 24-429-O § 3; Ord. 23-418-O § 57; Ord. 13-381-O § 1; Ord. 94-238-O § 2; Ord. 89-182-O §§ 1, 2; Ord. 87-149-O § 2].

Article II. Park Naming Policy

12.25.030 Introduction.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to those that have an interest in the naming or renaming of the city’s parks or recreational facilities. Assigning a name to parks and recreational facilities is a powerful and permanent identity for a public place or facility. The naming and renaming of parks or recreational facilities often requires significant resources in terms of changing names on signs, maps, and literature. In addition, excessive and constant name changing can be the source of confusion to the public. [Ord. 07-342-O § 1].

12.25.040 Policy statement.

The policy of the city is to reserve the naming or renaming of parks or recreational facilities for circumstances that will best serve the interests of the city and ensure a worthy and enduring legacy for the city’s park and recreation system. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the naming or renaming of parks or recreational facilities is approached in a consistent manner. To this end the city supports consideration of naming requests within the broad categories listed in RRMC 12.25.050 through 12.25.070. [Ord. 07-342-O § 2].

12.25.050 Historic events, people and places.

The history of a major event, place or person may play an important role in the naming or renaming of a park as communities often wish to preserve and honor the history of a city, its founders, other historical figures, its Native American heritage, local landmarks and prominent geographical locations, and natural and geological features through the naming of parks. [Ord. 07-342-O § 3].

12.25.060 Outstanding individuals.

The city has benefited, through its historical evolution, from the contributions made by many outstanding individuals. This category is designed to acknowledge the sustained contribution that has been made by such individuals to the city. [Ord. 07-342-O § 4].

12.25.070 Major gifts.

Over the years, the city has benefited from the generosity of some of its residents, businesses, and foundations. On occasion, the significance of such donations may warrant consideration being given to requests from either the donor or another party to acknowledge such a gift by naming the gift or donation. [Ord. 07-342-O § 5].

12.25.080 Definitions.

“City” is the city of Rogue River, Oregon.

“City council” is the city council members of the city of Rogue River, Oregon.

“Donation” means a donation of property, goods or cash generally with no expectation of return. If the gift is contingent upon a special request, it is made subject to condition.

“Naming” means the permanent name assigned by city council via a resolution to a given park, recreational facility, tree(s) or other donations.

“Parks” means all traditionally designed parks, gardens, natural open spaces, and specialized parks under the stewardship of the city.

“Recreational facilities” means major structures such as pavilions, gazebos, bridges, plazas, tennis courts, sports fields, and fountains located within lands under the stewardship of the city. [Ord. 07-342-O § 6].

12.25.090 General guiding principles.

In considering proposals for the naming or renaming of a park or recreational facility, the following general principles will be taken into account either collectively or individually. When naming a new park or recreational facility, the proposed name will:

A. Engender a strong positive image.

B. Be appropriate, having regard to the park’s/recreational facility’s location or history.

C. Have historical, cultural or social significance for future generations.

D. Commemorate places, people or events that are of continued importance to the city, region, state, or nation.

E. Have symbolic value that transcends its ordinary meaning or use and enhances the character and identity of the park or recreational facility.

F. Have broad public support.

G. Shall not result in the undue commercialization of the park or recreational facility if it accompanies a corporate gift. [Ord. 07-342-O § 7].

12.25.100 Renaming a park or recreational facility.

A. Proposals to rename parks or recreational facilities, whether for a major gift or community request, are not encouraged. Likewise, names that have become widely accepted by the community will not be abandoned unless there are compelling reasons and strong public sentiment from the broader community for doing so. Historical or commonly used place names will be preserved wherever possible.

B. Naming or Renaming Parks or Recreational Facilities for Outstanding Individuals.

1. Naming or renaming a park or recreational facility for an outstanding individual is encouraged only for those who have been deceased for at least three years (this provision can be waived at the council’s directive) and where that person’s significance and good reputation have been accepted in the city’s, state’s or nation’s history. In considering the naming or renaming of a park or recreational facility after a deceased person, priority will be given to those who made a sustained and lasting contribution to:

a. The city’s park and recreation system.

b. The city of Rogue River.

c. The state of Oregon.

d. The nation.

2. The naming of a park or recreational facility after people who may have lost their lives due to war or a tragic event will be considered only after the shock of such event has lessened within the community. [Ord. 07-342-O § 8].

12.25.110 Naming or renaming for historic events, people, and places.

When a park or recreational facility is associated with or located near events, people, and places of historic, cultural or social significance, consideration will be given to naming that park or recreational facility after such events, people, and places. In considering such proposals, the relationship of the event, person or place to the park or recreational facility must be demonstrated through research and documentation. [Ord. 07-342-O § 9].

12.25.120 Naming for major donations.

From time to time, a significant donation may be made to the city that will add considerable value to the city’s park and recreation system. On such occasions, recognition of this donation by naming a new park or recreation facility in honor of or at the request of the donor will be considered. As a guideline, the threshold for considering the naming of a park or recreational facility will include one or more of the following:

A. Land for the majority of the park was deeded to the city.

B. A minimum 60 percent contribution of the capital construction costs associated with developing the park or recreational facility.

C. Provision of a minimum 20-year endowment for the continued maintenance or programming of the park or recreational facility.

Donors seeking naming rights for major donations with respect to an individual will be encouraged to follow the principles that apply to naming a park for an outstanding person. Exceptions to this will be considered on their own merits. The city reserves the right to rename any park or recreational facility if the person for whom it is named turns out to be disreputable or subsequently acts in a disreputable way. Naming parks or recreational facilities with a company name is not permitted. Corporate logos, insignias, brands or direct advertising text shall not be used in park or recreational facility naming text. [Ord. 07-342-O § 10].

12.25.130 Other considerations.

To minimize confusion, parks will not be subdivided for the purpose of naming unless there are readily identifiable physical divisions such as roads or waterways. However, naming of specific major recreational facilities within parks will be permitted; under these circumstances such names should be different from the park name to avoid user confusion. All signs that indicate the name of a park or recreational facility shall comply with city’s graphic and design standards. Specialized naming signage will not be permitted. [Ord. 07-342-O § 11].

12.25.140 Naming text.

As the city operates a diverse park system, it is important that the naming text assist in communicating the type of development and use. Therefore, the following terms will be applied as part of the naming process:

A.“Park” applies to all parks that have been or will be developed primarily for recreational purposes. Such parks usually involve a high degree of landscape and recreational facility development.

B.“Nature park” applies to all parks where the primary purpose is the conservation of the natural environment. Such parks generally will have little or no development.

C.“Plaza” applies to spaces that have been designed and developed as inviting areas where people can meet and be together. [Ord. 07-342-O § 12].

12.25.150 Requests for naming or renaming of parks or recreational facilities.

All requests for the naming or renaming of a park or recreational facility shall be made in writing to the city. Requests should contain the following minimum information:

A. The proposed name.

B. Reasons for the proposed name.

C. Written documentation indicating community support for the proposed name.

D. Description and map showing location and boundaries of the park.

E. If proposing to name a facility within a park, include a description and map showing the location of the facility.

F. If proposing to rename a park or facility, include justification for changing an established name.

G. If proposing to name a park or facility after an outstanding person, include documentation of that person’s significance and good reputation in the city’s, state’s or nation’s history. [Ord. 07-342-O § 13].

12.25.160 Assessing and approving naming or renaming requests.

Upon receipt of a naming request by the city, the proposal will be considered by a standing committee that is composed of a staff member of the public works department, a city council member, a member from the Woodville Museum Board, and a member of the city of Rogue River planning commission. This committee shall:

A. Review the proposed request for its adherence to the policies of the city.

B. Ensure that supporting information has been authenticated, particularly when an individual’s name is proposed.

C. Present a written recommendation to the city council.

City council acceptance of the name shall require a minimum of five affirmative votes by the city council. [Ord. 07-342-O § 14].